LinuxFX - Linux With Windows 10 Clothing

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hello and welcome back to the otb channel today with some trepidation and i'm not entirely sure i'm doing the right thing here i'm going to look at what i can only describe as a windows clone or rather a linux distribution with windows clothing on let's have a chat after the intro [Music] okay welcome back well what a week um as many of you know um it's been a tough few weeks for me personally with uh ill health uh happening with a close family member which is all culminated in this week in this horrible virus also being caught by that particular family member when they were in hospital so yeah it's uh it's not been the greatest time so i'm not in the best mood for a review and i was thinking about what to do and you know me i i always try and give a balanced view of whatever i'm looking at and to try and pull out the positives as as well as those things that i'm not that keen on and i was a little bit concerned today that uh i might not do justice to a linux distro that's really trying hard to make it out there so i thought well if you're concerned about that why not have a quick look at something that you're not too bothered about and the name of that is linux fx or windows fx um depending where you look it seems to to work with dual names and um it's it's essentially an ubuntu based distribution that looks more like windows 10 than anything i have ever seen and i saw it a few weeks ago and somebody pointed it out to me on my facebook group and said you go do a review of this steve and i said i'm i'm not keen really um i don't want to give it too much credence um i may look at it in the future well now seems to be about the greatest time to look at it uh and i'm not gonna do a full review i'm gonna dip in and dip out needless to say under the surface it's ubuntu it's a cinnamon desktop and it's heavily themed really heavily themed to the extent that someone who is unfamiliar with linux could probably see this desktop and be mistaken for thinking it really is windows 10. and it's really well done i will give it that it's really well done my my question really is is there a place for such a thing in in the linux ecosphere and i'm really quite unsure about where i stand on this i suppose you could argue that on the one hand if if you make a linux distribution look really like a windows distribution it could attract new users from windows that's a possibility i think um it's got a few arguments against it if they do come across because they think they're using windows 10 yes there may be a layer of compatibility through wine to use windows programs it's never going to be as good as it is on windows um if you're going to be using the adobe suite or microsoft office or something like that you could say that people might move across because the increased security and you know the ease of updating the system is better well yes it is but isn't that counter balanced by you're going to use the functionality of using your windows programs and if you want a distribution that looks exactly like windows 10 um why why don't you just use windows 10 i'm not i am not an evangelist i do not think we need to go out there and convince windows users to use linux i've got little or no interest in that in fact i was watching a video from esnix this morning that i think he released yesterday uh where he was basically talking about market share and how many reviewers out there seem to be pushing you know we've got to increase our market share to bring new windows over windows users over and he basically said well i i couldn't really care less and uh i'm afraid i'm i'm in the same camp uh windows is not linux it never will be um i'm personally happy about that i do know linux has a reputation of being an operating system for geeks uh and i'm a geek you know i'd be the first to admit it having said that we also have the likes of linux mint and all the ubuntu's that have just been released uh that allow you to install the system and just get on with it if you don't like fiddling and tweaking um which is great but if you want to run windows programs and you really really want to do it you know you have to do it you wedded to adobe you wedded to microsoft linux probably isn't the best operating system for you and i don't have a problem with whatever operating system people use use the best thing for the job and if you're going to run adobe and you're going to run microsoft office linux probably isn't the best operating system for the job and if you don't have the mindset to learn a new operating system will linux really be for you i i i would doubt it i mean i know there's some of us that um like to tinker and i'm a tinkerer i've i've spent a happy couple of hours this week getting my uh hardware brightness and volume keys on my thinkpad working in dwm um which i thoroughly enjoyed and i had a success at the end of the day but i understand that most people don't want to do that but there's a difference between just wanting to get on in a distro that leaves you alone gets out of your way and just lets you work to somebody who just wants an exact replica of windows i'm probably not saying this correct um here we are let me take my hat off i'm bald i know dt has been questioned about you know why he shaves his head and he's saying dt is not bald otb is very bald i've got nothing around the middle and so i shave the back and sides just so i don't end up looking like some mad monk um but i'm bald i don't have to be bald i could go out and get um a wig what do they call them a toupee a rug something like that and um in fact i've got friends who who do that who have got to a certain age but what what are they actually doing they're using something to imitate what they used to be um it's not real hair it's never going to be as good or as functional as your real hair that it's just real hair in well it's an imitation it's a complete imitation and if they want to do that that's great i'll fight for their freedom to do it every day long just like i will fight for the right of people to create a distro that looks like whatever you want but whether or not i would do it or agree with it is a different matter entirely and i i i sort of see this thing uh linux fx or windows fx if you like as linux with a windows wiggle so there i've said it so would i use it i think you know the answer to that no i wouldn't but i can appreciate how it might appeal to some users why is the question i don't think this market share argument really holds up i don't think it's going to increase our market share will it appeal to windows users it might appeal to them because they think it's going to operate exactly like windows 10 but i'm sure it'll end up disappointing them would you use it because you're just impressed that linux can be customized to such an extent and it's an exercise in what you can do well actually i think that's probably the best reason for using it that you just want to see what can actually be done but even having said that why would you want want to get something like that out of the box surely you'd be better off installing uh linux mint cinnamon and customizing it and theming it yourself i know that uh the likes of english bob has done that um but anyway a little bit of a rant um and i apologize i i i don't like normally to start my my uh distro look sees on a negative uh angle but i'm really struggling to see the point of this distro but anyway let's move over to their website and have a look so here we are you can see the website here linux fx it's called here uh and as you can see the whole website is very windows-like we even refer to things such as a control panel um it's portuguese sorry a brazilian distro uh and then here there seems to be a mismatch the operating system is called windows 10.7 plasma and yet the website is called linux fx i mean what is it is it windows fx or is it linux fx and if we move over to the main page windows fx 10.7 cinnamon and plasma edition so you can choose and you can download the version that you want when you download it though or when you go to download you'll find that there's a founders edition uh which costs pay as much as you want but it won't let you get away with sticking zero in there believe me i've tried and uh what you get for your uh extra money well the hello virtual assistant uh which is a little bit like the uh the thing in windows um all wx depth desktop features okay full support from microsoft active directory and work groups integration with smarter home i.e google home arduino etc latest build of the system core improved support for microsoft windows applications so you read wine there support for games developed for microsoft well steam lutrus uh advanced support for vdi and you have the option you can either have a cinnamon version or a plasma depth version which i presume are going to be very similar in look and feel um they're both kind of a four plus gig download uh apparently for the plasma you need a quad core processor or that's that's what's recommended but for cinnamon just a dual core two gig of ram minimum 16 gig disk 4 gig of ram minimum and uh a 16 gig disk for plasma right or you can download the free edition which is what i have done um they don't actually have a link here to the free edition so you either have to go onto their telegram group and get it or just do a google search you'll find it on sourceforge and that's essentially what i've done so windows fx 10.7 or linux fx i'm not sure whatever it is anyway you get the general idea so let's fire it up and let's have a quick look now i'm not going to show you the installation because uh it's basically uh ubuntu under the hood and uh is it a big ubiquity that they use anyway it's a next next next installation so it's fairly straightforward it's got a nice little uh screen resolution app that launches when you you run the live iso and it booted into full screen full hd and as you can see i've installed it and i've just rebooted and again we're on full hd and again ignore this annoying little white line just to the right something to do with dwm i will figure it out but being no doubt what you're seeing in front of you here is uh well windows it looks like windows so let's just uh log in and see what we get i've not had a proper look around it at all yet so i'm not entirely sure what i'm going to expect okay well there was a bit of a delay there and i just paused it and pulled it out of full screen mode and uh then basically this is what what greeted me so yeah we've got the little uh screen thing here what do we want 1920x10 1080 yeah so i'm all good i'll just click apply on that and keep that configuration check your video drivers oh hello yeah i've got my audio off but you can see we've got this virtual assistant who's coming up and trying to talk to us uh i was created to help you well i'll tell you what when i use windows at work i disable this thing and uh or the windows version of it but i i it's clever you know it's it's clever online accounts no thank you i'm gonna shut that down in order for me to listen to you you need to connect with me through your google account oh right okay well i tell you what let's not let's just shut you down for a complete operation it's necessary to restart the system uh let's just uncheck a hello startup options please just don't start and let's just shut you shut you down yeah yeah yeah okay now shut down thank you let's launch the driver manager and see what happens password right okay and we've got i see the the windows sort of lock screen up well it decided to reboot just as i was starting to uh log in to do that um well you can see what it looks like rebooting uh it's windows 10 isn't it my goodness so i don't know why it just decided to reboot on me there but clearly it didn't like what i was doing or it was installing something let's see what happens i'll just pause this and come back once we're in okay we're back into the logging screen so let's try again and hopefully that uh virtual assistant doesn't launch this time and here we are what are we getting now windows y mode intention in order for microsoft windows applications to work correctly it's necessary to install the exe and msi program compatibility mode uh warning installation of compatibility mode can take a long time the factors are that you know i'm just going to cancel that let's check our drivers and see what it comes up with and let's hope it doesn't reboot this time i'm presuming we're just going to get the standard ubuntu uh driver manager here um albeit in a theme that makes it look very much like uh we're running uh windows i have to say i mean first look it it's it's it's pretty clean it really is pretty clean and uh they've done a good job and they've put an awful lot of work into this um it looks so windows-like even looking at the icons on the desktop here that you wouldn't know that you weren't running windows okay so so much for that no proprietary drivers are in use okay let's come out of that so what have we got computer let's let's have a look and uh just open up the various icons and see what happens so okay uh what file manager are we using here let's go to about it's nemo okay at least they've kept some of the linux names so vbox cd-rom vbox hard disk and file system right and you can see all the way down to the icons it's been attention to detail here if i go into my home directory yeah again it's windows 10 isn't it it's windows 10. um i have to say i don't quite know where um distros like this stand on using what are very obviously microsoft icons i wouldn't be surprised if uh microsoft didn't have a case for her taking them to court but they don't seem to be that concerned anymore with that sort of thing system properties let's open that and uh wow um that looks exactly like um the system the the system dialogue you get from windows control panel and yeah it's it's windows is activated really windows fx is activated change product key i wonder if they actually serial of this computer so i can't see the point of that it's just in order to clone it let's have a look and see what's in device manager right okay and let's have a quick look uh it's hard info yeah i thought it might be uh the module information there fine no problem with that system protection i i'm pretty stunned at how this looks actually you can undo changes to the system by reversing your computer to a previous restore point performance let's see what it opens up right so we're back into uh the likes of cinnamon there user profiles information on system startup system failure and debugging right okay so there's your startup applications and in fact let me just open that again i want to see what sort of things they have starting up uh bump virtual box resolution you've got quite a few things starting up in the background there okay that's fine um and let's just cancel that and let's have a look at advanced system settings and see what's there oh that that's what we've already brought up okay right let's let's just close that down uh windows fx version register so what's this i mean this is the free version so i presume they're not going to ask me to uh in fact does this even work oh yeah something's happening now obtain a license enter an email when purchasing a license right okay fine let's have a look at what they've got installed um right so yeah i quite like the menu you've got your accessories redshift is there visual studio code warpinator wine tricks midnight commander editor that seems a little bit strange actually had to have something like that but uh okay i wouldn't uh have imagined that would be there uh oops it's not quite as smooth as i'd expect they've got the inks inkscape and pics you've got google chrome firefox skype teamviewer telegram transmission and zoom um well i'm pretty sure it hasn't got word powerpoint and excel installed but let's just open up word and see what we get it doesn't feel that snappy and i've given this uh eight gig of ram um it feels like something that needs a little bit more i i appreciate that we're running it in a virtual machine but it's only office i can already see it's only office um right and uh only office doesn't seem to be working properly um let's just uh shut that down well nothing's happening there oh right okay let's try another of the office programs let's try excel it um seem to be work oh here we go it's getting on doing what it needs to do well i don't know what only office is like i've not used it before but it took forever to actually load um and calling it word in excel i'm really not a fan of that what's in the office center okay it's just you kind of launch your page that's fine uh what have we got in programming visual studio code uh then in sound and video audacity brazier multimedia codecs kodi obs studio simple screen recorder spotify vlc okay it's got a reasonable collection of apps uh windows apps i see notepad is already installed does that actually launch yes it does okay what else um admin what have we got in admin android file transfer time shift i wonder if they've got a firewall uh installed let's just do a search for firewall firewall configuration i wonder if this is ufw we'll soon see and we wait hmm it's ufw of course it is and it isn't on right i would have thought they would have enabled that out of the box so you've got what you've got we've got something there to log out we can lock the screen uh we can launch a terminal from here and uh what have we got as the terminal gnome terminal okay so that is what it is um i wonder if we've got synaptic we have got synaptic always an option i like to see i want to see what the repos are to be honest so let's just uh maximize that and let's go to the repositories and see what they've got right uh linux mint and ubuntu that's interesting well packages from packages from the base so so it's a bit of a mix by the look of this what about ppas uh there's a few ppas there additional repositories right okay quite a few beyond trust etcher google microsoft stable only office skype steam team viewer right okay so official repositories so so that's a bit of a weird one really so you've got uh some packages from linux mint and some packages from ubuntu by the looks of it uh we're just going to cancel that and shut it down i'm really not too uh concerned with the underpinnings here uh software manager mint install right so is it based on linux mint now maybe it is maybe they've moved over i'm not entirely sure i think there's been quite a few versions over the last four or five months so uh who knows what they're on now what have we got down here well that's that's doing what it's doing okay so that's just your standard software store so we've got uh presumably cpu usage there london united kingdom any desk i don't know what any desk is i've just clicked it with uh my left click new connection let's see if we can figure this one out nope nothing's coming up okay uh some system reports require your attention apparently well that's gone now welcome to the update manager oh here we are any desk is finally uh has finally moved or opened and our system reports is open it's really sluggish as i say we have actually got uh eight gig of ram on this uh um virtual machine so i would have expected a bit more than that um i have no idea what that is something to do with uh remote access i would imagine and we've got a system there to install multimedia codecs okay it's very user-friendly uh what else have we got yeah connected to the wired network i'm presuming that is a version of network manager yeah it is it is uh sound settings is this pulse audio that i'm going to bring up yeah basically in different clothing um fully charged battery okay all good and then of course you have this thing well i i've turned audio off so this isn't gonna work so okay exit hello look um you can see what this is it's linux ubuntu stroke linux mint based um probably a mix of the two it's heavily themed to look like windows 10. it's been very well done i'm finding it a little bit sluggish but i'm on a virtual machine i'll be honest i i've i've seen enough let's go and have a chat so that's linux fx or windows fx whatever it's called hmm well i said i'd look at it and i've looked at it and i've come away and i don't think i'll be looking at it again that's not to say i don't think it's been very well done i think um the guys who have put it together have spent a long time really trying to get it to look exactly like windows 10 but ultimately it's linux and windows clothing it's linux with a wig on and i'm struggling to see the points as a quirk as an example of what you can do in terms of theming absolutely great what is its purpose other than that is it about getting windows users over um possibly it is i don't think it'll work what i would say to you is if you if you want to take a look at it and you know just just to see what it does great but if if you really wedded that much to windows 10 just install windows 10 you know i never thought i'd find myself saying that to anybody on this channel but if you don't want to run linux run windows 10 it's fine guys um i'm i'm gonna call it a day now um i hope you found this interesting i'm sorry i'm not on top form today i'm uh i'm struggling a little bit um i'd just like to say thanks very much hope you enjoyed the video come and join us on library by all means and the facebook group i've not been that active there for the last week or two you can probably understand why and i'd like to say a big thank you to my patreons of course corbinian shilderman robert boudreau gary moore aristotle's papa giorgio storm picks stephen cross mike long david bird entropy uk richard wade tiger philip sp forrest road scott russell and patrick dano thanks guys you've allowed me to set up this studio um as i've got it so far um i've got a bit of lighting in now but i can it's still not right um i've got a couple of leds now bigger leds um my next thing will be replacing this little x260 which is driving the whole thing with my uh 440p um which uh once i get a minute i'm gonna be doing some work on that so i'll probably share that with you in in a video but for now guys have a great weekend and uh see you next week
Channel: OldTechBloke
Views: 8,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oldtechbloke, otb, linux, oldtechbloke youtube, old tech bloke youtube, linuxfx, windowsfx, helloa, windows clone, windows 10 clone, windows 10 linux clone, windows linux clone, linuxfx 10.2, linux that looks like windows, linux with windows look and feel, linuxfx review, perfect windows clone linux, windows on linux, windows theme linux, windows 10 theme for linux, linuxfx 10.2 review, windowsfx review, cinnamon, cinnamon desktop, linux with windows clothing, windows alternative
Id: QafksUIxW48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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