Light, Stable and Cheap dinghies... Demo of the Takacat catamaran tender

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stand up on the tube but ya full stability how easy is that if you've been out looking for a tender for a boat to go cruising you'll know that so many of them are heavy cumbersome and actually quite difficult to store and then some are quite unstable too even standing and they're not cheap quite expensive so today we're going to take a look at a new innovative design out of New Zealand that helped solve it welcome to sabbaticals where we give you an inside look into boats stories and strategies to help you take an adventure on the sea [Music] [Applause] g'day I'm Brent Morin from multi L Central and today we're talking tenders through so many years bodis have been suffering through big heavy tenders that are difficult to stone your boat hard to pull up on board or even just difficult to pull up the beach and then inflatable tenders are usually very difficult to maneuver through the water because of their flat bottom that's until the innovative tacky caps designs from New Zealand came along which solves a lot of that combining a catamaran platform with the Richards lightweight design that comes along with that our very own Andrew MacLeod is going to take us through and demonstrate how the tacky cat worse let's take a look [Music] here we are a little tacit cap at 260 in here there's two bags and we've also got a six horse cart Suzuki motor you just unzip the bag and it's as simple as roll the boat out now when the boats applied it does come with this linen sheet and I've I've maintained that with my boat just so I protect it in the bag but it's completely optional now because we want this part of the boat to be closest to the the power source for the electric pump I can then slide that down without damaging the boat and we'll have the inflation pipe points towards the front of the vehicle I'm a big fan of making life easy and part of the tactic at life easy plan is to make sure you get your boat inflated very very easily and quickly minimum amount of stress this is a pump that we sell with the boats it's a high volume low pressure pump so it's got a maximum of 10 psi for the floor and a 3 psi for the axle tubes so it is until kiloPascals which is the new language and 25 kilo Pascal's is about 3 psi so you've got the alligator clips here it's red to red and then black the black and to make sure that we've got a power source illuminated red light so to deflate the boat you push in and slightly turn and the valve stays down like that but when we're going to inflate the boat we want the valve to be standing up important that you connect this hardened plastic fitting connected to the outlet the proper connector for the bell here it's like a little bayonet fitting and it's important to make sure that it does clip in so I just sort of give it a little bit of a negative turn make sure it slips in and then give it a firm tight turn so that it connects there that's a double-action pump so it'll go fast for the beginning to get the main volume in and then as the more pressure is required it will change its action to our higher pressure action although it is still a low pressure in the big scheme of things we press the black button here we go okay so now as you can see one tubes inflating the pumps working I haven't really got anything other to do anything else to do rather than get the accessories ready so now accessory bag we simply unzip that and what we find is the floor we'll just put that aside for the moment we but we've got the wheels in here because we've got the inflatable seat there's our hand pump as I say that comes with it you get a little repair kit and I'll show you the other bits and pieces shortly now a little trick I've learnt over there over the years of doing this is that it's not only men trying to make the boat easy to inflate so it also when you want to pack it away you want it to deflate really really quickly everything to slide out so I do use a little bit of hand cleaner no particular brand this is like water as long as it dissolves in water and it's not damaging to the environment you know I just use a little bit of that and what I do it's all just moisten the bars got one there and again here just make it nice and moist this plate on the lower bar points to the sky and this plate on the upper bar points down to the lower bar we picked up our oars simple push-button your slides into place can we screw that back on just the little bill crow straps hold the back of the order in place neck's like that and we do the other side as well it's all we do the falls falls up it's a pretty much a simple throw the floor and get it to sit inside the boat now remembering the floor requires 10 psi twist the bayonet in you can actually just step inside the boat just to help a tuck into the edges of the boat so while the floors being inflated we just get our France and boards ready you are going to read this to the boat Queens and maritime or ramza will require you know that plate being shown to them a photograph where you may have to take the whole board in oh the smaller board you'll see those plates now come into play that we talked about earlier it simply clips in like that and the art plate with the bulb through go straight up like that just to make sure the floor is in the correct position it's very important to get these these shackles coming through the base of the boat this line here comes in through the most forward part of the boat back through the shackle pull it right up then it comes back on itself here's your toy line these are little wheels so just bring them round to the stern of the boat spring clip so you lift you simply lift the boat up simply putting the wheel up there and the wheels there so what we've got here for the clean fisherman or even quite often people use these to support a a breacher of each umbrella force trade is if you like it's what they call simply as a fishing rod holder again it's this press button there's a hole here in the top of the top trends and bar you press the button slide that in there zeroed holder and there's one for each side and really the beauty of the seat is you can inflate it for your own comfort so I like that I like that a bit soft like that you can go full but you know it's a bit more comfortable to sit on so I'm just bringing the road over to where the motor is if we want the wheels to do as much work as possible and it sits straight on there like that very straightforward we just make sure we Center it and we tighten the clamps let's go find some water okay one thing that's very important and a real point of difference to the tacky cap to any other inflatable boat on the market or just about any other inflatable boat on the market it is a catamaran and the big advantage of that is that it runs on the reinforce on terms the actual tubes here that's where it gets the buoyancy so the boat isn't relying on a V hull to get its buoyancy important feature there is that if you rely on the V of the hull to be a buoyancy as soon as you move the boat your weight inside the boat to one side or the other the boat will list further and in effect want to throw you out of the boat with this if you move the weight to the pontoon it can take your full weight this bridge deck here the floor in between the two tubes does not touch the water so that's supported by the tubes while the boat is underway a real important difference on the boat and the floor as you saw earlier is fully inflated it is the same material as a paddle board it's not a paddle board but it could be an alternative to a paddle board if you don't feel like using the boat on the date you can actually take the floor out of the boat pump it up and go for a little paddle you'll notice things got an open bow now the beauty of the open bow is that it will give you access to the front of the boat if you want to go for a swim but you also can walk straight off the front go for a snorkel straight off the front of the boat maybe your immediate reaction is that you know it's a wet base because it doesn't have an enclosed bow or an axial fact if you have a look at the distance off the water it is no different from an enclosed bow to the open bow the other thing is very importantly unlike that V hull again you do not create a bow wave there is no wave coming from the front of the boat there's only wash and from the side of the boat alright here we are at the water's edge just can unclip one of the wheels third wheel comes off easy as that coming up the other way you're gonna take the wheel with us I'll come around the other side to the other wheel good steer and see it's out of the way of the motor and ready for the motor to turn just a tip with any any boat always make sure your engine starts before you put the boat in the water remember safety first always wear a lifejacket slider into the water and talk about stability off we go yeah here's the stable boat as I as you saw I was rocking on the land but now I can rock on the water stand up on the tube a little bit of wash coming through yeah full stability how easy is that okay let's go now we've gone through the stability of the boat how lightweight it is it is a catamaran just wanted to tell you a quick story about the real benefits and how it should be applied in a situation one of my customers you know owned a quite a large powerboat they've gone to the expense of getting himself a pretty serious kender without with a 75 horsepower outboard you know that 15 foot long all the rest of it the boat weighed about over 500 kilograms this boat here weighs less than 30 kilograms with the motor included it's a little bit more than that the motor I think is about 25 kilograms so you're looking at blessing less than 70 kilograms boat and motor together well there's couple when they went cruising they chose to take their big boat over to the island have a lunch came back two hours late or three hours later has had a couple of lines over lunch and found that their boat was about six meters short of the of the the water line so what do they do they try to move the boat it's far as two heavies they're stuck there for until the tide turns to get back to their their mother ship whereas in this occasion if if the same thing happened you'd only be lifting about less than 70 kilos now that's easy to do husband and wife either side drag it down the same you're in the water in Venice so if you'd be interested to learn more about tacit cut including pricing and all the information on the various models and accessories click here or simply visit multihull you
Channel: SEAbbaticals by Multihull Central
Views: 659,982
Rating: 4.7478991 out of 5
Keywords: dinghy, boat in a bag, catamaran, tender, inflatable, cheap, light, stable
Id: EkXQzZI0I50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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