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hey everybody welcome back to living tradition's Homestead we've got a few updates that we want to give you guys today some things that are going on in our lives kind of behind the scenes or maybe that don't really fit into our channel on a normal type video and we just wanted to share some of those kind of Life updates with you guys today over the years you guys have really become you know part of our family and I know a lot of you have been with us since the very beginning and go on eight years now that we've been on YouTube right and we just thought that um kind of a life update for you guys would be helpful for us and uh helpful for you so the first thing that we wanted to talk to you guys about is a pretty major uh thing that's happening right now uh We've introduced you guys in the past to my Mom and Dad we convinced them to move here to Missouri to be closer to us about three years ago and my dad has been having some uh health related things during that time um a lot of it is because of exposure to agent orange during the Vietnam war my dad is a Vietnam vet and uh that has just kind of been an ongoing issue with him over the last several years now one of the things that Dad has been having going on over the last really about five years is that he has had aib which is a a heart condition he had a pacemaker put in about 5 years ago and he also had an ablation done at that time which was supposed to help with the apib unfortunately that didn't really help and he's going to have to have that procedure done again but when they were trying to figure all of that out they also realized that he has two blocked arteries and so next week my dad is going to be going in for open heart surgery to have a double bypass and the oblation done over again so you guys we could really be using your prayers during all of that that's not his only health issues so there are some you know additional reasons to be concerned there but we know through the power of prayer he will pull through all of this just fine the surgery will actually be next Tuesday May 7th so please keep them in your prayers during that time now Tom's recovery is going to be quite extensive uh he will be kept in the hospital from anywhere from four to 10 days depending on how things go uh he's going to have some pretty significant rehab AB afterwards cardiac rehab they may do some of that where he is going to have the surgery but once he's released home um it will be several times a week that they will need to go uh into Springfield uh to have this cardiac rehab so it's going to be it's going to be a long-term kind of recovery and that is going to require a lot of extra support from Kevin and I right you know earlier this spring we shared with you guys that we had decided to take the year off from doing the farmers market we decided not to start all of the plant starts that we normally do uh only start enough for us and for a few friends and family and we didn't know at the time why we felt like God was telling us that was the right thing to do this year but in hindsight uh it absolutely was the right thing to do because we would be right in the middle of farmers market season right now we would be just up to our ears in plants and you guys we we would either have to let all of those go after all of our hard work or we would need to try to divide our time more uh to be able to be there more for Mom and Dad and we're just really go really happy that we kind of listened to what God was telling us during that time and that he made that decision pretty clear to us early on we didn't know why at the time but I think we know now why we had to do that there have also been some things happening in the background within my side of the family over the last couple of months um my mom lives in Wisconsin and has been caring for her sister for the past four years um my aunt's Health has kind of deteriorated recently and so that has prompted my mom um and her sister to move closer to my sister in Kansas uh which is really closer to us as well so by deciding not to do the farmers market um that will free me up to go visit there more often as well right yeah it brings them from about 12 hours away to only about 5 hours away which is which is you know quite significant when you're talking about you driving to go visit someone so that's that'll be good that Sarah can spend more time uh spending time with her mom right and then the final significant thing that is happening coming up which is a positive thing is that our youngest daughter Samantha is going to be graduating from high school uh next month we're so proud of her uh she has decided to go on to nursing school after High School uh so she'll be leaving for college in the fall uh it's hard to believe that our baby is going to be graduating from high school and that next year we're going to be empty nesters right it's going to change the way we have to think about how much food to raise and all those kinds of things although we're still raising for grace and Gavin and Kevin's parents but it's just going to be a different feel around here uh we do know that she's going to be coming home on weekends just like Grace did at least for the first couple of years uh so it won't be empty all the time right but it is an exciting time for her um and that trans transition period for us is also a little bit exciting so those are kind of the major life updates that we wanted to give you guys I know that that you know isn't doesn't fit into the whole gardening and and animal raising and everything else that we normally do here but we really do feel like you guys have become family over the last few years and we like to keep you in the loop on how things are going kind of behind the scenes and more in our personal life you know over the past year or so we've been talking to you all about things that we're trying to do to simplify Our Lives um and maybe stop doing some things to give us more time for others and we really do feel like that has all been preparing us to be more available for um the family that needs our help and the family uh that we just need to spend a little bit of extra time with and so we're really grateful that we have done that and we actually continue to simplify things around here U and so we we are really asking for you all who are our prayer warriors out there to continue praying for us as a family and for Kevin's dad specifically and also the transition for my mom and my aunt um moving to Kansas and getting settled in there as well as prayers for Samantha's future we hope that all of you are having a great spring so far uh we thank you so much for all of your support over the last eight years and we look forward to many many more years here on YouTube sharing what's going on in our lives uh we really are excited about this year and gardening season and everything else so even though there's going to be a lot kind of pulling us away from the homestead for a little while as well we are you know definitely going to still be bringing you some some great gardening content and showing you what's going on on around here on a regular basis so to all of our extended family out there in YouTube land we thank you so much again for your support and prayers uh keep my dad in your prayers next Tuesday specifically uh let the doctors know exactly what they're doing and that everything will go smoothly thank you so much for stopping by the homestead today take care and God bless God bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 88,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing
Id: 3WtKEEEcH0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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