Lifting made EZ!

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another air conditioner on the roof take another one down we've already put here for this row on the roof trying to fight the rain the Florida rains every day here so we're just gonna put it down old machines got to go down still a good open dancer just time for an upgrade we've had some people commented that they don't quite understand how it all goes together how we use this thing think before I start just let me say this that when you're putting the ladder and the whole assembly together the optimum way to do this is to make sure that the ladder is close enough to the building but still allows the space for the condenser this way when you push the whole machine forward like I'm gonna demonstrate what you're trying to do is you're trying to get the ladder so that it's straight up and down takes all of the weight for weight from you we're tethered in one thing you also in between the building in the ladder always makes you want to go into the roof those never wants to make you push away you'll see on some of the other videos we have have done that even though we go further past vertical it still wants to push you into the into the building so I'm just going to demonstrate that just by picking this up train you have it right here put it back freedom down [Music] [Music] over here - chief asylum over here down shoot down the wall right here and you can see that our worm gear let everything unwinds real good but the idea is to get flat straight up and down take the weight off of it [Applause] you're done I'm gonna do it just the opposite I'm gonna pick it back up and I'm gonna show [Music] you got to get the ladder straight up and down [Music] I don't know how much battery I have here so I'm gonna go back down and but give you see folks there again straight up and down takes the weight off of the machine it's always wants to push you back into the building's not going to take me out [Applause] voila
Channel: ESK LLC
Views: 24,240
Rating: 4.7709923 out of 5
Keywords: Lifts, EZ, AC, Air Conditioning, crane, drill, Battery Operated, Made easy, Hoist, Ladder, Harness, Safe
Id: WHJq9Kf9T_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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