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you're never gonna lose this one more go more girl we're gonna beat you with it with the stick and always time like I said that they were but I missed it hey buddies children happiness to everyone today we are checking out more little misfortune I'm not sure if we'll have two chapters left or one after playing this shout she goes for keeping me aware of the choices that I've made I have JK's comment but I'm posting on the screen that has a lot of information of different choices that I that should be upcoming and what I did in the past so that way I can kind of go by that shell it's a JK thank you so much for guiding me and yeah let's I know what this game that again I feel like it's time I don't want it then but I feel like it's time the music is still free can like goes away so freakin dark shady Jake panel it's the toy graveyard I'm telling you oh it's a misfortune it's easy during my getting really dark mr. Boies are you there are you hello hello wrong here something very wrong what's wrong boys what do you mean it's coming hide hide I don't know what you're playing into what the hack is scaring me I'll close my eyes it's what a nice day oh okay I was gonna say during my 10 can romp a stream somebody asked me who do I dislike more monokuma or mr. voice and I definitely chose mr. voice because he's he's horribly mean to little misfortune but you guys who played then Caramba let me know your choice who do you think is personally I thought I'd say hello and now say bye-bye my best only because we're leaving we're leaving yeah we didn't have that because she didn't have so many last time she died oh oh no okay give up my side oh oh come on come on come on come on he's the monster oh come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh my goodness go go go go go go await you eternal you know it's you I'm pretty sure was it a false no it's not it's you I see what you're talking about yes you do no freaking turd and he knows to talk about to see if the freaking monster don't make any sudden moves oh he said that um he said played dead last time and I did jakey said I did play dead last time so I'm gonna hit get up okay you see a rule of shoes blessings came away oh my goodness she was blushing oh my gosh it's funny the different things that do happen I'm not gonna lie no don't write I stopped last time running you end up badly hurt and I don't want that you're too important he was nice to me write me he's dangerous no he's not running please no keep running after Benjamin there's a last time I did stop oh crap oh really you don't remember me saying if you keep running you'll end up hurt I do remember I know I could have been more specific like there's a bad trap up ahead stop or you will be hurt yes that was like getting straight to the point you could have said this trap here anyway I haven't seen any bears well I don't want to point any fingers but it was okay yeah I think he did leave the trap but I think he looked it for mr. voice so like the Fox and only you miserably whole folks with phobia I don't care what you have yes I swear I have mr. voice hey don't obeah happiness again so misfortune I have a couple of questions for right are you ready let me answer that I thought just be honest got my trusty phone here answering first question do you believe do you believe in magic and a young girl's heart I said yes I believe in magic I'm gonna put now the only money came from acid acid well the only else is I know is when I like batteries oh my gosh questioner yeah he did LSD do you trust me you said no to trusting the voice okay so no I don't trust them but I'll put yes this time well I don't want to do that was my own hand so yeah that makes me so happy to hear nice fatty creeper well anyway now for the third question are you afraid of dying I am but what did I say last time I said last time you said you were afraid of dying last time okay so I will say no I'm not afraid of dying because all the people I know never came back from being dead so it must be protocol to be then hmm well so she's like guess you'll find out when you die so that's the thing she seems to be a storm you must think it's cool I don't like my fifth getting would play the yellow I'm a little baby hey look at that I think we're here thank you thanks des cool misfortune oh cool oh yeah right here while you go inside and look for clues okay I'm sure that Fox's in the eternal happiness here make sure that cabin is empty and if you see the Fox it looks like Benjamin could have cutting wood is so ridiculous we may I don't find me out there not happiness if Hassan I asked him to share that price with us and everything will be fine it's wrong you got some sleep style I like it he does he does a little crack I mean a little hacking star I'll leave you player oh well again four cuts to the captain's right oh wait that's a everwood's oh yeah cuz he does have his camera so I guess he must have posted it didn't make us healthy that's oh you didn't I bet what's-his-name broke it um Pepa legs mr. monster mr. voice why me I can fix it oh that will fix everything that's his diary there we're not gonna click it oh yeah that's to play the music which we won't do because I don't wanna get copyright likes like Santa gave himself does learning how to be great communication he took cooperation upside of being a spirit animal the fun stories of a boring man when hatred wants to be loved that's interesting the meaning of and death after life is that a life after death out of these books the one I would be interested in reading is when hatred hatred wants to be loved I think that would be very interesting let me know down below which book you would read out of his collection here ok let's go he's got his tea hmm that tea smells like roses and lemon I better go again Benjamins belong because like customers newest balls blend one two ingredients maybe I should try it out no no oh crap did I last time did I drink the tea I don't remember if I drink the tea I'm gonna drink the tea this time I don't remember if I did it definitely days like his fluffy balls uh-huh mmm delicious the fact that she's blushing oh she's getting kind of weird I feel weird oh okay I don't think I drink the tea let's turn a little sandwich picnic from then there's flies around for a reason because he's nutty just like eating and drooling over him all these flies is disgusting no I don't think I saw this last time oh my gosh the amount of flies on him we're just gonna stay crazy fella done Oh crows four crows oh my goodness inviting your hands apart oh my gosh oh my goodness I don't think we got that hallucination like that I'll shoot you up you know that a basilisk see which was dear sit around ourselves here I think that ish never happened look at that then I'm gonna look so pretty and that happen why yes it did so we I think when we read his diary last time we learned about you know his staff and you know all that stuff so I guess oh can I even like leave without reading his diary hmm I wonder if I even can if I go to try to leave leave will it let me I wonder if I have to read start at least uncover it maybe I just have to recover it let me uncover it and say no and see if that works ah what a cozy couch is that thing Emma's diary I'll say respect Benjamin's privacy I will spy on Benjamin's personal stuff okay now let me see if it'll let me go if not then that means I have to read the diary oh I don't mean that really sorry I broke your video player but used only after not happiness it was promised to me if I beat the game I really want it back but cannot only share it if you want she's so nice I afraid of the Thunder Bunyan she's just so sweet oh so he gives it to me anyways he's that like you're afraid oh I don't I don't think I did read it last time I think he yeah he made me read it okay so maybe I respected his privacy but nonetheless I'm reading here his voice relevant Benjamin last time I followed Benjamin I remember that I'm gonna hit stay in the cabin and see what happens I'm not supposed to follow you I just want to see what happens even though I don't think I should do this oh she runs anyways oh crap okay she runs anyways she runs anyways his feet are creepy scary what is he making with those mushrooms Galia the road the table did she fall down the stairs like that and yeah me man coughs like him bum okay oh dear let me look at the fly is this thank you me and you me is there there's something there's like a way out or something I think I need to crawl through this right there's the hole behind the painting yeah hello hello go through it Oh thread Ken's ratchet let's sort this off yeah push it's all of that uh-huh clever little lady such a clever name lady okay time to use my menial skills go go oh I forgot oh forgot you here her national booty so you know was forget me place Indies but bünyamin seems so nice it's not for you he put them for that monster did he did he did huh kind of fish both this is like sushi bones I don't think so hippy at all but I don't think so I just want to make sure is there like okay so keep here huh got big shirt off lucky interesting excuse me oh I think I have to go over here like oh there's a door can't go through the door I need the key yeah games a little linear sometimes alright let's go Oh picture of a key those are telling me to close why because of the key okay get the key hmm a real ninja lady always touches everything I guess they do yes good good about him uh let me hit now and see what happens but I'm sure I have to hit the button I decide not to push that bubble let's see what happens hmm nothing I like that she you have that option don't push the button and she's like well let me see what happens cuz no that's what I say let me see what happens if I don't do that and she's like yep got a foursome right bomb I push the bottom push it there is that was easy I guess it was little all right time to play mind a let's go watch my stuff it's so mad that she's having this conversation misfortune with her face in the ground you think you think oh dear baby yes you are you'll be not done before stop you know you did not get up misfortune yes you can do it yes you can it's like her 80s come back because because because I'm pressing with face button to lock my little poopsie okay I'm outside I'm only one here bunky mr. voules no remember mr. voices are good mister voice isn't good remember let's hit this oh yeah oh baby they're so sweet super sweet yes you got to pet it her but in the baby deer that's sweet she even got to love on the little deer Oh histamines bag yeah are you around and he was trouble yes very oh I got very disappointed in you misfortune this guy hey have you seen Benjamin I think he's in trouble didn't you hear what I just said I don't care they're reducible I don't care yes you did are you talking about me you's a liar with a picture he showed me no one taking the children mm-hmm I'm not the hero of this game all right that's the eternal happiness what oh yes it was stop this is nonsense we have to keep playing my game you don't want to play your game yes I can No oh snap let's play with me I don't wanna play return of happiness I'll give you a clue it's at home waiting for you ray can't say that that would break the rules don't you do it eat crow eat my foot tolerate this behavior I don't care what you tolerate at home yes you do to him okay crap freaking monster jerk look at that I didn't mean to throw the band-aid honor that one secure I meant to just there's the doll and I forgot about wittle baby Benjamin this is the yeah the letter you will realize you already sign the deal yeah that's what we got them know the news that she's already dead where is he he's like around here somewhere right oh did he leave it for me to find I can't remember I think I asked the same question last time ok alright I guess I'll take the train back home oh yeah I forgot we let me take the train I think we color too okay I'll wait here I guess Oh way way them way to myself [Music] how have you been as a monster I so told and then I went to the zoo and everything was everywhere and then I realized mister voice had lied to me a lot like you had a one hell of a misfortune the train is here it was a nice chat misfortune I'll talk to you later oh it's so pretty killed a little bit's portrait yeah like the imagination the sweetness the adorableness she is too [Music] so sad yeah I remember last time I colored I thought I had a choice though oh okay let's see scared the can recognize young such a coincidence that you're on the same train as me she just popped up big fight with the silly voice in my hand I get the feeling that mr. voice is not who he says he is he's not have you ever heard voices in your head think you're the voice he hears and since I'll be aware oh crap do you see this Oh is he pulling us hit it pulling a little boy away who's this chick [Music] okay what did I do this time I don't think I covered my eyes I'm gonna help here oh I can't remember what I did last time oh my good I don't remember seeing all these people and I remember stealing these people oh my goodness I don't remember seeing all those little things last time did I let me know you might not see or maybe we'll I don't know how this underworld for you guys follow up voice in my head yes II would alright we're home let's go okay daddy going down no daddy's not you see the amount of birds in the background this is where everything goes to heck we got red lights I like them you don't have red lights if he chases me I wonder if I'll just stay still then and just let him get me I see what happened hi Mac hello baby you ain't home this ain't your bank you know is that so is that the fan Oh congratulations you reached the end your house voice is working there's no internal happiness for you I don't even care anymore of course you can I just told you I don't mommy needs it you don't tell me I don't tell me what I feel I told you okay I do not care do not tell me I do good ready for a new game if I play alone well you give me back Benjamin I guess I will only if he does not commit to the game he doesn't have it splendid you will love my new game oh my goodness no I guess I don't get a choice there I don't think this is misfortune I had a wonderful child I am confused but I think I was you did baby no you're not doing this correctly by the way actually winter stop talking please the narrator tennis talks like it's difficult to talk if you can reach the end of the game I'll give you eternal happiness fantastic ready to wait what I said no deal no how is not the father look here or some waiting for you in the hallway sure sure hi promise absence is not playing away [Music] okay let it fall and I remember last time that was a beautiful example of cause and he's not listening to me I don't want to play this game anymore fine let me come up with a new game to play good yeah okay knock knock no I hate that his voice gets to speakers I'm not gonna run oh goodness oh dear I hate when this is a heat wave we did oh okay so I guess I have no choice I thought I'd have like let's just throw a little bit or no I thought I'd have a choice not to run but the game's making it and I was hoping to just open the door and saying you were there yeah he will buy a box I don't have the option to go back out there let me see no I have to go this way I was really hoping for the Optima just not run from him just kind of stand up to him tell him you know what butt face open this door now Miss Fortune we have a new game to play I don't want to play with you I told you already I don't want to play with you anymore constantly teach me how to be bribe so now it's like hide-and-seek I don't figure I they were game all right just so you know what my game is the only thing keeping you alive she's not alive no more lies it is a lie we will live forever with bünyamin and there's nothing you can do about it baby please stop talking about that fox spelling i'ma take you away from me all the time yeah he's trying to protect me thanks no realistic fingers like that about my Benjamins you know what I'm done with you I want you to live get out right no you do have a clue about what's going on this is not the last game you play with me it is reckless turn is only the beginning goodness is freakin nasty devil who's [Music] another toy for my collection crazy weirdo freaking demon mind to play with for eternity you mean a bully a bully see Benjamin will come back and save me even you made a deal watch the path and now huh hey cuz I won he dropped a clerkship balls face oh he's so cute it's ridiculous it's a guess nothing you can do rockin now you're never gonna rule this world more go more girl we're gonna beat you with it with the stick in or so long as everything work but imma still but I got this thing on my hand it doesn't matter my stick will beat your hand like that was wrongly said but you know what I'm being a little bit [Music] it's a Maybach this is where we see the truth all right yeah this is really the truth this is our signature don't need an army oh are you angry because I couldn't get the happiness for you no baby what's happening oh goodness Oh baby baby baby baby Oh sweetie oh she can't even run you can only go for it there goes ice with their little glitter oh dear goodness expert yes baby [Music] what happened baby you're just trying to get the happiness for your mother you had no idea Oh bingi your bunk I lost you too oh yes you have really been happening your first job to save all right lead the way in my boobs thank you wait are you taking her somewhere else yes damn nothing against it but I have to talk with my mommy first start - mommy mommy I'm going to go somewhere else with bengi okay he's the folks that I like red he's waving like this lady can see her see him I guess I was your little misfortune for a while but you need to find your own happiness now dear this poor lady like your husband's a drunk like those drugs also that beats you and then your daughter dies that's just like completely heartbreaking utterly heartbreaking [Music] let's go hey stop bring your moon where are we going just follow him just want one baby it is running fake simple it is up with his face wait for a muppet Oh whoopee Oh Oh these the guys are from Fran bow but you guys reminded me of last time I played ok she's running to kiss me yeah this little creeper that's it anything else we see anything is Oh uh-huh I do like their art style you know for kill Monday [Music] we are running we're Ronnie oh oh this is also Fran bow oh yes this is that this guy's also fern brown right we're just seeing like into another world the worlds come together Oh does it have all my stuff from last time okay no it just fills up these things that's what it okay they do all of them oh good I didn't I didn't there's two I did it because I wanted to make sure I see what happens when I don't do it I'm not gonna do happiness to everyone or any of that my mister voice game is over now he's like come on G come on come on man laughing and she goes oh oh yeah I forgot this who are you lady misfortune yes you could say that good step inside we were expecting [Applause] anybody miss school kun lai la vo and now I want to see cuz I didn't get these two and I think last time I did all of them so let me see everything is bright what happens to the mom I don't know did I do all of them last time well we'll see we'll see oh I think that's it I'll hold this get yeah okay let's see oh no that's it or maybe you have to continue that ah so it just ends there okay so I went through the credits the whole credits and apparently I don't get the secret ending which I had already gotten my first game play so to see my reaction to that whole thing definitely check out my original journey or at least the last video of my original journey to see how I was affected by the secret there don't the secret ending I got it the first time around so I didn't get it this time because I didn't get all of the heart flutter glitter moments that I did get last time this game is such a really good game I was happy to play this journey and see the differences and see the things have changed or different choices that affect it it looks like the overall game is not affected by the different races that you make but you do get individual little nuggets of fun moments and I did enjoy that definitely for one of the things that happened little misfortune may you forever rest in our hearts this was a lot of fun now that little misfortune bad choices series is ended let me know what you thought of the bad choices run I know it's not bad choices other choices but you know I needed a title for the series so we're gonna call it bad choices but let me know what your thoughts were of the series and then let me know which game you'd like for me to start next I'm thinking of doing life is strange too and just start it just going through that I'm kind of between that and Star Wars fall in order so let me know what you're feeling down below I love you guys as always if you like this video hit like that like button and until next time buddies dude [Music]
Channel: AyChristeneGames
Views: 16,089
Rating: 4.9557195 out of 5
Keywords: aychristenegames, aychristene, walkthrough, gameplay, no cursing, no swearing, hey buddies, LITTLE MISFORTUNE BAD CHOICES FINALE, little misfortune, little misfortune gameplay, little misfortune full game, little misfortune game, little misfortune walkthrough, little misfortune all endings, little misfortune ending, little misfortune part 1, little misfortune playthrough, little misfortune good ending, misfortune, little misfortune let's play, the cutest horror game ever
Id: LtoV2Er3WxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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