Like Nastya compilation of the best videos of 2022

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[Music] have some fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Don't Panic it's going to start in one hour we have to prepare these are the hurricane safety rules [Music] outside we need to fight him right away [Music] [Music] don't worry we have time [Music] [Music] okay let's go back to the rules remove all objects from outside that can fly away [Music] house close all doors and windows [Music] glue the windows with stripes of paper guys do it like this [Music] yay prepare flashlight candles and a radio stock up on food and water for two to three days yeah stay away from Windows [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] hey don't worry we are ready [Music] yeah [Music] let's see what's inside chocolate yeah it's here don't worry oh no [Music] it's gone good job guys we did it last time it's time for school [Music] have a great day at school what happened Halloween is coming but we didn't decorate our house [Music] bye see you bye so I need to fix it yay [Music] oh man there's no turning around now [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign not enough [Music] huh stay at home okay boys [Music] I've been carving up my friends for years [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ahead [Music] oh yeah happy Halloween [Music] this is for you wow wow and these are toys for like [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hi the teacher said that today is going to be some sort of spirit day yeah what would we do I don't know oh teacher what happened [Music] oh teacher he's close yeah you have to find all the keys guys [Music] I think the key is inside yeah let's pop them [Music] no key in here yeah one two three no tea here three two one [Music] three two one [Music] three two one [Music] teacher will find others [Music] [Music] I think it's in here I think we have to go in [Music] it's not easy I can't find it anywhere it's a big slime I found the key oh foreign [Music] hey guys are you looking for this [Music] you have to get me [Music] oh no laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah you're free but wait what is on your nose yeah slime like we have teachers uh yeah yeah it's me what was this all for yeah it was challenge day at school no we are going to daycare yeah what happened the day characters let's go let's play a builder let's build a playhouse let's do measurements [Music] the playhouse is ready [Music] foreign [Music] choose the next profession please please fashion model okay let's have fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yay what will be next a veterinarian Naomi let's try to be a web doctor first patients [Music] [Applause] our second patient [Music] thank you [Music] the patient is gone first patient [Music] let's check the temperature it's good no I mean the next one is an Explorer let's find some treasure laughs without treasure [Music] wow [Music] and the last one is from Allure please artist now I mean let's try to be an artist [Music] let's try unusual drawings [Music] this is a real art [Applause] oh yeah [Music] sit there my good doggy open the door please okay hi trick or treat sir candy candy candy sorry only healthy food foreign [Music] [Music] trick or treat oh nice costume I have something for you here you can have it [Music] candy candy candy no candy only healthy food [Music] all kids [Music] [Music] spooky costume trick or treat trick or treat [Music] no no no no no no candy sorry I don't have candy [Music] daddy maybe we can make healthy treats that's a great idea [Music] I'm waiting I'm waiting uh-huh [Music] and I'm food coloring [Music] trick or treat open the door hurry oh oh [Music] the trains happy Halloween thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] hi guys I'm going to the pool [Applause] hmm [Music] oh what happened sorry you can't be here without your parents [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs oh don't jump into the pool okay [Music] [Music] laughs don't run it's slippery very dangerous okay okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened where is your kid [Music] where are you I lost my daughter you cannot leave the child unattended [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lightning threat lightning thread [Music] lightning thread oh no [Music] look [Music] there's no lightning okay I have an idea [Music] yay [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't play with you master sorry I can't right now I need to earn some money for college money I also want to try to earn some money okay okay you can try to earn [Music] so I'm ready [Music] very strong very sorry I'm slime who wants slime nobody is coming I will say that it glows in the dark glow in the dark glow in the dark slime bye glow in the dark slime I love glow-in-the-dark slime [Music] hi hi did your slime really glow in the dark yes three dollars oh okay here you go thank you bye you're welcome bye bye yes I want to see how it glows in the dark [Music] I think your slime doesn't glow in the dark you lie to me do you want this okay foreign anymore I'm gonna sell ice cream ice cream ice cream who wants ice cream it's so hot today ice cream ice cream ice cream real ice cream hi hi can I have some ice cream please sure [Music] here you go here you go thank you you're welcome hey oh yeah wow my stomach hurts it's all the ice cream your ice cream is expired my stomach really hurts now give me my money back okay sorry [Music] I'm not telling ice cream anymore [Music] I'm gonna sell lemonade I need lemon one dollar I can't waste my last dollar [Music] oh that's enough [Music] lemonade lemonade very good hi can I have some lemonade please yeah of course here you go thank you there you go you're welcome ah this is just water this isn't even lemonade you're lying to me again this is just water this isn't lemonade give me my money back thank you I'm not a good businessman foreign [Music] was your business Fair no but I have to yes of course your business has to be a good quality and has to be fair okay nice time I can help you yay okay nice stuff what we will do here glow in the dark slime Master do you have some money yes only one dollar perfect let's buy some special ingredients we bought glow in the dark powder uh-huh let's make slime foreign [Music] you're lying again your slime doesn't glow in the dark no this time actually this slime glows in the dark you can check it it does glow wow can I buy it yeah how much three dollars here you go thank you and this is for free a container for the Slime thank you this is so cool thank you so much bye Nancy you spend one dollar and you got two dollars so now you have three dollars thank you let's sell ice cream [Music] we need your money so we can buy the ingredients for your ice cream yeah next time we've got healthy ingredients for our ice cream now let's make it a cake okay now let's put it in the freezer let's do it healthy ice cream healthy ice cream it's very yummy tasty yummy ice cream hello hi is your ice cream actually healthy yes it's made from real berries oh okay that sounds good I'll take one ice cream please okay five dollars please okay here you go thank you this is really good thank you bye Master we spent three dollars got five dollars so we have two dollars and now we have five dollars hmm what problem do we have here here you go yeah we need to buy lemon and sugar yeah we spent three dollars on this ingredient let's put some ice [Music] some water [Music] perfectly next our lemonade is ready let's use this cups instead of this ones [Music] now is your lemonade real or is it water again yes it now it's with actual lemons okay can I please have one cup uh-huh here you go thank you two dollars here you go thank you it's so yummy can I have some more please here thank you you're welcome thank you bye and I'm definitely gonna come back again Master remember in the beginning you only had one dollar and now count how many dollars you have one two three four five six Namaste you know how to earn money the right way [Music] yes yeah a whole day where you have to say yes to us hmm please okay but they're gonna be three safety rules safety rules taking care of Health respecting other people's boundaries what should we ask for candy a lot of candy sour candy shower you have to say yes to us all day yes don't forget yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is one rule health care if you eat too much candy it will harm your health and you will need medical help you will have to go to the hospital and your plans will be disrupted and the yesterday will be over quickly so it's safe to eat as much candy as you can fit in the palm of your hand okay [Music] this amount of candy is okay yeah I don't want to get sick [Music] [Music] so hot so hot [Music] then you want to take a bath yeah with a lot of foaming bubbles to cool us down I say yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] another one [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's eat it no no no no no it's not safe to eat this is a rule okay [Music] [Applause] it was very fun [Music] Daddy buy us new toys yeah a lot of toys toys big big toys yes but you have a budget every family has a limited budget we must use it wisely if we buy toys with all the money we have we will have no money left to live on and the family could suffer [Applause] [Music] drive us on a cool yeah yes [Music] it's really important to welcome [Music] [Music] don't run in the storm okay [Music] and I picked this because a lot of little toys is the exact same as one big toy thank you [Music] daddy we want a movie night today and we want to go to bed whenever we want yes [Music] one more rule guys okay we will be quiet do not violate other people's boundaries try not to disturb people who want to sleep it was a very fun day yeah good night you can have yesterday's it's a lot of fun and good for the family but don't forget that there are always rules to follow last year hello can somebody help me hello somebody needs help [Music] can somebody help me I will help him [Music] [Applause] thank you very much you're my superhero ah superhero hmm he said that I'm a superhero [Music] wow my dad needs help me my table is broken [Music] I know what to do I'll build you a new table [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello good job pasta thank you You're My Superhero oh boy oh no it's broken what do I do now [Music] do you need help look the hole is right here I have superhero glue now we're gonna try to blow it up look we fixed it thank you master let's do snow tubing yay [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah okay [Music] sometimes even a superhero needs help thank you [Music] no what should I do with this stuff oh instructions but I don't know how to read Spanish and this is in Spanish [Music] I don't know how to make Spanish and this instructions are in Spanish that's okay I know how to read in Spanish I could help you okay so we have to do like this one pick this piece and then we have to connect it inside of this PC that's and the last piece [Music] [Applause] thank you for helping Now You're My Superhero Master come with me on a trip yes [Music] okay created card money IDs Choice with me [Music] [Music] okay let's go [Music] yeah foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] never turn on the oven yourself no no no okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] stop this is my room this is my toys why I need to be afraid hey guys clean up my Halloween toys [Music] always turn off top after you [Music] huh who is it it's me Daddy Daddy how can you prove it what is my favorite food what is my favorite animal yeah oh nice I am so sorry Daddy I was at home alone I know but you did a great job [Music] [Music] stop stop stop okay come with me you can do 24 hours each other foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] master it's okay oh sorry Evelyn it's okay [Music] do you want some water yes thank you [Music] [Music] let's try each other [Music] [Applause] oh let's make a collage [Music] can I see something okay we're gonna make something out of consistent milk we're gonna use the coloring [Music] wow [Music] oh yeah [Music] thank you um am I edible yes am I am I healthy no do I have bread yes hot dog yes am I an animal no and my food no am I around yes am I a ball yes for you [Music] it's three [Music] um when we play together it's so much more fun you're my best friend you're mine too good night [Music] hey guys remember to pay attention to the signs they can inform you or warn you about the danger caution the slide may be hot let's chat it's not hot [Music] pay attention Nastia is walking towards the door which is close [Music] you see how important it is to read the signs do not hold doors [Music] [Music] [Music] hello sprinkles [Music] knock knock who's there I see who open me ice cream [Music] bye face covering required stay six feet apart [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] let's go to the park [Music] entrance four tickets holders Only Daddy yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] a pumpkin [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] pay attention to the signs hand wash station you can wash your hands there [Music] [Applause] [Music] to avoid confusion between boys and girls restrooms read the signs carefully men's womens hello hello [Music] laughs IES precious to make chicken feed you put corn in a grain pressure there it is ground into feed that you can feed to the birds [Music] Nastia makes apple juice to do this you need to pour fresh apples into a squeezer and get juice [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sanitizer station clean your hands here if you don't know how to find your way out just follow the signs like nausea good night sweetheart good night Daddy [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign this is your bed you have to sleep here good night [Music] hey no no no Daddy I don't wanna sleep alone I'm scared of the dark let's go look [Music] are you okay now yes daddy [Music] what happened he forgot under my bed maybe there's monsters okay let's check [Music] nobody here what if the monster will come when you're not here I have an idea [Music] okay let's draw the face [Music] thank you nice [Music] thank you [Music] now he will guard me are you okay now yes daddy good night sweetheart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is your toy you have to put toys in the right place here you go they will guard you all night thank you yes daddy someone under the bed daddy monsters are not real let's check who is it [Music] look this is a kitty I knew it bye cookies yes [Music] guys monsters don't exist it's just our fantasy sleep well and sweet dreams bye guys
Channel: Like Nastya
Views: 84,319,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids videos, for kids, compilation of videos for kids, cartoon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 10sec (3670 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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