Light Fingers - LONGEST GAME EVER!! (4 Player Gameplay)

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all right i just got out of prison you know a bunch of cops walked by only guys yeah totally legit reaction guards goal guards roll to three okay all right dad what you got oh what is this this is a business right yeah has it been looted no no loot to steal wait that says no loot that says loot yeah well is it saying lucille on me no it's just like don't just steal at the shop yeah at the shop yep you have two and then there's loot to steal at the shop okay uh then i might move visit the shop give me your loot you didn't want to say hello huh that should have been a little suspicious you walked in hey what do you sell calm down car reduce the targets uh movements to one that's nice i will actually double your current dice roll is a good one to have that is a good one oh this music's cute that's cute some uh what do you call that the first village in ocarina of time okay kakariko took me a second okay you got your bag of loot where is it gonna move or does it move in the morning in the morning oh thank god thank god [Music] oh okay chicks tricks for kids okay uh just three huh hmm oh you can make it i wonder if a fugitive makes someone wanted i think it does but i think like as we learned right now guards when they catch you they just hold you in place for a turn future does do the thing that'll definitely teleport you but i also wonder okay thank you thanks rick i cut her dice in half oh you go to the vault yeah i may as well yeah yeah let's do it and you've got a good shot that it moves to there exactly fierce crossed you were banking on a very good thing yeah okay as far as we know 33 chance just like the chances of priceless controller turning off the chances of my controller turning off are 133 in a third okay that's just steiner maths okay let's go papa roach uh well so i'm going to tell you what i was going to do i was going to go to the guards tower and buy a loot but now there's two guards making that you're not wanted yeah it doesn't matter if i go and stand on that spot he's going to take it from me when it comes to my turn next i don't know if that's not what happens i think they will i think if you buy from them you do not get wanted but again it doesn't matter if you're wanted if a guard walks by you and you have loot they take it yes yeah it doesn't matter if you want it or not exactly okay so i think that like it's one of those ones where it's like correct i'm not wanted but i it doesn't matter um so i guess i go gosh there's nothing nowhere we're in the dead zones uh you could go to a cave yeah i'm going cave steal from jazz i'd rather just go to cave i don't have the bravery of y'all to do a rock paper scissors versus jazz hey no one technically has no one has one against jazz well i'm saying no one else has initiated it's always jazz initiative and you all have to know that there is an intimidation that happens when you play a game which is initiated yeah rick started it rick started i ended it yes in chat we have people um arguing over the correct pronunciation of ocarina or ocarina either are acceptable no pronunciations matter as long as people know what you're talking about it's fine yes i think i always said ocarina macarena the locker renault ocarina [Music] i know there's two left i think sure i'll try it guards move yeah if jazzy makes it out of there with one loot that she wins if she can get to the camp first she's only two tiles away from it i can see it happen it's gonna move this turn right no she just lowered the oh did you calm down she told car hey shut up yeah i said hey car mm-hmm calm down i hate this one so much yeah this is going to spin this one the danger zone there you go wow that goes all the way over exactly like what the hell man you got to be fast on that one yeah the royal vault has tricky ones it does seem like it's significantly more difficult for howe for what you get out of it well now that normal don't just have three loot right you know that's why i'm like what's the point and then there you go good one go go go go spin spin spin oh wait i'm spinning these things [Music] this is this one is this isn't this always gets me i'm go i'm making it go fast oh god no no no no no no no no stop spinning just jump and pray basically basically there we go get to your checkpoint careful that blade you know what no you guys get no money that's fine you guys have been married you guys have been bad no coins for bad lads oh my goodness the baddest lads bad and rad skating oh god i don't remember this no this is that's gotta be poisonous oh god they dropped oh yeah that's right do not touch okay all right careful that saw blade all right take your time man and with the royal vault i'm realizing all of the bags are at the end ah yeah didn't you get one from the checkpoint all right wait how the hell you got it you got to jump leave a face there we go there you go there you go okay there you go all right now you're good oh i guess i did good on the checkpoint you're right that's right you're right it's just the checkpoints have been very few and far between at the moment oh wait oh careful careful yeah when the camera moves you move a little bit okay giddy when i move you move just like that don't jump don't jump jump jump well you still got one heart you've already got two loops so you've already got a good i like that they did that i like that you get pieces of glue as you go through so it just feels less like a waste how come sometimes you'll grab onto the edge and other times you're just like yeah i'm not even going to try to grab onto the edge or sometimes grabbed onto the ends on the platform sometimes you grab underneath and pull yourself through this game's a ton of fun but it has problems man it doesn't matter jazz is going to win i'm excited for the uh steam release that's what i'm expecting i'm very excited for this yeah when's that happening come on right look i i love the nintendo switch i think it's a great console but i prefer my pc much more especially with platforms like this none uh joy-cons are not the way to go yeah it's yeah it depends on what game the joy-con is just not the way to go i think that's how yeah period that's what you say and in the at the end of the day the joy-con is not the way to go ever enjoy enjoy that loot like joycon's fine in something like the warrior war game where it's literally just one button to do something but i would still prefer a different controller if i had the option oh yeah probably the responsiveness of the joycons is lacking i think people can look at the way that my green hand has been moving back and forth this entire oh thank you wax on wax off just keep on flying off the screen wow you're already at the end jesus did it start you further in or did you just fly through that did she not get checkpoints i think maybe it started or at the third one yeah because we had already gotten further in oh that's an incredible for everybody my hand like literally won't do anything i actually kind of like that too if it makes the dungeon easier if loot's already been raided from it all right so now jazzy must be fought well it's gonna be hard for lose she's only two tiles away from turning in yeah but if we have cards they'll like swap dice with her or something mm-hmm is she two times away i thought it moved no again she i calmed it down she called me yeah okay i was like hey gotcha yeah and i don't have anything to stop her well then there you go good job yes oh it has moved wow what i thought you calmed it down probably oh but we did enough on top of that oh my gosh okay oh my gosh jazz did things oh my gosh um what car did i get look at the map where did it move i think it moved back to the beginning at the very beginning yeah okay back to where we started that's far from me so there it is back there okay is there a cave i i don't think there's any caves around here um i don't know i can only move one spot okay well and enter yeah no no i don't want to go do that oh you don't want to go to the okay okay okay let's see i just did that nonsense gotcha oh you're over here oh jazzy's gonna have a struggle i guess it's true you're overburdened so yeah she rolled a four but it's only gonna later move three right i think that's the way it is working let's see oh because you're holding four yeah close um let's do that no no no for the guards yeah where are the cards uh maybe it only works on player it must yeah it says player target player ah that's too bad all right well let's see cards then let's see yeah stealth well you have two stills oh do you know i might as well yeah i'll get myself some stealth just end up in a forest tile yes i'm gonna try to do yeah there you go yeah all right cool paparazzi um well now uh map view where is this you can take the cave which will put you well he's gonna have a chance of going back to the beginning these games are right there next to me oh you've got a dungeon right next to you yeah so that's my shot yeah if you get three loot and then hit that cave and it takes you back to the beginning then that's what he's really close like if he hits this and then he rolls like a five or six he could do it might as well yeah that's true like i like i i'll be honest i know i don't have a good shot in the dungeon with my controller issues yeah um it is a shot at three luke uh so i have three loot on me right now um you could air balloon that would take you to town which is pretty much right next to me mm-hmm you are wanted yeah but then you're gonna stop it but you're gonna be in town with all that wanted yeah uh there i think must be an entrance down here as well yes ooh that's the it's a sculptor how much money do i have 35 a okay mushroom hut um let me i could four more actually yeah give me that there you go okay we've got like pretty much the entirety of this map right revealed so far running across the map even if you can and then and there's the yeah there's the thing so that's a dense force too yeah but i don't have any stealth right now yeah still good job getting across a map like that nice man okay at this point isn't he in their jurisdiction like get a different card outfit making us go up and down the land actually have so many guards i am so afraid of your guards they're out for blood stay off the roads oh god oh that was so close yeah but you're stealthed you were fine oh that's true i am still i forgot about that time for my amazing successes just keep leaning forward as much as you can all right here you go guys if nothing else have any money money money money thank you money please all right that's regular jump knockout just walked right forward why oh okay i wish i could just pick you up and carry you even just having y'all's hands floating in front is enough of a that was that was a delay come on this is supposed to be your redemption song yeah well maybe give me tools that work next time i'm just gonna do it in one go nope walk right off he walked right off you'll probably be able to look at the footage and see that my left hand was not even touching the controller at that point which is the that's the movie hand [Laughter] this is why i shouldn't be on switch it dropped you in the middle of town yeah it dropped you in the weirdest it did that to me last time too it dropped me like four tiles over if you fail come on six another one are you kidding me everybody's got so many what is with these ones man and the cards rolled so high right i'm surprised this game is still going i know this is the longest game ever what card are you gonna give me a card i can actually use game okay four more that's that's pretty good um also you know what i'm gonna use half off on some guards you can only use one card it's only on players movements never mind um i can't have guards huh um you can only um use one card oh i can do cards yeah interestingly the last one said only players but it wouldn't let me well it's just different ones yeah there you go i'm gonna save that then uh okay then i will use my four for more there you go where are you going rick um running running running you buy some dice uh you know what you might as well i do have money how much money do i have seven seventy so you could maybe buy something yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you could steal from them after you don't need i don't need to steal i don't need to be greedy that would slow you down wouldn't it yeah it possibly would i don't know how many um well i mean i may as well what else am i doing with this spring of money and then i could do a cursed eye too if i wanted to you know sure okay so your goal is it okay later dude later teeter okay whose time is it now me oh you're get out of there roach now road shall succeed you can take the balloon get the hell out of there come on now let's see if this guy will let me shop here look i know i stole from you earlier okay did you his trust is so sparkly he got it he got it back banned from the shop i'm banned come on buddy i think you'll get wanted come on [Music] i just want a pretty touch i'm so getting got i do it in front of the guards every day i'm some guy i go down to city hall and there's a shop like in front of city hall that i'm just like to just have this feeling from no i don't have i can't do anything oh no because that's not the camp anymore yeah i mean i could just hang out here and stealth and stealth again i mean that might be your best shot you rolled a really big role well i mean there's i can go around but i end up like well and the guards are right other dense force so all right me i'm so gonna get caught okay oh so silly why why do i do what i do i might as well bank it yeah and then you can go steal from some of the places around you yep and hopefully just make it back good job ash all right fast forward plus i have time these guards aren't going to show up anytime soon please don't oh thank god i'm so close i need to get the hell out of there coming to god's sakes they both stopped right before me she's looking at the job now will they come for jasmine no i'm still yeah so they just what do they do run around they're just gonna keep running it's interesting oh thank god they had so much movement yeah oh wow some distance okay all right plus four wanted turn 15. i got a one that's not gonna help me get away oh it will i'll fly away yeah there you go i'll fly away good thing you can't be banned from the hot air balloon plays do you have enough money for that air balloon oh yeah he has maybe a roach but you may as well call me a bee it's because he's been banned from every place that you could buy from yeah because they took all their things fly drive me to a place that's far away from that guard's face ah hey ash oh no oh no oh no but i think they'll walk that way they'll walk past me yeah yeah they'll walk past me i'll be fine if i had landed right on them oh my god i wasn't singing about your face card half off sure let's do it on um let's do it on you on the guards hey thanks well i mean i'm going in that direction so i might as well like you know yeah just like it's not for you price let's go down here yeah good call then move over into the mm-hmm all right all right uh map view you've got loot to steal and okay there's a couple loots to seal over there too yeah where's my guards yeah if you conceal nowhere yeah yeah yeah you're still back there you're fine you could start stealing potentially you literally could start looting and if i loop both of them i'll move the camp well it's only got one and you can only loot one oh oh true yeah okay so hey there shop at this point i'm just like end it yeah it's been a long game it feels like yeah i mean the last game was only 10 rounds this has been 15. uh what do you have get out ash oh my god join the club get out there it's up there i forgot that i stole from you before yeah yeah there was actually a a red x on this tile because you'd still steal from so many people oh this is awkward here let me just let me just take your things and i'll be on my way oh man i'm sorry this is so your water level has got to be so high at the moment it's fine rick it's fine you're going to have like a million guards after you ash is like literally like advertising where our camp is yeah constantly just any shots like a big neon sign with an arrow yeah they're gonna be coming at me from both directions oh my gosh okay all right and then these guards got they are right behind me thank god i rolled a six uh you really are just right there huh um you know i may as well start using some cards who's can you remove from really i can't slow down right behind me yes please look i'm not doing this for you actually you're done with one guard everyone always wants to be very clear i am not in this to make friends yeah didn't come here to make friends i came here to win this is a reality show goodness oh rick might win he's getting really close oh you're on a road though i know but i don't think that there's any guard wait no that's not what i wanted you can't do it yeah i wanted to do the map i don't think there's any guards in the area so i think i'll be able to yeah yeah yeah on the road at the moment he's got a good shot rick's got a good shot it's gonna be a shot yeah i mean rick's definitely gonna be able to get there before me because i still have to steal one more unless you watch these guards walk right by me instead of yeah they they shouldn't go up okay there's no reason for that i know they're supposed to buy us towards the road but you know you never know there's technically a gate there i think they could go up if they wanted oh hi hey oh no jasmine i had so many you had all the four wow that changes a lot yup hey guys i'm not down here oh man i had four on me dang what is my one i finally i finally escaped ooh a one okay so i'll get a card as well there's so many guys there's so many rick definitely has this in the bag rick can end it unless i get caught yeah unless the card i have screws rick what did you realize it's just a one which is all i need can you move you actually need two don't you oh no cause you're gonna go down i am so uh uh let's see here one two three rick do you you're gonna get it this turn yeah uh he works four spaces away unless i do this to rick why would you drag this out any longer because he wants to win the people want to see it rick it's blood sports okay i'm gonna have to retaliate oh no visit the shop hi i can't believe you've done this did i steal from you before i stole oh no wait no this is a different one yes uh produced my one by two that would do nothing for me the wrong way though oh that's interesting sure uh oh gosh that's chaos yeah okay exit and then where's your thing hey you you never steal from the giant face i thought we had a rule oh man now what i could do is try to steal from you you could good good oh y'all are both within yeah they're right there wow but if rick does have like a three more or anything that goes i don't or if i do something to relocate the camp true but it happens in the morning well that i do have a thing for oh okay what's going on come on used to get me there we go whoever stern it was i got really for the game i know like really at this moment all right well the guards are where i want to be because i wanted to buy a nicer thank goodness there's gates though out all of the locations you could just leave any old direction you need to go yeah i wanted i want a fancy dice and i know there's guards here so i'm going to do this anyways i'll reconfirm will it end my turn yeah and you're wanted so you would also go to jail that's such trash they're not the ones who want me everyone once you press i i am so salty with every turn that y'all have put guards on tiles that we need to go to because you all can't keep they're literally a million guards well maybe you all need to get better at stealing in lumps you know steal all of them from one person instead of like steal from you and steal from me listen to somebody they don't have anything to steal so you got to go and find other places to steal look i'm just saying i'm dead you all need to stop no making my life more difficult i'm dead i'm not danny ocean okay i guess i'm ending here there's nothing i can do um visit the shop at least buy some stuff hi dude i didn't steal from you today okay snitch concrete feet uh interesting uh okay whatever see ya it's good to see you man he doesn't have any loot i couldn't even take it i'm worried i didn't want to go down to the pumpkin uh patch because you made the guards walk the other way so it's like they could go either side well i haven't done that yet but i did buy this well you could have yeah you know okay let's see i know in the chaos you're playing with go this way go this way so i think in reality if if next turn if uh if rick rolls lower then my god are you kidding me no i'm trying to do it to my cards i don't want to leave i thought you're gonna do it to rick i could do it to add half off rick from two to one i've already moved is the thing yeah yeah so i'm gonna do it to my guards wait why can't i get my guards where are you guards they're right there roll result here yeah you can do it you can do it you see it cast no it's on that side i want to go up to one can you those ones haven't rolled yet maybe oh well no maybe keep scrolling left maybe it treats them as like they're in like a list i think because they caught you they're not moving anymore after this turn they're going to be gone yeah they may be gone wow who are you gonna do that dude oh to rick wow ash wins then i think unless asheville is low you just need to three well i if r if rick still gets enough movement to get there before me i mean if he has a card it's like a plus two or a dice swap or you know lucky die take any card from any player okay let's do a dice swap and i guess unwanted okay and then i think you already took their um loot right i mean i definitely stole it once i don't know if it's still there nope not mine this poor shop it's like getting looted guards are like here's your money back and then immediately afterwards they're like getting hit again this is a dangerous place to live well it's the mushroom shop right outside the city walls man you know oh don't visit that mushroom shop oh my god it's being relocated yep in the morning no but yeah i mean yeah but in the morning unless we can get there right now somehow there's no way yeah uh but what i can't do actually ugh this is going to probably give ash the win um if i can calm [Laughter] uh and since you've literally left me no choice i've got to go and try to take one of ash's loot one here's the thing rick where is he i'm on that tile he's on the style yeah you actually could just get as close as possible because as long as your turn goes first you would win i guess you're dueling just to make sure he can but the most i can roll is the four the most and if i roll a four then i won't go first unless everybody somehow unless he rolls higher i'm saying you need to roll you need to roll like a one um if you if you moved over one and then rolled a one yeah you only would have needed it too oh you could steal using stealth that's amazing oh really so you don't have to do this okay okay readied up y'all oh okay oh double double scissors row jam oh what's happening here though oh no both of you oh no this game it won't end who did they come i don't know it's it's all messed up right now rick and ash both lost their loot did rick loses yup because you were both on the same tile oh my gosh this game this game won't end it will never end oh y'all what's happening hold too fast come on game come on game the controller messed it up i think i think it we killed it y'all we killed lightfingers give it a second did it freeze i think it froze i think my controller doing that in the middle of that it froze i think this is the guards win yeah guards won that's a guards win yeah we all had three loot we all had three loot but the guards win y'all the guards win oh my gosh the game does save does it auto save it saves every turn yeah okay well let's let's crash it oh my oh my god go for it uh why do the guards have to roll so high all right um i don't have one that has no oh if i return the game oh there we go oh thank goodness hold the fast forward oh everyone's getting captured oh my god this is a nightmare this is an absolute nightmare now i regret using the calm down card she just moved the damn thing boot returned blue returned so rick if the camp hasn't moved you didn't get uh arrested at least right so you are standing next to two places right from i'm going for price [Applause] one at least i get a card i rick has the highest chance because rick i think you played the fugitive thing to me so i think i got taken to prison no i don't think i played the future oh did you not i don't think so okay well i am losing a turn at the least we fixed it we fixed it so i'm held by guards okay tricks so all i can do is basically um you escape pursuit you're on one stealth point for losing your wanted level okay but do you still have he doesn't have his loot on him anymore now so he can just thieve from these shops that i theft from right um go to matthew though just to confirm that the loot's already back there yeah let's distill steel um but if i steal from this location will they take my loot are they still on there i i don't think they'll move well maybe go up one and then thief well sure but that's using my turn you know um i mean either way it's going to take you a turn on each of these tiles and here's the problem i steal from here and the the guard activity goes up i steal again guard activity goes up and then it moves unless you don't get a better question yes it's going to be moving it's going to be moving at some point yeah okay well this game has gone on forever this is ridiculous um is it sharp hey friend i'm actually i'm actually genuinely curious if we end up get uh hitting the turn timer yeah we may uh [Music] give me your loot i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry i'm really sorry [Music] does any commerce in this land happen that's not thieving related [Laughter] who knows the entire economy is based it's like propped up by theft yeah yeah which real well it's like the john wick universe the entire economy is based on burger right yeah this one's based on newt bags come on come on papa roach let's go okay i have 116 coins now do you want more you can go get your uh yeah you can get the best dice in the world chris oh you can just work on the farm this whole turn so he's playing he's playing a different so i can get the best dice next turn oh that's right because it's d220 yeah oh okay take my loot give me price is playing a different game at this point yeah i collect dice i do think that when they release this on steam they need to introduce different mechanics for like sure loot's one thing but if you just get a ton of gold that's as good as lou right yeah different way being able to buy loot from the guard towers i think that that should be a legitimate route of make as much money as possible and then go buy stuff for the guard towers because the guard towers only have two loot total i think that they should have a sort of uh a rejuvenating amount but it's just expensive do they only have two loot total they had two yeah because after you did it said there was only one left okay so i could move the camp oh no no no don't do it well i think that the camp's going to move regardless so unless anyone has another calm down call yeah i'm just going to end my move here and steal steel again didn't you oh no that's right they took it you stole from this shop they didn't arrest you they just gave the money back again well this it was like they caught you going out the door don't do it listen we talked to her she's pretty cool she promised not to steal but you arrested her right no no we got yourself back and we entertained her she's just gonna hang out outside though while we leave that's cool right yep so now it's going to move again next turn you all have a good day now all right so i need a lot of loot um there's caves chad i was referred to as a dice goblin and i'm cool with that i mean you could steal from where you're at i could but i'm actually more curious about going through the cave honestly so the cave is going to i think the only other two caves are right by town i'm doing it yeah this is really crappy because literally the only two capes were right here um so like the caves aren't too useful aren't there i thought there's a couple more aren't there no those are i think those are literally the only three caves we found oh wow uh i guess it's different than like the last time we played where it was like mm-hmm weren't there like seven or eight okay yeah and they're all like next to each other okay just bank it that's smart because it's gonna move yeah definitely meanwhile meanwhile at papa roach at a papa road concert real quick have we seen i have five moves i could technically move oh come on all right now we've seen enough yeah i don't know if there's that little square up there that we haven't seen yeah i think everything else though has been kind of revealed i am curious if that's a cave up there visit shop visit hello you don't need to reveal caves though for them yeah true here we go when he said to die nice big boy you steal from him now of course that's the name of the game spiderman thanks for the stuff see ya i'm on the road oh no when i'm back i'm in so much trouble yeah we know how much the guards love walking through there yeah my only hope is that i roll at 20. i mean you've got to run around got the dice for it now i've got the tools oh thank god they're going honestly i want to see a prize win despite all the odds at this point i want to see anyone win like if that were true you wouldn't have sabotaged me that's fair i will say i think i think that sadly y'all's the thing that i did y'all was just being in the same place at the same time those guards were not happy with y'all oh man my one is at zero nice who was that like 14. because you got got i know all right i rolled an 11. oh my god there's so many guards there's a lot of guards a lot of big rolls on the ground yeah six six five where's that i wrote the lowest with a four geez okay anna's cap has moved to there okay back to that okay okay gosh okay it's not the most there's no easy way of getting there that's the problem right next to town yeah it's like you've gotta go through town you could cave right but it's gonna just take me to town and then i've still gotta go through the town know like there's there's i keep doing that backstage i keep wanting to do the map view there we go yeah cause like it'll take me either to there there and i still have to make it all the way through town without getting hit by the guards um or i walk all the way around which honestly is probably might be the way exactly so my guards are right there too oh my god my guards are right there too um we're just gonna start cutting on over yeah no they're on the road they're on the road man right yes you could if i got scared for a second too you could balloon it balloon it would probably be really good no they're bloominess will take you into town it would get you close it would get you a lot closer and not in the path of the guards at least the balloon will take you one two three four well unless the guards are running after say jazz yeah six seven correct do you have luke jess you do i do okay i wish there like how do you know if you have blue other than the shining bag on your back uh that's a fair question because like okay okay when you do that view it shows you times one because up there it always it always sleeps together i wish they had like a a fraction a not deposited yeah yeah if you just did it as a fraction like one over three three is deposited one's what you have on you it's good that causes it there is a cave over there where right there lower left yeah is there yeah there's one right there what how is it that none of us have gone there yet because we kept getting to those ones right i know but like every time we've taken the cave we've only wound up in one of those go get that uh go get that mpc ability that lets you choose where you come out well you've robbed it's true it is neat you have to kind of keep in mind like okay i might mess myself up in the future for being able to get certain things okay so let's um map view said map view you got a lot of where's the actual things uh [Music] right there way over there okay well i mean you got 11 moves yeah probably you're gonna get cards i'm just i'm just looking don't mind me i'm just looking those guys are after me so to be careful about them yeah moving towards them um there's green guys there as well okay i know what i'm doing even though it's a waste of my dice nice you balloon balloon oh i don't have enough coins didn't have enough coins okay then scooting i have to move car to double double your roll i wish i had done that a couple moments ago i'm gonna be a big big yeah okay so then from 18 will i be able to that that's gonna get you damn close i think i need to go this way oh my gosh this is amazing let's be really careful where those guards are though because i know they're around here somewhere they're around is those oh you're definitely gonna make it man yeah you just right you just need one more loot though yeah where's the actual place though it's up it's right there yeah you got it um you got this there you go with two despair huzzah i wonder if that still has loot in it i just wanted to make sure to deposit my loot because oh i had two on me that whole time i did not realize i had two on me the whole time i had one i thought i only had one okay so mine was one that rolled very high what are you guys doing they're confused what was that you know what it's because those two places have been hit up so much they're doing like the evening patrol exactly yeah you guys cool oh man oh jazzy they're coming for us come for me for you yeah i got nothing i got nothing there's nothing in here what are you talking about don't come after me all right i'm surprised he had enough movements to do that i know right all right fun oh does someone do a dungeon yep we thought we were gonna play this and mario i know right we should have the hubris the hubris and like this probably didn't get split up in the two episodes this is definitely two episodes oh is it okay really long episode at least the boys oh man i miss cannons release the boys more boys what what hey all right all right next time we play switch the switch is coming over here yeah yeah for sure the perspective is tough yeah the perspective is tough i wish it were just a purely top down be nice oh man and they ejected you they really ejected you like that because i didn't steal anything they're like yeah you don't get any one for that yay ten oh gosh or my little dice so i can get a one okay two three two and a six okay that's not terrible for the guards 19 19. wow you don't really need that at this point i don't yeah that's the thing maybe i'll go to the pumpkin patch do what you want yeah right make that money can you even get a 19 because it only shows me having 18 or maybe just stops after three seasons i think it starts with the three again we're going again [Laughter] might as well if at first i mean if you don't succeed try try again okay at least i rolled a freaking 10. um what is the uh what is the heat at you have one okay productivity is zero it's just perfect yeah okay i only have one wanted um and i only have five coins okay yeah all the money has been stolen is the problem or looted no there's a bunch right there is there where loot to seal right there no no i mean money money so earning money in the game is difficult it's all like on the road yeah walk through it yeah yeah yeah um pumpkin patch dungeon and pumpkin patches yeah yep okay well we're just gonna start running scooting yeah i'm not gonna steal again until i get closer yeah what's your wanted at one okay so you're almost unwanted yeah oh there's a coin give it that coin you can go take you can go left real quick you can go see what's in that empty space traveling merchant with all the money i don't have yeah get off the road oh okay who next price oh me with all of my moves hi oh that does have no loot okay what's the closest loot to you price uh that's the question um [Music] uh guard tower has yeah a lot for sale but you don't have the money for that money for it yeah um but if i've got 19 if i stop in that farm field you'll make a lot of money yeah yeah you make a ton of money i think i honestly think that's the my best bet yeah then you could buy loot and then hopefully get back true because the thing is is that with the um town being so close by and that's where most of the loot is i don't want to end how much money are you going to make at this pumpkin patch there was a closer patch too you could work on farm for 30 years sure yeah the one over there is closer to where i need to end up but i would have used one less to get there yeah yeah because i still might not have enough to buy a loot i think it's 50 and i think i have like 40. i agree yeah and then you can just do another work i might have to do another pumpkin patch i'm out here trying to be like legit like you do all that price but i'm generally wondering turn timer wise yeah if we have enough time yeah i do what what turns on oh not if i oh they get held i get held i think they do take some of your money too do they do they they've been taking some of my money i don't think they take money try this again come on ash money gosh dude this controller this is how you get that extra 10 gold you need uh their price i hope so i think jazzy's making sure that doesn't happen i need some money too we all need money at this point there's no money to be had this is we've stolen it all so i got to tell you right now agreed next time we play this i've been a good sport uh i'm not dealing with this controller again i'm just letting y'all know that i'll bring mine from home and if they don't work we don't play switch money more money like when the money comes out i'm only half sure i'm getting any of it yeah oh that's a new one still not as scary as the gears that are horizontal those ones are terrifying oh oh no that was the first one though grinded you up yeah this one's tricky just stop it [Music] good leap oh you got it you're there [Music] no don't don't die don't die little boy come on little one and all right do a little hop come on controller can do a thing there you go and do a hop oh okay and do a hop go poo yup yup okay okay and do a hop you got it you got it there you go okay good job scary daddy's got to get it back to the camp yep all right i'm going to put my faith in the caves i think part of the caves yeah i don't think you got much choice i don't yeah because otherwise i have to go through this city yeah yeah which do i have enough money to buy a balloon right actually oh nice i'm no longer wanted five two six okay love rolls are low-ish rolls in the guards at [Music] least i'd rather roll a one than a two i may have enough anyways still we'll see what turn is it yeah i forgot to look it says it like turn 22 okay i'm not wanted anymore 23 maybe i don't know it's close um 21. 21 people said okay it's 25 rounds before game ends of course you would of course you would i've been sitting in that card the entire game uh for the rest of the game is it no no no just just one turn okay um yeah i may as well end here get a random card yeah hopefully i might get nothing i'm going to go for second to last okay game one that is pointless for me at the moment but okay sure you could steal with stealth which is awesome oh that's true that's true pop a rope all righty come on cup come on oh i don't get to turn this turn that's right is my movement one that's all i need anyway that's fine yep just get into that cave take your pick which one would you like to travel in if it takes you ready that'd be hilarious i know oh i really hope it does i mean i don't but i do oh my gosh albuquerque i'm gonna go over here and buy me a loot yeah you definitely afford it yeah uh let's see carts you know what i'm not wanted so let's uh let's end here visit shop hello i i would like to purchase another loot please we've done business before by loot hello oh you know what um there you go hilarious uh i think it's me that has to hit back okay um i don't know how much money i have you got 70 going in so you only have 20 something right now i'm gonna buy that oh i can't okay never mind what did that do it would have rained it would move the camp jazzy goes so full chaotic at the end here if you can't win no one gets to win i don't normally do that that's why i think it's happened several times in the past in this particular round it's justified because it's insane what's happening the game could have ended 15 turns ago yeah but everybody wants to win we're so close that's the thing uh who who's cl like price and rick have a chance right i don't know i mean i'm now targeted we'll find out i have four loot stashed okay price do you have four loot stashed yes okay but do either of you have a loot on you at the moment i don't know yeah and i have zero wanted level i just want to get close enough that i can steal and then stash um would that help me that much not really soon this will all be in cause hands yeah sure that's fine it's vengeance it's fine it's petty i get it but it it's uh the only acceptable name of the game i can't i already played a card okay um this is empty right yeah ash has been held i'm held so yeah my round is just over there all right i think i can end this oh ah there you go i'll admit very early on in this game i thought this was going to be one of our quickest games because deposit three loot they both were sitting you're not gonna end it though because you only have four loot you have three plus one right yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah well still looting or still putting it in there oh yeah yeah yeah that's better than nothing yeah uh yeah very early on like when we were only like 20 minutes and rickett deposited that three loop yeah and um yeah okay well and at the moment let's see no wanted level across the board yeah there's no guard everyone's getting caught so many times 23 okay i think there's actually zero chance that i can win i just can't make it's gonna be a three-way tie gosh see the problem about rolling a high dice is that it gives everybody else a chance to use cards to steal or screw up your dice hmm try going in the the cave again there ash no we're gonna go back to this dungeon oh it's empty now yeah you stole it all man you just stole it all yep he cleared it i just thought that it goes back since it was oh no it's in the guards tower now right yeah um okay so let's see map view there's like no loot to steal in there either i know there's like nothing you can do i could move um there's no loot with traveling merchant jeez there's no loot at the mushroom i guess i'm going to the base it's only the the bank and stuff that you can go to make sure i don't have any cards nope nothing i can't do anything all right i'm gonna hang out here all right tricks um do you have enough money to buy loot no are you kidding me um yeah so no loot there's nine loot in there yeah yeah though you could go to the royal vault and then if on that's all the way back there though i know but i'm just saying you need to get a loot this turn and then on the next turn you have to get back to the camp otherwise it's going to go nobody's going to do that nobody's going to be able to do that we have three because we have 25 as well there's turn 23 turn 24 and turn 25. because you don't start on turn zero of 25 you start to turn one of 25. can work and get some money yeah how much money do i have you only have 17. 17. yeah i won't be able to work enough um honestly what i'm thinking is i go i sit in front of jazz i try to steal some chances that's the best way to go yeah i mean it certainly was on my mind as a potential strategy now you have enough money yeah you have enough turns i mean he's got a d20 yeah no he does he does yeah just enough mm-hmm [Music] come on all right hello sir hi i haven't been here before sorry i stumbled around i am a roach um price i'll be so happy if you will i will too i'll be happy if i win all right that's all i can do thank you sir did this officially government sanctions government sanctioned thievery i should be totally frustrated am i right until one of my friends steals it from me uh what's the call timer at it's on i think oh my god you failed when you needed to chris succeed but i get a card maybe i can get something to steal from one yeah he might get like a swap swap dice three free for me you can't use both though yeah well i guess i use one of them yeah and then you'll have next turn as well rick don't you steal from me that's how much so close i roll a six uh what what can i do go to the cave go to the game cave kill steal steal i'm gonna steal from town oh chaos is about to unfurl uh okay so what act of a desperate man go to the closest one to the to the gate right go to the bank and then get the hell out of the seed shop i'm gonna go to the seed shop unless is that mushroom still no no i've taken it okay it's just you took it so many times i can't remember i eventually got it in eventually hello sir i've never been here what do you do oh that's right you're working dungeons yeah uh okay not interested don't walk on his food though oh geez okay one bag of loot sir [Music] it's okay ash you'll have a good chance to get away from them jazzy is gonna start with the bank or she's gonna come steal from me or from me yeah okay let's go here [Music] let's and move go the bank what does the bank do can i take out a loan treasure map stash loot oh hide it in the bank wow you can stash and withdraw bribe the banker steal steal a piece of loot someone else has stashed that's amazing okay so if you're in town yeah you can drop stuff off at the bank that's neat and it doesn't cost anything it costs a constant thing to get out yeah cause 10 to drop off all you had to do is just not like piss them off yeah whoops one bag of loot so that okay that's an interesting dynamic for the cities then so is the next turn the last turn yeah well where what's the wanted level at now two i believe three three if it goes up one more the thing moves and then then we're definitely doomed um right but it would it would move on turn twenty like two turns left i think let's not turn 24's turn 23 right okay there we go dress all right you want to do this i have no choice it's okay because i want to try to because if you take it i get to be indignant and angry because you stole from my labor and if i win i get to be happy because i win so either way i win get it because you're the rude one dual player all right um select a target wait actually hold on i guess i have to right wait cards um that's the only card i have okay uh so yeah you have to do it move duel and select the timer choose you and yes oh you coward that's trash that's this is the last trash this game can eat and i rolled it apart which means that you're gonna go before me and you can take it back that also means no one wins yeah no one's winning now all right i'm officially against the stealth point thing that's trash see you need to add something to your score just one level okay you did it i'm gonna go down here and hide that's not gonna help [Laughter] was i five moves i only have four loot anyway uh yes [Laughter] [Music] okay okay let's do it this last turn is gonna suck quick flip quick flip okay yeah if you're losing the other one you might as well go with that one why not it's fair yeah ready up we have bash oh i messed up same come on come on do it now do it y'all do it oh [Laughter] this is why you don't do this game that's why you don't do this game that i think that has happened almost every time we've done it where people sit there like wait what am i supposed to do and then someone gets it come on game come on now jazz has six loot so she's i'm she'll win i'm so close to town though i'm gonna get the guard i'm not confirming nothing goodness i'm gonna get guarded oh yeah let's do it rick all right so it's got to go what's it going to be everybody up let's go oh anybody's game all for marbles doesn't matter give it back to me i could have won if i kept the loot i could have walked yeah if you kept it he could have moved over and got it yeah but considering he literally did the other to me i wasn't gonna just let that happen yeah fair go ahead you still can't win just do it again but i can if it's whoever has the most loot at the end of the game i know jazzy's ahead of you right now right but she just got caught yeah i mean okay you can technically win which everyone knows is the best kind of win all right what happens at the uh this challenge ends now i have been watching closely have you four bonus points on top of the loot you have secured what make use of the tools available to you don't waste time wait wait wait what is happening speed bonus will go to whoever moved through the most spaces so he's just giving away bonuses move like the wind steep bonus will go to the one of you that acquired the most stealth points that's true find new opportunities expiration bonus we'll go to the one who revealed the most tiles it's probably jazz whoever went on the first turn oh jazz wow wow okay so if you don't actually if you don't finish it goes mario party rules it does wow i'm okay with that obviously yeah i'm okay with chaos ending but i'm also so salty about the fact that like i was doing fine my friends were messing me up left and right and i got stuck with this little guy price victory with the control this little guy you y'all out there can't even be like oh price is just complaining about the controller because you all saw the evidence after every round every turn reconnect it yeah so that's the longest episode of light fingers ever i'm pretty sure uh definitely split into two episodes i hope you guys enjoyed because it's probably going to be a long break before we try again it would probably be until it's on steam yeah i think what's on steam it's going to alleviate a lot of the controller issues um it's going to probably be a lot snappier especially in the dungeons and especially in the dungeon yeah and i i i want to make clear this is a switch problem not a light fingers problem yeah the game is great like the only light fingers problem is just the perspective and the dungeon yeah i still have issues with it yeah but anyway i hope you guys out there enjoyed if you did if you haven't seen our other episodes on life fingers be sure to check those out with that we'll move on [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 18,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Light Fingers, Light Fingers Game, Light FIngers Gameplay, Light Fingers 4 Player, Light Fingers Switch, Light Fingers Boardgame, Light, Fingers, Board, Game, Boardgame, Gameplay, 4 Player, Switch, Multiplayer, Funny
Id: Cg9Zzjkmz_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 45sec (4125 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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