LITERATURE - Samuel Beckett

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The School of Life has amazing, actually potentially lifesaving content. My favourite YT channel by miles.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/stunt_penguin 📅︎︎ May 15 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

That's funny, I just finished waiting for Godot last week. (It's never too late, I guess.)

This guy made an interesting parallel between Waiting for Godot and Camus' Myth of Sisyphus:

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sir_Humbert 📅︎︎ May 16 2017 🗫︎ replies
The Association [Between] the great irish writer Samuel Beckett and the game of cricket Deserves to Be more Widely Known he Was A fine Player when a student at Trinity College Dublin and Even Married to Mention in A famous Wisdoms The Cricketers Bible the only Nobel Prize Winner to be so lauded on One Occasion in the Mid-1960s Beckett Travelled From Paris To London to Watch the Test Match between England and Australia it was [a] beautiful Sunny summer Afternoon Blue Skies Lord's Cricket Ground [Green] and Glorious One of his Friends Remarked What A wonderful day this is A sort of day that Would Make you glad to be alive - Which Beckett Responded dryly, I, wouldn't go as far as that The Story Nicely Encompasses Two aspects of Samuel Beckett his Famously Bleak view of life and his mordant Sense of Humor if as Horace Walpole Remarked The World Is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel it is fitting that beckett's Waiting for godot Is subtitled a tragic Comedy in his Theatrical Images and Prose writings Beckett achieve Despair beauty [and] Articulation of Human Suffering Shot Through With Dark Comedy [and] Humor it Seems Almost too Coincidental That This Most Famous Dramatist of Desolation Whose Work Teams With biblical Allusion Would be Born on the day of the Crucifixion yet Samuel [Barkley] Beckett, was Born on good Friday? 13th of April 1906 in The Affluent Village of Fox Rock eight Miles south of Dublin Beckett was Educated at Portora royal School enniskillen Now in [Northern] [Ireland] the Alma Mater of Another great irish Playwright Oscar Wilde Where he Excelled Academically and at Sports He Graduated from Trinity College [Dublin] in 1927 First in his Class and was awarded [the] college's Gold medal he Seemed destined for a Glittering Academic Career and in October 1928 he Headed to Paris for a tWo-year Exchange Fellowship at the distinguished it Called Norman Superior his Immersion in The Parisian Literary Scene Had a Profound Impact on the Young irishman He Became attached to [this] of Another great irish writer James Joyce The Revered Author of Ulysses Published in 1922 and in 1929 published His First Critical Essay on Joyce's Work-In-Progress Which Would become Fatigue ins Wake On his Return to Dublin Beckett was Unhappy lecturing at Trinity College and resigned Out a little more Than a year He often Said that he gave up his [Job] Because he Could not bear Teaching to Others what he, did not Know Himself At this Point Samuel Beckett Determined to be a writer and a man of Letters in 1931 He Published A short Critical Book Boost on the great french writer Which Brilliantly IDentified that proust was a Philosopher and his Long Novel Was in Essence A search for the Meaning of life which rests proust Thought and Beckett agreed on the Making and Appreciation of Art Despite The Brilliance of This Essay Beckett Would Have Many setbacks and Rejections in his attempts to [establish] Himself in the Literary World [an] Echo of the Themes of Failure that Would so dominate, his Work he Failed to get His First Serious attempt at a Novel Dream Affair to Middling women published Though much of it Was Reworked Into a short Story Collection more Pricks than kicks Which came out in 1934 the next Year he published A Slim Volume of Poetry Echoes Bones and other Precipitates Marked like much Work of This period With dense Erudition and Pessimism Beckett's London Novel Murphy was Completed in 1936 This Comic Novel of Ideas is Probably his most Accessible least? Experimental Full-Length Work Though This Didn't stop its Going Through 42 Rejections Before Finally Being Published by ravage in 1938 Beckett Had Long Suffered from Panic Attacks Anxiety and Depression often With Terrible Physical Manifestations he Went To London in The Early 1930s to Undertake Psychoanalysis With A famous British Analyst Wilfred Bion The interest he Developed in Psychology and Psychiatry Showed Constantly in The asylum Scenes in Murphy and in his next Novel what Written While Hiding out in Rural France during the Second World war His personal Experience of Psychotherapy Emerges [Too] in His later Work much of Which Is in the Form of a Monologue [Whereas] Speaker Gabbles in A kind of Delirium To a faceless listener much as, one might at moments in Analysis Though Beckett's Works for Highly Nonspecific and tend not to refer Explicitly to the second World war Or other historical Events There is little doubt that the traumas of History Deeply Scoured his Imagination Appalled by the Treatment of his Jewish [Friends] under Nazi Occupation Beckett Became Actively Involved in The Resistance in Paris Principally as an Information Handler Beckett's Experience for The Wall and The Devastation he Witnessed in France Afterwards Seems to Have Contributed to a radical Change of Direction During A return visit to Dublin in 1946 Beckett Had A Vision or Revelation of Literary Purpose Which Marks the Divide between 1930s Work Third-Person Erudite [Emissions] and A Dwindled Bewildered First-Person Story Telling of his Mature Prose Unlike Some of his Early Writing Which Shows the Influence of Joyce in his Wordplay and Heavy Allusion to other Literary Works the Post-war Work Carries it Learning more Likely Making Ignorance Impotence and Failure its key Preoccupations This Change in Direction was Accompanied by the decision to write in French There Followed between 1946 and 1950 A Frenzy of writing Which Included much of the Work Which Samuel Beckett is now Famous Namely Waiting for godot and his great Trilogy of Novels [Malloy] Malone dies and The unnameable Oniton dog Order Was written between October 1948 and January 1949 as A? Diversion From the more Taxing as beckett's [orid] Business of Prose Composition it was eventually Staged in A small Avant-Garde Parisian [Theatre] in January of 1953 The Plays immense Success Generated international Controversy and wide Interest Set on A bare Stage Apart from a Lone Tree and One Rock With Two Characters Exchanging Inconsequential Dialogue While Waiting at the Side of A road for a Character who never Comes Beckett's Play Provoked Confusion and Hostility When an English Version Transferred to London in 1955 it was greeted With Whistles and Jeers of Derision However Waiting for godot Sukh Said A scandal and it's Arguably the most influential play of the whole of the 20th Century? [Gato] Presents A Dark Vision of Human life Mixed with Plenty of Vaudeville Antics and Slapstick Comedy The [Play's] Action or Inaction Seems at points Suggestive of Universal Or an Existential Condition But at. This Place and at this Moment in Time all Mankind Is us whether We like it or not Declares One Character did the non arrival of God oh Critics Pondered? Suggest The Absence of God in The modern World [or] did the play Rather Dramatize The Yearning and Sense of Incompleteness in Which, We live Most of our Lives? Most People after all exists in A state of Anticipation or Future-Oriented Ness Once I get the right Job or the right House or my beloved said yes Or I retire Then I will be happy but Once Desire Or Ambition is realized We start To want something Else The ultimate Satisfaction the God, oh who, will Give us final Fulfillment Never Arrives Yet for all These Philosophical Interpretations Nothing is Certain in Beckett's Work he Once Remarked that the key Word in my plays is perhaps It May Be that Dec its greatest achievement it Is Brave Depictions not of a Pessimistic Outlook But of A bewildered One if We leave his Plays Perplexed then this IS an Appropriate Response? We too are Waiting for something that Never Arrives the Reassurance of A clarity of Meaning of Certainty Even The Certainty of? Darkness Beckett, was Almost Instinctively a Master of The Stage his next great Play Endgame in 1957 Gives us the Enduring Image of Human beings in Dust bins Outside The Room in Which [the] Action Takes place all Seems dead gray and Corpse in Some Sort of Post Apocalyptic Devastation That Speaks Urgently to our Own Era of Environmental Crisis Though A black Humour in Jaws Even Human values and meanings Seem to be Draining away One Character Remarks as if an answer to those who Would Turn Beckett's Work Into mere Philosophy Means Something you and I mean Something huh that's A good one at? His Career Progressed [Becket's] Plays and Pros Generally Became Ever More Condensed and Minimal The Plays Would often Focus on a single Intense Image the woman buried up to her waist in the Sand happy Days a man and Two women Fixed in Some sort of purgatorial urns Babbling out The Story of Their Adulterous Triangle play a single illuminated Mouth Telling Stories in the Third-Person Terrified of using the word I Not I Beckett Gives Us Works of Art That Offer an Experience Not Just an Idea Or a takeaway Message he Takes Us Into the Perplexity of the modern Condition in Which the traditional Consolations Belief in A providential Plan Or Hopes for civilizational Progress Have Been Shattered by the Barbarism of war and Holocaust Yet if Beckett's Work Presents Us with Human Extremity There are Moments of Fellow Feeling of Compassion and of Exquisite Black Humor Moreover His Writing Is marked With the most Scrupulous Exactitude and Precision There is a shape to his chaos one Which emerges With A sort of Wintry Serenity A Combo Let extractor to his Plays it Is this formal and Artistic achievement that allows us to cherish in Beckett's Work a, fragile Necessary Grace We love Bringing you These Films if You want to Help Us to Keep Bringing you Thoughtful? 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Channel: The School of Life
Views: 460,355
Rating: 4.9378524 out of 5
Keywords: the school of life, school, life, education, relationships, mood, alain de botton, sermon, philosophy, lecture, wisdom, talk, secular, self, improvement, curriculum, big questions, love, wellness, mindfullness, psychology, Alain, botton, samuel beckett, playwrites, 20th century, 21st century, writing, english, shakespear, shakespeare, play, theatre, history, literature, PL-Literature, beckett, sam beckett, school of life, literatura, Littérature, साहित्य, 文学, Literatur, currículo, पाठ्यक्रम, 课程, filosofia, waiting for godot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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