Lincecum talks mechanics

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we're back with Tim Lincecum in our own scion candidate Joe McGrane Oh Joe you won 18 one year I would I didn't win it though this guy got it right out of the box would you like about what he did to win it well I like the way finished to finish the season he had a chance to really go for something and and really reached that and that's what he did he closed it out did you definitely uh definitely worked in my favor and then like one of those things at the moment of truth and uh you know I got the call and it's great news so it's good for me fantastic well we got to hear a little more comfortable on the field all right yeah can you take us through a little bit of stuff we're gonna talk about pitching now growing up your dad was like the guy for you right he taught you most your mechanics where'd it all come from uh you know growing up with him and his father you know you know his dad was a big baseball follower and stuff but he wasn't exactly you know the most the most athletic type so you know with my dad he they learned mechanics together and you know didn't take anything from anybody was just more of a feel like you know this felt good you know trying to keep from getting hurt injuries that kind of thing and you know he he grew up learning the same thing and you know just really taking a lot of pride in that and you know he pass it on to me and my brother so that's that's where I learn my mechanics a lot of people think that that's really kind of a wild delivery but it is kind of an old-school controlled delivery for you is it not yeah definitely I mean like I said it's like I've told the poor it's elongated motion but I try to stay as consistent with it as possible I'm not trying to make too many moving parts try to make it as simple for me I mean you know obviously doesn't look too simple for everybody else but it's just the way my body that was another guy in San Francisco years ago when you Juan Marichal he had that high kick and delivered let's take a look at Juan Marichal delivery you know when I was growing up this is what they did in your around San Francisco you get a chance to see these guys would want talk to you about town yeah definitely I got a chance to sit down with him and he was telling me he's like I used to be a sidearm pitcher you know and I used to drop down and you know I wanted to learn how to throw over the top so he's like that's how I developed that huge leg kick that's the only way I felt like I could get over the top and you know that's he that's why you developed his funky delivery I guess to is repeating the delivery the key it's it's absolutely exactly the key because that allows you to execute and allocate to go with that good blazer that he's got as well let's look at some of your footage Jim take us through your delivery and you were saying how your dad worked with you a lot what do you think what are you trying to do you're talking about old school what do you mean by that you know I got a little bit of Louie Tiant Louie Tiant turn I got a little bit of a dip in Daniel with my arm like a lot of the old-school pitchers did you know I try to try to get up there and just get out as close to the plate as I can try to get as much out of my body without hurting myself so all right so takes us through that I'm getting out of here Joey you take over man you guys with pictures I'm gonna go catch don't hurt me when you throw all right next thing I noticed tell me about mer shells delivery and yours is it's very rhythmic I know you're big into music and everything and it looks like you don't really do anything at expense of rhythm and I think that has a lot to do with your ability to repeat your delivery right yeah definitely my dad says rhythm is key he's like this most important thing you know if things are going AWOL or haywire out on the field you know he takes us to take a step back and just kind of try to regain your rhythm again sometimes you might be moving too fast but he always said you can always slow your motion down Tim can you take a step by step through your your mechanics and your spin and all that you're talking about old-school yeah a lot of people it looks complicated but for you it really is yeah I mean I think I said I've been learning it all my life so I mean it's getting easier and easier and more second nature to me you know I start you know it's a little traditional you know ball behind the back like a lot of guys do a little offset I don't know if a lot of guys do that but that's just the way I learned I do a little side step back and then that's when everything kind of goes my hands go down my knee goes up and back I kind of show my butt and my back to the target which allows me to get my side of the target so I don't lose power along like if I'm stepping towards the mound I don't have any leverage in here there's no there's no torque there's nothing I just got to rely on my legs and my arm strength but this twist a little bit allows me to create those those torques and those hinges that let everything catch up or else I'd be soaring with just my arm it's like it's like a bullwhip where the the body is the handle and your arm or your fingertips are the end of that that's exactly my dad used to say all the time I mean you know guys you can ask them when my dad was Teta helping guys out my age when I was younger in high school and stuff you'd say the same thing is you know the body's what's doing the work the Army's just along for the ride let's let's have you make a couple throws here Harold give your cup on I'm hoping because he's got that nasty movement let's say it work here tell me you're not 60 feet six inches so just easy alright alright here we go so you do step the rock the turn easy Hoss oh thank you for being kind so that's what it looks like right yeah absolutely you're gonna throw strikes on how you always keep about three miles in reserve right so you've got that two strike fastball ready for Harold now same thing again so people can see you repeat this talk us through it while you're stepping right like I said I step back hands go everything that's when everything starts and kind of in my mind I have to try to keep a good rhythm you know sometimes I'll count to myself on the mound just to make sure that I'm doing a good rhythm like one two and just like that so on and so forth so step back hand goes in the glove figure out what you pitch I'm gonna go to I never really do anything well right now fastball Yeah right fastball straight down the middle easy there's the turn my dangle and then everything drives this way everything comes over it and you know as long as I follow through everything will be alright well meant phew way I weigh roughly 170 pounds on and you had the feeling that you get pound for pound everything out of your delivery unlike a lot of big guys who may be more upper-body throwers yeah definitely I mean I I Drive off with my leg a lot you'll notice I have a you know a pretty long drag line with my foot and I get out there pretty far I mean I don't know close to 85 90 inches when you're talking about your Stratton's me of your dad just to put a dollar bill down yeah Joe's worth it you know this is on loan from Harold here now we want to see this delivery to the point now what your dad used to put it well he used to put it you know down down bite where my landing was okay I make sure I did get over my front foot and you know on this mount it's a little shorter just because is that okay there yeah I mean I'll just give me another rough demonstration of that coming down and make sure I'm getting over and picking up that dollar you know and he's like if I put money down there every time you pick it up just to remind me to do that so I don't take it for granted get it get to the point to where there were lard denominations other than $1 bills sometimes there be quarters there'd be monopoly money I don't know he's hundreds now watch Harold is really fun to watch this guy pitch he's not one of the larger frame guys but he's got those quick reflexes like a mongoose and gets so much out of his delivery and i think there's so many guys that don't repeat their deliveries even good pitchers as well as he does you guys gave me a great lesson too thanks for looking in a lot of youngsters at home repeat the delivery you look healthy I don't know what the scouts were thinking but the Giants got it right
Channel: SevenZZzz
Views: 34,354
Rating: 4.9537573 out of 5
Id: h9h1KTRzF4w
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Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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