Life Questions: #1

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hey what's up everybody it's a little brother your big brother Jonathan McQueen us here I check this out like four weeks ago I put up a status that simply said you know does anybody have any questions about Christianity or Christian life and if so let's look for the answer together you know no matter what your platform is what your title is or even what your age is we're all brothers and sisters in Christ and even though we love God and have faith in God sometimes we still do have little questions about specific things in life and so that's why we have this great big old wonderful Word of God this Bible that has all the answers has all the answers so I'm gonna throw out scriptures and you know what I've been you know taught and what I believe and you know hopefully we can discuss and we can understand you know God's will for our lives more and more each day and that's the that's the goal so the first question this was the very first question that I got an answer to this status and it was the most frequent question and it simply says this does God create gay people is it okay and this guy love them now I know this is a sensitive subject but you know no this is a judgment-free zone we're just looking through the Bible trying to figure out the answers to life's questions so here we go in Leviticus you know that it calls homosexuality an abomination and we also know about Sodom and Gomorrah a place where homosexuality was so rampant and sexual immorality was so rampant that God had to destroy the place and get light out of there and then we know that in Romans it talks about you know how God gave them over to shameful lusts no listen he calls it an abomination store the city for it and calls it shameful lusts I think since I think it's safe to say he's not cool with it okay so is it okay no you know and even in 1st Corinthians when it starts to list you know the people that will not inherit the kingdom of God you know it lists you know homosexuality as well as idolaters fornicators the these murderers all that will not inherit the kingdom God so he does not like it so the answer to is it ok no but see here's the thing this guy love you absolutely he hates sin of all kinds he hates that but he still loves you and it's actually that love that gives us the opportunity to always come back back into communion with them back into a relationship or right relationship with them that's the amazing thing about grace what Jesus did on the cross it's that great gift of love that just keeps on giving then even we make mistakes and we confuse about things in life he is faithful and just to forgive us that's the best part of anything that I could ever tell you is that he does still love you no matter how you feel like you were born no matter how your life is gone he still loves the mess of you and can literally love the mess out of you okay so here's the last question does God create gay people you know Lady Gaga has that song born this way there's a lot of people you know talking about man you know I just feel like I was born this way this feels like the natural thing to do and you know what I'm not gonna argue with you right there because the truth is we are all born in sin we're all born with tendencies or proclivities to sin some of us is fornication some people that's live some people is murdering or murderous thoughts and violence some people that's stealing there's a lot of things that you know we are kind of prone to do when we are not you know in the will of God when we don't have you transform hard but here's the thing in the book of John Jesus was talking to Nicodemus and he told him just like this amen you got to be born again Nicodemus was confused because he was like I'm already born what are you talking about but the thing is you know you were born that first time out of your mother's womb but we were born in sin thanks to all that stuff that happened with Adam and Eve we're all born sin were all born with those tendencies but here's the thing that God wants us to do be born again no matter how you were born you could have been born in a way but God wants you to be born again as simple as that if you want to inherit the kingdom of God you want to get to heaven you want to be saved you have to repent and be born again as simple as that God loves you and he's always ready for you to just come back and be born again repent and had the right direction that's is that simple and that's all in the Bible and you know I could give you Scripture after scripture that says just that but the bottom line is you know we have to chase out the Jesus it reminds me a Forrest Gump okay now don't judge me because I know before his gun okay here we go but you remember that singing what he's running he's like running away from you know the bullies they're trying to chase him he had all these braces and stuff on his legs now he was so focused on what he was running to or at least what he was running from that just as he was running all those braces and everything just started to funnel off in the same way if we could just focus on Jesus chase after Jesus with all of our focus all of our heart mind and soul and spirit I promise you all that stuff that has bound you has hung on your head hung in your heart hung on your leg it will just start to fall off you know there's deliverance as power in the name of Jesus and if you just start chasing after him I'm telling you all that stuff that played you all that all those people that just always seem to pull you down don't start to fall off then start getting off and getting unattached from your life so please no matter what it is if it's homosexuality if it's fornication if it's anything that you know God is not pleased with please just start chasing after Jesus repent from those things and listen ask for you know forgiveness and just ask him to help you be delivered from all of that and I promise you he will do that he will do that and if you mess up don't don't don't trip too hard you know you're gonna feel bad because that's the Holy Spirit convicting you but then I remember that you know Jesus is faithful and just to forgive you and if you do saying we have advocate for the father that's all in first done please read first John we have an advocate but you know do not walk in it do not feel like you have to stay there you have to come out that's that's a song I would just simply says you have to come out don't be content with living wrong you have to get out of there God has to get the glory out of your life and you know that's my prayer for everybody including myself that's the reason where I write this music and I do this stuff is because I know that God has to get the gluon out of my life no matter how I feel no matter what mistakes I've made you know there has to be a change because there's a great great great plan big plan huge plan for my life and definitely yours
Channel: Jonathan McReynolds
Views: 25,393
Rating: 4.9804497 out of 5
Keywords: jonathan, mcreynolds, jonathan mcreynolds, gospel, chicago, gay, homosexuality, sin, repent, jesus, salvation, grace, love, God, illinois, facebook, twitter, Salvation (Christianity), Love (band), Christianity (Religion), Religion (Literary Genre), Religion (album)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2013
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