Life on the line: Inside Venezuela's crisis | Talk to Al Jazeera

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Venezuelans wanted everything for free.  Now they have nothing.  Nothing is for free.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/katydidy 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2016 🗫︎ replies
from above Caracas is skylines still hints at the opulence that once characterized oil-rich Venezuela but at ground level there's no hiding today's reality people queuing all night for food and medicine inflation at over 700 percent the highest in the world murder and kidnapping out of control while Venezuelans who can flee their country once a magnet for immigrants and with a political confrontation mounting steadily many warned that the nation with one of the world's largest oil reserves is on the edge of the abyss dr. al Jazeera travels to the capital Caracas where many airlines are now refusing to fly a city where the label Chavez is still a presence witnessing the decay of his Bolivarian revolution violent crime is rampant the police incapable of stopping people from looting or others from killing for a bag of food political violence against opponents of the populist government of President Nicolas Maduro is intensifying but it's common crime that is terrifying all Venezuelans no matter what their beliefs or social class Venezuela is now one of the world's most dangerous countries and gotta pass the city with the highest murder rate according to a recent independent study Caracas has never felt so unsafe even six months ago I wasn't afraid to go out onto the street over there in front of the hotel to get a car now I'm being warned that armed men on motorcycles can just sit by and any moment and kill you for a cellphone or even less when being told to wait here by the door because there's nothing that the hotel security can do about it they're not armed unlike the people out on the street Eliana Castro makes a living selling coffee to people who queue in endless lines hoping to buy food she used to have an office job but quit because she couldn't feed her children on her salary Eliana supports them alone because her husband was murdered he was shot seven times when criminals tried to steal his motorcycle assassin Aaron gammai pareja hace dos años para robar lai la moto e solamente lograr anwar el celular who's had something exceptional ESO pasady REO inclu so a quien lava need on day yo vivo sun rose euro area meant a solamente celular a day una moto de cualquier cosa materia tape when gatorlaw do did they ever find the assassin nunca si eso que venga Beto como tow aqui en este pais yo qui Samael agencia yo no supe nunca en focuses annoy the acute origins of food and other basic necessities has led to this a truck carrying live chickens to market ransacked on the road without local police even attempting to interfere looting of bakeries pharmacies and especially supermarkets is spreading throughout the whole country and so when there are large queues the army is off and deployed to guarantee order and prevent journalists from filming like on the day we met Ilyana when the officer in charge tried to stop our cameraman from filming the people in line began screaming let them show how we are living and when the soldiers threatened to arrest him the crowds actually push them away unintimidating by their uniform or weapons they're not letting a stumper in the line incredible when I met you earlier today in the line trying to sell the coffee and the police stopped us the soldiers stopped us oh you surprised about that SEMA sorprendido porque de verga cane oveja nova taffy Manolo pants any momento pero si si si Sevilla casa da upon Arison por que no le gustan tomaron la una cita Libertad oppression para entre Camila porque yo no le gusta most rural area tell me a bit more about your life uh what you why you sellin coffee on the street bueno por que yo tengo me professor Josie tenneco me da electronica traje no veo en eso we manejando este negocio ante de trabajar mayo solamente UN term of a loss in grace O'Hara Maggiore hallo que yo hacia un dia completo y NT siempre como Meegeren mucho vacaciones lani o pasado y ou s el intento hacer lo más o master knows evk la ganancia harem s la Valse well domains work a Mirabeau no facin approach ahora you make more money selling coffee on the street then den working in an office bueno trabajo este es solamente dos horas dependiendo AL dia porque se Aiye Mucha gente el el el trabajo Menahem N or P n po say polka gente y hace me toca caminar un poquito note rahul Adela de lo porque yo en de la jolla dela donde ben de la comida que no me comida entonces el el trabajo say Samuel Rey way I gather you don't have any trouble finding any lines no pero siempre tengo me cliente pero cuando la Cola Cola Gua si el trabajo se pone MS pasado terminó Meno termina en un tiempo ma mahal toh kweh so if there's a scarcity of everything how do you find the coffee and sugar say o coffee bueno el café lo traigo de otros tau Dave arenas Salva prego fuera de qurac este cuando tengo la oportunidad este c sporran Clarita Toa case a meter me Nola's el azucar tengo que you carbo también en otro estado que NER Tamid on benches kouha IL presses post oh so escort OCC mo porque no say concede ptosis tengo que estar Berlin condo si todo para conseguir product I understand today something cause something tomorrow cause the prices different and so forth and so on how do you know how much to charge no Ana solo dolo calculus prácticamente local pool este si algo más un precio de a la semana siente toca mint are a cafe por ejemplo gon pay say del año pasado en da door cough Rebecca and keen say olio el año pasado en en Maharani pasado aurita que esta muy n-woo neo dos mil DSS a las 10 setenta Olivas say prácticamente a pseudo una herida cuando ante lopressor Darren Moscoe nella pero por esta cuestión de la casa siempre tengo que esta su d endows antes ovn swallow ora prácticamente veo que su esta same an alkene say non-mental el product what is the solution a boat rodas dicen que la salida de segovia de todo de todo el gobernador delgrovia no puede que una you know yo vivo que no puede her mingu no did you ever believe in president Chavez and the Bolivarian revolution it's at one point in your life we go up to mistakes no yo no post a poor SAT pagando gusto poor TECA or Taman Tommy vamos pagando puto poor picado porque yo nunca post a poor a favor yo me por el uno y por ello do you see a solution quickly when you say that the government has to leave but from where I'm seeing there's a lot of resistance Mira por la madre resistencia por la manera facile no por la manera llegar no creo que salga porque yo no assess Anna Yano Satan aha so fo are you Fredo violence of civil war some people say detached e only way out Claro por que yo vivo en la calle prácticamente se yo no se cuando puesta ya vete de austin es a momento en la calle por que todo pasar a con el cuello Selecta yo self well 66 year old Edgar Morra lives a few meters away from the cuartel de la montaña the military facility where the remains of uber Chaves lay he is a driver at a government office and was a fervent follower of Lugo Chavez he's convinced Chavez would have done things differently than Maduro has don't add got you new president to go Chavez the founder of the Bolivarian revolution very well you knew him personally you admired him but would you agree that this revolution is now living its very worst moment see a super Sanaa dokkan dokkan si muy bien tonal meant a low Canosa cuando era capita cielo sam rent abba demacia if occulta de la parte de física del commandant a si Moreau contention llamo esta presente y con diva a que lo que esta muy bien de Rita es que se a aguado muchas cosas consider Yosi ante guardado muchas cosas for example por ejemplo como la toma a median mediate allocate a muy bien el comandante h i consider o yo quieres oma tomado la medias in media t'as en boca a solution a lo que esta muy bien de allocate amo pasando y ND are you referring to the lack of food to the long lines or to the confrontation between Venezuelans no yo Mira Fierro a tanto a con a la confrontation política a la a confrontation política de la derecha con el estado y a la vez es Oh Kanye que en el medio esta el pueblo Yelp way low air cation Dolas consecuencia de es a confrontation well there are millions and millions of Venezuelans I used to believe in this revolution that don't any longer and those include your daughter your son-in-law both of whom want to leave the country like so many thousands of other avenues wailings but you're still a believer how can you explain that how y por aqui lowerin penetrate else aqui del bene Solano lower impenetrable acrid our Lal Malastare colectivo si muy bien toad a de de Casas no lo produces LS Todd Oh para me no lo producing loss aigoo impresario yon a chola eres la guerra lo que llamo el presente actual nicolas maduro la guerra economica but the results of that revolution are you disappointed ending our toll meant a no lo que pase que no están ahora y le dijo que lo está pasando y ND ay que no están pasando bueno el esta empezando factura al presidente cholo que hizo but how did that revolution help you personally what benefits have you gotten from it personal mentor my maiden officio cons you Annabelle Demi conciencia no en lo material lo matter al lado de menos me prescient hii tenía una consensus Agra lo primero era la mano lo umano Louis mess no material viene por la nada Yura how do you feel then when your own daughter and your own son-in-law are preparing to pack their bags and leave the country because they say they just can't live in this place anymore bueno yo si me puede perder algo de de de tes Tessa llamas okay mija piensa si de su país para para otro payaso condo hotel entre Bao trod otra Salida hacia su hija personal pero Yo no lo voy a tener sueño la conciencia Mariana Reyes is a journalist she recently married her fiance who was shot and almost killed when the couple were on the way to a shopping center now her husband is being treated in Miami but she goes back and forth to Venezuela because she does not have a green card to remain legally in the United States their story is yet another example of why people live in constant fear of violence Mariana tell me what happened on the day that you feel say was shot Veniamin hacer ejercicio nail him nacio yer pen tu nombre de brazza por la espalda tenía un arma en la mano le pidió que el celular apparent amento una reaction de deo ponerse lo que estaba pasando de parte de me no yo yo me ese momento axia los warme disparate rev si yo de hay de ver lo que esta pasando como que androgyny to nel narrow ee y de bas de se lugar es a momento y los siguiente kv fake al-assad iran el piso were heartened el estado en el piso y y me dijo me disparado me ferraro Yo no lo creo porque novellas Sangre no VA la sangre porque robble entró por el hombro he aired o y su no gray electrode snd enter perfora los dos phulmoni pero no un amor raha entonces no obvious angry solamente estaba el tiro en el piso yon paisa perder el conocimiento very even after he was able to breathe again they were far more complication suerte les Alvaro la vida cero lolicon so un Alessio ESO medulla final que le impede a kaminari este momento Lala's de la elección de bajo el pecho l del pecho para bajo no puede volver no i contracciones o mu q lo tiene muy pocus n civilly de y como embrace Villanova her own k prácticamente Vanessa sitar un Milagro para uno era caminar pero al mismo tiempo creo que fueron lo suficiente meant a responsible como para decir nose que actual meant a in Venezuela no había el nivel de specialization de equipament o tecnológico como para darle el mejor de tratamiento casey teníamos la posibilidad car amo une opinion for al Pais yo he seemed so that's why both of you move to the United States NT es a la razón porqué to viviendo en Miami porque no recommend our own sentro case especially la investigación en la recuperación de la nación a module ra y la dr. K muy famoso en una serie Pacifica no dijo Kelsey Taniya probably ahora kaminari ESO lo hemos tomado como nuestra Esperanza Maha important' a before this happened did you ever imagine that you'd Livio can't really you want to leave Venezuela nunca mi vida nunca pensé que vivir mi pie esta say nada que me Carrillo ESO sabe end okay yeah esta pasando lo que esta pasando no estaba respuesta y mi Pais Bastad ozn sentados unto Venezuelans Olivia on say hey si la cita Sione's extreme event a critic aport a YA guna Oona's Fuma elementos s la seguridad es la casa de alimentos e medicina en el deteriorated a vida es la la pérdida de de garantia hurried iike a hen pasillo de Grassi do you see any solution to des any a list any short ran solution t des no no no vaiue no solution rapid on en ella scenario de que pudiera producer ser un cambio politico que tan poco creo que esta próximo carido pero al siendo si el mejor a scenario el tatio sociales hat and a comp West Oh yesa tan extend ido el creamy organiza que des articular soo ah tomar mucho tiempo todo y AR Solis Alberto has also lost faith she works in the pediatric emergency room at the Domingo Luciani Hospital it used to be one of the best medical centers in Latin America but with many doctors abandoning the country and resources critically low the hospital is now in precarious shape dr. Alberto witnesses the effects of the current crisis every day dr. Alberto what are the most common pathologies that you see now in the pediatric wing that you didn't see let's say a few years ago que principalmente en la Talia's amo jiendo muchos casos de nutrition a malnutrition a severe Yahweh no asociado dystopia complicacy own a 10a ammonia porque de menthe a lanista mucho my mo no su premios can take a antes tambien mo feast ok incremented PC gente que ke Akua impor a poor polytrauma team oh poor areas poor Armada few a go tambien visto incremental dominio maltreat ADO's Nessie nombre mal tratado por los padres de abuso a sexual este en t Menton en la zona marjina puede de la población chase a pony al mal trot opus dei de los padres l familiar salient or no en el que se encuentra I pour a bun so puede sustance iya ELISA Tata me what do you attribute this abuse often on the part of the parents to my show that have increased bueno consider okay LLL deteriorate a most Ania torment a sociale a favor a sido esto y también el Poco accesso puede on que el Poco acceso de los padres ha a la lamento she owned a la educati on principalmente hace que muchos casos los ninos tengan kaiser usado para trabajo este no no son Escalera Zahav Ament a este tienen que poner say a captor condiciones para por sobre llevar en alguna for muna media tratar de ayudar al a Luger entre Camelia Baja loss pareja austin el puente de ingresos que no son las regular la que deberían ser regular mint a un associate Emilia Norman you work in the emergency room so I imagine you seen a lot of things in your country that you never expected si esta a llama difícil de de ver po hey el gran numero de pacientes que estén consult on dope or poor comaley hey porvis nutricion este meningitis tambien associa he caso de tuberculosis que tenemos tenido incrementer que anterior Menten no sabía que jose via say crea que estamos ma Horia en cuanto a lot a combi tear a lot uber-cool OC pero hemos tenido caso actualmente en incremental de complication na hora loca cos dementias OC AAHA tuberculosis patria rapira toria pour tuberculosis key anterior meant a non-save a your hospital used to be considered one of if not the very best the state-of-the-art Hospital of Latin America now I understand that you don't even have medicine very often bueno este elemental men tarita la situación de que esta el pie effect Auto low dose sector in Ohio secreto para nada employ young que nuestro en Ascenta tution shof where's OHS para para mantener dou Todd Oh Ella Pattullo way Thalia zone en suficiente a how long go to distort I mean how long this has been going on I mean I know Venezuela's in a crisis but we've been hearing about cancer patients that can't get their treatment patients with AIDS children with all sorts of diseases like that that can't be treated is this something very very recent or resident going on for longer en Valle de CTN algunos a nose Claro lo que pasa en este en este en esto you teemo's tres a no ha sido mucho ma a goop when la la Chrissy siempre welted amento para el paciente no Colo echo paciente convey a siempre SI un poquito mas Cocteau's Omani visi relaxes este perro en los últimos três anos say a video say say visto que hace incremental Oh mucho más el déficit de el distribution de lo medica mento por que tous AHA toe desde el estado Valley a toe la estrella sandy so medica meant a hot ro s del estado y para que el paciente puede llegar al tiene que primero llegar al nice to see on public ananda via meant estas col AXA ste ste d SE diamond new y la posibilidad I mean una población la que puede infer make a puede amento Noriega toes en este momento M con la cosecha Ida Mae Sina con el hecho a que no está no se producer la mayoría los medica mento en en nuestro pi sino que tenia que importar toe a say a gooey say o mucho yeah so is it fair to say that there are many Venezuelans that are dying now because of this Serie C una and Oloroso hacerlo Braavosi justo decir lo MIT sikap Lillis is the wife of one of the most high-profile opponents of the government Antonio Ledezma he was elected mayor of Caracas but he is now under house arrest instead of prison because of poor health the decima was arrested 15 months ago and faces and up to 26 years sentence accused of plotting to overthrow the government we were picked up at our hotel by security personnel and driven to an undisclosed location to meet with her she does not feel safe caracas e dope at RADA y una palabra fuerte mplayer pero a caracal a Katrin la posibilidad de poder tener a la persona por la que habían votado como su alcalde siento Lucia yog when o que el mundo entero lo SEPA que Venezuela impress o politico's poor simply Jana meant a Adair Salido con una Bandera en su mano y ver separado en una calle a de CD f-- where a Maduro queremos el revoke a Torrio provocateur EO ya que es el revoke Ettore okay lo que vamos a nelu die blaming del gobierno no lobe a poder salvo que frente al mundo sikita la ma cara y la kureta que tiene nosotros estamos pidiendo algo que es absolutamente constitutional l Rev oka Torrio se puede dar pedir la firma para revoke our al Presidente la Republica ya con el tiempo que Maduro tiene de Presidente how afraid are you and the people who are like you and who feel like you to go out and demonstrate protests against the government Louis MO siempre Lucia yo bomb OA seguida haciendo todo lo dia aquí donde Mavis yo vengo de una protesta Pacifica democrática como el estilo nuestro you were never born or never you never thought you would be born to go from country to country talking about Venezuelan politics it really your life really has changed hasn't it see a cambiado pero voy a seguir at al fin del mundo Lucia para demostrar lay a Venezuela al mundo entero can Tonioli dima esta press Oh a hooter meant a yo-yo viernes Venezuela no se respectin la libertad A's que no tenemos sin una dita Dora y que pasar de talaguit maje en el fondo cream a wrestler una gran Esperanza a pasar del dolor que viven no astre CEA's y nuestro pies no save amo ver de donde esta knee nosotros tampoco y por ello la vamos a llegar adelante when an how Venezuela can defuse what many describe as a time bomb is not clear government opponents and even some supporters see a presidential recall referendum to force President Maduro to step down as the only peaceful and constitutional way to avoid bloodshed but president Maduro who controls the army the Electoral Council and the Supreme Court is trying to block or at best for Spohn the referendum while internationally bartered attempts to arrive at a negotiated alternative remain deadlocked and as Venezuela's political economic and humanitarian crisis deepens there is a real fear that if there is no certainty of a democratic way out of the crisis the time bomb will go off you
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 576,363
Rating: 4.5836205 out of 5
Keywords: Nicolas Maduro, venezuela crisis, politics & law, venezuela news, human rights, food, food shortage, venezuela food, venezuela food shortage, aljazeera, aljazeera english, Life on the line: Inside Venezuela's crisis, Inside Venezuela's crisis, Life on the line, Venezuela's crisis, economic collapse, nicolas maduro, venezuela protests, al jazeera venezuela
Id: d0wPU3KOr90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2016
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