Liminal Space Requests - The Academy

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[Music] [Music] liminal space images don't always leave behind a footprint in fact in most cases they can't always be located through into their research a lot of the time they're simply photos uploaded by really anybody and from there the image grows in popularity as it's re-uploaded and reposted it can get to a certain point where these more popular images despite their popularity can actually get lost i'd also like to admit that i'm no wizard when it comes to these type of things i give it my best go and oftentimes i can't find the original however analyzing the photo that's something i can actually do or at least the best of my abilities and i am of course no expert when i get an image requested to me i never particularly know how to tackle it but that's not the case with the variety selected so join me today as we take a journey through liminal space images of which you all have requested grab your lunch box and don't miss the bus as we head towards liminal space academy [Music] to slightly contradict what i said previously i'd like to start with how i actually was able to find where this image was taken i always start by reverse image searching the actual image this only works half the time as usually i just get the same image uploaded to various different websites like tumblr twitter reddit or pinterest once i hit a dead end i figured i might as well find out what the text said in the background or what it translates to when i looked it up it said the most fun and special party in the whole universe so i decided because it's a somewhat unique phrase to actually look that up too and wouldn't you know some of the images actually had matching fonts multiple of these images had this one logo so i decided to look that up and it brought me to a board game so i obviously had to take a step back from there i decided to add mexico city to the end of it as one of the search results for the images previously had that phrase mentioned in it once i did that i found a tripadvisor review for a certain place of which then i sorted through various images to find this image which is the same as the other one but with no editing i figured this out because if you look at the reflection on the floor you can actually see it matches up perfectly not to mention you know everything else in the room so what makes this image unique for starters the washed out colors especially when compared to the original it gives off this nostalgic feel almost like you're looking at a photo taken on film and while we know it's not officially a classroom it certainly looks like one these are colors that are often seen in kindergarten classrooms especially with the furniture the weird element that i'd say exists in this photo has to either be the flat screen tv or the stairs that lead to what looks like nothing [Music] i wasn't actually able to find the source of this image or where it was taken however this is one of those images that feels strangely familiar it has the same familiarity as this image as i feel like they could exist anywhere and i know for a fact that at least one of the schools i went to in my life had an exit just like this and i'm sure hundreds of other schools do too there's nothing really special about this image objectively and that's what makes it so special there's nothing out of place or there's no object that shouldn't be there but it still draws people in despite its normality and what more can you ask for in a liminal space [Music] [Applause] [Music] what school doesn't come complete without a playground high schools apparently but that's off topic have you ever been to a playground while the sun was setting there's something magical about it swinging on the swing set just barely being able to see over the trees as you watch the sun descend and finally when the sun does set who knows what could be out there in the dark forest ahead this image truly captures the essence of what it feels like to be a kid on a playground but not during school hours of course what gives it its nostalgic charm has to be the date watermark as a lot of older cameras used to have this feature when images were taken the image also features only a couple colors which gives it a unique composition these colors being black orange gray and purple if it were to be brighter out the image would have a lot more to it the greens of the trees or anything else possibly in the background but it would lose its unique charm everything in this image is what makes it a perfect liminal space the biggest reason these images feel so nostalgic is because most people spend a portion of their childhood in some form of academic environment the bright unique colors the super standard uniform architecture these images evoke a sense of familiarity and that familiarity causes us to assign significance to it it's actually a big reason as to why a lot of liminal space photos are so entrancing they're ominous because they're empty and they feel like a snapshot of ordinary life but they're quite often images that feel familiar feel like some distant strand of a memory that you can't quote and for now this memory of school will remain closed thank you all for the support as always i love hearing different perspectives as well as everyone's stories i also like seeing how these images make people feel it's refreshing knowing people actually care so thank you as of now i am someone out of ideas for liminal space videos so if you have any really interesting liminal space images that you want analyzed or you have a completely original idea just let me know i try to be as active as i can in the comments i also made a twitter but i honestly won't be that active with it if i'm ever in the process of making a video i might post an update but again i probably won't be that active i'll put a link in the description as always thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Shookey
Views: 61,656
Rating: 4.9827356 out of 5
Keywords: Liminal, Space, Horror, Eerie, Scary, School, Academy, Liminal Space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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