Lionel Messi, but he's ZERO Overall...

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Leo Messi has won everything in football including a World Cup but back in 2019 he made a promise the promise was to bring the Champions League back to Barcelona since Messi never fulfilled that promise as a punishment with minimum zero overall player and now the world's greatest player can't pass knock any dribble and let's just ignore his shooting If Messi wants his gold status back he needs to fulfill his promise and bring the Champions League back to Barcelona but during this figure see the overall player is going to be incredibly difficult every goal that Messi scores in the Champions League will get him 50 points to boost up his stats 30 for every assist he gets the goal is to get Messi to a 99 overall before the Champions League so he can fulfill that promise and so Leo Messi's road to Champions League Glory begins now our first game in the group stages was against Bayern Munich and I quickly realized that this isn't the messy we know and love oh my God Messi's dribbling is so slow he can't dribble oh my God his first touch takes ages look at Messi's face he can barely run Messi he's on the Run for the first time in this game they're mocking him they're mocking his face Alfonso Davies has just made a Mickey out of him as he's struggling to beat his man but let's see if Messi can do his classic finesse shots they're just terrible I tried a lot of different things to get messy on the score sheet but nothing was working and eventually Bayern got us no buy liquor to score Kingsley come on no they score especially could have fulfill his promise this way he can barely do anything with the ball and so Messi's quest to fulfilling his promise begins with a massive Elder Bayern Munich honestly with the two overall Messi there was no way we were beating Bayern it just wasn't gonna happen with that defeat Divine I realized with the one overall Messi We're not gonna get anywhere unless we build the team around him and so we switch to a four one two one two narrow formation where Messi's gonna be at the heart of the team compared to 2019 he's also got a lot better teammates Henry Dion gavi Lewandowski as well we need all of them to help Messi we're also going to give Leo Messi his number 10 pit back and hopefully that's going to give him a confidence boost but our next Champions League game is against Intel we've literally got the craziest group of all time and if Messi and Barcelona don't win this game we're gonna be out of the Champions League there goes that promise don't forget we can only control Messi in this challenge so we can't feed him tappins it's got to be a team effort one thing for sure the new formation was working oh that's messy come on even with the zero overall he's now able to dictate the game the passing is still got there but a lot better after trying so hard finally we were able to do something with the seed all draw Messi oh Messi that's the fastest I think he's ever run oh my God Messi oh the cutback no another one let's go we're getting this is somehow their belly scores helping Messi this quest to the Champions League that is plus 30 for Messi on his stats let's go can I see how his shooting is oh okay it's bad Messi another one maybe oh it's off the post we could have gotten in his ears it could have been too excited after Messi got that assist turns out he is still zero overall and terrible Messi oh that's a brilliant boss Lewandowski Messi Messi no he's shooting is so bad he gets the ball again let's see oh come on even though it was a struggle playing with the zero overall Messi now the team is playing for him things got a lot easier or Messi gets to loose ball can he shoot this is his chance Messi right foot oh my God a week for goal we're definitely gonna give him a weak foot upgrade for that that's his first goal let's go soon after scoring his first goal we realized the doubting Leo Messi should never be messy finish shot oh what no matter what is still Leo Messi Messi oh that's a good possible evidence he go for gold let's go and this is this well with that Messi gets his first Champions League win and a lot of golden issues all the goals and assist means we can finally upgrade Messi and he won't be a cedar overall player any longer but two goals and two assists we get a total of 160 points to spend and we also get a plus one on our weak foot for scoring with Messi's reefer first thing I'm gonna do with the 160 points is pretty much maxed out message dribbling we're spending 100 points on it this is so little messy can move with the ball that's what he's all about we now have 60 points left I think I'm gonna put that all into acceleration so at least messy can get off the mark faster with that message straight away goes to a 22 overall that is a big upgrade but Messi's Journey has only begun we still need to fight our way out of this group which is going to be tough our next couple of Champions League games are against Victoria Lucia Messi needs this that bad against him oh I can definitely feel a difference in the dribbling for Messi oh although the shooting is still poo poo messy oh the ball just went so slowly the next upgrade I'm getting for Messi is definitely shot power with Messina having 99 dribbling and a bit of pace things were a lot easier I can't fly I do feel the acceleration and the 99 dribbling it's it's still bad but it's a lot better this way is Messi squares it for Lewandowski that's a cheeky as this we'll take that even with all the upgrades Messi was still 22 rated and we're struggling to score oh this is a good chance Messi with his right foot oh he just can't see you shoot we you just don't do we get a penalty we get a penalty this is gonna be huge no no Lewandowski why are you taking it it should be messy Lewandowski takes it instead of Messi that is brutal Messi does not go and celebrate with him he gets pissed off even though Lewandowski stole Messi's penalty messy showed him who's the boss oh Messi oh messy messy oh did he scored let's go we get the goal with Messi that's huge we needed this so for scoring and assisting in that game we get a tote look 80 points to upgrade messy we're gonna use 40 of them on just maxing out Messi's acceleration and the rest 40 we're gonna boost up his finishing to 20 and a plus 20 short power upgrade as well with that we slowly upgrade Messi to a 26 rated player we now play Victoria placen once again in the Champions League and I think Messi knows this is going to be the last easy opponent he'll face in the Champions League Messi needs to score a lot of goals to get upgrades in this game oh the acceleration means that Messi is actually semi decent that finishing though is still a problem I can't lie the 99 acceleration and dribbling makes Messi so Nimble and that's actually working well for us we're able to just dribble but the problem is Messi still can't shoot properly oh that might go in please go in we're counting that is a messy goal let's go this barcel team is so good and it's helping Messi in every way possible and Messi scores another one takeaways finishing takeaway stats he's still a little messy oh damn belly that's after a messy pass and Messi gets an assist for that too we we're doing this that bad we wanted or Messi Messi wants another one he wants another one he gets another one that's the Leo Messi adric just what we need that's that batting session means that Messi scored three goals and one assist which means 180 points to spend plus a hundred bonus points for scoring a hat trick so we've got 280 points to bump up Messi first thing I'm gonna do is use 80 points to just max out that finishing let's also max out and shot powers so he can bang the shots in with 120 points I decided to use about 80 points to just get messy short passing decent so he can at least pass the ball and the remaining 40 can go towards his Sprint speed with that we've got Messi now up to a 39 overall and Barcelona are looking very good to make it out of this group but things should only gonna get difficult from here as it's time for the rematch against Bayern with how open this group is If Messi plays like how he played in that last game against Bayern we could still be in trouble if Messi wants to fulfill his promise him and Barcelona need to be able to beat teams like Bayern but there's no way a 39 overall Messi is going to do this by himself he needs help from his team oh oh oh bet she didn't get a goal or an assist the team is helping machinist Quest but I guess something we'll need throughout this video Even though this version of Messi was a lot better than before it's still Bayern Munich they were clattering him look at Messi driver run with that 40 Pace he gets the ball Messi squaring it please and assist Lewandowski you fraud no enough paid him money how did Lewandowski Miss dad back for Messi oh messy oh it might just go in no it drops it but do I count that as a messy goal that's the second time this has happened we'll give him half points for that no no no buying with a chance and they get themselves to go back we're still leading Bayern do manage to get a goal back in the end but ultimately it does not matter at all as a 39 rated Messi guides his team to a huge win since Messi's goal was an own goal we're only gonna give him half points for this one so 25 points from that game against Bayern it really isn't much but I'm just gonna use it to max out our passing and I guess we can use Five Points on Messi's splint speed upgrades wise not a good day in the office for Leo Messi but beating Bayern was a statement that we can win the champions league and now we're up against internex who have nothing really to play for it's time for maybe a bit of messy stat bad session don't forget one of our goals is to get messy to a 99 overall before the Champions League final and if we need to do that we need to use games like this this that bad come on messy let's do it messy probably knows this is going to be his last chance to get some solid upgrades before The Knockout so Messi David everything you see oh messy what bro he's literally got zero long shots how does he do this I have no idea oh oh Bossa playing some nice football Messi gets it back go on Messi go on Messi has to score and does score his second of the night come on messy out quiet for Jules tonde asking back for it good ball now what can Messi do cleverly release it for their belly that's it is for Messi we take those or we're using the dribbling of Messi so efficiently there's no point sprinting too much we just gotta use that close control very well and with that we can still score with Messi because he's got 99 dribbling 99 acceleration amazing finishing we can still make it work with Messi that's a hat trick SC looking for them belly and that is another assist we take those damn belly you've done a good job and so in our final group stage game Messi takes on the match ball and from that game we secure the highest total of points from one game we managed to get 150 points for scoring three dimes plus a hundred bonus points for the hat trick 250 and another 60 points for a couple of assists so 310 points to spend straight away using 100 points to max out Messi's ball control he's gonna feel a lot more like Messi with this and one key attribute of Messi is his agility so we need that maxed out as well with 110 points left I'm using half of it to max out messy Sprint speed at least now in terms of pace and everything he's gonna feel like messy with 55 points left I think I'm gonna use it on his stamina because messenger seemingly dies after every game with that we had given Messi his biggest upgrade yet and now he's 62 rated before the Champions League Knockouts begin we were now in the January trance window and I thought of doing something incredible the last time Messi won the Champions League to Barcelona he had Neymar as his teammate if we're good 100 fulfill the promise let's bring back Neymar to Barcelona and so Neymar joins to help out his friend in need Leo Messi he knows Messi's lost all his footballing ability to name our scum to help him out with Neymar coming in there's a way we can really change this team and that is by putting messy and Striker along with Lewandowski and allowing Neymar to do all the creative work this might actually work with Messi up top we can focus on him just doing his job in front of goal it was now time for the Champions League Knockouts the rounder 16 draw has been made and we're up against Juventus the goal is to get Messi to a 99 overall before the final but so far we're only up to a 62 and remember we cannot make upgrades after the first leg we're gonna have to wait for both legs to get done with the makeup rage if you guys enjoyed my content I'd appreciate if you could subscribe to the channel for more and so the knockout begins if in any game Messi fails to deliver the promise will not be fulfilled unless he won't be the goat so there's a loaded stick Neymar joining with just what Messi needed to get more freedom up to open look at how well it's laid out Neymar sliding it through for Messi there's the duo there's the Duo combining and Messi with his 99 finishing slots at home that's why we brought in Neymar to help out Messi but soon after Juventus showed us that fulfilling Messi's promise is not gonna be easy no they get the equalizer oh Juventus but then with all the upgrades we've given Leo Messi maxing out his space and everything he showed why he's still the goat you see looking now for Neymar back for Messi these two are linking up so well Messi now right foot scores that's a weak foot upgrade and a crucial goal in the time in the second leg at the camp now Messi was on a mission oh there's the pace the difference now with the 99 Pace Mercy is so real as he gets on the scoresheet he wants us to get to the next round let's use Messi's Pace oh there's the pace we're literally just using that 99 piece that Messi's got now through on goal fake shot inside missing out with the finishing let's go with destroying Your Man it is with the round of 16 done and Messi qualifying for the quarter final we can finally apply our upgrades we scored four goals against Juventus in total that means 200 points plus we get another 100 bonus points for qualifying for the quarterfinals that means we've got 300 points to spend gonna use straight up 200 points to max out his reactions and balance these are very key stats in FIFA with 100 points left I'm gonna make Messi a strength demon 99 strength for Messi we also get to give him a plus one on his wheat but for that weedford goal and with that we get messy up to a 73 overall the good thing is a lot of Messi's key stats that actually matter a lot in-game are super high so Messi should feel a lot like Messi in game Messi is about to now face his most difficult hurdle yet played against this former Club PSG their boss's next opponents in the Champions League If Messi can't get the better of killing and Bobby in this one Messi's promise will be unfulfilled once again thankfully for Messi this game came at the perfect time when his key stats were all maxed out and he showed what he's only about oh messy now there's the agility balance everything maxed out now working in our favor and Messi scores I'm telling you Messi now feels better than even the normal machine Bieber because we've maxed out all this dribblings that go on Messi go on he's too fast you can't keep up against him you can't keep up against him Messi's destroying his former Club oh he's gonna send this one through for Neymar Neymar's back heel bro bro the football Messi Neymar Lewandowski unbelievable in the second leg we then saw Messi do his Hussein bold impression now we've just made Messi literally the fastest player in the world he just spread through everyone there should score there you go another one for Messi with those three goals Messi did his job and he put his team into the semi-finals of the champions league and that does mean he's now got 250 points to spend I'm gonna use a hundred of them on attack positioning because that's an important stat for the overall and we need Messi to get to a 99 overall we're gonna max out Messi's volley as well so we can take some Banger volleys plus mostly they should really get his overall close to 99 and will Chuck the rest of our points the maxing out Messi stamina so he can just run all day every day with that we get messy to an 88 overall getting closer and closer to the 99 and we've only got two games to make it happen and those are the Champions League games it's against Chelsea it was now time to play Chelsea and in all honesty they were no match for this 88th Raider Juice Stop Messi or Messi's now illegal man he's just the quickest player in the world our quickest player in the game it's Unstoppable nah guys Messi is just Unstoppable he's able to just drift past teams like it's like it's no tomorrow laying it off for his teammate neighbor that's an assist for Messi oh there he is there's Messi you just can't get near him you just can't get near him he's gonna keep snoring he's gonna keep scoring that is another one Messi waiting for a bit of support his teammate Neymar helping him out look at them too look at them too this is getting ridiculous go on messy go on messy go on Messi you can't stop him with that we complete our final hurdle towards making the final this is the last time we can upgrade Messi we scored three goals over the two legs that's 150 points plus 100 for qualifying for the next round and we get 30 points for the assist 280 points to get messy to a 99 overall can we do it I think we'll need to upgrade his heading accuracy to Max because he's a striker maxing out his long shots as well now we're left with 80 points and I think we gotta put the 80 points towards his penalties I really believe with that Messi should be a 99 rated player and yes guys we've now made Leo Messier 99 rated Striker from Zeno overall to 99 scoring 17 goals in the Champions League in the process but this is it now we have a chance to fulfill Messi's Promise by winning the champions league and bringing it to the camp now we're up against atleti also we could inflict some pain on Messi's arch rival Ronaldo about breaking his Champions League record we just need one goal for that in the final but sadly we don't have Lewandowski for the final he is not fully fit so damn belly is gonna have to come in for him it all comes down to this for Messi the Champions League final and we're playing this with the Pro Camera let's just get a solid feed of the game although Messi was 99 rated Atletico Madrid weren't about to give up they struck first no Atletico Atletico Score first no Messi's dream could be unfulfilled if Atletico win this that's a shock at the start of this game but even with the team going one nil down there is no way Messi does not fulfill his promise to Barcelona tonight Messi down the wing this is his chance he's broken through Leo Messi 1v1 oh it's a simple finish from Messi there's no way he's not fulfilling his promise once again Messi using his Pace down the wings come on Messi go on Messi go on Messi it might actually happen and it does happen what a finish we take the lead Messi scores let's go Messi the angular stuff but it's little messy we're talking about so close messy linking up with them belly Baldi to Messi oh there's the dribble could he end the game with this goal of course he does it's all over Messi scores a hat-trick in the Champions League final it's done from zero overall to 99. Messi's about to fulfill that promise I think it's done it's done we've won the Champions League a messy handbrake he's fulfilled his promise to Barcelona the one thing that was left for Messi which was to fulfill that promise he's managed to pull it off from zero overall to 99 this was a journey and if you enjoyed it maybe click here to watch more
Channel: S2G
Views: 822,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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