Linus "Tech Tips" Sebastian Reacts to His Top 1000 YouTube Comments | Ars Technica

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it's up guys online of Sebastian and today I'm gonna be replying to my top 1000 YouTube comments you guys did not tell me that was what was happening today I'm thousand comments we're gonna do something though it's gonna be great [Music] following comments came from the most viewed video on your channel what video is it this is going to be from my strange parts building a PC in China video yep wow how much is a Ferrari definitely real Ferrari power supply to go with it dang if I could pick a most viewed video on my channel this wouldn't be it that was one of the few times in my life that I have been as frustrated making a video as I was yesterday making the video that I was working on until 3:00 in the morning last night it was my collab with strange parts and we were about half of the way through our scheduled shoot I had a plane to get on out of the country and we basically had no video so we pivoted we did a completely different concept I was supposed to be trying to build a computer using all parts weird Chinese parts I didn't recognize and then we went to the tech mall it turned out it was all just the same stuff at the same prices as if I was in Aberdeen Center in Richmond British Columbia none of this is off-brand this is like Lenovo Samsung asu's Dell here's one of the first comments on that most viewed video you know you guys aren't gonna have an easy time surprising me because I actually read probably a solid 50 to 70% of the comments on the channel still so I've seen how this goes - is so stressed out in the beginning lmao edit JK he stressed the whole time that pretty much sums up that video if you watch the uncut footage of that I'm freaking out the whole time it's even worse well it's funny I don't think there's a video here we're just building a computer it's it's nothing yeah it's not my finest work I there's a lot of comments on that video pointing out what a dick I am I like to think that I'm not I was just having a rough day and don't worry me and Scotty are good we're good next question the following comment came from the second most viewed video on my channel what video is it it's got to be the fire truck Oh 16k kami might have overtaken it it's got to be the fire truck still here's one of the most liked comments on that video yes please hit me with it everybody is asking why this is the most popular video and I don't see a single answer so I'll ask why is this Linus's most popular video look I only made this video because the product manager for Arctic cooling who makes heat sinks like bad Arctic cooling for computers had for whatever reason gotten it into their heads that they could source cheap RC crap from China rebranded Arctic hobby which as far as I could tell was only present on the actual box not even on the product itself they didn't even bother to go that far and she brought in a bunch of units for the holiday season and we like couldn't get rid of them or something and she wanted a push and so she was like can you make videos about these and I was like fine I've got to hit my video quota anyway I don't even care if it performs like garbage whatever I'm just gonna spam spent upload spam on the channel it ended up being my top viewed video for almost a decade the only possible explanation that I can come up with is that small children on like YouTube kids or something are just interested in fire trucks and this video comes up oh yeah I haven't shown you guys the horn yet hold on ah the watch time stats are terrible the engagement is terrible like for the number of views on this video the number of comments makes no sense like it looks like I paid for the views looks like I boosted it and the like/dislike ratio is awful nobody understands why this is the most viewed well now second most thank goodness most viewed video on the channel it's inexplicable YouTube's algorithm works in mysterious ways that's the only explanation I can offer here's the next one this is the first video posted to your YouTube channel twelve years ago yes it is the undisclosed AMD processor with the electrical tape on the screen I have been questioned about my results on an undisclosed and II processor tell us the story behind the first video you ever posted to your channel AMD told me if you show the model number of this thing you are never getting an early sample of a CPU ever again and I took that very seriously so seriously that I couldn't trust myself to not accidentally show it so I put tape on that screen to make sure that it wouldn't get leaked and of course I had no video editing skills so blurring it in post was not an option this is the very first comment ever posted on your channel oh man is it gonna be acknowledging the cheesy laugh tracker I don't know it's probably just hashtag first cpu-z 1.41 so I was probably being lazy and I was probably just using the USB Drive that I carried around in my pocket to load all of my essential applications on this test rig so it was probably an out of date version of cpu-z which is a utility for reading the specs of the CPU from within Windows I'm sorry I'm sorry Gollum 7200 to appropriate username by the way I can't imagine why they felt the need to post that I can't imagine why most people post YouTube comments I mean I read them but I think most youtubers don't and even I almost never reply to them and so many of them are like directly addressing the hosts of the video as if they are expecting a reply and it's like how many times are you gonna post these sort of shouting into a void until you realize that nobody's gonna reply to it unless of course Ars Technica calls up and is like yeah lightest we dug through your channel we found some comments for you to reply to even then that's like a one-in it's like a one-in-a-million shot all right what's next here are some of the most liked comments on the first video thank you for joining me crash and thus a legend was born I have always loved that kind of camp humor in that style thank you for joining me the potty humor - it's really amusing to me because like I said before we started I read a good 50 to 70% of the comments on the channel and so I very often see the one that goes you know I used to like lioness when he was serious about reviewing tech and didn't have all the childish jokes in the videos I says pardon cuz it's always been like that Dave won the first five seconds of the first video on this channel has me turning around doing it oh I didn't see you there bumping the table and a laugh track going off what did you think you were subscribing to tell us about the trope of you dropping things - whoa oh no to build something that well there have probably been about I don't know two or three instances of me actually dropping something on purpose I and it's not that I'm particularly clumsy I'm actually fairly well coordinated as a as a human being I just am often in a hurry and distracted and I'm a fidgeter so you combine being in a hurry being distracted and fidgeting with things do you end up there helping a lot of stuff okay that was exciting what's the priciest thing you've dropped either on or off camera over the years well I know that off the top of my head it was an Intel Xeon Platinum 8180 that's a 28 core processor that was worth about ten thousand dollars at the time that I dropped it and the reason it stands out to me so much is that aside from the price I really needed it for a project until wouldn't send me a new one because they were like seriously dude for real no and because it was one of the few CPUs that I have dropped that have actually dropped multiple CPUs but it's one of the few that I have dropped that actually was destroyed unless it's got pins on the bottom a CPU if you just drop it on to like a carpeted floor very unlikely to be damaged but it went something on the way down and it actually kind of separated some of the layers of the substrate and it does still work but one of the memory channels is dead and it's not gonna use like a $10,000 CPU with like a busted memory channel you got that kind of budget you know what is it you know you're gonna go shopping at Phil's discount ten thousand dollar CPU so it's only eight thousand dollars it's missing a memory Channel I think it's basically it right off at that point it's painful memory all right the following comments came from your exposed studio to her videos those are so much fun to make exposing deadmau5 to studio spoiler he's a huge geek totally true this was so much fun to make Joel was kind enough to give us an in-person demo of how something like this works so I'm just going from one module to the other if I just say and oh now I want to change the pitch of it to be like a tune right so this is a 1v acht which means about one volt per octave some of the most liked comments on the deadmau5 studio tour please respond when deadmau5 composes music power in my city goes out yeah it sounds about right that guy's place and not just when he's composing music right like when he fires up the land center in his basement or like that that helmet that he wears bad things probably got enough LEDs in it to light up a city block like for real there was so much that I unable to include in the video because I was supposed to be there for I think like a four hour shoot or something like that four to six hours like it was supposed to be in and out and then as soon as I came in and I started talking to him about the stuff that he really wanted to talk about like we hit it off as soon as I walked into his recording room and I was like man where are all the cable runs for all this stuff and he was like I'm so glad you asked let me show you because that was quite a thing for me to solve and so we ended up there for like 14 hours I didn't leave till like 2:00 in the morning or something like that there is so much material that will never see the light of day but let me just say this he's a super cool guy and I like him respected a lot finest socks and sandals on for this occasion of course I got a dress up I'm gonna be hanging out with the one and only dead mouse you know my Canadian my Canadian music kin that's just what I wear on ironically all the time I've been meaning to make a video about it with the ten reasons why socks and sandals are superior to any other style of footwear I shouldn't use the word style any other type of footwear let's leave style out of it but I just haven't gotten around to it yet I will someday I promise next question exposing and kbh Dee's fake videos does he even shoot at 8k yes he does so this is it the mkbhd studio every bit as stylish and immaculate as it appears in the videos at least on the surface but there were lots of other things that disappointed me here are some of the most liked comments on the mkbhd studio tour please respond orders won $8,000 red cable tie that does seem like the kind of thing he would do but knowing him personally he's actually a little bit more practical about certain things I think he probably went with cable ties from ltte store com those are really expensive capable dice he probably got cheaper ones according to marques you recently pranked him by putting a sub to LTTE plate on his Tesla and a pack of Linus tech tips underwear on the hood can you tell us a story alright so we were having a friendly race which I thought would be closer it ended up being kind of a one-horse race he won 210 million subscribers and as part of that I had really wanted to do some kind of in-person prank because I knew that would be totally unexpected we live like 3,000 miles apart or something like that so it just happened that I was in town for a sponsored video and checking out the looking glass holographic display and I have like two hours or something like that he waited jet over to Carney and I distracted him I made sure he's at the studio by claiming I was gonna borrow a phone from it and then I went up and my guys went found his car in the parking lot decorated it and then we bailed and then we were just like sitting there watching Twitter for like the entire rest of the evening what is he gonna leave the office that guy is like a workaholic he didn't leave the office till like 11:00 p.m. or something stupid like that and then finally we're like yes got him but then he won so you could say his retaliation was beating me to 10 million subs but I don't know when this video is gonna come up it might be might be already passed by I think whose home studio our company do you wish you could tour I could give you like a silly answer but I'm actually gonna give you the straight one just in case someone who can hook me up with this sees this video I want to see a fab at TSMC or Intel those are some of the most secured places on the planet and I would give maybe not my right nut but probably my left nut to be able to go in there and make a video about how it really ticks well I double-clicked it's gone there we go answer the following comments as quickly as possible because otherwise we'll be here all day fair enough but doesn't run crisis yes but is the RGB RGB yes of course what's next RGB socks and sandals we are working on sandals it's hard hi Linus I was just wondering do I really need the wristband my friend told me to buy I mean it was only five dollars but I never see you wearing one it's supposed to be safe for your part so I didn't hesitate to buy it yeah I can't possibly hurt anything to use an ESD wrist strap I just am lazy so I often don't put them on part of the whole being in a hurry thing when I'm actually trying to do things right though I prefer to have my hands unencumbered so I like to wear it on my ankle you forgot one of the stats Linus how many Lambos do you own now I actually don't even own the original Lambo anymore I am on a lambo free man but the real question here is is Linus wearing ltte underwear alright well you knew this was gonna happen here we go oh yeah I mean if it wasn't good enough for me to wear I wouldn't put it on the store I could have done this without undoing the belt to conclude we found these comments on your recent 10 million subscribers video are they from people who didn't watch the whole thing because I happen to know for a fact that only 20% of people watched the whole thing and got to the end where I said no I'm not in fact retiring so half the comments are like is he retiring so I'm not retiring that's why the screen which is not clickbait is titled I've been thinking of retiring Linus out of 23,000 comments you're probably not gonna read this I probably did I read almost every comment on that video but I want you to know that you probably single-handedly inspired me to pursue a career in computer engineering you're awesome Thank You Liam and those honestly are the of comments that are the most meaningful in what we do those are the ones that remind me that we're not just goofing around on camera playing with technology and I get them actually surprisingly often which is kind of what keeps me doing this the fact that people are pursuing degrees in everything from electrical to electronics engineering to computer engineering to system administration roles it seems to me that - tech tips for all of its fumbles does seem to be growing tech as a whole and that's what it was all about from the very beginning making money of course it's always been a business and just sharing my love for technology because I wouldn't have been chosen for the video role at NCIX if I wasn't one of the only people in the business team who actually cared about this stuff you changed my life I was stuck in a dead-end job then one day I stumbled across this channel and it taught me everything I know about pcs I left my job I hated to work for a local tech company where I build pcs all day with like-minded people and it's because of you I'm now happier than ever you know what that's basically my story I've talked about this a little bit in the past but the thing that always made me happy was hanging around on the NCIX tech tips forum back when I was in high school and I was starting at University and my job that I hated was running painting business painting houses one of those like student painting companies I'm not down on them or anything I just wasn't ready for that kind of burden I got stressed out I got depressed and the only thing that ended up making me happy was running away from it which wasn't a responsible thing to do I violated the terms of my contract I shouldn't have done that on paper but I don't know if I would have made it if I didn't do it so I I ran away I got a job at the local computer store you might have heard of them in cix and the rest is history right you got to do what you love it's been a month or two since I made that video and I will say that the the mental readjustment that I resolved to make at that time has actually been going pretty well for me I've been enjoying my time self-quarantine you can see I'm working on my home right now rather than the office I've been working more but I've also been enjoying work more you know having to do everything myself getting my hands dirty a little bit more spending less time with the businessí stuff and more time just playing around with tech and making videos so if you guys were worried that I was gonna be retiring any time soon but put it out of your mind cuz yeah that ain't happening I need to go get my doorbell hey Matias yeah this is the workstation and here you can take this box too this is part of it oh yeah I was sitting on a monitor box the whole time
Channel: Ars Technica
Views: 1,114,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linus tech tips, ars technica, linus sebastian, linus tech tips sebastian, linus sebastian tech tips, linus tech tips ars technica, ars technica linus tech tips, linus sebastian ars technica, ars technica linus sebastian, linus sebastian interview, linus tech tips interview, linus tech tips review, linus tech tips comments, linus tech tips channel, linus tech tips personal history, best of linus tech tips, ars technica personal history, ars, technology
Id: APg24NkiHkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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