Lilly Singh Can't Actually Sing...

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hello everyone so before we get into this video I'd like to address the elephant in the room ie this a big arrogant spot on my face as you can see here I've had it for the last two days and it's awful I don't want to see any comments about it so I actually have a little trick for all of you if you hit that subscribe button right now it'll actually go away you're doing it right now and look Wow I wanted to start this video by saying that you should all be very proud of me it's not often that I get the chance to make a pun in the title of one of my videos so simply imagine my temptation to title this video Lily can't actually sing come on that is funny isn't it third unsubscribe this is a video I never thought I'd actually make I figured that attempting and failing a late night show would be enough to revert Lily sing back to her original role as a youtuber sorry I'm not being entirely fair to her here her late night show was barely an attempt it seems to me that Lilly Singh has perhaps become addicted to incompetence she didn't get enough from screwing up an entire career path so why not kill a few more birds with one big bisexual stone of color on April the 27th Lily posted the following tweet a classic dancehall tune Badman for dream akin this time it's for the ladies oh yes dancehall the ever progressive genre of music I've got a little quote from the Financial Times here this is a genre that has long been notorious for the brutal homophobia in its lyrics I was going to include an example of something that beanie man often referred to as the king of dancehall once included in his lyrics but YouTube really wouldn't want me to quote it but if you get a minute just search up beanie man on the word execute okay you'll see what I mean all in all it seems like the perfect Jean refer a bisexual woman of color I guess you could make the point that she's appropriating the genre here is such a making woman attempting to progress her culture and that would make sense if Lilly Singh was Jamaican it seems as if she's found out that Jamaica is located in the West Indies and gone oh you know what I'm Indian maybe India is is it no no that's absolutely not the case Lilly basically Twitter got very upset when they saw her introduction into dancehall Lilly Singh makes me want to do hate crimes against my own people any dictators out there interested in genocide don't bother getting your hands dirty just get Lilly Singh to appropriate the target demographics culture and the jobs are good and nobody Lilly Singh oh for God's sake it seems that Lilly is beginning to lose her few outstanding qualities look you're white now Lilly Twitter has officially labeled you as white they're coming for your bisexuality next okay be warned I must have met putting off showing you Lilly's song because what are we to expect at this point youtuber do music music do bud James do video we're allowing my music to be good though yeah yeah with that being said I'd like my 40% male audience to click off this video now because this song is not actually for you all women are allowed to stay obviously hi she says here that this one is for you sister and she also uses the hashtag girl love we get it Lily you're bisexual I guess let's press that play button [Music] watching a piece of Lily's content is like gargling a mouthful of full fat mayonnaise what's with this incessant eye contact as well she's so desperate to retain viewers at this point that she's doing like an angel from Doctor Who blink if you wanna [ __ ] die let's take a look at these lyrics watch sisters do the bad girl pull up small skin eating show the mandem what up someone's gotta say it Lily no one refers to himself as a bad gal in 2020 this boy's sheer chance or the fact that they've been a recluse for the last 20 years that they do refer to themselves as a bad gal I hope to Christ that they never hear this song because it will surely bring forth the terms extinction smile be free sisters someone please kill me who is this message even for Lily it may not be a gal damn but I've never wanted to dance less in my life I hate the fact that most modern-day celebrities feel like they're helping the world by putting out these little messages of positivity like be free be strong during coronavirus my mental health has submitted lis been on the ropes since the beginning of quarantine if that's not because I've had to stay indoors out of all of the lazy [ __ ] in this world I'm probably the most comfortable in this scenario all of these celebrities telling me to be strong actually you know what I can handle them telling me it but don't sing it we've had that spine-tingling rendition of imagine McFly came back for the 16,000 [ __ ] time we even lost Dave Grohl I have to show you this hold on they even got James Charles involved it's like as soon as the mainstream media sources became nearly impossible to run they jump to any opportunity they had to be thrust on the general public's elective throat we don't need you okay you live in a damn mansion you're not one of us you stay indoors and shut up [Music] it's just such a desperate attempt to garner as much positivity as physically possible when more celebrities realize that being positive isn't cool anymore if you want to be relatable try reading up on some nihilism okay that'll go down like honey not a brand deal okay I'm sorry speaking of brand deals am I the only one that's noticed that there's about 25,000 copies of her book in the background here yeah that really was a number one New York Times bestseller wasn't it normally because Lilly Singh bought all of the [ __ ] copies sorry I really shouldn't be taking the piss if she's bought this many self-help books and is still making danceable tracks despite the fact that she has nothing to do of Caribbean culture that she clearly needs the help I don't want to show you any more of this song because I feel like I'm on the verge of having it so drilled into my head that I actually start enjoying it okay I feel ill now she just goes on about how great women are no matter their qualities and that's not something that I'm gonna disagree with there are almost 2,000 replies to her tweet and I'd say about a hundred of them are positive what I have noticed is the way that she dips away from the microphone here it shows that this video was actually recorded after the song was recorded so this isn't just some little recording that she's done in a minute and chucked up on Twitter for a little bit of fun or you know to watch the world burn she's actually produced this song and then recorded a music video on top of it I have a feeling this one should probably have stayed in the drafts Lily we've spoken about Lily appropriating Caribbean culture which is what a lot of the replies are about now obviously I can point out as a white man the logic of her being Indian and not from the West Indies as a white man I can't exactly get offended on the behalf of Jamaican people what I can get offended about however is the appropriation of white culture I'm obviously joking okay please don't kill me only produce another song this week it's been somewhat of a double whammy to the eardrums this time however it's a comedy song Lilly sings Forte right right Eminem raps about mmm I'm beginning to think that Lilly Singh is trapped in a 12-year olds body in 2010 she's just heard I love the way you live for the first time and she really likes that bisexual woman of color who sings in the chorus but again I'm holding back the music so let's just get right into it but I take you to the candy shop don't want no gummies in my tummy so no I must have met that this isn't dreadful the beat is well produced for example you can definitely tell that a lot of thought went into making this music video it's like Lily's management had a meltdown over the fact that no one's relating to our relatable Queen anymore the internet have realized that she's an industry plant and she can't even captivate a mainstream audience so what do we do [ __ ] give her a beard again that works before people love the beard okay funny little beard maybe now they'll click the like button it doesn't work like that okay we're not gonna forget the fact that she did a late night show just because she drew a [ __ ] goatee on her face she's not relatable anymore this video probably cost thousands to produce the outfit that Lily is wearing this video alone is probably worth more than my entire wardrobe and she's not even a dude in case you didn't realize she's a bisexual woman of color she's not wearing this outfit more than once so you know what I'm gonna let it slide if you've got bars Lily or listen to a bit more sorry is this self deprecation or did she think that was a good bar you just told us that you're going to give our eardrums cavity that's not a good thing you know these lyrics slept pretty damn hard when they make your death hey that [ __ ] gave me tinnitus I get it okay she's doing some epic bars about how Eminem is the name of a rapper but all Eminem is also the name of the sweetie that's one of the most superficial comparisons that a person born after the in 1980 could possibly make I'm pretty sure when you're taught what a comparison is that's the example that they use as your brain really been deep-fried to the point where you're just slumped in your chair thinking mmm sounds like Eminem maybe this will make them like me again upside down [Music] let's just try to ignore the fact that Lilly Singh is wrapped about how she wants to be taken home by children during Halloween we established that the leasing has become a bit out of touch over recent times but I didn't think that she go quite as far as becoming a pedophile speaking of out of touch by the way the description for this video is magnifique I always wondered what it would sound like if Eminem rapped about Eminem so I did it and in one take I had so much fun making this what else should I make a song about Wiz Khalifa rapping about Cheez Whiz haha wow Quarantine sorry Jeeves I just come out of my cryogenic freezing chamber here to make some content for the plebs what's something relatable but I can put at the end of my description to make them feel like I'm someone they can vibe with quarantine just quarantine nothing else guys I'm like you I'm in quarantine clearly you're not quarantine if you're filming this in a bloody studio lale she also finishes the description with PS no candy was hurt in the making of this video I've never seen a younger boomer in my life this was a joke that youtubers made at the naughties you know back when eminem was actually relevant and again we can't seem to escape Lilly sings but get how to be about the link to buyer is even above all of her socials as you can see it's quite high up on her priority list the stock is filling up half of her 18 bedroom mansion in the Hollywood Hills she also shouts out the Durrani Bros and I didn't know who these people were I went onto their Instagram page because I wanted to see what kind of role they had in the creation of this video I also went to block them obviously and then I saw that they've actually worked on more of Lilly Singh songs that was really hard to say the logo looks a bit like a penis let me show you the first five seconds we [ __ ] get it man well there you go I've officially had enough Lilly you've broken me once again I hope you're happy all in all you know I think it's important to conclude that Lilly Singh is a bisexual woman of color that's the only thing that matters here I think she deserves a raise don't you that's a talent if I've ever seen one as you can see quarantine is slowly breaking me and I hope you're enjoying the ride if you have enjoyed this video leave a like down below make sure to subscribe to me if you want this spot to go away it's really annoying me and yeah epic catch you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,393,293
Rating: 4.9364557 out of 5
Keywords: lilly singh, lilly singh cringe, james marriott, youtube superwoman, lilly singh response, lilly singh funny, lily singh, a little late with lilly singh, superwoman cringe, superwoman youtube, lilly, singh, lilly singh can't actually sing, can't actually sing, james, marriott, reaction, entertainment, comedy, funny, bad singing, lilly singh late show, lilly singh late show cringe, lilly singh cancelled, lilly singh roast, lilly singh is cancelled, lilly singh late show cancelled
Id: 091BXgtVL0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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