Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam - Can You Feel the Beat
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Channel: LisaLisaCultJamVEVO
Views: 6,683,836
Rating: 4.8898454 out of 5
Keywords: can you feel the beat, freestyle music, lisa lisa and cult jam, lisa lisa, lisa lisa can you feel the beat, can you feel the beat lisa lisa, freestyle, feel the beat, can you feel the beat within my heart, freestyle music 80's, 80s songs, 80s freestyle, black eyed peas, black eyed peas feel the beat, feel the beat black eyed peas, Full Force, can u feel the beat, I wonder if I take you home, if I take you home, let the beat hit 'em, Can, You
Id: HEWdlp29s2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2009
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