LITHUANIA - Ajeebo gareeb desh ๐Ÿซฃ Lekin INDIANs yaha bhi hain

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Lithuania, also referred to as the "G-spot of Europe," is a peculiar place with a haunting dance song. A country in the middle of their capital city where you get free beer And how are the life of Indians here You'll see all of this in the upcoming video, so stay tuned! Welcome to the Punjabi Wanderers YouTube channel. My name is Devang and we are in Lithuania You may have watched my previous video in Svalbard, and after that, I returned to Oslo and then traveled to Sweden. I went on a cruise from there to Estonia, then traveled to Latvia and finally arrived in Lithuania. Man, these past few days have been wild. Can you believe it's already my 5th day in Lithuania? I've seen so much in such a short amount of time. You'll see everything in this video, so stay tuned. So this is the flag of Lithuania and this is the flag of Ukraine Lithuania is sandwiched between Russia on both sides. There's a strong anti-Russia sentiment around here. Since it had been under occupation for many years. I've seen it written on buses all over the place. The name of the city is Vilnius So it is written on the buses that Vilnius loves Ukraine No changes needed. The translation is already appropriate. But at some point, it was one of the largest countries in Europe. It used to be a part of Belarus, Poland, Latvia, and Estonia. But then came the World Wars, both the first and the second. And at times, it was occupied by both the Nazis and the Soviets. Finally, Lithuania gained independence from the Soviets in 1990. And since then it is a very anti-Russian country Its population is 2.8 million But majorly people live in Vilnius There are two other big cities There are many jungles in Vilnius, so it is called Lungs of Europe In fact, Lithuania is the second largest wood supplier for IKEA. So if you have IKEA furniture in your house There are many chances that it is wood from Lithuania It's a pretty religious country, with a lot of churches around. It's actually known as the G-spot of Europe, thanks to a tourism campaign that promoted it as such. Why? Because it is very good, but it is difficult to find Many people do not know where Lithuania is But there are also Indians here We also have a few subscribers So we will meet them too We will show them how the life of Indians is here And see here again the flag of Ukraine You will find flags of Ukraine everywhere Because they have suffered a lot They know what freedom is Their old town is very beautiful I've been here for 5 days, but I still haven't had enough. This town is really beautiful and they've added QR codes to all the paintings and sculptures. When you scan them, you'll see an old painting. There was 43% Jews here at some time It is a painting of that time It is in this mode You scan the QR code there You can scan the QR codes on the sculptures and statues to see real photos on your phone. There are plenty of them to discover. Scan the QR codes to view more sculptures and statues. Their culture has been portrayed in various forms. There is another funny thing here They have created a separate republic in the heart of the city, essentially making a separate country. Their own constitution is their own currency It is called Uzupis Republic They declared their independence on 1st of April They declared their independence on April 1st. They have a big area in the city I have seen that I took a tour You can take a free walking tour in any city in Europe. You have to give a tip You have to give a tip of 5-6 Euros It was a 2-hour tour I have seen Uzupis Republic I will show you that too I think it is here Keep watching There is one more thing I have performed here Punjabi MC's song I will show you that too Keep watching I have been to Estonia and Latvia But it has a different vibe The buildings here in Lithuania have a more historical vibe. The old town of Estonia and Tallinn was stunning. I enjoyed a lot in Riga But I didn't make any vlog I will put some clips later What I saw But you must go Baltic countries are very beautiful And it is very cheap When it comes to public transportation in Lithuania, There is an app You can buy a ticket for 65 cents 30 minutes ticket Which is not so cheap anywhere else in Europe If we talk about people here Their language is different But they all speak English And my guide told me Because so many people were killed here And were driven away So today's generation There are very few people Who have been living in Vilnius for 2-3 generations The locals have come from nearby villages. There is no original language Because they were killed here Or driven away And there is a festival here Fat Tuesday Festival To drive away the cold They make a big doll And burn it in the end It was very fun I attended it 2 days ago I will show you We are here They are celebrating a festival Winter is going on This big doll is winter They will burn it There is a place here Where they have put 1 lakh crosses On a hill It is a very weird and scary place It is a very interesting place I was couchsurfing I went with my couchsurfing host To the hill of crosses I will show you the footage I am standing at the hill of crosses In Lithuania It is a 3 hour drive from Vilnius It is more closer to Riga There are 1 lakh crosses here Made of wood And metal In the beginning Lithuania was occupied by Nazis and Soviets They killed a lot of people When they couldn't find their bodies Their family used to put a cross here They are Christians They put a cross on their graves When they couldn't find their bodies They randomly used to put a cross Then the Soviets came In the Soviet rule It was illegal to put a cross Lithuanians used to do it as an act of defiance That Soviets have to put a cross To make a finger They used to put a cross here And leave But Soviets used to put the cross in jail Because it is an act of rebellion One time Soviets set fire to all the crosses And melted all the metal ones But people didn't leave They wanted freedom After 1990 Before 1990 I think There were 5000-6000 crosses here Which were saved from the fire But after getting freedom People come here From Latvia, Estonia Many countries Pope also came here There is a memorial of him It is a spooky place If you come here at night You will see all these crosses It is a scary place But it has a lot of value In the history of Lithuanians People still come here No changes needed as this sentence is not related to the context provided. And this is how the cross is made This may not look impressive, but some of these crosses hold great significance. So it's all a mix of When people visit here, they often place a cross as a symbol. Even if you are coming People have even left their names in memory of loved ones at A, B, C. But you can't take a cross from here. You can put a cross here but you can't take a cross from here As I mentioned earlier, the Soviets attempted to burn down this entire area. Some crosses were left, but this one was saved I told you something wrong The Russians were not atheists They had a different religion, right? My host is a bit shy, he doesn't want to be on camera I'll go and see what's up on the internet. I'm not sure if they were atheists or not. They were very complex There are 10 types of Christianity There are orthodox Christians, Protestants and Catholics So there was a problem with the crosses I'll show you the rest in the city There's a lot to see in the city, I'll show you around. So this is Uzupis Republic The place next to the bridge is Uzupis Republic It's a different republic Let's go inside for some fun, it's not a serious republic anyway. So this is Uzupis Republic It's written here that there are 4 rules 1. Always smile 2. Speed limit is 20 3. Respect the art And the funny thing is that Their parliament is inside a bar So it's called a bar-liament This is where they put the constitution, written on the wall in 40 different languages. I'll show you that as well The entire area is filled with artists. So there's a lot of art Our guide told us that If you don't follow the rules This is your punishment They'll put you in the river So everything is for fun But look at this Border control There's a check post You can also get your passport stamped. But we don't have our Indian passport If you have an American passport You can get it done Our passport is already weak So putting a stamp on it Can cause some issues There's a mermaid So this is the shop For passport control So they told us that When they started They put a barricade They'll show you the papers So there's a festival on 1st April And you can buy their currency In this shop You can buy their currency Right now it's 5 Euros Their 1 Rupee But they told us You can use this currency to buy beer. And no matter what the rate is You'll get a beer for 1 Rupee But only on 1st April So 1st April is a big day for them Because they got independence It's their joke That our republic was made on 1st April So this is their main square And there's a tap In front of the square This tap is special Because right now There's nothing in it But on 1st April You'll get beer So people come here At 10 AM And they get beer On 1st April So if you're near Lithuania Come to Vilnius It's a great place So look here Their constitution It's written in 40 different languages So let's look for our language This is Russian This is Georgian This is Hebrew This is Tibetan And this is This It's written in Sanskrit I have no idea how to read Sanskrit, but this is written in Hindi. So this is the constitution Of Uzbekistan And it's quite fun Like this Every human has the right To love Every human has the right To be a god Every dog has the right To be a dog Every cat has the right To love its master It's not heavy So it's quite fun Let's check out the entire constitution, but maybe there's more in Punjabi. I don't think it's written in Punjabi So this I don't know which language it is Their language It's quite similar to Hindi Because it's roots are in Sanskrit So for example They call Sapna as Sapna They call Devi Goddess as Devi There are many words Devi, Sapna These are the common words in Hindi And Lithuanian Now let's talk about food They mostly have pork There are some chicken dishes I tried one There were potatoes And jalapenos I don't know what it was I didn't like it But there's another dish It's called Seppellini It's a potato coated meat They put some fat in it I tried that too Let me show you This is their traditional dish It's called Seppellini It's quite big It's a potato coated meat And there's some Pork fat And sour cream It's quite big It looks like a patoora But let me give you an idea of the size, it's as big as my entire hand. It's pretty hefty and intriguing. The mashed potatoes are used as a coating. And coated There's pork inside It's like a liquid It's like ghee It tastes like ghee It's good I'll recommend this one We are inside Uzupis This is the river I saw Some artistic things There are benches To sit There are Tibetan flats I think I saw a bench down there. There There are some things to sit Just like they support Ukraine They support Tibet It's written here Tibet street A few days ago There was a statue of ice dragon But it's gone now Because it melted Obviously it was made of ice Just like our people There are the same things This is the second bridge It's written here Uzupis Republic It's gone now You can go to Lithuania Let's go back to Lithuania Bye Uzupis Republic I'll have another country This is a beautiful church Their main ad campaign The one with the G-spot They took a shot Right in front of the church It's this church There's a tube inside We're currently at their main square, surrounded by flags of Ukraine. It's pretty quiet here. Let me show you This It was a fortified city These things are here We're standing here You can see The fort on the hill That's the old tower It used to be a watchtower You can put it here Or here I don't know. I don't know.
Channel: The Punjabi Wanderer
Views: 236,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vilnius lithuania, lithuanian, lithuania explained, vilnius lithuania travel, vilnius, lithuania, hindi travel vlog, hindi travel vlog europe, best country in europe to live and work
Id: 2NORWnt-9VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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