LIFE-SAVING HACKS FOR ALL OCCASIONS! || Genius Tricks And DIYs by 123 Go! Gold

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nothing like a little summer reading hey steven you've got to read this book oh anyway as i was saying [Music] stupid mosquito uh oh i think i feel a bite coming on look at that thing [Music] why do the bugs always attack me uh steven i don't want to freak you out or anything but the bug landed right on your forehead lily yeah what's going on out here it's like we're getting eaten alive and there are more on the way how do we get them to leave us alone run how are we supposed to hang outside i'm covered in red itchy welts this is worse than when i have a chicken pox talk about summer bummer look at this thing oh man hey my toothpaste think this could give us some relief [Music] let's give it a try simply squeeze a little glob onto your bite yep all of them almost missed that one you sure this will work lily why don't you ever trust me i'll prove it to you just one little squeeze and the itching finally can stop okay but after just a few short minutes that bites history wow do doctors know about this trick didn't i tell you to trust me now we can hang out in the yard again [Music] without worrying about these spots we'd better put more toothpaste on the grocery list [Music] whoa nice block lily but not good enough it sure is hot out here huh maybe it's time we take a rest don't forget to hydrate nothing like some fresh water too this stuff's piping hot that's not refreshing at all [Music] whoa how did that ice stay frozen don't you know the special trick i never go anywhere without my ice wondering how to tote around cold drinks first pour water into the bottle but only a quarter of the way turn the bottle on its side then off to the freezer it goes see you soon little guy couple hours to be exact now we'll play the waiting game once time has passed it's ready [Music] if it's solid you're good to go now all that's left is to fill that sucker up see how the ice goes all the way up it keeps things nice and cold for longer once the caps on that stuff's staying ice cold pretty handy summer trick right especially on hot days like today gotta run see it really is that easy take some of mine oh man that tastes good what do you say we go for another round [Music] what else do i need can't picnic without water right what's next i need a knife would this sword work it has a blade right check looks like i'm all set this picnic's gonna be fun let's fasten everything up tight green grass and blue sky here i come i better wear boots for this trip wouldn't want to dirty up my white tennies there i'm running right on time too is that my phone [Music] i must have forgot to grab it so annoying wait those boots are filthy i'm gonna track up the house kevin would kill me is that mine go live outside if you want to live like an animal i can't but i don't want to take my boots off hey what about those plastic bags may as well put them to good use why take off your shoes when you can wear these tie them nice and tight no mud coming out of these bad boys am i brilliant or what hello hey adam [Music] you're ironing would you mind ironing this it's bending a ball in my closet no oh man hey lana 3d please with the cherry on top [Music] [Applause] no fine i'll just be wrinkly then no means no kevin and back into the closet it goes is this clean yeah that's a hard no more checkers looks like old wrinkle shirt wins wait i may be able to fix this myself hey need a quick steam start by spritzing the shirt with water then turn on your fan and let science do the rest the wrinkles will smooth out as it dries and after a few minutes it's ready this was quite the show huh let's see how it looks kev now that's what we call wrinkle free thanks for nothing lana [Music] i'd better change out my books lousa my brows are misbehaving again come on guys time for a quick pluck i have some tweezers in here somewhere don't i don't tell me i left them at home oh of course i did wait i have spare change in here [Music] i'll just make my own pair of tweezers [Music] it's actually working the hair is coming right out it may not be ideal but it sure is handy see you later bushy brows it's looking better already these things really save the day i'd better head to class [Music] oh no is he behind the door oh thank goodness this movie's nuts i definitely forgot about the meeting i gotta get ready [Music] why am i still holding these my hair is now my top priority well this won't die i'll just dry it while i text her pack i gotta have fresh breath uh hello ah so much hair i think i can use this pringles can [Music] instead of throwing one of these away turn it into something new but you'll have to cut it in half first wrap it in colorful paper we chose orange now glue two suction cups to it hot glue works best and once it's dry you're done you're about to be a lifesaver mr cam get ready for some hands-free styling [Music] too people i didn't think of this earlier ah no hair in my mouth i kind of look like a model this way does my hair look fabulous or what [Music] oh i better get a move on it this next secret hideaway hack is perfect for us ladies with outfits that don't have pockets with a glue gun go ahead and glue shut one end of the tube put a dot of hot glue at the opposite end on top of the tube place a little snap on there and press it on tight put another dot of glue on the bottom of the sock and attach a piece of ribbon to it with the other half of the snap attached to the other end now loop this ribbon around the middle of one of your bras and attach it to the snap up top i wonder where that guy is with those secret pictures i requested he said to meet him here hey don't move here's your top secret flash drive whoa where'd that money just come from what are you some kind of alien or something i don't want to know i was never here [Music] you
Channel: 123 GO! GOLD
Views: 13,065,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun, lifehacks, pranks, funny video, funny, funny memes, funny challenge, DIY prank, how to have fun, friends, comedy, comedy video, sketch, funny sketch, role play, funny role play, humor, humor video, comedy actor, memes, laugh, try not to laugh, fun video, bloopers, life hack, gold, 123 GO!, 123 GO! GOLD, 123, lifehack, household hack, clothes, clothing, girl, beauty, beauty hack, mosquito bite, tooth paste, insect bite, mosquito, how to treat, how to fix, lazy hack, lazy people
Id: BiYj6V31t2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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