Lighting Detailed Interiors + Q&A [Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial]

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all right here we are let me know in the comments guys if the microphone volume is too low like it was last time time to get set up so all right so here we are today we're going to be doing some more interior lighting so mostly arch fit stuff again i'll be using gpu light mass this time around but yeah so let's get started before i get started i have to say that this video is actually sponsored by evermotion uh every motion makes basically interior architecture and exterior arch fit scenes as well so they're totally pre-built archviz environments um so i reached out to them because i wanted to do another lighting tutorial or another lighting live stream um but i wanted to use some environments that were already you know pre-lit or not pre-lit but pre-textured had some nice models going on um and yeah so it just makes the whole lighting process a lot more a lot more pleasant to be honest when uh when you have some nice models to work with nice textures and everything so uh welcome to the live stream guys it's great to have you everyone so let's get started so right now i've got a very you know i don't have any lights in here so we're starting the lighting from scratch so let's go i'm going to set this to lit mode and so we can see right here we've got a totally blank scene no lighting whatsoever we got some an exterior texture here but this is really just um kind of like houses with an emissive texture on it and so let's get started so because we're using gpu light mask we're going to be disabling ray tracing so like we've covered the last time we need to disable ray tracing when using gpu light mass and we can always enable right uh the ray tracing effect afterwards but when we bake lighting we really want to disable all ray trace effects so like last time i'm going to be just kind of doing my thing here and when we're baking the lighting i'm going to be answering a lot of your questions because you know there a there is a bit of a delay uh from when i'm actually doing something and when i see you guys in chat so just so you know um and no this is not a scarf it's actually a sweater around my neck it's a little bit chilly in my office right now i'm sure i'm gonna take it off soon so let's go so let's see what i can do so when it comes to interior lighting what i often like starting off with just one light one big light and that's often just a directional light so i'm gonna place a directional light in here and let's see if i can there we go now we got something in here let's start with something like that directional lights are great because you know they simulate sunlight and we can just tweak them however we want afterwards it's just nice to be able to see what you're doing a little bit so i'm going to put this here something like that and i'm going to make sure i'm going to set this to static for now so right here in the mobility i'm going to start it off with static also guys let me know in the chat if you know it's lagging or something or performance is not good or if the you know the the quality is not great i'm still pretty new to live streaming so you know bear with me so we're going to turn something like this i kind of like the light lighting here so first things first i'm going to place my directional light and i'm going to open up gpu light mass gpu light math window is here always make sure you have a radiance caching and you first bounce ray guiding and i'm just going to turn on bake what you see to make things a little bit faster so let's start with that and i'm going to set a brightness of 10 lux that seems fine for now and let's hit build turn off slow mode alright so some questions uh do i ever use the measured lux value of the sun um to be honest with you not really i just use mostly the default values actually when it comes to directional lights don't really quote me on this there's you know there's no right or wrong answer here i just use the deluxe value that i feel looks good in my scene and i tend to eyeball things a lot there we go save this william torres uh so this right here is using gpu light math but if you there's a build of unreality you i think there's a plug-in called low schweing's gpu light math and i don't think that needs rtx so you can use like a it's a different build of of uh of gpu light mass that doesn't depend on the ray tracing features so um i'll cover it i may make a video about this later but right now i'm just using vanilla gpu light math in unreal okay stop this there we go so now we have something a little bit of a something so we just get a rough idea of what's happening here so because i used the bake which you see mode really like you'll notice it didn't bake behind me here right so this is kind of a great way of starting like okay you know just establishing and seeing what we're doing i'm using a rtx 2016 super so it's not a great graphics card but you know it's pretty good i like it it's a nice cheap card um i was lucky to get my hands on one uh this was before the pandemic so yeah i wish i could get a 30 90 but i don't have the money for that so the next thing i do once i've kind of you know got a light in here if i like to go to lit view up here and go to optimization view modes and go to lightmap density just to kind of get an idea of like hey what is what's my lightmap resolution on most of my props uh so you'll notice that in the evermotion pack so right the apartment here that we're seeing here is uh part of the ever motion arch interiors packs i'll include the link to this pack in the description at the end of the video um and you can go ahead and buy this pack this apartment scene and the i really like the way that they set up their outliner here i'm gonna scroll this down you'll see note we have a bunch of folders we've got like 20 2048 1024 512 256 128 and 64. so they've already split up all their assets based on the size and uh the light map resolution that they should be set to so what's nice about this is that it's really easy to kind of pinpoint like okay all of this i can tone down the resolution of that light map very quickly so i'm going to go back to my optimization view mode here and i'm going to select a bunch of them usually what i like doing at the start of a scene is i like to kind of tone down the resolution light map uh just to get a faster bake so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to set this resolution here to something like so right now it's already only set to 512 so i'm going to set this down to like 128 and you'll see now it's gonna be like blue and stuff like that's probably a bit too low so i'm going to 256 maybe yeah so green is great for quicker bakes okay so blue and green will get you really fast bakes so i i don't know if many of you have seen my last video from last week if you want to see the optimization view mode of the light map density you can click on light up here where normally it says lit you click up here optimization view mode light map density so i am going to go ahead i'm going to turn this down globally if it's a 128 or something you don't need to use the power 2. i use it because it's nicer i'm going to turn this down maybe 128. so when i set the red gpu light mask 10 i tend to err on the side of larger light maps than i actually need so when things are even when they're read in the optimization view mode that's often fine for gpu light mask because you cut i prefer having sharper shadows than necessary um so i gotta turn this down it's gonna be like 128 as well there we go so the reason i'm doing this at all it's like a boring process but the reason i do it is because it's going to give me faster bakes and the faster you can bake at first the faster that you can iterate the faster that you can get your baked your lighting baked and even if your shadows are not perfect that's fine because the whole point is this is just to see how well your lighting is looking right so i'm just going to turn down a lot of these these are 5 12. i'm going to turn these down to say 128 or something yeah that's probably better and this should be fine for now so right now we kind of brought everything down from red down to green it should bake much quicker this time around so i'm going to go back to lit mode here and i'm going to do now you'll see when i change the light maps all my shadows are gone everything looks terrible totally normal that's fine so we're going to go ahead and build lighting one more time lighting especially with based lighting is an iterator process you there's a lot of trial and error you try one thing um you you know you're gonna make mistakes some things don't look good you'll change your settings and there's a lot of like back and forth going on so question time you have i have so vasanth on boo i hope you pronounce your name right i have a question about curtains and it's a bit off topic but i would like to create a curtain material that let the light through a little bit can you later have a minute for a node set some node setup i've actually never tried curtains like that but what i would probably do is probably have some kind of subsurface scattering thing going on um maybe we can take a stab at that a little bit later if we have time uh harsh pandy hey when can we learn something about ocio color space aces pipeline and unreal including textures conversion also that my friend is a big can of worms um it's doable but on epic things the integration of aces in unreal is not awesome uh it's uh it's a bit complicated the epic had a whole live stream on the whole ocio thing and you i i can include the link in the description at the end of this video uh you'll see it's um it's it's complicated so if and it's weird because even if all your textures are right there are some things in unreal that are not quite um aces friendly it's a big can of worms uh ocelot yes base lighting does give shop shadows and i'll get into that soon so right now you'll see oh i've baked my lighting and now you'll you'll notice like all the shadows are kind of noisy like they're kind of splotchy they're not very good and that's fine because we toned down the light map resolution you may have noticed that it baked much faster this time around right so because it makes much faster we can iterate faster so that's a very good thing so now um this is kind of looking this is starting to look okay so i'm going to go ahead and yeah i'm going to go ahead and do a full bake this time around just to kind of get an idea of how everything's looking do a full bake and build lighting one more time lassans hi please make a tutorial video about bp skytype um which sky type are you referring to you mean like the hdri sky um i think what's it called the hdri backdrop here is is that what you mean all right whoa everything everything's really laggy virtual texture is active have you ever seen flickering between objects i actually have not um i've note i've seen people have this issue i personally haven't noticed it yet but oh my goodness this is really lagging isn't it yeah i'm going to let me know guys if uh something is you know really laggy or something because uh i think i'm pushing my gpu to its limits here i'm going to turn this back down to bake what you see let me know if you guys saw that lagging quite a bit i'm a little bit concerned about the performance of the stream right now there we go hit save uh irfan parasion you think it's better to focus on dynamic lighting not baking it um i actually disagree baked lighting has its place especially for interior bake lighting will give you way way better performance and if you saw my last live stream the it also looks better it doesn't just perform better it also looks better than a fully dynamic approach so there we go so now we got something here you guys didn't notice any lagging really i mean that that's great because it was super laggy on my end so i mean if there was no lagging um that's awesome uh that's very good so do let me know in the chat guys i'm really curious it's hard to get a good feeling of what how the performance is so don't hesitate to poke me like william it's lagging it's terrible um dynamic lighting can be better for environments uh it can definitely i'm not saying dynamic lighting is not good um i think dynamic lighting hides its place i think for interiors based lighting is the way to go because it will look better interiors are really hard to get right because there's so much it's almost all indirect lighting and indirect lighting it was tricky to get in real time so now that i've got this going i'm gonna go ahead and try and do a full bake again even though it looks like it was killing my machine so i'm gonna go full bake build lighting now you'll notice that when you're when you're working with big scenes or and i i say quote-unquote big scenes but um what's seen with a lot of objects with a lot of light maps things can get very uh things get very slow when you bake when you build lighting uh hamud yes so far this is only one directional light and that's it that's the only thing i have in here i don't even have a skylight in here and that's the beauty of baking the light is that all the indirect lighting is all calculated for you yeah i'll take a look at the gas station for sure um i'm curious to see what you're talking about sawneck thank you so much i appreciate the the kind words let's take this off pamela dominguez farina would you bake lighting for an exterior or at least have it as stationary um i actually depending on the environment i totally would bake exteriors um excuse me i think uh baking exteriors can be good especially if you have like really rocky stuff thank you brendan i appreciate the letting me know uh yeah so to get back to your question uh yes i can't sometimes i would bake lighting for exteriors especially like you've got like big rock faces and stuff and caves and things that anything that has a lot of indirect lighting can really benefit from baked lighting basically uh but when you're doing forest having fully dynamic lighting can really help it make make things easier um i'm going to be doing a live stream on lighting for exterior so we'll be covering both um excuse me we're going to be covering both uh gpu light master baked lighting and fully dynamic exteriors so that's probably gonna be the next live stream okay we're almost done with the building i apologize for it taking so long again when you're doing a full bake of the whole scene it does take much longer so that's why i'm a big fan of the build what you see mode as you can see this is a great example as to the the build you can see what you can see mode that's the main advantage of gpu light mass it's something you could not do with cpu light mass gvr designs i'm lighting a large gallery scene with no windows i'm not using a directional light i use an hdri in a skylight for lighting interior with wrecked lights and fake lighting any advice basically any the main advice that i like to give when lighting anything is you're going to want to use what the light would be in real life right so you need to mimic the same lighting if you're doing a warehouse for example you would have lots of fluorescent lighting right so you're going to want to add all those fluorescent lights to get as realistic a result as possible that's how i would do it so now that we're here i can move this out of the window we got a full bank so our whole apartment now had been baked and you'll notice the only thing here the only thing that we have is a directional light that's it there's no we don't have a skylight in here we don't have an hdri nothing okay so i'm actually pretty happy with just that i just drag and drop the directional light into my scene and that's it that's all i did it's really as simple as that so i'm going to find my directional light in here my scene is a mess so pardon me direction light move that in here so you'll see i have one directional light exponential height fog and a post browser's volume that's all i have so i'm going to go ahead and post brought this volume and i'm going to change my indirect lighting intensity so you'll see by default it's set to one the nice thing about baking light is you have full control over the indirect lighting you can totally control it independently from the direct lighting and let's see here if i want to make no indirect lighting at all you'll see i can have full control of it and it's totally non-destructive so i can really control and fine-tune the exposure the way i want it to to look i'm gonna make sure i actually don't have auto exposure turned on oh my lord i do good lord turn that off i hate auto exposure there we go okay everything set right so i'm gonna go back to my post process volume and direct lighting leave this at one one is a good thing for now but you know if ever you notice like oh my scene's a little bit too dark know that you can actually boost your lighting with the indirect lighting intensity in the post process volume all right so the next step i would say would be reflections now because we're not using raytracing right now i've disabled the ray tracing uh you'll notice like some of this thing kind of looks flat like this pipe here it looks very flat there's no there's no reflections and you'll see especially in the mirrors at the other end here these are these square things here these are supposed to be mirrors and they're black what do we do you'll see every all every surface kind of looks a little bit flat there's no reflection so in this case what we're going to do is we need to add a reflection capture actor so we're going to go into visual effects here and we're going to see sphere reflection capture and we're going to drag into our scene and do you see that already we see a pretty big difference i'm going to toggle it on and off just so you can see notice especially on the pipe here okay if i toggle the fear reflection capture on and off do you see that different than it makes when you don't have raytracing so your reflection captures are the way to add more reflection to your scene so it's going to capture everything that's around well around the actor so you'll see now we have reflections in our mirrors now right so you'll notice like well the reflections feel kind of weird they feel kind of out of place and that's because the source of reflection capture is all the way at the other end of the room so the position of the reflection capture actor is very important i'm going to place another one right here i'm going to delete the other one and usually i prefer to have several little small ones so you'll notice the radius look at the radius of this i'm not sure if you guys can see but notice like this big round yellow circle here that's the radius of my reflection capture and i don't need it to be that big i'm going to turn down the influence radius here and set it to like 500 maybe and now you'll see it's already much smaller i might even make it smaller than that i may make it like a hundred maybe 200 like that there we go so now you'll see let's pay attention to the mirror here with the reflection capture actor you'll see the position of it directly affects the reflections i mean obviously so the positioning of this is very important so i'm actually going to make this a little bit bigger maybe like 500 something like that there we go so because the reflections here are not ray traced you'll notice like the reflection kind of look weird in the mirror they're not really super realistic but for stills it's fine so now that we've added some reflection capture actors i'm going to go place another one right here there we go something like that i'm going to make it smaller 500 and now you'll see if i talk again if i toggle this on and off do you see that different that a sphere reflection capture makes it it really helps so right now there is zero ray tracing in here everything is a hundred percent baked lighting okay and you'll notice the shadows are not great because again uh they're super low resolution right maps i wanted a faster bake the lower the resolution your light maps the faster your base will be so i tend to globally reduce the resolution of my light maps just so i get faster iterations and once that's done once i'm happy with my lighting then i'm happy i go bump up that resolution as i see fit so it's only towards the end i'm like okay my lighting looks good i need some better shadows crank up those values and yes it'll take longer but you know it's the end of the project so it's fine so again right now all we have is a directional light no skylight now you'll notice like when you have low resolution light map we get these light leaks here in the floor um you'll see these weird spots and stuff like this this is usually related to the fact that you have a low resolution light map andrei peck it's so annoying when working on the post process or life you accidentally select something you need to scroll for miles and get back at a thing you worked on totally agreed the outliner in unreal engine 4 is really bad i think epic is actually aware of it but from what i've heard um is that the way that the outliner was kind of coded it's so hard-coded they haven't really been able to change it i could be wrong on this it's not just a rumor i heard um i'm pretty sure epic is a weird how bad the light the outliner is it's really annoying that's why i tend to group things up as much as possible that way i can minimize my groups and you know just um yeah just uh have everything cleaner and easier to find so i tend to put all my lights in one group and you'll notice that in the outliner the uh the the groups or the folders that you put in are all sorted alphabetically so that's why i tend to always with the folders i want at the top i always call them 1a or a you'll see here that way it shows up at the top of my list so it's easier to find the stuff that i use a lot uh walker annie will you show how to light area that doesn't have windows like bathroom that's possible to get good results with just natural light um i mean yes it is possible get results with just natural light but it's also possible to get results with only artificial light as well so we're gonna assume we're gonna combine both natural light and artificial light as well so uh what would be the next step here oh yes someone asked one of you asked me um how how do i get soft shadows with baked lighting and um the reason for that is likely let me show you something we're going to bake selected and i see your question there gbr design you you need to enable cheat ray tracing um but you you for gpu light math you need raytracing to be enabled in your project setting so that's why gpu light math is not working so let's go ahead and make the lighting so i can show you how to get soft shadows i'm going to bump up this resolution here floor planks uh rez set this to back to 512 or something what is the yeah this should be good all right i'm going to delete and now you'll see we're going to have soft shadows we're going to build light pick what you see there we go uh reson jio have you ever tried to make your own engine or work with any graphic api no i have not i am not smart enough for that leo beta hi williams more tutorial with ray tracing uh yes those turtles are on the way for sure yeah i totally agree brendan katherine um i think for everyone having uh better a better outliner is just it helps everyone i think unreal engine 5 is likely to have a better outliner i think epic had learned a lot with unreal engine and i just have a high hopes for under unreal engine 5 fingers crossed all right save this come on all right stop this move this over and now you'll see so now we we do have some sort of soft shadows they get a little bit softer as they move further away from the windowed right um now if you want even softer shadows okay let's uh what you need to do is you need to change the source angle of your light so we have here we have here source angle so i'm going to set this to let's say 10. and there's another one source often and in light mass there's light source angle so i reset both source angle and light and light source angle in the light mass tab to 10 for example so let's build lighting again juanita i'm using an rtx 2060 super i have a ryzen 3 uh i think it's a 3700 x i believe um and 64 gigs of ram i think the gpu is my easily the the my biggest bottleneck right now leo beta what advice to give to a beginning artist to start in ue well to be honest i would say just watch a lot of tutorials and try to make a small environment and then try to improve it from there learn learn as much as you can youtube is a wonderful place to learn how to get nice environments qixel has a bunch of tutorials on making their own environments from scratch i recommend you go check those out goodness so many questions guys i'm so sorry i wish i could answer everyone but hey there can those techniques be used for games as well or is this archviz only uh this is definitely can be used for games as well games use baked lighting very often um more and more games now are using fully dynamic lighting but you know bank lighting for a long time has been the way to go because it's just that much better performance wise so i'm going to stop this there we go now you'll notice guys notice that since i increased the source angle of my sun notice how soft my shadows are now see the the softness that window we barely see the the the window frames anymore the the frames here so that the source angle of your sun is how you get softer shadows so i'm going to set this back down to you know one and one and i'm going to build lighting one more time where do you get your materials for archviz uh honestly the mega scan stuff um in this case this this environment is provided to me by evermotion and everemotion makes amazing archwith interiors so if you want to practice your lighting those are great packs to buy i'll include a link in the description below i recommend you go check out evermotion they make awesome stuff there we go and stop so now you'll notice now that i set my source angle back to one now we've got a some some harder shadow it is very important to know that when you have your directional light if you're not if you notice you don't get soft shadows set it's a static and not stationary if i set it to stationary right now and i bake again you'll see the shadows are not going to be as soft anymore i'm going to build lighting right here and you'll notice the shadows kind of look kind of they look really bad they're not nearly as good as they were in static so i'm going to save this harsh pandy you are awesome only one request if possible can we expect cuts on realistic exterior lighting including foliage or nature lighting like you did in atmosphere index absolutely i will be having some exterior lighting tutorials coming soon and i think my next live stream whenever that is will be covering exterior environments so stay tuned and stop this and you'll see now that the only difference here notice how my shadows are really you know garbage these look really bad these shadows are terrible and that's because my directional light was set to stationary it's really simple of that so if i set it back to static and i rebuild the shadows are going to look much better just for to give you guys a great example here i'm going to build this one more time and there we go you'll see these shadows already look so much better so when using this kind of lighting um definitely set it to static and not stationary so just to give you actually if that wasn't clear guys i'm going to give you guys a comparison okay i'm going to take a screenshot right here and i'm going to move it over here and then i'm going to set my directional light to stationary come on there we go and i gotta take another screenshot here one second let me move this here so on the left here this was a stationary light bake and on the right it's when the the same light was set to static do you see that difference we get some nice softer shadows the shutters get gradually gets softer the farther away that they move from the source of the shadow i guess and on the left here it's just kind of globally terrible it looks like absolute so i actually only realized this recently myself so if um yeah now you know uh stationary has some benefits uh in the sense that you can change the color of the light and i think you can change the intensity of the light too but yeah you can change the color of the light after it's been baked so it's like it's a cross between dynamic and static lighting so it has its uses mostly for games let's say you have like a rotating light and one side has one color and the other side is a retainer that's not even the right color uh example any basically any sort of light that you want to change color is when you would use stationary so it's like i said it's kind of half dynamic um so if you want to bake some better shadows use static um shader sing one of those green green red bars this is basically the gpu light math loading bars so don't worry about that that's not always going to show up i'm going to close this close this and now you know the difference between you know the static and stationary lighting so super useful tip to know about if you haven't already um yeah so next up let's see does anyone have any more questions before we carry on tdp yes i will be posting this to this will be a staying online so this is not a live stream only you guys can view it whenever you want after this stream is done walker annie is it possible to support without youtube or paypal i can't use those in my region uh yes absolutely so if you go to my channel there is a um there's a button on top called buy me a coffee and if you want to support me uh you can donate through there um but i will be having a patreon soon i'm working on it i'm working on the perk trying to set up the pricing correctly so there's a lot of interesting stuff in the works right now thank you tomash k used area shadows for stationary light for better shadows uh okay good to know thank you ocelot l being static or stationary affects indirect lighting intensity parameter uh i guess so that's a good question i'm not sure uh race on geo will you make tutorials about clean map baits like normal maps ao maps et cetera um if ever i'd do stuff like in something painter or something then i might um but i'm not i don't do that many more tutorials on something painter just because it's kind of off topic on what the channel is about but i may okay all right so now that uh yeah i think we're ready to move on to the next thing so i'm going to go ahead and do a full bake one more time now i probably should have done that while i was answering questions that was silly of me um actually you know what no i'm going to go ahead and delete my directional light now and sometimes let's say for example we wanted an overcast day we want the same lighting here but we wanted to be overcast no direct sunlight what do you do so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to delete my sun and i'm going to place a skylight in here right here in the middle of my scene i'm going to set this to static because the skylight does not seem to work with stationary mode so make sure you set your skylight to static and then i'm going to set it to captured scene already is and set the sky distance threshold to 1. and now i'm going to bake my lighting set to bake what you see and build leo beta we need your discord server will will be awesome to share and construct community i'm actually working on that so i think the way i want to have it set up is once i have my patreon set up all the patrons everyone who signed up to patreon will have access to the discord server so i kind of want to make a small community i don't want it to be like super open to the public and have a bunch of trolls that's not really what i want so you know it's a work in progress i'm trying to get that all set up now all right save this come on come on it's always the slowest part i really need 30 90. okay so now you'll notice like okay whoops i need to stop this there we go so you'll see this is obviously way too dark right so what can we do um either we can go ahead and increase the intensity of our skylight or we can go in our process volume and i'm going to bump up that indirect lighting intensity and i'm going to make this maybe like 10. just to get an idea obviously this doesn't look so great because it's you know it's exaggerated up the wazoo but you'll notice now we're starting to get some some indirect a very soft overcast lighting that looks yeah pretty decent right so i'm going to what i'm going to do is i'm going to bump up the intensity of this thing set it to something like uh 4 or something and turn down the indirect lighting intensity back to 1 and let's do one more build so again lighting is especially when you're building lighting when you're baked doing baked lighting uh it's always the process of iteration you kind of work with it improve what you can rebake try again it's it's normal it is what it is and lighting is like that even with fully dynamic lighting there's a lot of trial and error you try something something don't work uh you try other things other things don't work um if you tr you try one thing that might look good and turns out oh this looks terrible this is normal it's just part of the how it is g johnson did you make any changes to the ever motion material i got in late i don't know if you covered that already uh no johnson i haven't made any different changes to the evermotion material at all this is basically the default scene normally these are actually pre-lit by evermotion and they look pretty good actually so if you go look at evermotion the website you'll see all of their environments are really well lit they look pretty good and but this is the reason why i wanted to work with with evermotion stuff is because um i think their stuff looks really good and i want to have fun lighting it so this is the lighting tutorial and i figured you know what let's just uh have some fun lighting is a lot more fun when you have some nice models and textures to work with okay so now we're definitely a little bit brighter i think i need to bump up the skyline intensity even more maybe even like i'm going to exaggerate i'm going to go crazy one thing i'd like to do when i'm lighting is i like to exaggerate if i'm not sure about of a setting i go from one extreme of a setting to another so let's go from one and i'll go to like 20 or something and make it and see how it looks and often it kind of gives me a good idea of you know what is actually going on what the setting is doing and then once i've gone from one extreme to the next i kind of neutralized a little bit kind of find a middle point there and now you'll see because now we'll quickly now we're getting a result that's actually kind of decent a little about the brightness that i expected it to be uh sam creed uh hey um i'm pretty new to unreal i don't know how this works i wanted to ask if we attach reflection capture sphere to the camera like for a first person view uh yeah you can if you want things might look a little bit weird because the reflections are going to move with your camera it might be a bit strange but it works sure brendan kathamir agreeing with what leo said my art has jumped to the next level because disguised videos thank you so much i'm just glad it could help that's what i'm here for i'm going to save this matteo merchant lopera how can i apply a poster process volume for the interior and another for the exterior um well what you can do so the process volume is literally a box right so you can have one for the interior and one for the exterior now this only works when a camera is inside that volume okay so if the camera is inside it's going to use whatever values are inside that post-processing volume and if the camera moves outside in the other profiles volume then those effects kick in but you can't see the effects of the other exterior post process volume unless your camera is actually inside it does that make sense so okay i'm going to stop this there we go all right so now we've got something a little bit more yeah this is closer to what i expected from the the level of brightness that i wanted right so this is basically how i would do a uh overcast day look um so you'll notice the reason why what's happening here why is the skylight capturing something so nicely so let me go ahead and show you guys the outside of this here is like super bright super overexposed just uh it's just the texture on a sphere right so yeah so what the skylight here is doing it it's actually capturing the bright sources of light that are outside this window and using that to create its own hdri in your scene so that's why we're getting these nice big soft shadows another way of doing this you could easily fake this by having uh let's say i'm gonna play direct light here or something up here and maybe scale those up you know you could actually fake the light by having one massive wrecked light lighting up your room like this this is one way to do it personally i prefer to go to skylight route but you know it's it's up to you you can do that like this or one for each window and then bake that but that's going to create way more light it might may take more time to bake um it's up to you so for now i'm just going to leave this like that and if you want to combine you know combine two lights together you can so if i want to have you know some ambient light and a directional light again in here well we can do that so i'm going to do something like this and just uh yeah i'm just going to build this build that all right question time juan paulo mardon is if you create a gofundme campaign this community make it shoot 390 asap i'm ready to donate 200. oh my goodness thank you um i may have to look into that m slotto hey will can you make a video about particles decals or mist in under luncheon 4. um that's a great suggestion i'll add it to the list there's so much ground to cover um but yeah i i'll definitely probably i probably should cover like that kind of atmospheric effect it's a probably a good idea come on almost done almost done also i think the biggest problem with the 3990 right now if not necessarily just the price it's finding them they're like impossible to find nowadays like they're completely sold out everywhere so i might get one in like five years or something um i i hope not all right stop this there we go so now you'll see we've combined both the skylight lights sky light light um and the directional light so you'll notice everything's kind of a little bit softer we get a little bit more light in here everything kind of helps it helps it feel a little bit more natural uh cosmic o2 my lighting is building one tenth of your speed right now i mean i'm also streaming now so my streaming is uh it's also taking up a lot of gpu power so that may be why yours may be faster or yeah yes knight thirty nineties are a myth they only exist in legend so uh now that we've done this i want to go ahead and do a full bake and we're going to start adding some artificial lights in our scene just to kind of give you guys an idea of hey how do i add artificial lighting in our scene does it work can you get um lighting that looks pretty good with only artificial lighting and the answer is yes so let's do a full bake right now it's going to take a little while but this is a great time to do a little q a uh where is my gpu light mask window did i close it i think i did i'm gonna do a full bake one more time right here and build lighting ramiro so can you combine gpu lighting with rtx maybe shadows uh yeah i mean the shadows is a little bit over it's not unnecessary because bass lighting is essentially raytraced but that ray trace light is baked into the texture okay so the the main advantage of having um what's the word of having ray tracing enabled after you've baked is for the reflections ray traits reflections look incredible they're amazing and the ray trace ambient occlusion so rational ambient inclusion looks so much better than the screen space ambient occlusion also known as ssao um so some of the features of course don't get me wrong ray trace shadows are awesome especially when working with dynamic lights but the raytrade reflections are really underrated i think that's probably the greatest addition to unreal engine so far uh race on geo you wanted 360 but it cost twice the price of an original or msrp yeah i know uh all the graphics cards are way over their market value it's insane you are not using light mass portal any reason um i don't think light math portals actually do anything or don't do much with gpu light maps light map portal we're a thing with cpu light mass but with gpu light mass if you look at epic's documentation they don't have nearly as much effect as they used to that's why movie render queue or sequencer when baking uh it's kind of unrelated to baking i don't when i'm rendering i use movie render queue uh but sequencer and movie render you have nothing to do with baked lighting mateo marchand lopera what are the good practices and steps to build or create light in different scenarios um again i think the key is to really always try and mimic the way that it would be lit in real life okay so let's say you have a beautiful i don't know it's a night time scene you have to think about what your light sources are you have to think is there in artificial lighting is it moonlight if you're doing interior lighting in a warehouse you have to think about what the actual lighting is you have to think about um fluorescent lighting or what other lights are on you know in big industrial buildings it's usually large overhead fluorescent lights in a home at night what sources of light are on it's often like a lamp or something that sort of thing so a key to getting good lighting is to always try and mimic the real light sources that would exist in real life ruben do you need an rtx card to use those features uh if you're referring to gpu light mass yes you do even though we turn off the raytrading effects in the viewport you need rtx to use gpu light maps but you can use either luoshwang's gpu lightmap which is a separate plug-in i haven't used it um you can look into that i'll type it in the chat here so luo shu wangs gpu light mass so i typed in the chat check that out um yeah so but for the vanilla gpu light math in unreal 4.26 you need rtx oscillate where can i get some good tutorial on materials uh youtube definitely does lots of good tutorials for material making on youtube reson geo what kind of monitor do you have i have a bank or benq um it's sw270c so it's a hardware calibrated monitor full hdr um it's great it's a wide gamut display awesome monitor monoi mahamsa how to mimic real life diffusion like heavy froth or opal froth that's gonna require some more advanced material stuff for sure okay so now that we've done building a lighting there we go sorry that took so long guys uh so now we have our lighting so see everything's starting to look pretty good in here now you'll see here everything's a little bit dark you know we we let's turn on the light because we want to have dinner here and it's obviously way too dark so what are we going to do i'm going to go place a point light right here something like that again this is all about mimicking how light would work or look in real life i'm going to put light in here put another light in here something like that now obviously this looks really bad and we're going to change the source angle of these lights so you'll notice by default these two lights have a source radius of zero the source radius controls the size of the light and in order to soften your shadows you need a bigger light so the larger the light the softer your shadows are going to be so you'll notice you kind of see here like the lights are really kind of hard and disgusting maybe a little bit too strong too i'm going to turn that down like 4 three two something like that and i'm going to increase the source radius to let's say three there we go something like that and let's build what we see let's build this lighting right here build lighting guerra misro what do you do full time i actually work with unreal full-time i working for an animation studio here in norway umbrella trick not only rtx cards can use rgb light math dxr capable cards support gpu light masks anything that is better than a 1060 can support dxr that is correct you're absolutely right however when you're using dxr your performance goes down the drain it is really terrible performance that you get when using dxr or using raytrace features so i i can't really really recommend it um it's not awesome seafood shoe when are you chief of light math ray tracing i need baked light thanks um so it's really weird because you need to enable the ray tracing in your project settings but you should disable the ray tracing effects in the viewport you can do that with the console command there we go stop this so now you'll notice okay this is obviously way way oh yeah and here i made a mistake so i'm going to set this to static and this is obviously a little bit too um a little bit too bright i'm gonna turn this down to light one set this to static maybe point five zero set to want to see how that looks again process of iteration lots of trial and error i don't know any lighter who gets everything right on the first try staggy can i use ray tracing on a gtx 10 1660 ti technically yes with um as umbrella trick above said above um dxr capable cards um you might be able to get race racing to work with a thing called dxr but again your performance is going to be really bad uh gaurav mishra what's the issue with it being stationary as we saw above when it sets the stationary by default the shadows don't look very good you can enable area shadows but um yeah i prefer setting up the static is just fine and we'll give you good results stop this now you'll see now we have some softer shadows and we've combined our interior lighting with the exterior lighting now of course i didn't bake the whole scene i only baked what i saw so we kind of get this uh we're not it's hard to see what we're looking at here race addiction uh let's hang on let me see i'm gonna do something here so i'm gonna do a full bake and see how this looks with this here now what is going on oh okay this is okay so i was wondering what was happening inside here and that's because it's a reflection so i may put a sphere catcher reflector in here move this here like that put this like 500 whoops sounds like might help with the reflection just a little bit okay so i'm gonna make sure that these lights are not too big i think you know i think it might no it should be okay sometimes you get some weird intersection with uh with the lights and the actual geo so it's on that you might want to play around with that a little bit sometimes so that if you have the light intersecting geo you get these weird shadows it's not very good so i'm going to go ahead and do a full bake one more time and see how this will look monoi paramahamsa do you try using the ies profile to match re sky panels um i actually don't really use i haven't used them personally but i mean don't get me wrong ies profiles are great to use race addiction hi william i have trouble working with hdr and ue4 i cannot display it properly and export it are you planning to do a tutorial about it um race addiction when you when you talk about hdr do you mean like actually rendering out like hdr images so like 32-bit stuff for use in um in post i guess uh no don't worry this stream will not be private after so it's going to be available for all don't worry question does gpu like math base include ief profiles i don't know we should try that i hope i pronounced your name right sorry if i didn't um so did you try and get an rtx 3090 or did you do you have the funds before you decide and try to get one and i'll be totally honest with you i would love a 3090 however i can't really justify it right now because i still really like my 2060 super like it it does a good job i can't justify the cost of it like that's you know however much it is it like two thousand dollars it cost now or more because of uh they're so rare um that two thousand dollars would be spent would be better spent somewhere else for now um if i if i decide to do you know youtube full-time or something then i would totally consider actually getting a 39 d right now it's more of a thing that i want more than the thing that i need thank you so much iwakim for posting that ray tracing uh console command that's great guru metro unreal is probably the only one software i know which has a universe of tick boxes function demands and a few of them are missed and the result can be disappointing and confusing you're not wrong there's definitely a lot of that in unreal thanks so much guys for uh the console command there i appreciate it i must have missed that question there's a lot of chat going on so it's uh it can be hard to see any more questions before the light's almost done building dream evasion consultants i struggle to get a realistic focal length in compact rooms could you help get me some tips uh you mean like focal length with your camera um if so uh i would recommend like adjusting your film back and your film back can be adjusted in your camera settings i personally prefer having a wider film back so i use i think it's um dslr full frame is what i use just because it's a little bit wider and it helps you get you know a wider sensor will look much well it's going to give you a wider field of view so that can help with interiors my dog have you ever run out of vram on the 2060 absolutely all the time i mean i think the 2060 has 8 gigs of vram and yeah it's it's it's not enough uh you like peter mckinnon and daniel i love peter peters peter mckinnon is awesome i mean i've been watching for years and he's you know how can you not like the guy he's just such a likable dude there we go come on encoding texture is almost done guys uh why not just do real time ray trade global illumination lee posnowski um the reason why i don't use real-time raytrader global elimination is because it's performance is not great often you need faster frame rates and while raytrade global elimination is awesome it doesn't always perform so well so right now you'll see my frame rate it's like 120 fps with a fully lit scene you'll see we've got you know we got a whole scene with lots of indirect lighting going on here uh we've got some local interior lights going on here as well and that's why the frame rate is so good if i were to turn on frame um what's it called ray tracing here uh well now it's gonna look terrible i need to go to my directional light again and i'm gonna uncheck this and same thing with my skylight so what i'm doing now is i'm actually there you go so now you'll see i have raytracing turned on and my frame rate is like 50 fps that's it dropped from 120 plus fps down to 50. and that's just because i have ray tracing turned on now uh not great so that's why base lighting is very appealing because you get much faster frame rates and sometimes it doesn't matter right sometimes you don't care about performance you just want the best look but based lighting will give you a better look a much better result it's a little bit cleaner it'll be there's no noise there's no flickering there's no any of that so base lighting has its advantages dynamic lighting fully ray trace also has its advantages but baked lighting is great so i'm going to turn off raytrade thing again and you'll notice hey my frame rate went all the way back to 120 fps it's so smooth um and that's why so as you can see now we we've got our lights in here you know we got some local lights combined with the exterior light shining through the window this is really as simple as it is to light a scene like this it's really it's not hard um and that's why i really wanted to play around with the evermotion stuff so again uh for those of you who came in late uh this video was sponsored by evermotion i reached out to them because i wanted to do another lighting live stream and the the fun thing about lighting is having nice clean models nice textures nice materials to work with when you don't need to worry about um stuff like you know you don't need to worry about bad geo because we've all seen it um lighting a scene like for example my last live stream with uh that would also cover interior lighting it was a very simple boxy room and it was boring it sucks to light that it's it's good to understand the theory and how light works but when you're doing lighting it's fun to have a nice scene that looks good right so that's why i reached out to evermotion and said like hey can you guys you know offer me a pack to work with uh an environment that i could light during a live stream and i'll of course mention them in a live stream and so i was not paid by every motion but they were kind enough to you know hand me one of these lovely environments so go check them out evermotion make some really great stuff and this is a great environment and great scenes to practice your lighting with because the the it's like i said it's really nice to have clean geo clean scenes everything has been light map uv properly it's really easy to light this stuff sorry i went on a tension there but i hope this kind of helped you make a little bit of sense of how i would combine interior lighting with exterior lighting let me look at the questions real quick so the general soundwave 20 year vet thinks you're fantastic thanks for your amazing instruction thank you so much for watching i appreciate that what situation is there to blend multiple process volumes juan carlos rosalejos uh basically it's great if you want or going from an interior scene and the camera moves to an exterior scene the post process volume will be useful or having multiple volumes will be useful in this situation it's really when you change dramatically change lighting scenarios right yo mera every motion models are great in test tests lots of complex geometry totally agreed um i'm really happy with the stuff that they that they gave me um their scenes are great everything is light map uv there's kind of it's no this is really clean models clean textures i think the only thing i would change in the scene is maybe the ceiling texture here um it kind of looks like someone you know took an albedo map brought into crazy bump and just generated normal maps from the albedo map this is what we used to do like back like 10 years ago right so i'm sure it can replace this with like quicksilver stuff mega scan stuff and it would look even better ali al hashemi hey william have you tried the metahuman creator yet it would be great to see you tackle character lighting on the channel great suggestion i do plan on doing that soon i've been super swamped the past few weeks a lot of things happening especially with the patreon coming up soon um i'm going to be releasing something on the epic marketplace as well so there's going to be some assets that i'll be releasing um to help you guys with exteriors so you know i'm working on it so stay tuned uh let's see now monoi powder mahamsa how much volumetric fog effects bake lighting um i think that depends on what kind of light you're using so right now i have a little bit of fog in here and as you can see there's no fog i have a the atmospheric height fog i kind of want to have some light shaft coming through here so what i'm going to do is where's my directional light i'm going to duplicate this bad boy set to movable crease that and set this back down to one or something little hack to have there we go so now we got some god rays in here it adds a little bit more interest to the room super simple fix right like if you have the performance to spare duplicate your directional light set it to movable and increase the volumetric scattering intensity now to be clear you need a um atmospheric explanatory an exponential height fog in here right so if i hide this and you need to make sure that you enable volumetric fog i made a video about this thing so um i think it's called uh volumetric remember what it's called but there's a i made a video about god rays it's a god ray hack video so go check that out if you want to get some nice god rays in your scene um renderman pro is gpu baking support multiple gpu uh i don't think so unfortunately um as far as i'm concerned unreal doesn't natively support multi-gpu yet maybe that'll come with unreal engine 5 i don't know but as of now i think it's because of this temporal stuff it does not support multi gpu sandcast sora do you think unreal engine render will be better than 3ds max rendering um i i mean 3ds max what does that use arnold now i think i haven't used 3ds max in a long time arnold the arnold renderer is amazing and i think out of the box arnold always going to look better because it's fully excuse me it's fully path traced arnold is an amazing renderer that said i think unreal is starting to look absolutely amazing and it's only going to look better when unreal engine 5 comes out oh wow goodness so many questions i'm so sorry guys sorry if i i mean i think super chats will kind of help um [Music] me kind of find your questions more easily there's so many of them so my dog any unbiased render engine should produce better looking results than ue4 in theory totally agreed my dog um that that's absolutely true a proper path trace renderer will look better than unreal that's just a given uh reuben why not just put the the ones put them on the first direction light that's because i don't think baked lighting actually supports volumetric fog maybe this way i haven't figured out how so this is the way that i do it uh roman the broker breaker um hey there thanks a lot man you're a huge help does manual exposure balancing with light affect light physics did you ever have problems with um ms discs okay um no i don't really use manual exposure that much i kind of just expose my lights as i see fit let's see will i make a night scene i mean i probably could make a night scene right now if i wanted to um i think that would involve more you know what we can we can try i think i actually i think i'm going to make a tutorial but that a separate tutorial for that that might make things easier um pyro yes i will be uploading this later oh hey thank you so much karuna i appreciate that uh with a name like monson i'm guessing you're a norwegian so um there's actually one thing i wanted to do before we do like one final q a before taking off tonight uh this is actually a question that i've gotten from some other users before and that's when it comes to using emissive textures or emissive materials as um to to bake light so how can you do that so i'm going to go ahead and i got to make a brand new scene or you know what i'm going to keep this scene i'm going to delete all my lights and what we're going to do here is i'm just going to build lighting one more time and i'm going to show you guys how you can use emissive materials to cast light i'm going to do big what you see build lighting there we go just to kind of whoops come on there we go oh you're danish oh awesome my bad for assuming thank you so much for the super chat by the way i really appreciate that so i'm going to build this yeah save riemann e question what would be the best way to approach and make the bhi for interior and then adding dynamic light outside coming from outside it's really as simple as just baking what you need and having dynamic lights outside um if it's since it's dynamic it's not going the light's not going to be affecting your interior so yeah it's pretty simple actually it's really no different than anything else okay so oh yeah i have these lights on okay so i'm going to find a mesh in here so i'm going to go and add let's say filter by static mesh and i'm going to find something that looks a little bit wonky so something let's say this i'm going to place this chair right here and i'm going to add an emissive material on it emissive mesh material so you'll see right now this chair now has a emissive texture on it okay right so you see it's you know glowing i gotta make sure material is okay so you'll see here this is the material it's a very simple emissive texture i just have a color with a parameter plugged into a multiply into emissive color okay so what we're going to do is we're going to try and bake this we're going to try to make sure this light or this this uh chair it actually emits light so we're going to go and bake this build this light should be light mass build lighting and i've had people tell me like hey this is not working why why not what can i do like why is this not working because it did work with cpu light mass peter vigger's ma my two cents we as professionals can state that v-ray or arnold or corona renderer will look better but clients will be blown away by unreal's rendered visuals and images i deliver only on real visuals yeah i agree i think uh arnold or v-ray or anything else will look a lot better but you know it's faster and unreal so sometimes sacrificing quality for faster renders is the way to go how would you go with all dynamic objects in the scene while keeping your lighting consistent with baked so you mean like combining dynamic lights with bass lighting i'm not sure i understand your question sorry so now you'll see we baked the light but hey this chair is not emitting light what is going on why is this it's really simple it's really it's actually really stupid there's two things you need to do okay so in your material of your emissive material you want to make sure that the shading model is not unlit it should be default lit okay so we're gonna set that we're gonna apply it we're gonna hit save and it's one more thing you need to do after that okay so that's the first thing you need to do if you want your emissive textures your emissive materials to emit light and be baked you're going to click your mesh your mesh that has this emissive material on it in the search details panel you're going to type for emissive and you see right here in the light mass settings it says use emissive for static lighting okay click on this now let's build our lighting and see what we get and you'll see oh we're already starting to see something here now we're trying now this glowing magical chair is actually going to cast light in our scene all right save this so again don't worry guys you can always watch this later it's going to show up online after the stream is over come on all right stop this and now you'll see now our light our chair our glowing chair is actually casting light it's not very bright we can increase the intensity of this by increasing either the brightness of the material itself or you can if you click on your mesh and in the midst of boost you can increase that you can set that like 10 or 20 or 50 or whatever you want those two settings having use emissive for static lighting checked in a check box number one and making sure your emissive material is set to default lit those are the two important things you need to know okay so i hope this answers some questions the general sound waves thank you so much i um i hope that helped because i know i've got a lot of questions about it and i only learned about this not that long ago myself so i figured i wasn't the only one thank you so much for the super chat i really appreciate that so does anyone have any other questions um i think we're almost ready for like a final q a session here is there anything else that you guys want me to you know do real quick um some last thing some material tricks or anything else that you're not sure about let me know in the chat let's see now i'm going to delete this i'm going to go see what i can do if i add an immersive material on these roman breaker would you use neon lights like that with submissive absolutely that's the best way that's the best use case example of having neon lights emit light in your scene 100 riemann a question but how to make that diffuse light that will cast no shadows inside but still have the gi on the wall corners under furniture uh i'm not sure i understand your question there riemann austen l i have a question why is my reflection capture not working you probably have ray tracing turned on so something that that's actually probably useful to know is ray tracing race race reflections actually take precedence over reflection capture actor reflecting capture after have a different purpose when ray tracing is enabled in your viewport so again this has been shared in the chat before um but in order to before you bake your lighting you want to make sure this console command which i'm going to post in the chat one more time uh you're going to want to set that console command on that this disables all ray tracing effects in your scene and epic recommends that you do this when uh baking your life they recommend that you disable race racing effects bake and then turn rationing effects on again afterwards okay question um after having big gpu light mass do you have to enable ray tracing effects again or does it work out of the box compared yeah you i've andy inzinger you kind of nailed on the head there i disable raytracing bake my lighting and then after that i re-enable rate rating effects on my viewport afterwards because stuff like rate shifting of reflections rate trades ambient occlusion cannot be saved those look really good monoi para mahamsa thank you so much i really appreciate that question uh yeah so joaquin might i agree you have to enable virtual texturing if you guys are unsure if you guys are having some weird issues with gpu light masks things that are not working so well you're not sure why watch my video on gpu light mass i made a video on this um it kind of goes from step by step from enabling the pro the the plugin to all the settings you should check or have unchecked or whatever or enabled um from a to z so if you're really you're having some weird effects go watch that video it should help you out quite a bit um after burn 40 144 p do you have a tutorial for beginners on unreal i don't really have many tutorials for absolute beginners yet my most of my content is aimed towards intermediate and advanced users because it's more cinematic stuff and more lighting based um so but i do plan on having more beginner stuff coming out soon yokimira yes show progress board has to be checked so if uh let me show you guys this inch view light mass you can see here where is it uh is it here yes show progress bar is here if true draw the green progress bar as it renders so make sure this is checked fletch would there be downside to using fully retraced lighting if you have a high end pc like a 390 to turn out rtx performance do you think light bakes are soon to be dead uh no i think um having basically i covered this on my previous live stream and we did a comparison uh so i in my live stream about it was interior lighting and i think it was called still life um we kind of cover like comparing a both a uh what's it called a base lighting and race race lighting comparison and the base lighting looked much better the gi was better everything about it just looked cleaner so base lighting will look better but as gpus get better probably ray tracing fully dynamic scene will be the way to go but performance is much better with base lighting there's no way around that if you need more frames per second base lighting is the best um uh did you try using world luminous values thousands is it clipping an artifact sometimes you get artifact when using extreme values so i tend to i don't really use like quote unquote like real life values when lighting i just use whatever looks good maybe that's not the right thing to do but i have yet to see a example of you know someone using you know physically correct values and not i haven't seen like a very scientific comparison to see if it actually helps your renders look better in unreal uh garage follow-up question by fletch what if we use movie render queue for rendering and use full-time ray trace um yeah that's fine but again um using full-time ray tracing will it's still gonna hurt your performance it's still gonna render slower than having bass light sean becker any tips for how to approach lighting for a big open world so especially how to get lighting and buildings better um that's a good question so well i'm going to in my next live stream we'll be doing i'll be doing an uh kind of a walkthrough on exterior lighting how i approach it um when you're trying to get lighting both interior and exterior at the same time that's where things get a little bit trickier but there's don't worry there's lots of ways to do this right uh antonio court what gpu are you using now i'm using 2060 super as lots of people have already said uh rockstar syndrome question the scene was textured in v-ray if not what was it no this is i don't think i think this is uh these are i mean this would not texture in v-ray at all these are regular texture that we made in unreal and everything's been lit everything's been baked in unreal here you can probably you know improve this by getting some proper mega scan stuff and slapping these on um so yeah monoi is there half a character moving into bake lighting with nicer shadows that my friend is where stationary light and movable lights begin to you know this is where you try to you know find a balance here so base lighting is great for your general lighting you're going to want to have a movable or dynamic light when you have moving characters anything that moves needs to be dynamic but if you don't have anything moving in your scene based lighting is the way to go okay all right do we have any more questions guys thanks sir i appreciate it let me know if you have any more questions guys i think that we're going to be wrapping up soon so i'll give you guys a few more minutes to uh post any questions but uh let me see now oh yeah another cool thing that evermotion does is when it comes to caustics and stuff they actually have a decal for stuff so you notice like right here it just doesn't really make sense but let's say i got to move this here whoops where did that go there we go you'll notice it's kind of cool what they do here so you kind of get these caustic refraction reflections on the floor every motion include the decal for this so it kind of fakes the caustics reflect refraction going on here it's a clever little hack um this is one of the many reasons why i really like every motion stuff a lot of it had been really well thought through lots of massive material setups all their geo is very clean their textures are nice their light maps uvs are great it just makes really great scenes and they're pretty affordable too and when you buy their packs everything is ready for unreal everything is kind of it's ready to go you download it bring it to unreal and it's done okay oh goodness so many questions okay sean becker does mesh scale affect lighting values in general and unreal uh no i don't think so mesh scale will affect the light map resolution so of course if you have a light map resolution of 64 and you scale that same object huge obviously the shadows are going to be a bit softer on it so you need to increase the light map resolution of the larger object but it shouldn't affect the quality of your lighting no rumor to breaker one more can you have a decal show only on one mesh uh yeah so basically uh what you can do is let's say for example i don't want this decal here i let me click on that there we go yeah there we go let's say i i want the decal to not really affect the floor or something every object in the scene has a thing called if you go on collect your object and a rendering receive decals you can uncheck that so you can make an object not receive decals at all if you want i hope that answered your question roundtable studios thanks so much man i appreciate that okay let's see when you think artificial light how to avoid the flat and dull look in that if it's flat and dull um it could be the position of your light you may need to add a reflection capture actor to get more specular highlights that may help william torres can you use megascan's acid yes of course you can bring megascan that's into any unreal scene for free arch build rt that refraction trick is nice i guess they baked that out on a plane um no not even a plane it's really just a where is it here it's just a decal so it projects onto any surface so decals are amazing you should really look into that uh silly are those assets with custom light maps just tuned in uh yes so basically everything here that's been provided by evermotion uh all these assets are already light map uv you don't need to do anything you just buy the pack and it's included for free not for free but you know what you know i mean you buy the pack and it's ready to go and unreal everything just looks great out of the box um carlos and hi any suggestion for lighting virtual studios usually there's no exterior lighting so you mean like um lighting for interior artificial light only again try to mimic that whatever sources of light you have try to match what happens in real life uh monoi kumar lv i'm having issues with foliage grass flickering in the movie render q using temporal a a um yeah it's really hard to troubleshoot your that kind of rendering issue when i can't see so sorry uh ndc how do you avoid lighting scenes in modular pieces like walls window frames so andy uh usually that's one of two things either your light map resolution is too low so try cranking it up a little bit higher or here there is in the gpu light mask settings there is a tool where is it it's called corner rejection so you can increase the value if you're getting a light scene some links some weird artifacts showing up you can increase the corner rejection setting and it's going to help you not get those light leaks on modular assets so i i hope this helps you uh pg johnson what's the name of this pack uh it's called uh arch interiors i think four for unreal engine specifically so i'm gonna go ahead and find it for you and i gotta link it in the chat here one second i'm just going to find it i'm going to include the link of this pack here real soon in the chat works there we go [Music] downloads i'm finding i'm not ignoring you guys i'm just trying to find the download link to the pack [Music] customers so here it is in the chat we've got the link to the pack if you want to go download that and buy it for yourself i recommend it is great so you have this packet actually has several environments in them so don't be confused that's not the same one there's there's like four different environments included in this pack and i think it's 50 off now so it's cheaper than ever okay let's see now charlie martin are you going to be doing any nighttime scenes in the future yes i will for sure visometric hi william how do you deal with interior plants and subsurface scattering in interior static scenes you know what i haven't actually played around with that but let me take a look at how the plants turned out here um they look they look okay but there's definitely no subsurface scattering or is there i think there may be i'll be honest with you i haven't played around with that much carlos and thank you so much for the kind words i appreciate that ah antonio court let's see now oh my goodness so many questions i'm so sorry guys if you really want your question to start to stand out super chats are definitely the way to go it's really hard to see when there's so much i don't want to discourage anyone of course uh many people forget about adjusting the light map manually instead of just in creating the light map resolution which has a huge cost on performance silly you're absolutely right now of course when i say increase the resolution to your light maps i already assumed that your light maps are already set up correctly okay so that's kind of a given of course if your light map your light maps are actually well laid out with as few seams as possible that's the way to go don't worry i have not been disliking anything but thanks so much gorov i appreciate that uh let's see now monoi how much time to require it if i send an image if i send image more like my cultured architecture for you to create has ue level and how much people charge for something like this scale uh that's a very good question i don't really do that much archviz uh commercially so i can't really answer that nerf just now tuning in having issues where i can see the dfao fading in and out when i move the camera in and out left right using dynamic lighting fixes that um i don't think i have distance field ao turned on in my project so i actually don't think i use that much i used to before but not so much anymore so if you want i think in your skylight you can disable distance field i thought you could disable distance fields post process volume mesh distance yeah i can't remember about this message and field ao i haven't used that in so long so forgive me um destiny do you plan to cover archer's workflow from 3ds max to unreal modelling and max and lighting us ue4 uh no archives i do a little bit of archers but mostly because it's lighting related but i don't do that much archer's word myself if you need some more archbishop tutorials i recommend you check out a channel called vr division i'm going to type that in the chat um go check out his channel on here on youtube he makes really good archviz tutorial he's very more of an archbishop specialist guy so go check him out for sure um all right guys i think that covers it for tonight thank you so much for watching guys i appreciate you chiming in we got 174 people here that's more than i ever expected so um yeah thanks so much for watching i hope you learned a little something this video will be available for you to re-watch later however you see fit um but yeah more videos to come soon and more livestream coming soon so my next live stream will cover exterior lighting stay tuned for my patreon announcement uh patreon should be ready within the next weeks or so so stay tuned and guys thanks so much for watching again i hope you learned something and i'll see you guys next time have a good night
Channel: William Faucher
Views: 22,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE4, Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine, Cinematics, 4.26, UE4 4.26, UE5, Realtime, realtime rendering, rendering, CGI, 3D, 3D Artist, evermotion, archviz, interior lighting, evermotion archviz, evermotion ue4, evermotion unreal
Id: 5t2nB75AdRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 45sec (5805 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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