LingQ vs Readlang

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hello everybody my name is franklin and i'm really excited today to talk to you about link versus reedling i've used both of these programs to help me read in spanish faster and so let's get into this presentation right now i want to say hello to language learning lover it's nice to see you here in the live chat as well okay so we're going into the presentation and i just want to share with you about what i've done i've read over 1 million spanish words with link and i've read 69 pages with reed lang in spanish and both are helpful programs now the book that i was reading with reedling recently is el ministerio decoration uh english titles ministry of healing i'll put a link in the description if you want to read that for free as well all right and so all right so i i just was using reedling for like the past three weeks in preparation for this video so i would really understand uh how this really functions all right and so here we go um i want to share with you my evaluation thought process okay i'm not evaluating content in read lang or link and the reason why i'm saying that is because both of these programs i really like that they can allow you to be able to use i mean read whatever you want to read so i like to read things like el ministerio de quorecion or el camino cristo or el deciaro de todos or all these other things so i get to do whatever i want in reading and so i don't need to look at what reid lang does or has in their content library or what link has okay and so i want to talk about something else here i'm not assessing um the review system of read lang or link now both of them have built-in review systems but at the same time i think that the real built-in system review system is when you read more when you read more guess what you're going to encounter some of the same words that you have seen in the past so to me i think what you should do is just read more that's what i've done so i looked at link's review system i thought it was interesting but i'm not really into doing the flash cards and all of that so i haven't really paid too much attention to that and and i didn't even look at reed lang's review system at all all right let's go into the next part of this i've used the paid versions of both read lang and also link i've been using link for i don't know at least like probably at least two years or over a year probably two years or so and then like i said i've used read length for about three weeks okay so um i also wanted to show you something that i got from reed lang when i paid for reed lang i got this i said receipt from reedlang part of duolingo incorporated so i thought that was really interesting i did not know beforehand that reedling according to the receipt i got that's the only thing i have so hey there might be another source that says this is not the case but according to the receipt i got reedlang is a part of duolingo and if that's the case then i think that duolingo has a software program that can actually give it some substance and take it from just this beginner level thing uh to something that really uh you know event intermediate and advanced users can be using as well and i think that it can even be more refined with duolingo i don't believe that duolingo has fully integrated reedling into its software at this moment in time of this recording but that is something to keep in mind i think as we go forward uh with that with that insight okay so let's look at this now what is interesting when i look at some things and use read link and link to help me understand things in spanish i get to see something that has a little disclaimer saying that google translate is used so if you look at read link on the left of the screen if i click on a word it will say in the bottom right it will say powered by google translate and then when i'm in sentence mode of link then i also have something that says if i click on a translation the translation button it will say translation by google so both of them both link and also read lang are using at least in part some of google's translations powers to be able to provide this service and so if you want to just use google itself and not even use read lang or link then i have done a video about how to use the google translate web extension to help you read things in spanish and even other languages faster and so what i'll do is i'll put a youtube card right up here in case you want to see that video alright so i want to share with you now some of my evaluation between both of these okay link versus reed lang i really am focused on ease of use because for me i just want to read so i just need something that's going to help me read that's basically it i know there's a lot of extra features sometimes but that's what i want to do so let's look at ease of use importing books is the first thing i want to talk about now with read link what i can do in importing books is i don't have as many options as links so link wins on that i guess with the importing options because i can import a pdf into link i cannot do that with read link but what read link gives me is like just limited options of how i can import things and one of the options is to import things with an epub document and so not all the books that maybe you want to import have the epub format there's another format that you can use with relaying at least one other format but i tried importing a book with epub and and if you don't have an epub format they give you a link to show you how you can convert the book so it will work but when i imported uh el ministerio decoration into reedling i was just shocked at what happened because i had the chapters of el ministerio de correcion imported properly i did not have to do things like that i've had to do with link with like a pdf version all right well you can't do with a pdf but i mean if i wanted to have individual chapters with link i would have to import things individually all those in chapters individually which is something i don't have to do with reedling at least with the book i used the chapters just imported and i thought that was really nice okay let's go and look at some other things with read link um versus link as well i like the app i honestly like the website version of read link a lot better than link i think that link does has just kind of like an outdated website and so they need to really update that'll update that a little bit more i believe i like the app especially i think the app for link is where it shines and so that is what i like to use the most with link i think if i use the website with link then i have to use the the the basically the computer version because i have a bigger screen when i use the computer and so i'm able to read a little bit better but when i'm using a smaller screen like if i have to use a phone when i'm using link then basically it doesn't work as well because it doesn't seem like it's so mobile friendly but when i have used the website version of relaying and that's basically the only version you can use that readlink does not have an app i am able to use it properly with a good use a good ease of use for both the the um desktop or laptop version as well as the mobile version i've gone back and forth using it for the website i'm sorry for a mobile version and also for a computer laptop version and i've had um good results with with read link all right so i want to continue here and talk about some other things and actually i should say something with the website what is really cool with reedling is that when i click on words with reedling then i get to see the the translation of a word um if i have used the reedling i think it's a chrome extension if i'm not mistaken it just works out of the box without me having to specifically go and import something into read links many times sometimes i have to import something into relaying in order for it to work whereas with link you have to import a website into link in order for a link to work so read link has a better opportunity of working outside i mean right out of the box versus link all right so let's continue on here also i like to be able to select text that i want to to translate so you can click on a word and it can translate and read lang but you can also select multiple text and it can translate as well and on link you don't have the option of basically being able to select text multiple text you can put something in sentence mode which is what i've done and so you can get basically kind of the same the same um text that you wanted to select in sentence mode but it's basically link selects the text or gives you a portion of text that will be in census mode that might not be exactly what you want to fully translate but you can anyway you can translate phrases using the sentence mode feature of link but on reedling you could you get to be a little bit more specific in what you are choosing to look at and use so i i like that better and then you can on both of the apps you can use it to hear audio transcripts transcribed i think they're using google translate if i'm not mistaken and i like that on both of the features i think with link is a little bit nicer because if i want to hear the audio more than once all i have to do is click a button and then it will play again whereas with with read link if i want to hear the audio transcribed again i have to click on the word or i might have to select the text again so it's a little bit more cumbersome not too much but it's a little bit more cumbersome with read link all right i want to continue here in this presentation and with dictionaries i think that link gives you a little bit more dictionaries right out the box because it's not like link link is not necessarily providing the dictionaries but it allows you to be able to find out translations from other websites in a easier way basically they have a shortcut to go to these dictionary websites so it's just easier to use with link but with read lang you basically have one website that you can go to at one time but you can modify that website it doesn't have to be the default dictionary that link i'm sorry that reedling uses you can use another dictionary um you just configuring that with link i'm sorry read link if you want so i can say that but a lot of times i don't use the dictionary with read laying or i don't even use the dictionary i'm sorry additional dictionaries that i'm talking about with either read link or link i just use the built-in dictionary um and that's sufficient for most of what i need uh also one thing that link has talking about dictionaries is that link allows users to be able to submit definitions of words and all that and i don't think that read link has that functionality at the time of this recording okay so let's continue on here and so one thing i like about read lang is that let's say i want to look at multiple words that i have selected maybe on one page to see what those dictionary definitions are i'm able to do that whereas using google the google translate web extension or using link i have to click on a word or you know i could see the phrase in the sentence mode like i talked about but then when i after i finish that i and i move on to looking at something else i'm not able to see those definitions again i'm sorry i'm not able to see those definitions pop up um in addition to me clicking on something else like i'm able to do when i use read links so i like that a little bit better relaying feature okay and then i want to show you some other things here and statistics i think that the statistics are a little bit better with link um because i'm able to see the word count and i like that feature with link i know that i've read over 1 million words in spanish with with link i it's not as easy to see how many words i've read with reed lang and then i like the little different colors that that the words have with link to let me know basically how i'm doing with those type of words so it's a little bit more detailed in statistics with link which i like but also read link has its own features and one of those features is it allows me when i import something to help me to know what is the cefr level of what i'm reading so when i imported el ministerio de correcion i found out that the cfr level of that is b2 according to whatever relay has used to determine that i don't know if they're using the duolingo cefr checker to do that i've talked about the duolingo cfr checker and i'll put a link up here if you want to see their youtube card but anyway um those are some of those statistics that both of them have and also when i import things to read link i can also see the amount of words that are in the imported document all right so i'm going to go ahead and continue in this presentation one thing that read link does not allow you to do that link allows you to do is you can import audio into link which i think is a nice feature i haven't used it as much but especially if you have a good audio book that you're able to import then you're able to listen to maybe a native person speak and then also read the book at the same time which which helps with a reading experience and so you don't have the option with read lang alright and then i want to talk about the price so with read line with reedling the price is five dollars a month and what i am currently paying for link is 12.99 a month i believe so you're able to get you're able to get a less i mean you can pay less with using link if you want if you're paying for like a yearly subscription with link they have deals if you want to pay for it on a longer basis but i've just done the monthly basis relaying is a little bit cheaper so what i would recommend is trying and testing out read link and i would really i would go on this order i would test out trying out the google translate web extension then if you want to have something that has a little bit more robust features i would test out read lang and then if you want to try something else then i would test out link and i don't think you'll go wrong with trying out all three of those pro software programs i believe they're all nice and so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to put on the screen my video about the google translate web extension i think that's a really good video to watch because again you can be reading and use a reader for free and there's also a video that youtube recommends and i hope to see you in the next video
Channel: First1000Hours
Views: 2,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lingq vs readlang, lingq review, readlang review, readlang vs lingq
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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