LittleBigPlanet 3 | The Sudden Downfall of LBP

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[Music] it's about time I talk about LittleBigPlanet 3 a game that was seen as a big low point of the entire series by a lot of people including me why is this game seen as a disgrace to the LittleBigPlanet series and its community did it not live up to pass LBP games content-wise was the game just not fun well I'll get into that soon enough I'll give my honest opinion about the game itself why the community as a whole dislikes it and my experience with it but first what happened after LBP 2 came out what happened before LBP 3 was even announced I've already talked about LittleBigPlanet sue in a previous video so I'll try to keep this part short LBP 2 was my favorite game in the series I didn't have a ps3 back but it launched in early 2011 but it was a game I would pick up around a year later I spent about 2 to 3 years of my life just playing the game after school for 3 to 4 hours almost every single day I've played a lot of what the community had to offer both good and bad pulled around in the create mode with friends and even met a lot of cool people but every now and then al bebé 2 would get a huge alum attack usually based off a popular ip's like Toy Story or even The Muppets all of these DLC level packs came with new materials music objects and stickers giving players even more stuff to work with to create some neat levels some level packs even included major tools and gadgets that expanded the gameplay options already available these tools included things such as a superhero cape from the DC level pack the attractor gel from the Muppets level pack and even some crazy gimmicks that required other PlayStation products like the Move controller functionality and even the PS Vita cross-play function overall LBP ii had so much content added to it over time even on top of all the new tools that were introduced in the base game even outside of leb - you had a little aquatic karting coming out in 2012 along with LBP Vita which honestly we're both are really underrated games in my opinion after another year things started to get still in the LBP community as copied levels have reached its peak great levels were being overshadowed by the same old Mortal Kombat and shark survivals to the point where it was really hard to find those really creative levels and eventually the game just got boring for a lot of people nothing really crazy happened to LittleBigPlanet to you anymore as far as DLC goes other than a few custom pecs and maybe one more big level pack it was at the point where people were hoping for a brand new LittleBigPlanet game and on August 20th 2013 we got the announcement of a free-to-play LBP game and what do we call this magical world of wonderment we call it the LittleBigPlanet perfect yeah a game called LittleBigPlanet hub there was a CGI trailer for it with the narrator telling us that the game will have new tools challenges to play against your friends and even costume you could buy it was also announced that it would be free to play on ps3 eventually awesome sounds really cool except that it never came out so we had to wait a whole another year to find out more about our next LittleBigPlanet game LittleBigPlanet 3 On June 10th 2014 I woke up at around 2 a.m. because of a familiar LBP sound that came from my ipod 4 at the time it was a notification on a little big planet app I had ironically named LBP hub the same exact name is to cancel the free-to-play game but the notification was for something I did not expect something I didn't think was actually happening anytime soon an announcement for a little bit fun a 3 for both ps4 and ps3 it was finally time for a new game in the series and the trailer for this new game was really promising it should have so many new additions that I didn't even know I wanted like the brand new characters for example there was on suck a dog looking character that could wall jump a character named swoop who could fly pick up things while flying and could glide and then you had this big looking dude named toggle who was able to change between a big and small size with the press of a button along with these new characters was the main villain of the game Newton who honestly had a pretty cool design as well but a very surprising addition that was showed off at an annotation that was a pretty big was the expansion from three playable layers to 16 playable layers anyways this game looks promising I was hyped and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it that November it just looked like a better LittleBigPlanet 2 for the next-generation console and nothing bad could possibly come out of it well the game launched on November 18 2014 and everything bad that could possibly happen happened the game was a broken and buggy mess people's profiles are being corrupted and they had to delete their safe files menu navigating was an awful and slow experience people weren't able to join online sessions in overall most of the community was really upset and just accepted the LittleBigPlanet 3 was a garbage game and moved on maybe go back to all Bibi to wait for the bugs to iron out or just move on completely and leave the series altogether and sadly the latter option is what a lot of people took people were really really upsets not to mention the ps3 version locked out a ton of people from playing with their ps4 friends because they weren't able to play with each other yes the ps3 and ps4 versions were pretty much the same but you weren't able to play with your friends if you were on different consoles so that only was the community divided between two different versions of the same broken game but there were also people still playing a little acquainted - while there is because they got sick a little bit fun at 3 in the first couple of weeks or the fact that a lot of their friends just play LBP - and not LBV 3 I know many of my friends I met an LV p2 loved the series and never came back actually I'm pretty sure all of my friends at this point don't play Little Big Planet anymore I myself don't play the games anymore and let me tell you I was the one person that wanted to give lb p3 a chance I got the ps3 version when it launched and after experiencing game breaking bugs I told myself that the ps3 version was the bad version a month later I got a ps4 in LBP 3 for Christmas I launched the game beat the first world of story mode and gamebreaking glitch I was locked in the first world and couldn't progress at all I had to delete my save file and still to this day I haven't even touched story mode again yes I did beat it on the ps3 version so I don't really care but still I wanted to be done on ps4 as well playing a little big planet online with friends is the reason I love the series why don't I just do that instead well like I said most of my friends stopped playing as soon as lb p3 came out so that options off the table I then tried to dive in and join some random people and let me tell you I really tried but I would constantly disconnect that as soon as I enter a person's pod constantly getting the error message the game has diverged there was no way to fix it and since a little bit fun it was always fun to play with other people I quickly got bored playing the game by myself I stopped playing hoping that in the future these bugs would be patched out and the game would be better two whole years later one of my friends got a ps4 and I'll be p3 I go back to the game to play some good old LittleBigPlanet until I realized we still couldn't join each other it was still happening two whole years after lunch the game has not been fixed what a shame LBP three one of my most anticipated games at least for a little bit was completely ruined because of a buggy and bad experience I'm gonna be honest I don't know if those bugs were fixed since 2016 but I don't care I'm not gaming that game another chance and it's been far too long for me to care anymore it should have been fixed the first week it came out and the game itself should have had more time to be worked on so what the hell happened well sumo digital a company that made games such as Sonic and Sega all-stars racing Dead Island and crackdown 3 we're tasked to handle a little bit planet 3 the original creators of the series a Media Molecule had nothing to do with this game at all and it was put into the hands of people that had nothing to do with the OBP series other than some PlayStation Vita cross-play DLC and because Sony wanted this game to release by holiday season that year it didn't give sumo digital a lot of time to figure out just what they were even doing and they had no choice but to focus on the deadlines LBP 3 was flushed to store shelves that November bugs at all just so all the little kiddies get avid for Christmas having deadlines like that in having a completely different studio handle a sequel to a series they didn't work on before can cause serious development issues look at Metroid Prime 4 for the Nintendo switch it was literally just announced that the development of that game will be completely scrapped and will start from scratch because it didn't meet a certain level of quality that Nintendo wanted to see it was being worked on by a completely different studio a studio that wasn't familiar with the Metroid Prime series Nintendo probably saw that the game had issues it didn't play right maybe the story wasn't going in the right direction and they gave the game back to retro the original creators of the Metroid Prime games that is something Sony should have done if they wanted to make an lb p3 make sure the original creators had some say in its yes I know Media Molecule is working on dreams they've been doing so for years but I am feeling that they would have put their new project on the side just for a little bit to make sure a little big planet 3 was as good as it could be who knows though I could be wrong maybe Sony didn't ask them to work on it and they just said no it's possible but LittleBigPlanet 3 sounds pretty bad from what I'm saying I gotta admit I'm disappointed with the bad experience this game Gabey I'm upset that the game drove most of the community away but aside from all of that the game was pretty alright I know I was literally just bashing this game seconds ago but lb p3 could have ingrates I personally bought it on launch and experienced the worst of it but I can't ignore the fact that it added a lot to expand level creation and there are so many game-changing ideas introduced in Albee p3 worth talking about we were crafting something uniquely small small is imaginative small is heroic small is extraordinary get ready for an adventure so big it had to be little LittleBigPlanet 3 stand small the game itself if not broken at launch could have been my favorite LBP game yes even better than LittleBigPlanet 2 i know people have their opinions on the new characters they could have been worked into power-ups or they could offend more to them but i don't know their designs alright it's really cool to see new characters in the LVP game besides Sackboy and forget about the characters for a second because a lot of the new tools added into this game are really cool and that's on top of the 16 playable layers I'm not going to go into all of these tools but I'll talk about some of the more interesting ones the first two addition to this game that come my eye is the powered up crater and it's exactly what it sounds like with it you're able to create your own power-ups and no it's not just a copy of the Creator introduced in LBP 2 instead of having a helmet with an emitter you have a tool where you can create any weapon of your choice whether it's a laser gun Lionhearts rocket hammer from over launch or banana nunchucks just do whatever you wants you have complete control over what it looks like what objects and materials you use and what function it has and the story mode there are several tools already pre-made by the developers which were made using the power of crater you had things such as the pump inator which was just a pump gun that can blow certain objects over there were boost boots and with these you were able to boost jump if you had a boost refresher object it would allow you to boost again in mid-air once you activate it another was the blink balm which allowed you to shoot a ball and teleport once ahead a teleportation material but you get the point the powerup Creator was made to give people the freedom to make their own power-ups and the one shown in story mode were examples to show just how much freedom you had but on top of that there was also the poppy creator tool with this you were basically able to go in to create mode inside of play mode this was mainly used in the pocket puzzles mode puzzles using the poppet powerup modes separate from story mode that kind of acted like a hands-on tutorial in some ways and hey Larry da Vinci from LittleBigPlanet 2 is here what a neat surprise other than those tools you had a whole bunch of amazing logic everything that lb p3 added was great for the most part and it's a shame that it was ruined for me the game is a completely dead and all of its potential wasn't lost there are still some outstanding level creators out there on this game today and I see their creations and Twitter all the time I just never experienced much of what this game had to offer firsthand before I could I was turned off by how Bucky the game was the story mode was all right it was an amazing and they definitely liked LBP 2 is better I might have liked it more if I didn't have so many problems progressing in the ps4 version but that's basically all she wrote nothing else came from the LittleBigPlanet series after 3 yes there were some DLC packs for up TP 3 but nothing crazy enough for me to talk about LittleBigPlanet as a game franchise like SME 4 is really really really important to me and I'm really upset that I had to die for me so soon I talked about the entire main series and that's that there isn't much else the series could do but it would be nice to see in LBP force sometime in the future but tell me in the comments what your experiences were like with these three games if you ever played them I finally covered all three and I can't wait to make videos on some of those spin-offs of the future but I'll see you guys pretty soon goodbye [Music]
Channel: BlazingVictini
Views: 480,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlazingVictini, LBP, LBP2, LBP3, LBP4, LittleBigPlanet, LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet 3, LittleBigPlanet 4, PS3, PS4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Sony, Media Molecule, MM, Sumo Digital, Gameplay, Review, Retrospective, Video Essay, Discussion, LittleBigPlanet Karting, LittleBigPlanet Trailer, LBP Trailer, LittleBigPlanet 3 Trailer, LBP3 Trailer, LBP DLC, LBP3 DLC, LittleBigPlanet 3 DLC, LBP3 Glitches, LBP Glitches, LBP Glitch, LBP3 Glitch, EpicLBPTime, GlitchMaster7, Ayee, Dreams PS4
Id: 6I76ZspgyEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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