Light of Love

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why would somebody want to be a sister I it's hard to answer on anything but a personal level I know why I would want to be a sister it's because things will eventually fade things break they note they don't fulfill for a moment they fulfill and then it's emptiness again you get a new toy and then you know even as a sister reunion pair of shoes and that's pretty exciting but they get dirty and they wear and all of this passes away and I think for me the reason why is because I'm living in fraternity and I could start that now you it's really funny because when I'm outside of the convent when I go on home visit or different things like that they'll say sister carrion is so joyful I just see the joy radiating from her face and I'm not really doing anything special or you know like it just it just comes forth you know and it's it's something that's really hard to explain to people like how do you gain it how do you gain this joy how do you gain this peace you know and really it's just is sitting before our Lord and allowing him to love you so it's just something very simple very simply I can say there's just there's something inside of me or anyone who's called to religious life that I can't I can't exactly describe it but it's the fact that it's a mystery and it's the mystery of God and sometimes when you say well how do people fall in love and then and stay in love and live the lives that they do I can just say that for myself and people say well why did you do this how did you really decide to become a sister and I can just say that I listen to the beat of my heart and it's God who beats within me and that's where I find my source that's where he's my lifeline and anything else wouldn't be as real wouldn't be is full for me so that's how I know that this is the life for me just God the Son and to the Holy Spirit it was the beginning is now and will be horrible amen father you wait what is in our hearts free us from oppressors and as we wait for your day of judgment the fulfillment for religious life for me comes and just being able to spend time with the Lord and to know that I've chosen a life that allows for this I was just thinking this yesterday when I was in prayer how wonderful it is to be able to go every day I can get off work and well even before I go to work and just be in his presence and not that he isn't everywhere and in every one but there is something about knowing that my life has been set aside to be with him and then after receiving the Grace and the mercy from him to be able to spread that to others and I feel that every day in the hospital because I encounter people that as soon as they see me there's just an automatic smile and I know it's not me it's Jesus like they are seeing Jesus in me so being able to share that with everyone and and you don't know how many times people come up and say hello sister can you pray for this and what an honor to know that they're entrusting this part of their life to me to be able to lift it up in prayer and I think that what could be more rewarding than that to be able to constantly be serving and giving yeah I work in cardiology so it can be extremely busy or extremely slow it's it's one of the hit-or-miss areas and so when I start my day I open what's called opening the room and so I I set up all the equipment for the day I make sure everything's ready for anything that could happen we treat people that are actually in an acute heart attack so if anyone in the surrounding area we're in a heart attack the ambulance and they're closest to us then they'll bring it to us and we go in and we fix that heart attack okay I wonder if they're having trouble gonna mend okay well oh no I look up the labs of this one then the draw to healthcare for me is being able to not only bring healing to a body but also to bring Christ to them as well because so often just a look on people's face when they see me when when I come into the waiting room and and ask them to come with me and and there is a change and then they there is I think almost a comfort and that where they have to trust me they have to trust that when I walk them in that procedure room it's gonna be okay got all of our marvelous pickpockets made can i snag one of them Oh women you put it on hey all right okay let us go okay we'll be back although I've been a sister for the anarchist it'll be well September it'll be 15 years I grew up in Oregon rural Oregon 30 minutes away from the nearest store town and I was raised there 18 years never moved always thought I would stay in Oregon beautiful countryside close to the beach in the mountains lived on a farm and I think that's where I really learn to encounter God is watching the beauty of his creation you're in you're out the seasons and yeah I think it's it's helped me to really appreciate just everything I think I guess that's probably one of my favorite parts of my my apostolate is when we do have someone come in an active heart attack and this has happened multiple times and were able to put a stent in his heart open up the blood flow and we've saved his life or his or her life and my favorite part and I always cried this part is bringing the family and afterwards because they knew that dad or grandpa or grandma was dying and they're back and so I can say you know I helped bring them back so that's it's a you know it gives me chills every time and the ladies I work with we say that's why we do what we do your first thing I'm going to do is just take a look I have an ultrasound she and it seemed to pick up open or and seemly air vessels and I'm just going to take a pic on your arm where you're connected to also a search this when we're in procedures because I'm a circulating nurse I'm able to step back while the doctor and the scrub nurse do to work and I hand off items to them but a lot of times I have to wait until they're ready so a lot of my position is to just wait in the background and it's it's funny how often the doc will say to me sis are you praying back they're like yes I am but it should be able to do that in my day to know that a few things are still enough even in the midst of this procedure that I can pray for this person okay feel my probe now is it pretty now a little bit there we go you know what you did great and went in perfect okay all right please pardon okay don't worry about Aramis Martha okay I hope you get to feeling better good my feet before it was growing it wasn't real strong but it was growing and I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life I didn't go to college knowing oh I'm gonna be you know a chemist or or even a nurse I had no idea what I wanted to be at the time I just knew that I needed to do something different with my life I needed to do something to help my faith grow and I had heard about Steubenville I'd heard about that whole faith aspect so I went just on a whim basically and it was there that I encountered the sisters that I am a part of now the sisters of Saint Francis to the martyrs Saint George I was in class with one of them two classes with one of them I encountered sister Caritas there and then there were six other sisters going so I spent time with them I visited other orders and it was there that I really that's when I knew I knew I felt free to be able to say oh I can look at this in life there are so many other women on campus that are doing this it's not scary or crazy or you know it's something that it's a true option for me the way I would describe it when I get off of work and some days are hectic some days are not regardless just to be able to come in to kneel in his presence for me it's like a breath of fresh air of when almost in that sense of just renewing I can just let everything go and just be in this presence and sometimes I you know I have strong feelings of emotions of love or or movements like that but more often than not it's it's just a time to bring in my heart and say this is what I've been through today and some of this was hard some of this was beautiful but here it is I have the closest friends I've ever had in community because it goes beyond the externals you know it's not what car do you drive it's not where do you work it's who do you love and we love the same person and we're directed towards the same goal and we can share our hearts and so you know it's not the externals don't matter so much anymore and I think that's the beauty of community being able to grow on this way towards him together making their funds like the community not to give away too much better luck next time well the time came for us to start thinking about our names and nothing was coming nothing was coming and I thought you know there's so many wonderful saints I could take from the Saints I really love languages though and so I'm reading Scripture and mark 541 Jesus raises the Daughter of Jairus and he goes in and he takes her by the hand and he says telleth a or some people say to Letha either way it's Aramaic it's his very own language and it means little girl so he was saying little girl get up and I really really liked that I thought there's no way it's such a strange name you know it's Aramaic and they're never gonna say yes so I am talking to my postulate director and and she says yeah I like that so then she looks it up in her little dictionary and I asked for it and there was not even a question well I guess that's fine and but more importantly behind that is I love the fact of the story that Jesus comes in and I picture myself as that little girl dead and my sin and he comes in and he grabs me by the hand and he says get up and we walked together that way every day we walked together so that's the story behind my name and then sings my soul my Saviour God to thee How Great Thou art How Great Thou art then sings my soul my Savior God to thee o we should take to the road oh yeah good job Wow free entertainment too that was pretty good pretty good hmm for me as a Carmelite we have the beautiful blending of a contemplative life in an active life and sometimes that's that's challenging how do I combine my moments of Prayer where I'm I'm speaking to our Lord and in an intimacy and and then how do I take that and then go into a very crazy and noisy world and bring all those gifts that he's given into that environment our daily life as a Carmelite kind of revolves around coming together as a family to pray probably up four times during the day and then there's a lot of other stuff in between that too but we rise singing to the Lord Musa 4:55 in the morning give them the best time start off the day right and we go to prayer so we have meditation we chant the Divine Office together we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the mass which is the center of our day and so from there we go to breakfast have breakfast together and then we all kind of go off to the different apostolates of where we serve so we're in different departments I'm serving right now in our healthcare field merciful father created us in her image and likeness and have determined that every life is beautiful and this year of faith and light in our minds to ascend to this truth and in a flame I will to serve our residents families and co-workers with genuine compassion and care products to their dignity as a human person we ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your son and mother Luis Sita giggles okay Oh Lourdes my little charismatic raise the Lord amen I'm Mary oh good morning oh yeah no just Sacred Heart but you were mine hey Lord is where you going we don't have her teeth into it that's okay so right now I'm called to serve in our healthcare apostolate and I'm an RN I went to Franciscan University as a sister to obtain my nursing degree and right now in our skilled nursing facility I'm the director of nurses so I really oversee all the care of all of our residents and Families and nursing staff which are nurse assistants lVN's our ends so that's the the role that I'm asked to do right now to serve in is she being changed not yet just getting ready she have you been taking care of her Teresa not lately good morning oh I get a smile this morning how are you you have Teresa here today yeah she's gonna just gonna help you get all nice and clean and ready for the day are you ready to get up not yet you want to rest a little more I'm gonna fix your oxygen okay your husband's not here yet does he come later he's here every day you get to see him every day all right I move your arm just a little bit you need to see right down here good I love the image of a mountain and there's snow at a mountaintop its pure and that's like our prayer life but then it flows down and it creates streams and different plants and you know flowers draw a life from that water and that's that's like our prayer life you know Carmel there's an image in Carmel that we use which is a mountain and at the peak of the mountain is our goal which is union with God and from that union the the life has to flow out into service to others and that's that's the beauty of what we do and what we what we have in our daily life anything else you want of them right now good it's quite challenging right now with different things happening in our society and I go back to what john paul ii talks about of a cult culture of life and a culture of death and I see my role right now serving in the healthcare is to really promote and protect that culture of life and with our elderly and even with the the different staff members that we work with we are called to really uphold the dignity of each soul at every stage of life living in community life is it it's a joy it's a blessing and it could be a good way that the Lord helps to purify you you know I live in a house of about 20 sisters right now and we can range from 20 years old up to 70 or 80 just okay that in itself is really God's grace and miracle that all these women can live together and so I think you know part of the joy though of a religious life is living together in community you have the support of your sisters you you're working towards the same goal but we've got lots of different personalities and we rub against one another but that's what helps us to to continually be reformed and conformed to Christ and I think we help one another do that can we give her a hint maybe on ahead taste it's a meal it's a meal I feel fulfilled beyond what I could even express it again just it's it's something quite amazing where um words can't always put it into context but if I was like a bouncy ball I'd be like bouncing all over the place you know it just that's what's inside because you can't contain it like God will never stop giving I'll never stop understanding him and you know he's calling me to to experience his love and to give his love and that is like inexhaustible and so it's just it's constantly coming and I'm constantly giving and it's like never-ending you know and that's what's gonna happen hopefully one day when we get to heaven but as far as being fulfilled I knowing how God has called me to this vocation in life and it was meant specifically for me and how he made me up with all my personality and details and and quirks and habits it's it fits like a glove and this is what this is what's meant for me and so I think any vocation you have in life if you find it it's gonna be totally fulfilling because it's what God specifically had in mind when you created us from day one I've gained a lot of Peace in religious life just peace within my heart it's you know it's funny because to know that you're called to religious life it's something that isn't always necessarily a feeling but just like the Lord is having a sense of the Lord pursuing you you know and he's pursuing you with love and sometimes we can fight against that and sometimes we are like okay Lord I'll submit to your love um it's a it's really a hard question to answer because everyone has a different experience of that call like for me I just I felt peace within my heart I felt joy and when it was like the Lord's words like speaking it to my heart so it was something that was very real to me that I experienced Oh I think if you're called to religious life if the Lord has chosen you to be a religious sister he's going to give you that grace to be a religious sister and sometimes it's hard some everyone has a different story and sometimes we focus too much on what I'm giving up what am i losing and to be able to look at well what am i gaining and that's something that's very hard to do in the beginning and especially a couple years in the beginning and religious life because you still are feeling all those losses and you have to kind of grieve all those losses in order to be able to really embrace you know the way of life healin and then what were the Franciscan Sisters tío are of penance of the sorrowful mother and we rise at 5:00 in the morning and we go down to adoration at 5:30 we also have we pray the Divine Office and we have mass in the morning time we usually start our work around 9 o'clock and our work can be either in-house works at Our Lady of Sorrows so we have altar bread religious articles that we make and distribute and then we also have ministries outside of the convent Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death in so we have santa chiara which is up at Franciscan University and the sisters there will work with students on campus and then we have Heart of Mary House which is downtown the sisters there run the Samaritan House which works with the poor in the downtown area distributing food and clothing and then I'll ant ministries which is the soup kitchen that the sisters run on the second and fourth Saturday of every month in downtown Steubenville it's very suppressed area the industry that used to be there was the steel mills and most of those have closed down now so a lot of people are without work there's a lot of drugs prostitution in the area so to have the store like right in the heart of the city is just really important for the people you know so that the people do have a place to come to where they experience that I they know that they are being loved I womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen Our Lady Queen of Peace rafer us Father Son Holy Spirit amen all right keys to the kingdom mr. Jay Murray I'm gonna have you put these out yeah you haven't made the coffee yet before right not here okay our contemplative act of life the flow is like prayer in the morning when we rise in the morning and then we go to work or ministry for three hours and then at noon we go back into prayers so either a holy hour or praying the rosary and then we go back into our work in ministry for another three hours and then back into prayer at five o'clock in the evening so just that flow within itself just kind of gives you that life breath you know to to continue in your day and just a grace that just flows like throughout your day and reminding you that you know the Lord is always with you no matter what you do and you really can't separate prayer from your work because when you're praying uncie singly within your heart you know our Lord is always with you yeah so we'll pray for him too um what's his name is it Mike it's Mike okay Roberts son we pray for him in a special way Laura that you may just release him from the bondages of addictions that he is in Lord God we pray Lord that he may just know of your great love for him that you O Lord might just come and set the captives free we pray Lord that you might keep the family safe that you may provide for all of their needs materially as well as spiritually you pray this all in Jesus's name as we pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen amen going home good to pray yes it does amen yes I do yeah look you stand there smiling like okay Robert you're all set thank you yes you're very welcome I feel very privileged that the Lord is using me as an instrument in someone else's life it's very humbling as well the Lord teaches me a lot about my own poverty when I work down there at Samaritan house and working with the poor it just gets me in touch with how poor I really am and my dependency upon God to be able to fill me and to give me that grace to be able to really love his people and to be able to share his love with them my sisters really support me and they encouraged me I know they're praying for me if I'm going through something difficult or maybe I have a talk to do somewhere I know that they're praying and interesting for me and I just really can feel that encouragement and love from them and also the sisters we just love to have fun together you know so in recreation or whether we're playing volleyball or there's just so much joy you know and there you're living with a group of women who are all looking towards the same goal you know looking to live holiness and so it's it's just such a gift to be with them I'm going to thank the Lord just for our life of prayer and our ordinary life in the simplicity and I also want to thank the Lord for all my sisters in the ways that you have supported me and cared for me and encouraged me and yeah I would just thank the Lord for just the gift of this day and the gift of Sunday the day of rest amen yeah in our free time probably a lot a lot of things that you might do you know um just playing I play the flute so playing music sometimes the sisters have jam sessions it's just really fun sometimes we play volleyball we have a sister schooler we're very active in sports so we end up playing a lot of sports softball volleyball different things like that I'm reading and a lot of sisters have a lot of different talents in drawing something or just kind of you know just hanging out and being one another when I was doing at Samaritan house there was a woman who came in and she needed food assistance and she was telling me about her mother who had just passed away and I asked her would you like me to pray with you and she said no I'm an atheist and I just kind of looked at her and I I was like okay and it just kind of dawned on me like oh well if she's an atheist she doesn't believe you know that her mother is in heaven you know that her mother's being taken care of by our Lord and it just is sad in my heart so much and I just kind of looked at her and I said so that means you don't believe in heaven she's like no I don't and I said to her if you don't believe in heaven then that means you don't have any hope and she said you're right I don't have any hope and I just I looked at her and I was like okay and my heart was just so which is so sad but I heard in that moment and I heard the Lord say to me just meet her where she's at and that's really where conversions happen you know when people experience the love of Christ that you can give them even in the smallest way and I had noticed when she had come into the store there was this little birdhouse that she really liked but she couldn't afford it and so I went out there and I got the birdhouse and I gave it to her and I felt like that was a sign of meeting her you know where she was at and she was just so grateful for that religious life it's a sure way of following Jesus it's a sure way of not doing your well but his we'll all the time and it's so it's a joyful way of following Jesus you find so much joy in religious life and and the opportunity of giving yourself to others so to me that's that's probably the most important thing that you're able to to love Jesus and to thrive in everything you would like to do and at the same time you're serving others his whole philosophy is sorry Missy be Jesus Christ true and true versus be Jesus Christ while we wake up at 5:00 5:45 a.m. and then 6 o'clock we have morning prayer and laceration right after that we have breakfast altogether and and then we go off for our apostolates so some of us are involved in the st. Joseph's Academy which is a homeschool co-op where we have the parents fully involved in the children's education so we have around and I think next year next year is going to be kind of same number 7 17 students how are you it's wonderful to see the three teams together here hmm so st. er s so you can I can tell with a cognitive so when we start with a prayer for our Bible study in the name of the Father Son Holy Spirit amen so we place ourselves into the hands of Mary as we say hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen sometimes when we study the Old Testament we run the risk of you know thinking that that happened back then but isn't it our story too I think more heart makes it very clear in the on the DVD that you know that's our story too how many times were unfaithful to God by what yes sin right and then still God forgives us if we're truly sorry of the look done so that's it's you know it's not the story for ourselves story the Old Testament is our story it's um I really love young people and it's you know you're planting the seed there for there you know to help them in their relationship with Jesus because you cannot no you cannot love that if you don't know the person right it's if you don't know the Scriptures you don't know Jesus you cannot love him so that's that's our idea to not just you to help them know Jesus through study or Lionhead knowledge is to to teach them how to love Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen please there's so much joy in it that really I didn't think that way when I first entered I didn't probably I didn't know what suspect or you know or sometimes I thought it was probably like a kind of a long retreat type of thing it had nothing to do with the idea I had a religious life before I entered it's it's this joy of serving Jesus and of serving the church take a look at it okay my what draws the youth to vacation is not easy life because it's like you can have it outside what draws the youth is the cross and in any vocation even married life or you know what religious life that's that's that's our call I mean it's just the giving of yourself to Jesus or to or to your wife or to your husband you know there's no there's no place for vocation when there's when there is selfishness or you know you're thinking about yourself out of Christ the Lord is with thee blessed art thou and women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus it's been 25 years but I didn't even notice it it's like the first day and I think that's part of looking at vocation as a gift you know it's something that first of all you didn't deserve why think I chose why did God choose me and on my sister I don't know so it is it's a gift from God it's a grace and you see God keeping you you know on the right path every day is just like that God is my life it's not just um I put this on and I'm a sister but my whole inside and outside head to toe my being belongs to God and we as sisters are called to be holy just as anyone else in their walk of life yet for us we're called to be holy and help others become holy and in that holiness it's it's not something that's that's like strange or not reachable it's the idea of living your daily life and really loving and really being humble st. John Bosco our founder said that there are three kind of like three rules to follow to become holy for the young people and it's not far from us but number one to always be cheerful and say mother mother mother Ella said to she said you know a person with a cheerful heart is one who truly loves God because sometimes when we say holy people get scared of that or they think oh that's not me you know like as if it's something untouchable where our Silesian sisters and our founders brought it to the ground and said no you know what we are made in God's image so to be holy is to be cheerful and all the time and also to be holy is to just do what you're asked to and do it well so if it's something that's small or big hard or easy that's what we're doing today and do it well and then lastly in st. John Bosco's words don't miss recess so the fact of to take time to play to have fun to really nourish your body mind and your soul so it's it's that balance of of life that really brings holiness Oh Oh our daily life usually we begin we wake up at five o'clock and then usually we're in chapel around 5:30 and we have our meditation so we reflect on God's Word whatever the scripture is of the day or the different liturgical season so you meditate for the half an hour and then from there we actually have our morning prayer together on our work days of course Monday through Friday the mission is is waiting so we take our time in prayer but then once we're we're out of Chapel we eat and we run so for myself um I go to school we have a middle school in high school here where I missioned right now and sort school with the young people pretty much for the whole day and we're in classrooms or right now I am the vice principal so um lots of different activities you never know what what the day might bring nice haircut I like it I guess thinking of being looking at myself in society and where I fall in that um I don't feel separated I feel that I want to proclaim a difference than a lot of times what our society proclaims but if anything I feel more intertwined with the fact that these are God's people that are walking around in the streets in the mall wherever they are some come to our schools some come to our summer camps some come to our parishes but everyone's God's people so to know that society isn't just this word of something out there but it's God's people make it up and to know that that's our call is to share that love to share that mercy that forgiveness and just let them know who God is because we're all searching we have to be searching and if God's given us that gift to know who he is then we need to go out to society in our mission and share God's goodness and let them know who he really is I will be a good citizen I will be a and always do my shoes and always do my chair seat introduced hmm for us you question well working with young people you learn so much from them here we think okay we're teachers or principals or whatever it is but to be with the young people and their innocence in their spontaneity but also their their hurts in their struggles they're extremely vulnerable so as much fun and exciting as they excitement that they have they're really dealing with some some really difficult things so to be privileged to to be in that privileged moment to be in a young person's life it takes a lot of responsibility and but to be there and to know that simple things that you say can can lift them up for years to come or can tear them down so to know that the simple things that we do or say have such an effect for their life but to really be with the young people they bring us so much joy and in newness and at the same time they're still open to be formed and to learn and to grow they know that they have to learn every day so that reminds us Wow Lord I believe but help my unbelief you know there's always room for growth so we talk about respect this is respect for God respect for respect for how do we do all that at the same time we better learn how to juggle a little bit right so what happens if I try to put all of those together well it's not that easy people I only am two hands right so I have to see if I can do it and if I practice a little bit and we're talking not only juggling but respecting God others and yourself then we have to try to put it all together thank you very much why do you see a movie oh that's right you guys are they're gonna bug I love who you at the end of the day okay later I'll talk to you about it later all right clean up thank you I'll see you guys later I think just being a sister has has really made me who I am and it's scary sometimes like when you know you just go anywhere and you say wow you know what I'm not just Mary Jackson who I've known but I'm sister my Jackson representing our Lord representing the church representing the Silesian sisters so I've gone from it being kind of scary like oh my gosh what if I say something wrong or what if I do something and then to just the fact of it's such a peaceful and beautiful life too to live in union with Christ and not to be alone that you're supported in in your prayer in your community in your work like I'm not just going out here a gung-ho st. Paul gonna go convert everyone but we're together in this and I always know and I don't just know it but I experienced that the support of our community okay are you finished with your plate I'm sorry you're getting second okay he one second soup then take this to the garbage thank you you're welcome so do you go through the pool now or class so we'll see we may have been meeting during the boys I just have to see when there are more counselors right but I find you though I say hey excuse me I have to chase the garbage since I'm chasing you to take those moments in prayer in the chapel to be united with him who made me is something that's necessary but in the same way that to just take those quiet moments and be there to hear him to not just to kind of say everything that that's going on with me but the time in prayer is to just for me also just to listen to God listen to his life speak to me his words speak to me and um I don't have the word for it but just when you pray there's a union and in that union with God I hope would then affect my thoughts and my actions that then reach the rest of the day and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty through Christ our Lord amen pray for us in the father is it's amazing to see the way that young people and then older people our whole mentality has changed in the world in church the way that we communicate the way that even sometimes we pray is just different whether it be the opening and sharing of like Lexi Oh Davina compared to just the silent prayer so so many ways have changed between different generations and to see the way that the sisters live together is amazing sometimes it takes a little more effort or a little kind of maybe backing off on my point saying okay you know what this is what I think this is what could be good but I see your part too so let's do that I mean just simply like recreation sometimes we'll have active recreation and and play hockey in the parking lot and other times we'll sit down and play a card game because we really want to get everyone together and have a chance for us all to be together so in community life just the idea of compromise but really what reigns is love so if I can love you more than my own interests community life is fabulous I said come here you have to see something I had no words but I could click the internet you know so I brought him to the computer and I was like here this is what I found like two three weeks ago and you've got to see it just you have to see it so um took him to the computer got up the side of the daughters and my helper Christians and this is the moment I guess you could say because he said who loves me with who loves me with his whole heart he said Wow mayor you always talked about sisters and he always said what you thought they might be and this is it so he said you have to go try you have to you know just go for he says I'm here you know I'm here but I think you need to go see what that's about you you you you you
Channel: Imagine Sisters
Views: 667,212
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Id: PIwJacw_Z3Y
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Length: 66min 16sec (3976 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2013
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