Lisa Hannigan - Acoustic Session and Chat on Livestream

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three hello and hello i'm lisa hannigan and I'm gonna play some songs and answer some questions I can see people joining in from all over the world this is like some kind of amazing Eurovision Song Contest um so yeah I'm gonna play I'm gonna play a tune I'm out of tea first I'm gonna play a few tunes and if you have any questions for me let me know okay this is called nuts [Music] we was in Boston there we way of starting to get through give my ears mio-chan when I knew keys and [Music] I'm tired still remember my lord so I joke and I swore to stop I am I walk away to sleep and joking around see they shadowplay your whiskey talk to me let it be I was wrong steaming me in my ears am ia chance with my new keys and I am I use a my dish with my new keys oh I'll tie the knots to remember so a joke a nice part too slow I am a bartender I'm not still remembering my own I've got notes to remember in my own so I joke and I spot it - oh stop yeah okay there there we are so I'm gonna have a look at the computer now this is such an amazing thing and when does the pain stroyed throwing star from Craig mm so Craig I think is referring to the video of this of this song knots when all of the boys in the band quite happily threw paint at me in time to the music in times their own instrument and and luckily through the medium of the internet that can happen because I have a lovely new shiny ukulele but I don't want ruined and well that videos a lot of fun and was really quite difficult to to keep singing when the paint was in my face but because he only had one take it was you know it was fine I'm just going to unplug their and Martina how did you enjoy playing colors I loved it my teen I absolutely loved it that was one of the best festival I've ever played I could not believe the audience they were incredible and Neil says are you excited that it went to number one yes yes of course I am of course I was amazing what's my favorite cake for Melanie you know I've never really met a cake I didn't like manly to be honest and manda do you have a favorite place to visit in Ireland I do and it's a place called Baltimore in West Cork that I that my mother's from I'm myself in the band go down there a lot and do gigs and that's where we demoed what other records and everything and Baltimore in West Cork I would highly recommend for many reasons especially each other mostly chowder based reasons and Athena says tell us the cover tell us about the cover there at the album and well I wanted to make something sort of clean and simple and and elegant really M and a lot of the record is to do with being being away from home and traveling and being in transit for most the time so and a lot of the songs reference sort of places and that kind of thing so i am i wanted to make a map really a map of the record and and they were the three places that and that I stayed and wrote the record in there's the aforementioned Baltimore and and then there's a portion of Dublin that I use living and then a portion of Brooklyn actually and so that's and then I saw perforated his M into paper and then shot light through it was how I did the record but I'm glad you liked it and when am I going to do another poem crossword Andrew and I'm working on it it takes us a while it takes a good while to get the old pone intent it's done and what we'll get there we'll get there and how is the new video under the water made from Andy and you know what I'm going to play another song and then I'm going to do that song that you're talking about and and and I'll talk about the video then but this next song is called asleep and normally and I have the privilege of seeing it with either Ray LaMontagne on the record or there'll be John Smith on the road and so I'm just going to do it all by myself now and which is you know half half the fun I suppose but um yeah I'll give it a go it's weird it's weird doing it by myself and this is called Oh sleep [Music] Oh me come for me I will go quietly where the roof does Oh Steve come for me I'm a boats Parmalee I lied and you see a stone for me till allow me to go again oh great the dreams that it Jesus I see [Music] Oh sleep come for me I wait willing me I can leave from our tree in October mostly come for me I'm late I was drunk on her Oh me I got the hours [Music] I sleep with your feet by my your breath Oh Marty oh I see [Music] you [Music] you know it's actually quite weird because I haven't sung and I haven't sung those bits since I since I have first wrote the song cuz I've always had a wonderful Vale figured to do it for me so I sang a bit of my harmony and a bit of the ELMO thing there but I would ever and so what is your favorite song to sing Sarah Louise and it's gonna be the next one I think it's a song called little bird that the video just came out today and which Andy was was talking about the video as well and so little bird I wrote it in an evening and um I just initially was the most difficult to sing but actually it just it really it really sort of gets me the song anyhow and the video was made I I wanted to do video underwater and the song is sort of a belt and breaking free I suppose of something um and so the idea of the video is that I would spend the whole video underwater and all four and a half minutes of it and and then would emerge at the end and obviously I can't do that so we sped up the song so we spread it up till it was about a minute long and was incredibly fast and that's why I my my my ring is so bad or dreamy as I like to call it and but it's yeah it's a bit approximate so basically I was in my parents bath because they have a nice big bath and miles already for more buddhas yarns filmed filmed me and they're filmed a part of me and and we yeah i just it was it took ages and the problem was the water going up my nose and but we sort of dealt with that and I think that was take 13 and that one that that's the video that's up now may I cite say this is a surprisingly nice cup of tea note no offense but it's you know we're full of us are as people are fuzzy about it I got a new guitar cover days ago and now my old guitar has been quite temperamental tuning wise I don't know whether they're connected and so this is this is little bird and out edge of water little bird your heart seems I could again and you were people [Music] and I [Music] Church - spy look you an out [Music] I am NCIS promise no more [Music] when the time [Music] I'm right sir I think on you off I meant [Music] you [Music] I was Saudi by your now you've gone lowest your appetite Oh as handy in a fire despite the Katherine Rome fire aren't you you [Music] when the time and rights of men [Music] I think on you or snow I meant what I said here I stay I maybe now in that room I love you [Music] I'm [Music] I'm cut from here here ice I let me down love spy are you [Music] I'm Doug from the [Music] and cut from [Music] I'm Doug from and cut [Music] okay I'm been any good tour stories well sure but you know you got to keep these things to yourself that's a rule and Fran what's your dream collaboration um well I would love to sing a song with Tony banners I really would I mean that you know if anyone knows Tony Bennett he's anyone's neighbor play it to Becky when will you come to Brazil but I would love to come to present as soon as I possibly can jeez and but I don't I yeah I don't know when that that will be possible but as soon as I can I assure you um who's your favorite artist right now I'm really excited about the new Feist record I'm love I love her work I love her whole vibe for them and yeah I'm really into her her new record how did you decide on the song order of the album this is Jenny and little bird is my favorite Thank You Jenny and decide I mean it's it's you kind of throw that them in the air and and then you see what happens really you know we had I felt we couldn't we couldn't put nowhere to go in the middle they had to go at the end and just because of the just because of the way it is and and I really wanted to start with home because um I wanted to have I won't have everybody playing at the very beginning and so that you're there in the room and everyone comes in and just fully blasts blast their instrument and then everyone sort of goes away and comes in and when they come in and so sort of a statement of intent I think to start with home and start with that sort of a intro to home and then the other ones you know you still want them to flow into each other naturally enough and not be too jarring a job and so that's sort of how it worked Lauren where did you get your adorable clothes you mean like the ones I'm wearing right now thanks very much um this jumper is from a shop called a store is born in Dublin um and then this skirt is from a shop called Harlequin in Dublin so they're both you know vintagey i just kind of like that i like i like old things and clothes and guitars and Alison from touring the US have you encountered any new influences um yeah I mean you know I think I think everywhere you go influences you somehow absolutely I've certainly been influenced my my food intake from being here I mean that I'm eating an awful lot of and Derek why is your favorite instruments play and I don't have this really counts I suppose I suppose it does and I like singing more than I like doing anything else Jessica have you ever been starstruck well actually just get yesterday myself and my friend Oona were in doing an interview in a place and there was somebody in before us doing an interview and it was the man that played Elmo and which which was pretty amazing yeah we didn't hear him do the voice that God I think it would have fallen over but he yeah well in in particular was very starstruck by this one and what's your favorite food Rennie I mean this very little food I don't like but probably sushi probably sushi which I'm gonna lure you into myself later Mary what do you enjoy doing in your free time when I play music and I like I like I'm going to gigs I like reading I like cooking eating you know the usual stuff usual stuff I've also taken up squash so I'm I'm I'm quite bad at squash that's another way I spend my time let me see do I have to scroll down yeah what's your favorite Sarah Louise what's your favorite song to sing and I still really like playing the song Lille I still rien a yeah that's I mean that's from the first record but I still I still I still gotta get a kick out of playing it to be honest okay uh well sir yes out there Oh Shani what's your favorite up to sushi roll em I'm a fan of the the simple old avocado roll but also you know I like the one with all the crunchy bits and the creamy things and the layered and the thing that looks like a caterpillar and you know all all of that stuff I don't I mean the only one I've ever I've already had a couple that I thought will dodge but that's only you know that's probably the fault of the fish as opposed to pursue zero and Rachel what made you become a musician I don't know I always wanted to be a singer I don't remember not wanting to be a singer and I'm when I was a kid I would spend all my time singing dancing to Michael Jackson with my friend Mel Joanne and you know it was just always what we wanted to do um oh gusto I do apologize as well if I'm a Papa but I'm pronouncing your name is wrong I'm sorry oh gusto I would be a perfect summer day for you probably back to Baltimore with cheddar and a pint and maybe a sing-along somewhere and by a by a campfire and Thomas are you a film fan what's your favorite film ever I am a film fan of course yeah and my favorite film ever well it's sort of it I mean I love 12 Angry Men it is my favorite proper film that you know makes you feel proper feelings The Big Lebowski is my favorite funny film and Point Break is my favorite film where people you know shoot their gun in the air and say ah that kind of thing um chalene when can you come get sushi with me well you know I don't even know where you are I it sounds to me like you're from Ireland and in which case I suppose yeah man War II and ironsmith what are you reading at the moment I'm actually reading and the third policeman by flannel Brian um Peter what became of the dress you wore in the naughts video and it was so beautiful when it was done it was really so nice and i shimmied out of it while it was still soggy and then I hung it up while I you know rinsed had my half-hour shower and rinse the paint of me and it was I had it hanging up at my mum's greenhouse to dry it out so now it's it's totally dry totally cardboard like completely unwearable but it looks so beautiful it does look at it so if you remember those this beautiful photograph Jackson Pollock's shoes where they're just sort of it looks a little bit like that and footage haze PC or Mac and Mac right I am a mark lady and Ron what's the best part of touring and the worst I love touring you know I really do and I love I love I love I'm traveling and an eating new food everywhere I'm playing shows this the worst you know I don't know I don't know if there is a bad part of touring obviously missing people at home you know missing my my people but I'm I'm you know my family and stuff but I guess that's the only downside you know it's brilliant crack and Marvin where will be your dream venue to play um well I'd love to I love to sing in the Sydney Opera House just because when I was a kid I wanted to be an opera singer and I'm actually gonna do a song there and next month it was part of a Nick Drake tribute concert thing called way to blue and I'm gonna get to sing a song there so that's going to be amazing that and then after that I will think of a nutrient venue of course and Roman if you were not a musician what would you like to be and I don't know I think um I I think I'd maybe I I say a vet but I actually don't know whether I have a temperament to be aware I think I find it quite difficult and but I'd like to work with animals somehow or maybe in a sanctuary or something maybe not actual you know slicing and dicing and John do you have a role model um yeah loads you know I think I think it's probably best not to just have the one you know and yeah few a few oh sorry they're flying up there and Andrew do you find yourself writing music or lyrics first as the song comes together and usually Andrew I am I like I'll be the humming I'll I'll get a line or something either messing on the guitar or just like wandering about and then that would be that the you know the peg that I hang the song on and usually I'd go for a walk and kind of just mumble away to myself so kind of lyrics and melody and then usually I'll figure out the chords afterwards them but not always you know it just change and Marcus what's your favorite holiday and haven't been on a you know like a classic holiday in ages because I don't really feel the need with you know with with all the traveling that I look really good to do with the touring you know that's that's kind of holiday in itself really Matthew is there a new instrument you want to learn I've started learning the violin what much to the horror of my my my flatmates um I started out a while ago and it really doesn't get easier very quickly you know it's it's it's horrible and but I'm going to get some lessons I've just been kind of playing by myself but I'm going to get some lessons and hopefully they'll be able to knock me in the right direction because I would love even if it you know it takes me 20 years I'd be a fifty year old person that could play the violin which would be amazing so I you know it's worth it um m/l fields from your childhood what which is your happiest memory and I think I think myself and my brother used to play in rock pools down in Baltimore where you know you the the sea would come in and fill them up and then leave and leave all these sort of pools filled with men enemies and tiny tiny little shrimps and things of that and and we used to just sit there for hours and play with these sort of tiny tiny worlds you know sort of a microcosm of the sea and we just thought I absolutely loved it and yeah I think that's probably what were you like when you were in grade school Janet I don't know what grade school means is that is that when you're like a child child is that like grade school very young um I don't know I I I was quite I really like to go into school you know I really liked learning things and I'm like you know learning my spelling and you're Paul do you speak any other languages and I used to speak French pretty well and I am useless at it now although I hope I hope if I would go to France for a while or I was in Montreux the other day couldn't say I could barely string two words together but I would hope if I went back there um I would be able to I would be able to pick up again and I can you know I can speak a bit of Irish but I wouldn't I wouldn't be proficient at it do you have any pets I use of a Cat Stevens and he he was kind of astray and then when I moved ties I sort of couldn't be taken with him so I he stayed in the house with the other people but em Oh cat my cat stevens he was he was I mean he hated me he fully hazed me but um but I loved him desperately and what is your favorite thing about America oh I don't know if you could pick a favorite thing about such a giant giant thing sorry this is for Holly and I love I love how incredibly vast it is there's something so magical about about how how vast the continent is you know you just feel like such a tiny tiny speck and Mark Lisa could you record an album of you speaking please Wow really I think I said I think I sound like a sort of a trucker but with the weather with too much of a cigarette problem but thanks very much worth over the girlfriend lease be my voice sounds really deep in monotone anyway Paul Bradley who was your favorite Beatle George Harrison Jonathan if you could go back and live in another time period what would it be um um I think I think I would like to live in the 30s um for a bit and I I think is it a really interesting time and for for for art and things we go sorry that um Oh Trudy why are there so many references to birds yeah there is in this record there is um well I my my very best friend I call her bird and she calls me bird and that's as far as some of it uh but um other times like it's just sort of used as a metaphor for something like in little bird that the little bird in that song is you know a metaphor for em sort of a survival instinct really AM and and I suppose because the record is about being transient and and always changing and moving I suppose that it's more of a fitting metaphor then you know that the solid the solidity I suppose of the sea of the last record maybe that's why but you're right I don't know why that I'm happened em Rafe how do you manage to keep your poetry so concise and creative Oh with Flex privilege and yet retain the depth that comes with further listings well I don't know but thank you very much for the compliment Rafe that's I really appreciate it thank you I do I work hard on those lyrics so I'm glad you like them and Tessa what is your favorite season of the year and I probably autumn probably autumn I do like a crunchy leaf underfoot um okay I'll ask I'll answer one more what is your larger inspiration rely for our imagination um usually usually real-life Jared and usually real-life though though sometimes have to use your imagination to try and figure out what real life's all about II and okay I'll gonna play another song now what shall I play I am I'm gonna play a song called paper house think about let me let me tune up [Music] I don't know let's [Music] it's reacting up my guitar oh well Richard are you going to be on Colbert again or maybe Letterman this time well you know I would love to if they asked me I'd be there in a second ah something sorry I just it just flashed up somebody said paper eyes in brackets yeah some play paper eyes this is for you sorry I've lost your name now you can endlessly [Music] if I continue to hire them [Music] this is fascinating I know I'm sorry last my my guitars just been driver [Music] [Music] haha Sofia just play Lisa even if it's attitude I know I should but it's really you know but it bothers me and it will bother you - okay I wanted I'm gonna start at the beginning he's a little sharp [Music] see the trouble is when you put the cap on it changes [Music] [Music] lots we will give a go Dover he says are we thanks Lee oh good my poor guitar [Music] we Linda Darya me Oh Swiss Balkan so we one's a star [Music] we'd sit out in the Sun and wait for our skin to turn I would ask you true and you'd look for something [Music] oh we walked in a whole place back there edge of Dublin the anime and you older live in a paper house again where we grew while you often we took the chain the sky facing White Crane when I would leave and the other world Oh [Music] and we were that we had and breathe in each other's you would ask for true and I he'd look for something [Music] we walked in a place back there on the edge of Dublin the anime are old and live in a house [Music] by lying [Music] you were much younger younger than I am now [Music] are still keep as much an eye as so now [Music] I still keep as Marcin is the walls No [Music] we walked in the whole place back then on the edge of Dublin Ejim a and you would live in a bag again while we [Music] I want you and you know you will nice be so that's paper has slightly out of tune oh thank you for all of you saying that it's an offense okay and sorry they're just rushing by too fast that I can read them am Andrew Smith I love the references Dublin in this how are they an inspiration to you amid that it's just a specific time and place that I'm singing about and I wish they'd stop flicking by I can't read them sorry one second um sorry they're coming in too fast I'm trying to read them as they're flying by I'm sorry would love to hear a Nick Drake tune Oh fine I love I mean I'd love to be able to fly over you but I don't have my harmonium with me what was the song you played an electric guitar last night sorry I didn't see your name and it was called flowers and it's not on the record I think it may be with iTunes or maybe with Amazon and as like a bonus track thing could you send me some more questions to the right side I can't read the other ones if you don't mind I'm not get ready for the next song weathers opening mm-hmm Thank You people sorry about this okay well I'll just play my other song then so the this song is this song is called safe travels don't die and it is a thing that my friend says to me and I he always writes at the end of texts I just think it's too lovely sentiment you know it's such a it's such a pure sentiment for how you feel about people that you care about you know and and so yeah I'm going to play this Linda yeah I love the song okay cool glad you like it Leticia oh good I'm glad you like this one I really like this one it's sort of it's kind of a proper love song although not necessarily a romantic way you know it could be a platonic thing too but it's it's sort of a it's a song about caring about someone me meet your greens unknown sit close to screen your eyes are a means to earn end and I would be sorry did you do your are you Lori my friend like you always say travels don't die don't die safe travels [Music] don't walk on nights no matter how nice how sturdy enticing it see please cross add the lights and don't start fires or fights and don't dabble in Heights on Cathy like you always see say travels don't die don't die see travels don't die [Music] you don't swallow please out on sand me ma I'm not sure I'd reach you in my boy please don't Bungie job well ignore restraint slow and like you always say Fanta Ramos don't die don't die Saint your elbows don't die don't die he say travels don't die don't die safe travels don't die [Music] don't die [Music] well with that good advice um I should leave you it's very nice to chat to you thank you all for coming from I can see Greece and Poland and Malaysia and amazing places thank you so much for for dropping in and I'm sorry I didn't get to all your questions and but you know I'm on facebook I'm on Twitter um and that's I do myself so you know um so you can get me there either um and we're on tour and we're going to be on tour in the UK at the end of November I'm going to be in Australia to do those way to blue concerts and mid November Irish tour in December and then everywhere else are we will get there as soon as we can i I really wherever you're from I want to go there so um we will eventually just keep looking at the website I suppose at least honey and AH two-e and as soon as the dates are there they'll be up and yeah the new record all these songs are from the new record called passenger and which I'm really excited about and them yeah it was it was great to talk to you and then see you again soon safe travels
Channel: lisasfanno1
Views: 69,815
Rating: 4.9514418 out of 5
Keywords: Acoustic, Music, Guitar, Lisa, Hannigan, Passenger, 2011, Little, Bird, Irish, Ukulele, Uke, Ireland, Session, Chat, Livestream, Live, New, Record, Damien, Rice, Ray, LaMontagne, John, Smith
Id: 5UiAwpE-RH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2012
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