Lighting an OVERCAST Forest in Unreal Engine 5 (Tutorial)

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all right um the next one we're going to create is going to be the overcast so we have the overcast here and um this is the reference that we're going to be using we're going to pick one I'm just going to pick this one as our reference and let's try and match this to the to this scene um I just created an environment light mixer and then I just added add all the elements into the scene like before all right so the first thing I'm going to do I'm just going to to increase the beer scattering scale so let's go to the sky atmosphere and then in the overcast for the overcast I always increase the mirror scattering scale all right and then height for contribution I'll drop that down right and um I already included the lens Pro postprocess I'll just reset that so that it doesn't have any effect on our scene so everything is in default and then we have this and what you notice is that U we have a bit of fog contribution in our scene so we don't really want that so we can just drop it down a bit right and then for the volumetric for we can have that but in the extinction scale we can increase the extinction scale contribution just slightly maybe just a bit of for contribution into the air so that it's not so um dark then for the mirror you can increase it slightly all right okay so what we can do as well we can also reduce Thea contribution a bit and the eror perspective in the scene all right that looks good so finally we we're going to use this um lens and film postprocess plugin that that I bought earlier and um in the color management I'm just going to switch that on and I'm just going to play with the green values all right to match something like the like the like the reference here I'm just going to drop that down and for the yellows I'm just going to increase that a bit all right so we have something similar okay okay so yeah so if we're trying to create an overcast scene this is what we're going to do all right so it's a very very easy process you just have to just um play with your mirror a mirrror scattering scale here just increase it and then just um play with your higho contribution your eror perspective as well as your height for contribution so if you can reduce all these amounts and increase your mirror scattering scale you're going to have something similar to this all right hope this helped and um I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Torkuma Shija
Views: 2,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Animation, Motion Graphics
Id: K0ucN14S4w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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