Life on the Verge - The life of a New Age Traveller

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[Music] I'm my name is Bruce pipes and I've started traveling late in life um I was living in a a big house with a a wife and family and uh we decided to separate me and my wife I didn't know where I were going to live at the time but uh I'd started Living In Me Wagon part time and uh I realized I could live in that so I did well my partner Manny met Bruce uh when he had a puncture up the road I think it's you know it's nice isn't it having older people around as well I think it's good for the children it that's it when you wake up you've got to make sure your a is all right and then find enough sticks for the fire make sure you've got enough water for the cooking and for the horses and then after that really it's having a meal and uh getting ready for the move on getting wood dry wood that's the problem but it's not a problem really I mean it's the sort of thing you do is it it's just the way of life I think 17 mil is the longest run I do I I have traveled blind at times by traveling blinds it means you don't know where you're going to stop but I hate traveling blind it's terrible i've been all right till now I'm old obviously but I've been all right till now this year I've had two strokes which has caused me a lot of trouble I Shan go back in house I want to live in the wagon as long as possible it's a marvelous feeling it really is seems much you know back to his old self so I'm not so worried I think if he I think if he stays here for the winter and then um you know and he's all right all winter and then he goes off I probably wouldn't worry about him too much but yeah a little bit worried about him I wish I'd have known about this life from early days I think it would have been a much better life [Music]
Channel: Samanta Wild
Views: 142,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 Minute Wonder, Traveller, Life Style, Gypsy, Student Project, Short Film, Travellers, Gypsies, Traveler, New Age, Vardo, Lifestyle, Outdoor living, Old Age, Falmouth, University College Falmouth, Traveller (horse), Adventure, Director, Hippy, Family
Id: BzXSup2weYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2013
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