Life of Emperor Augustus #1 - Son of Caesar, Roman History Documentary Series

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augustus the first emperor Rome the adopted some and UDC sir was a rather ambiguous character it could be wise and kind but also ruthless and cruel and needed to be especially during his rise to power today his legacy is often overshadowed by that of his great uncle and adoptive father Julius Caesar but during his own time and after his death he would become a role model for all his successors on the imperial throne something to aspire to the would-be emperor of Rome was born in a fairly insignificant family but he was on his mother's side great nephew of Julius Caesar who saw something in the boy for when Caesar was assassinated 44 BC and his will was read he posthumously adopted Octavian as his own son and heir then eighteen-year-old havean was studying military tactic increase when he got the news some of the officers advised him to take refuge with the troops in Macedonia Octavian rejected their advice and sailed straight Italy landed in southern Italy and gathered military support on his march towards Rome emphasising his status as the heir and son to Caesar gathering around 3,000 veterans from his uncle's many campaigns meanwhile in Rome Marc Anthony an old ally of Caesar the inflamed the people of Rome hear Caesars funeral against assassins were now filled for the lights and had to flee the city When in Rome ok then would try to persuade Mark Antony who had effectively taken control in Rome in the power of vacuum after Caesar to relinquish Caesars money to Hampton taking control of Caesars assets meanwhile Octavian was still continuing recruiting private army completely illegally since Mark Anthony had taken control of all of Caesars assets he used them to further his own political career saying Oh Caesar said this before he died or wrote this decree one of these decrees Mark Antony had forced to was to give him the province of Cisalpine Gaul the province was currently held by one of Caesars assassin Decimus Brutus no not happens so he marches army towards the province and besieged Mutina Senate so young Octavian as a counterbalance to Mark Antony they saw as a British oath I thought the key manipulate put agent into helping them so they legitimized his army giving him Imperium the right to command troops something that only the highest officials normally had they also made him a senator the Senate sent Octavian with the two consuls of the year to relieve Decimus Brutus in muta he defeated Antony the both of the consuls died during the battle leaving the young Octavian with sole control of their armies the Senate would reward as much brooders for the feeling Marquis Anthony trying to give him command in the Legion Athletic Conference Octavian in response to the man that one of the vacant consul ships be granted to him and the Senate refused him he marched on Rome with eight legions the Senate didn't have any troops to defend Rome and when Octavian and Rome was strong he elected to one of the concepts Italian was only a young man but already had command one of the biggest armies in the world and held the highest office in the Roman Republic his rise to power was far from over Caesars assassins were still out there and Mark Antony who proved to be a thorn in his side for many years now in a position of power Octavian formed an alliance with Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus a former partisan of Caesar and an able commander they met in Bologna 43 BC and the second triumvirate was formed unlike the first Tremlett formed by caesar pompey acrosses this alliance was legalized for five years giving them extraordinary power the first course of action was the death lists the prescriptions if your name was on this list that meant you were branded an outlaw the property was forfeit unless you manage to escape so was your life this move is motivated partly for monetary and for political reasons the trembley's needed money to fund their military campaign against Marcus Brutus yes that Brutus and Cassius Longinus the two leaders in the assassination of Caesar around two hundred and three hundred senators and two thousand equities were branded as outlaws and his prescriptions the famous orator Cicero was one of the names on the list although he had helped Octavian gain power in Rome when he first arrived he did so at the expense of Mark Antony she would often lambaste Anthony in the Senate for seizing power of the Caesars death can only imagine the negotiator is taking place by the trembles bargaining back and forth tequila newts pair on the 1st January 42 BC the Senate proclaimed Caesar God gives us Julius Octavian could henceforth style himself son of a god TV Phileas the travellers second course direction of the campaign against the assassins bruised and long highness but build up a power base grease the center combine a military force some twenty eight agents to face the assassins after two battles at Philippi in Macedon the tram breeze was victorious British from dynasty committed suicide of the battle Caesar's murder was advanced during the battle even had relinquished command of his troops to his good friend Marcus Agrippa instead of leading the troops himself Mark Antony later used his - depicted Haven as a coward the trombley's third course of action was an agreement to split the Roman territories between themselves kayvyun would be granted Italy : Hispanic Lepidus was granted Africa Marc Anthony received eastern territories and sailed Egypt to form alliance with queen Cleopatra Caesars former lover who might have birthed in the Sun cesarean it is unknown if it really was his son but it might very well have been although illegitimate son still a potential powerful pawn in the political game Octavian's main task was now to set to the tens of thousands of soldiers from the Macedonian campaign this was no easy task since Rome didn't have any public land to give away saga Tavian had two choices either he would make the veterans very displeased by not giving them with the trembles I promised or he would remove Roman farmers from their land he would choose the latter probably too fearful of the consequences of living tens of thousands of unpleased veterans who can easily be turned against him there was widespread dissatisfaction with Italian offer this action a lot of people allied themselves with one of Octavius detractors Marc Anthony's brother Lucius Antonius during this time of Tiran would also divorce his first wife no their polka was the daughter of Fulvia or captain's wife from a prior marriage for their allied herself with lucious and raised an army in Italy they were highly defeated in Purusha daily instead both of their lives because of the relationship to Mark Antony someone he did not want to provoke just yet but their allies were not as lucky on the 15th of March 40 BC exactly four years after Caesar murder we executed three hundred senators who allied themselves with lucious and Fulvia he also burned the city of Perugia to the ground as a warning to anyone who would dare to stand against them fooled VI was sent into exile meanwhile in Egypt Mark Antony had entered into an affair with Cleopatra when he realized that his brother and wife had been defeated by Octavian he was not pleased he gathered his armies and saved towards Italy Octavian and Mark Antony met at Brundusium but no battle took place because some of their officers the Centurions refused to fight and instead urged him to make peace they were successful the treaty was signed to further cement this peace Octavian and gave his sister Octavia Minor to Mark Antony as his wife Fulvia had died in exile prior to this arrangement it's worth noting that meanwhile all this is going on Pompey's son Sextus Pompeius had built the formidable Navy on the islands of Corsica Sardinia and Sicily Rome was during this time very dependent on overseas import of grain to see its huge population and with his Navy 60s extorted Octavian to give him formal control of the islands Octavian did not have the Navy required to defeat Sixtus proposed a threat - sixties Navy luckily Anthony needed more soldiers for the planned campaign against pathogens so Tavian and anthony struck another deal Octavian would get 120 ships and Anthony would receive 20,000 soldiers it was also decided that trend rate would be extended for another five years Octavian however only sent 1/10 of the promised soldiers Antony a clear provocation Lepidus and Octavian would collaborate in the war against six distant players they were eventually victorious after some setbacks Lepidus tried to claim the islands of Corsica Sicily and Sardinia in ordered Octavian to leave let loose his troops however was tired of fighting and defected Octavian Lepidus was kicked out from the tram Barrett and his career was essentially over although was allowed to keep his priesthood of Pontifex Maximus until his death meanwhile Anthony's were against party has proved to be another catastrophe and this diminished his reputation as a military commander he returned to Egypt to replenish his army Anthony was furious at Octavian only sending 2,000 troops not a 20,000 that was promised Anthony sent back Octavius sister he did not need two whites he already had Cleopatra Anthony had two daughters with Octavia miner Octavian saw this as an opportunity for propaganda he claimed that Marc Anthony was less of a rumor for refusing a true Roman wife in favor of his oriental queen and he had become decadent the Romans always depicted Eastern rulers as a Senate and decadent Tavian demanded to be given anthony's will the will was stored in Temple of Vesta in the for ammonium in the will Anthony would give his territories in the east to his son and was to build a grave in Alexandria for him and Cleopatra this was a law strong the Senate declared war against Egypt in late 32 BC and removed Anthony's Imperium the right to command troops Octavian together with his trusted friend and commander Orcas Agrippa defeated caliphate Ryan Anthony at the naval Battle of Actium on the 2nd of September 31 BC Anthony and Cleopatra fled to Alexandria where they both committed suicide Anthony fell on his sword and killed pooja was bitten by a poisonous snake Octavian ordered the death of caesarian petrest son with Caesar with the words two Caesars is one too many he left Anthony's children with Cleopatra alive however Egypt was annexed it became a private possession of the Emperor to be administered by his agents everyone in Rome wanted peace more than anything else lost 100 years have been very tumultuous with civil war of the Civil War the Republic needed time to recover and stabilize Octavian was now the undisputed master of Rome he knew however that he could not just simply proclaim himself dictator as his father had done that would mean many more years of civil war or his assassination at the same time Augustus could not simply relinquish all his power and retire as Allah had done before him that would also mean civil war among Rome's ambitious general he had to find a middle ground somehow had to expand his own power to keep peace and still be seen as to restore the Republic to this effect he did not make up a grand plan how he could eventually become emperor he would rather proceed with the trial and error and thus testing and responding to the public opinion Tavian tried to formally relinquish all extraordinary powers and control of the provinces as well as the soldiers to the Senate but when this was met with cries of protest he agreed with feigned reluctance to govern the provinces that were considered unstable comprising of Spain called Syria this was a theatrical ploy by Italian to seem reluctant to rule but would do so for the greater good all the officials in Rome was more or less handpicked by Octavia and himself so the response in the Senate was carefully orchestrated the Senate would maintain control with some of the provinces which helped maintain the facade of the Republic but in reality the Senate controlled around five to six legions whereas kayvyun had 20 legions under his command the thankful Senate would on the 16th of January 27 BC there's still two new titles on Octavia died of Augustus and princeps title of Augustus has an air of religious authority while the title of princess usually signified the first senator the one with the most authority the leading senator but during Augustus reigned title of Prince Epps more or less became synonymous with ruler I guess this was by far the richest man in Rome is vast territory under his control and Egypt as a personal province he could pay his solely from his own pocket meaning that they were loyal to him not the Republic or the Senate he would buy grain rations to give out for free and to the masses of Rome making him very popular with the people as a result the people would always vote for the candidate Augustus supported Augustus only supported candidates who had best intentions for the state no longer would a provincial governor be able to raise the taxes sky-high nor could he use his army as they saw fit I guess is made sure that nobody could come close to his authority or renowned Augustus was very careful how he portrayed himself in public although he was immensely rich he lived in a modest house and according to the sources he made his wife Olivia and his daughter Julia weave their own clothes this was seen as a Roman ideal it seems that Augustus believed that part of the reason for the last hundred years of instability was due to a moral collapse of the Romans so he tried to portray himself and his family as a moral role models and he also instituted new laws harsh punishment for things such as puddle tree but the reality was far from the ideal Augustus wanted portray himself he himself it is said by one of the ancient sources had a passion for deflowering young girls however a guest has had one problem he only had his daughter Julia does no male heir in 25 BC he therefore Mary wait his 14 year old daughter Julia it is nephew Marcellus intended to make Marcello Caesar Augustus had been reelected to the consulship year of the year but however the consulship could not be inherited and in addition it seemed like a hearing dictatorship since he was reelected to the office year of the year he therefore announced in 23 BC that he no longer intended to stand for reelection instead he allowed the senator appoint him as Tribune of the people for life Tribune of the people was the people's representative in the Senate I was able to present legislative proposals and veto other suggestions but the same year catastrophe occurred Marcelo's Salil and died a gases wife Livia now saw an opportunity he could adopt one of her two sons Tiberius and make him the heir but I guess those did not like Tiberius instead you know the way Yulia once again this time to his old faithful friend Marcus Agrippa who does became the natural heir Julia and I get back quickly got five children but in 14 BC Agrippa suddenly died while traveling to East only 15 years old Livia finally persuaded that Augustus to marry Julia with Tiberius who had to divorce his beloved wife Virginia neither you Leo Tiberias was happy in this marriage according to one of the sources Julia had been given a strict education and upbringing but after three forced marriages she now went on sexual escapades with Rome's young man despite the marriage Augustus refused to make Tiberias his head instead he adopted Yulia and I could pass two eldest sons Gaius and Lucius Tiberias left Rome and settled in Rhodes and I guess has heard of his daughter's sexual escapades he sent her into exile never to see her again both guys and Lucius would die before Augustus however leaving Tiberius as the only viable candidate to inherit Augustus although reluctant Augustus left the Senate Pro Tem Tiberius Tribune of the people in 480 and a formally adopt him as a son Augustus died 10 years later in 14 just like his adopted father he was deified off his death hey guys thanks for watching the video I was just like to say there was a lot of interesting facts and events and I guess is life I didn't cover in this video like the Parthian peace to the world forest and the plot against his life or his many building projects in Rome I want to keep this video short and sort of digestible to about 5 to 15 minutes I do plan to make a video like this for every single Roman Emperor so if that interests you please like the video and subscribe if you want to know more about Augustus and his life I will leave some suggestion reading in the description of this video in the next video we will be checking out the Tiberias so hope to see you then
Channel: The SPQR Historian
Views: 79,398
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Keywords: emperor augustus, Augustus, emperor augustus documentary, emperor octavian documentary, roman emperor octavian augustus, Ancient rome augustus, roman empire age of augustus, roman empire augustus, octavian augustus documentary, Roman History Augustus, emperor augustus tribute, SPQR History, emperor augustus accomplishments, octavian becomes emperor, Roman History, Roman emperors history, Augustus Emperor, the spqr historian
Id: kwqQ9uSGYFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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