Lifeweaver Guide | 1 LIFEWEAVER TIP against EVERY HERO

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lifeweaver is currently the most recent support added to OverWatch 2 and he has an incredibly complex kit in order to avoid throwing your games let's review some of the most common mistakes you are making against every single hero in the game starting off with EVO when Diva launches in her bomb look around to see if any of your teammates are in need of a poll I see a lot of players get selfish and forget to help someone out and this oftentimes changes the course of the game when doomfist is alting you want to make sure that you do not waste your dash or jump on your pedal platform too late as he will slam onto you you can work around this by activating the pedal early and hiding under it the worst thing you can do against a junker Queen is get up close and personal while it might be harder to hit her as a result make sure you keep your distance and life grip your team away when needed against the resub make sure you don't waste your dash and pedal platform when she has her ultimate Terra surge the worst mistake you can make is not having it active to save your team in a pinch especially when it is so easily countered never assume that your pedal platform is safe from ramatra as he can shoot through it with his fists if he has them available make sure you always track when you think the enemy Reinhardt is going to have shatter so you can lift your teammates up and don't be that guy to life grip your friendly tank just for a squishy to get one shot by the pin instead make sure that you don't life grip every single hook that Hogg makes make an assessment of whether or not it was a good hook first if your mind gets hooked in but is about to get nanoed this is an opportunity for your team same goes for if it is a Reaper if it is your friendly support that obviously might change quite a bit though while there are a whole lot of cool things you can do to counter Sigma don't forget that breaking his shield can make him extremely vulnerable just make sure you do it from a safe position because your hitbox is so big and hit scans are commonly picked alongside Sigma against Winston don't forget to constantly preemptively place your flower petals as it is quite frankly the only way you will be able to consistently survive against him the same goes for Wrecking Ball except you can jump on your pedals to attempt to avoid his slam damage increasing your odds of survival your pedal platform usage will be much more calculated against Azaria however or you will want to make sure you don't throw it around when she has graviton surge as it will allow your team a hasty Escape if you use your pedal platform effectively starting off with the DPS though the big thing you want to avoid against Ash is peaking at her and trying to take her in ranged duels remember how big your hitbox is it is Burger easy to hit against bastion's ultimate make sure you don't pedal platform up it causes the bolt to fall faster killing you much more quickly make sure you don't leave any of your pedal platforms to lie around everywhere as an enemy Cassidy might pick up on this and utilize it for an aggressive High Noon playing against an echo is pretty basic but make sure you don't pedal platform up to her and allow her to get free stickies on you instead when playing with a friendly Echo keep her flight cooldown in mind and try to burst heal her as she takes more duels the same thing goes for Genji however against a Genji that has blade make sure you do preemptively place the pedal platform before the fight starts and don't waste your dash early this allows you to completely counter his blade instead of getting diced up quickly when Hanzo has his Dragon make sure to keep your abilities online to react and possibly save your team just don't be that one guy to life grip a teammate into a dragon don't be afraid of junkrat and let him free reign on your team when he is mid reload or an opportunity presents himself when he's using his tire you can do a substance actual amount of damage to take him out quickly make sure you wait for May to use her ice wall before you throw down pedal platforms this will allow you to help whoever gets cut off from your team in a pinch never use your platform to get closer to a pharah unless she is extremely low the platform allows for her to get easy Splash damage on you and we won't even talk about barrage when Reaper has his ultimate you can lift him up to essentially negate it make sure however that you don't get too close and die before you do get to negate it however just like Cassidy make sure that you don't leave platforms around for a soldier to just use for quick angles sojourn on the other hand is one of the only DPS that you don't have to be too scared of obviously make sure you don't play in the open as you are easy to hit but understand that you can counter her if she uses her slide on you too early understand that Sombra can hack your platforms empty your tree and make your life miserable the mistake is you playing too aggressively and having Reckless disregard for her powers the next one though is pretty big placing your pedals actively within symmetra's range will charge her up allowing her to reach her Max beam charge very early in the fight same goes for your tree it might be the biggest mistake on the list so make sure you keep keep this in mind much like junkrat torp has a huge hitbox that is easy to frag as life Weaver make sure that you pump some necessary damage into his turret as well when you have the opportunity as not doing so makes the lives of your DPS a nightmare Tracer isn't the worst character to play into his life Weaver just make sure that you do not get carried away with dueling her try to bring her to your team to help when possible make sure you don't assume that your pedals are safe against Widowmaker as it only makes you more visible to some of her different angles that she may take so to finish off with support make sure that you don't life grip every single time Ana sleeps or aunties a Target really make sure that they are in active danger the moment this happens keep in mind that lifegrip does not cleanse either sometimes the target will still die anyways so keep this in mind perhaps the largest mistake you can make against Baptiste is to not break his immortality field when it is in your line of sight use these situations as opportunities for yourself to get aggressive and make a huge difference within your team against brigitta make sure that you keep your abilities online to get away from her efficiently you may not be able to efficiently kill her but playing close to her without options is a Surefire way to get you killed dueling a kiriko with suzu is simply a lost fight for you as lifeweaver while it is possible on other characters she is one you'll want to avoid against the life Weaver the mistake you are making is playing lifeweaver so just Swap this character is at make sure you aren't letting the life Weaver use your pedal platforms the more you set them up in spots for him in the mid fight the more options you are giving him allowing him to do more damage healing and get his ultimate faster than you as a result when playing against delucio you can expect that his team is going to be able to run you down easily because of this make sure you avoid playing too close to your tank in the front line and prolong the fight over a long period of time against Mercy the idea is quite different typically she is going to be enabling different DPS to take aggressive angles so make sure that you stay aware before you make a mistake and get deleted Moira can easily out heal your damage on her so generally it is a waste of time to do anything aggressive against her while in coalescence though make sure you play in cover and respond with aggressive utility usage when the opportunity presents itself and lastly just like other GPS make sure you don't expose yourself early to Zenyatta your law hitbox is extremely easy for him to take out quickly if he is reloading you can delete him fast but it is difficult to find these opportunities without dying and that wraps up all of the mistakes for the newest hero life Weaver there are a lot of creative things you can do on this character but there are a lot of specific things you want to avoid too make sure you catch up on the rank up fast with lifeweeper guide here on the channel but until next time I've gotta peace out and pass out I'll see in the next one
Channel: Paz
Views: 12,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #overwatch, #overwatchcompetitive, #organizedoverwatch, #gaming, #paz, #swagdiff, overwatch 2, overwatch 2 lifeweaver, lifeweaver abilities, lifeweaver guide, overwatch 2 gameplay, lifeweaver gameplay, overwatch 2 guide, overwatch 2 lifeweaver guide, lifeweaver tips, lifeweaver ow2, overwatch 2 tips, overwatch 2 best support, overwatch 2 lifeweaver tips, overwatch 2 support guide, Lifeweaver Guide | 1 LIFEWEAVER MISTAKE against EVERY HERO, karq, lifeweaverkarq, lifeweaver karq, mistake
Id: stL64ULWLgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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