Linus Torvalds says GPL v3 violates everything that GPLv2 stood for

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do you agree that you undermine GPL version 3 and how can I get you to stop what how can we get you to stop oh I hate GPL version 3 under mind it on purpose I actually thought the GPL version 3 extensions were horrible I understand why people would want to do them but I I think it should have been a completely new license my argument for liking version 2 and I still think version 2 is a great license was that I give you source code you give me your changes back we're even right that's that's my take on GPL version 2 it's that simple and version 3 extended that in ways that I personally am really uncomfortable with namely I give you source code that means that if you use that source code you can't use it on your device unless you follow my rules and to me that's that's a violation of everything version 2 stood for and I understand why the FSF did it because I know what the FSF wants but to me it's not the same license at all so I was I was very upset and made it very clear and this was months before version 3 was actually published there was discussion about this long before there was an earlier version of version 3 years before actually where I said no this is not gonna fly and during that earlier discussion I had already added to the kernel but hey I don't have the version 2 or later and there was no and I was really happy then when version 3 came out that I had done that something like 5 years before because there was ever never any question about what the license for the kernel was but I actually thought that version 3 is no I actually think version 3 is a fine license right I'm a firm believer in if you write your code it is your choice to pick allies since and version three is a flying license version three was not a good here we give you version two and then we try to sneak in these new rules and try to force everybody to upgrade that was the part I disliked and the FSF did some really sneaky stuff downright immoral in my opinion you're talking about TiVo ization yeah the civilization was always my main dislike of version 3 and the FSF was being very dishonest saying hey we actually allow you to invalidate the TiVo ization plus + and they try to they literally lied to people and said hey so that means that you can use GPL version 3 without the TiVo ization part right this is how many people heard this particular statement from the FSF ok maybe they only try to convince me with that one but they did right and it was like I not stupid right yes you can you the GPL version 3 allows you to say ok TiVo sation is not an issue for us but it allows somebody else to take the project and say hey I the GPL version 3 without civilization is compatible with the full GPL version 3 so I will now make my own fork of this and I will start doing drivers that use the full version of version 3 and where am I stuck then I'm stuck saying hey I gave you the source code and now I can't take it back your changes that's completely against the whole point of the license in the first place so the FSF was I mean this the kind of stuff that was going on behind the scenes made me once and for all to decide to never have anything to do with the FSF again so if you want to give money to an organization that does good give it to the e FF the FSF is full of crazy bigoted people that's just my opinion Frank actually live I overstated that a bit the FSF has a lot of nice people in it but some of them are a bit too extreme I wish the e FF cared more about software freedom but so do you think that Tebow's asian benefits me as a user somehow no no I don't I mean that but that was never my argument that was not why I select the GPL version - this isn't my whole point it's not that I think t-bo's asian is necessarily something that you should strive for but it is something that in my worldview it's your decision if you make hardware that locks down the suffer that's your decision as a hardware maker that has no impact on my decision as a software maker to give you the software do you see whatever I'm coming from I don't like lock down hardware but at the same time that was never the social contract I intended with Linux to me I mean people may or may not realize GPL version 2 wasn't even the first license for Linux to me the important part was always I give you software you can do whatever you want with it if you make improvements you have to give them back that was the first version of license it also had a completely broken clause which was completely insane and I was stupid hey it happens my original license says you can't make money change hands and I was a mistake right that was clearly just wrong and bad because they really didn't have anything to do with what I wanted but I was young I was poor I didn't realize that the whole money thing wasn't the important part and I saw the error of my ways and I saw the GPL version too and said hey that's the perfect license and then I saw the GPL version 3 and I said no that's overreaching a lot that's not what I want and so I made Linux GPL version to only write you think getting the patches back is useful even if you can't modify the device that it's used on yeah absolutely and I mean TiVo itself was actually an example of this their patches were kind of crafty but I mean they were basically running on a originally a fairly standard MIPS thing and their patches were working around bugs in the chipsets they used and they were valid patches the fact that they then felt that their hardware had to be locked down someway I didn't like it but as I mentioned I felt that that was their decision and they had real reasons for that that's something people sometimes miss there are sometimes reasons to do what TiVo did sometimes it's imposed on you by wireless carriers sometimes it's supposed to you on you by Disney sometimes it's imposed on you by laws the GPL version 3 actually accepts the last one when it comes to things like medical equipment I think but the point is that but the whole civilization thing sometimes it's there's a reason for it and if you make I mean I'm not a hardware designer I think FPGAs and stuff like that is really cool but I I mean I really don't want to impose my worldview on anybody else you don't have to use lemons if you do use Linux the only thing I ask for is source code back right and then there's all the other verbiage in the GPL version too about exact details and those aren't important and that was always my standpoint okay oh stop mine I'm playing something like no I mean don't get I mean I like other licenses too I have used like the four which which BSD licenses that's the the acceptable one one of the BSD licenses is actually really nice and it's actually what is C and and I actually encourage people who don't care about the giving code back but care about the hey I did something cool please use it I encourage people to use the BSD license for that and and I mean the BSD license is wonderful for that it so happens that I thought that from my project that giving back was equally important so I for me BSD is bad but the point is for me right the GPL version 3 may be the perfect license for what you guys want to do and that's fine and then it's the license you should use it's just that when somebody else wrote the code you don't get that choice right
Channel: TFiR
Views: 419,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GNU General Public License (Software License), Linus Torvalds (Author), Software (Industry)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 04 2014
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