List of Games I will be playing in 2023/2024

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what's up folks crash SG back with a sudo update video I guess I can't really think of the appropriate term right now so I guess let me just quickly explain it for those of you who have popped by my streams recently to kind of hang out you probably know that I have been somewhat struggling to find time to play season one of Diablo 4 uh due to work and such not gonna lie it's a little bit annoying to have waited so long to finally get back into making videos only to have real life kind of tap me on the shoulder with some harsh reminders that hey this is just a hobby right but I mean let's be honest right season one um hasn't exactly been going really well for Diablo 4 it might actually be a blessing that I only have a few hours a week to play it because it seems like a lot of the players who have spent more time than I have on season one are starting to get burnt out or bored due to the lack of content and all the other shenanigans that have been happening with uh season one lately but you know that's a different story for another time right this is not a Diablo 4 video in case the title wasn't obvious enough but yeah so today I'm gonna be talking about some of the games that are kind of they're on my radar so to speak to give you guys just an idea of my personal gaming plans in the near future or maybe not so near future as well as what games I may or may not be covering on this channel so I'll be splitting things up into two primary categories the first one would be the games that I am almost certain that I will be playing at some point and I might even consider uh covering them on the channel itself and then the other category would be games that are just kind of on my radar at the moment in like the wait and see section and this of course also doesn't just uh include games that are brand new that haven't launched this list also includes games that are already launched that might be getting expansions or even just really large content patches that might change the game in a certain way but let's just dive right into it starting with the games that I will most likely be playing and first up and also the closest one to launch would be cyberpunk Phantom Liberty which is slated for PC launch next month September 2023 so cyberpunk kinda had a terrible launch I mean I'm sure most of you know that right and I personally pretty much ignored cyberpunk for about a year after it launched and then somewhere around the time where I guess patch 1.5 hit for those of you who are familiar with the game um a few of my buddies kind of talked me into giving cyberpunk a try like giving it a chance you know they said like it was way better than launch you know it's a way better State than it was at launch and so I was like you know I was going through like a game drought at that time so I was like hey okay fine right I got the game I installed it and I gotta say that I was pleasantly surprised I mean cyberpunk at least one year post launch in 1.5 was a lot better than I expected it to be considering how it looked like when the game first launched and I mean look it certainly had issues right cyberpunk had its issues there were certain mechanics that weren't really great the boss fights were kind of underwhelming but overall I thoroughly enjoyed playing through cyberpunk right for the most part and then of course we have patch 1.6 which was the edge Runners update which kind of launched together with The Edge Runners anime on Netflix which I watched of course and then okay ah sorry about that folks we had some technical issues and uh anyway what was I saying oh yes so Edge Runners the anime hit Netflix and 1.6 arrived in game and I was basically cruising night City listening to 98.7 for the better part of the mix month so yeah naturally when they announced Phantom Liberty as the expansion it instantly made my will playlist and now of course depending on my schedule I may or may not be able to play Phantom Liberty right when it launches but I'm definitely going to play it at some point all right so uh next up on the list we have Path of Exile 2 and this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone Diablo might be my favorite franchise overall but Path of Exile is go always gonna be the spiritual successor to Diablo 2 in my books at least I also really liked what I saw at Exile con 2023 and so I honestly I can't wait to play Path of Exile too I can't wait for it to launch whenever that's gonna be because right right now all we know is that the closed beta is slated for sometime in June 2024 and it seems like it's gonna be a while before Path of Exile 2 actually fully launches but I'll definitely um be really excited for that now moving on we have ashes of creation and this is an MMORPG that has been on my radar pretty much since it was first announced and as some of you might know especially if you hang out with me on stream while Diablo is my favorite franchise and it happens to be an arpg my favorite genre of game is actually MMORPGs now unfortunately it's no secret that haven't really been many good MMORPGs for a very long time the MMO space has kind of pretty much been dominated by wow and Final Fantasy 14 um forever and very few MMOs have been able to even come close to kind of rocking that boat if you get what I mean well having followed ashes of creation since it was first announced it is starting to especially in the recent months and the recent year it's looking more and more like this game could have a chance of actually being a good one so I'll definitely be really Keen to play this when it eventually launches it is currently in Alpha One I believe Alpha 2 is right around the corner and there are uh pre-order packs that allow you to get access to Alpha 2 but those packs I believe start from 250 dollars and up and that's frankly a little bit too steep for me at the moment so I might consider buying like the beta access pack which I believe starts at 75 dollars so sometime down the line I might consider buying that pack to get beta access but honestly we'll see how it goes right especially considering the next game on this list and that is of course blue protocol and blue protocol has to be hands down the game that is most asked about in my comment section when I'm on stream hey you know Crush what do you think a blue protocol are you gonna be playing group protocol and yes folks I am very much intending to play Blue protocol I mean hello have you seen the graphics right does it look familiar in any way you know I probably said it a few times in various genshin videos that the biggest thing in my opinion that is missing from Kenshin impact aside from content of course uh was a comprehensive multiplayer system right gentian has Co-op but to me that doesn't even qualify as multiplayer so you know it's like if only genshin was an MMO right well that's exactly what blue protocol is right blue protocol is an MMO so yeah I've been following blue protocol pretty much since the Japanese version was first announced and then now the global version is slated for release sometime in 2024 so I'm definitely going to be playing this one when it comes out and as far as like classes go I currently have my sites set on the Aegis Warrior or blade Warden class because it looks like it's going to be the de facto tank class in the game and across all the MMOs that I've played over the years I have almost always played either a tank or a Healer support class though I generally prefer taking the Healer or support role in MMOs because I feel that I'm a far better healer than I am a tank but unfortunately blue protocols only support class seems to be the blast Archer or whatever you call it and I don't typically like the Archer Ranger or Hunter style of gameplay but I mean honestly who knows right I might consider playing it closer to launch it really depends on how many of my friends are playing blue protocol and what classes they pick and what our group makeup is and all that yeah so we'll see we'll see all right so that was the last game on my list of will play games and before we wrap things up let's quickly go over the list of games that are just on my radar but are kind of in the wait and see section starting off with Diablo 3 season 29 and this might be a surprise to some of you considering it's a Diablo game why isn't it in the first list right and well if you ask anyone in my gaming circle of friends they tell you that it'll be a cold day in hell if I ever played Diablo 3 again enough of all the installments in the Diablo franchise Diablo 3 is probably the installment I dislike the most despite it being the installment that I've played the most yeah I know it's ironic I dislike it the most but I've also spent the most hours playing it right but look I'm not going to go into the details because honestly I could go on for hours about what I dislike about Diablo 3 so I don't want to make this video any longer than it is the only reason why season 29 made it on my radar is because there's just so much there's been so much talk about it recently I've looked at what's coming in season 29 and I do agree it does look like season 29 will probably be a good one but it is also very unlikely that I will be playing it we'll see how it goes alright next up we have another title that I played before and stopped playing and that is Lost Ark Lost Ark has announced that they are having Fresh Start servers uh with a whole bunch of changes uh that claim to relieve the biggest problems in the game I've looked at what the changes are and as someone that has over 3 000 hours played in Lost Ark I look at the changes that they are bringing and frankly I'm not exactly convinced that that will fix anything in the game to be honest I mean are the changes good yes they are if those changes were implemented before I stopped playing I might have maybe played the game longer than I did but at the end of the day the changes are not good enough to for them to claim that it actually relieves or fixes any of the issues the core issues with the game right the the gameplay Loop is still the same it's still gonna feel like homework um the gear progression is still very RNG and of course we have the whole pay to win aspect so that's not it's just a Band-Aid solution at best it's not going to make any of the major problems go away so that's why um loss up makes it onto the radar but it's a huge wait and see thing might even be more unlikely than the Diablo 3 one that I just talked about right all right and finally we get to the last game on the list and the last game in this video and that is black myth Wukong black myth Wukong is a souls-like RPG that is slated for launch sometime in the middle of 2024. now when this game uh first I don't even think it was like announced it was a gameplay video just kind of appeared on the internet and it was at the time where everyone was kind of like you know pushing how good graphics can be how photo realistic Graphics can be you know Graphics Fidelity this Graphics Fidelity that and then Along Comes This gameplay video of an unknown game and it just blows everything out of the water is so much better than anything that the industry had out at the time and it took the Internet by storm uh so much so that there were there was a lot of speculation maybe this game is fake right maybe this is fake it's a fake game it's never gonna come out it's it's it's just fake but hey you know what it turns out that this game might actually be very real and it is slated to come out sometime next year and really the graphics I personally don't like playing Souls like games at all Souls like games are not my thing all right and the only reason why this game makes it onto my radar is because strictly and solely because of the graphics that just I love games with really good graphics and yeah I'll be Keen to keep my eye on this maybe even check it out when the game launches sometime next year alright folks that's it for today's video I'm gonna wrap it up with a question for you guys what games are you looking forward to for the rest of 2023 and into 2024 are there any games that you feel are must plays maybe plays hard skips you know and for the gentian folk out there are you guys as excited for blue protocol as I am what classes are you guys looking at playing let me know in the comments below and as always thumbs if you liked it Crush that subscribe button and I'll catch you guys in the next one take care folks
Channel: Krush SG
Views: 521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diablo 4, Blue Protocol, Ashes of Creation, Cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty, cyberpunk edgerunner, path of exile, path of exile 2, mmorpg 2023, Upcoming Games 2023, Best upcoming games, Diablo 3 season 29, Lost Ark, black myth wukong
Id: OI__t0rhxYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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