Life of Dominion | Apostle Orokpo Michael

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last night we began to look upon the scriptures and to find out the mind of the Father concerning our individual lives and destinies as it fits into the corporate agenda of God the kingdom of God is the system of God and that system of God fears and carries the agenda of God that was crafted in the spirit realm in eternity past as we journey through time by the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost we are brought into participatory experience with God and given the privilege of partnering with him for advancing that kingdom that he designed in the Council of the Godhead before the foundation of the world the extent to which we bring that Kingdom to pass is what we determine our Itano value and the truth is when we are done the package will be handed over to somebody else because is an agenda you came to play Pat and when you are done somebody as we continue from where you stopped the visa program is a reflection of the invincible realm and most of the things we do and tumble up all in time are reflections of the dimensions of God that are playing out in the spirit technology for instance fifty hundred fifty sixty years ago you didn't have an idea that it was possible to have a computer in a phone rather everything technology was about was to design a processor that could calculate pork you know ideas and instructions in a quicker period of time so everything about computer was processing speed but they never knew that processing would translate a handset science at that time was all about calculators how you can gather instructions and communicate instructions and electronically to a processor and the processor we we walk on that instruction and bring out results very fast but in our world today that little dim knowledge have translated to you being able to communicate with somebody in a distance in real time the guys that began the invasion of processing I assure you they never had an idea of the handset but in the economy of technology what they were doing was a foundation for the now and we are advancing further you would not know that medical science had any connection with technology you would think medical science was all about understanding hairs putting them together in the right proportion and bringing relief but today somewhere along the line there is a synchronization between technology and medical science and they did we thought well next will become technology you see that they are progressing a time we come where we live chemicals and you advance into genetic engineering and the gene of man will be modified in a way that it can t be basic that's where they are going now but some time ago head was something far apart processing was something far apart but now everything is synchronizing so when you look at it from eternity future it is one system working together in an advanced intelligence that you cannot separate a point we come where you cannot be a doctor unless you understand a matter of Technology a point become where you cannot practice your profession unless you will become a little you gain some inclination in technological intelligence this is how the move of God is you will be shocked if you are brought into the spirit realm that you are in the limit of anak you can't even sense the connection you will not even understand that a generation we come that we wield the magnitude of anak so much and we understand the kind of walk that ellicott with God and that generation we result in rapture and the same way anak was carried from this world a word generation will be carried so act a blast of the voice of the act engine what we happened is that a generation will come into maturity in intimacy with God and everybody can migrate from this world and where they are eternal comment but you will not know you have any connection a poetry come where you will not even realize that the man - of Elijah it's upon your life you will be somebody from boku and it doesn't look as if you have any connection but in the spirit realm you of the same tribe because one thing you need to understand is that the patriach they come stole the dimensions of God and they have the ability to impart it so this is not just about being born again because the Jesus that you believe because it was new to the cross in time 2,000 years ago some people and tap into the same economy in the spirit because the same things of was crucified before the foundations of the world so Abraham procured fate not because he sought Jesus on the cross not because he came after Jesus was crucified in time but Jesus said Abraham your father saw by day and he rejoiced in it so the same way the gospel came to you in time and you believe in the cross that is the same way that God who came to Abraham in the spirit and we believe in the same cross that we believe it so they were walking from two dimensions Abraham was walking from the dimension before the cross you are walking in the dimension after the cross but the reality is constant that is how every Patriot that entered into a dimension entered into it ma since the Bible said he saw him that was invincible at preaching this man walking they were not realities of the law they were realities in the spirit that they caught by intimacy so everything they have is valid to you today I said that to say this that the amount of Elijah is not irrelevant the amount of anak is what I deliver because you may say and no did not come after the sawfish also we don't need it we are now in Christ what you don't understand is that enloc was also in Christ the only thing is that you saw the Christ was preached after the resurrection and also the Christ that was pretty for the foundation of the world you ain't added to the gospel and not entirely true intimacy so everything they pioneered remains you did some of us when God begins to deal with us and chisel us and bring us into the spirit what we don't know is that we are aligning to a spiritual try you didn't connect with Rabbi huge or because is a good at positive scriptures there are many people preaching the scripture but there is something about your spirit man that resonates with the revelation that comes out of his spirit you will now realize that you are the same tribe another course to come begin a fellowship in VSU today they will be raising the dead what do we go there you will not connect with it have you been to a prophetic ministry before where there is somebody of they download everything about the passage but somehow it sound noisy to you you cannot deny the efficacy and the velocity of the power of God however you can stay there because this simple names of night in your spirit of not aligned with that dimension you only align with this kind of excellent exposition of Scripture that is because you belong to a tribe and what Reverend is doing here you may think he started softly there is nothing new Under the Sun what is doing here maybe a Monday that God gave to somebody in sync and the person went to be with the law of fifty years ago before he was even born but true his walk with God he knows tongue good into what that person was doing and the Spirit came upon him and he started the same thing in PSU is a movement that had began thousands of years before now there is in our lives must be taken with our audience E is because we are connected to streams and different moves of God that began before our great-grandfather's were born this is why I began sharing yesterday the necessity of walking in the spirit because most times the hand of God will come upon you he will constrain your life you may not know why your dealings are different from my dealings you may not know why your dealings will be different from a demon the reason is because God is trying to reprogram you to be able to walk in a lineage in the spirit and this is why your walk with God begins in the spirit you cannot just pick the scriptures understand some portion of the Bible and begin to use God to meet your needs it doesn't work like that there are lines there are others there are patterns you must file in accordingly for instance all of us here are students right what is a medical student the other one is a history today all of us wrote the same as John John but when we came into this system there was an aptitude test organized to be able to file off into the different rankings of our studies so the requirement for medical student is different from the requirement of sociology student all of you are student what your dealings are different and even when you enter into the field they requirements active the guy who is a medical student may not have sleep for the next seven years his cost for example is six years your causes for news that means that response abilities are different the guy cannot just decide and say ah sister root was in university for four years he graduated with a BS a why would I be here for five years and then he leaves school and they'll go outside you will be useless what the calling of God upon your life demands of you is what we inform the kind of dealing that God we carry you to the kind of making process that God will carry you to the kind of walk things of his spirit that will be upon your life but you must first of all be admitted into the system everything I began showing us yesterday is the admission protocol into the spirit it is when you are admitted into the spirit that a reality of your column we down on you there are many believers that keep asking question I don't know am i prophet am an intercessor what is my own ministry the problem is that you have not gone through the aptitude test so you don't know where you will be pleased I've said two things already the first thing I've said is that whatever we happen to you have happened to somebody before whatever calling you for you somebody has been fulfilling it before whatever dimension of God you will see somebody have seen it evolve you are only being recruited to continue from where they stopped because what God is do become from eternity past and it's going in toward eternity future at the end of the day where you go to heaven you see trolls you will see different rules those trolls are the beauties of the operation of God where you go to heaven you will see dimensions of God even in the Angelica Achilles ooh there are the Washington angels there are the angels of warfare they are like that according to the Alliance those are the tribe of Jacobi's they are always aligned according to the around but if you don't walk in the spirit you will never come to fighting to your rank a prophet can become a politician because it you used luck and chance instead of walking in the spirit and a politician can become a pastor and everything he preaches is to swing two people off Ronnie the reason is because he chose lock and chance he didn't walk in the spirit Jeremiah was going to a priest but he never became a priest he became a prophet because though in time the possibility is there but as he began to walk in the spirit he saw that on adhesive his father's lead what in disabilities of a prophetic lineage Joel was the son of a priest but he never became a priest he became a prophet John was the only son of his father naturally the father got to hand over his legacies to his soul that he waited on the Lord for many years what John separated in seven walked in the spirit and when John entered the spirit we discover that his father's name is Zacharias but in the spirit his father's name is Elijah he has one identity on edge what in this PDD has another identity so their life and the spirit of Elijah didn't end as far as the economy of God is concerned so when God looks upon John he's in the spirit called an ayah you will be amazed that that operation of God because the Elijah spirit is the spirit that challenge institutions government's forces that fight against the kingdom you will be amazed that every time you are stared in the spirit there is a body that comes to your heart to correct power and to channel the powers that be you wouldn't know that is an operation of elijah spirit you will think you are just a violent person no you are not there is something planted in your spirit man but the thing is that if you don't walk in the spirit you will never get there so a point will come in your life you may end up becoming in a change that is beautiful we will succeed in time but according to the equation of alternator of the nation you will not be rather bad do you see why is important to walk in the spirit the reason is because the party should follow us already be prepared before you were born walking in the spirit is your ability to identify that unique part that was created for you so that you can enter into spiritual inheritance and I said the protocol for walking in the spirit begins with repentance from dead works there is a doctrine of repentance there is a doctrine of restitution and they are very valid and correct but Paul said I want you to migrate unto perfection where you can handle the power of the age to come I want you to have Christ established in you to the degree that when we look at you or we can see the dimension of Christ your name can be Augustine but the truth is that if Christ is formed in you every time we make contact with you what may be touching with a messy of God because Christ is the custodian of the totality of the Godhead every one of us our crisis established him becomes a reflection of one of the dimensions of Christ so you may be others in you may be a mass communicator you may be skilled but if we come close to you the Arenal I shall be proud of his message that means you have been established that was the goal of Paul your name may be root but every time we come in contact with you what we see will be beyond the tendencies and the propensities of a man what you may be see with the favor of God also then the roots will go up every morning and from when she woke up to where she sleeps she is receiving teach and then you come broodwich is in only are you that are selling popcorn how come no popcorn people are dreaming from Anita Oliva there's nobody that says popcorn into Alisha look there is a phone at work in her life and if you collect retiree we see that it will offer for you because the reason is that she has come to be tragically custodian of that dimension so when Paul was talking about beauty asking Christ Paul was talking about bringing us to a walk of the spirit that we cause us to arrive at a destination where we become a portrait of a dimension of Christ and is that the fasting is that we must turn away our confidence from our natural abilities and we must look on to God because our natural abilities our natural tendencies our natural propensities we work against that which God has to offer this is why many times in Scripture when God calls a man he calls him to do a walk that is in the area with disabilities the military of Moses we require talking for like 70% of the time but Moses was a stammerer and what Moses wanted to argue with God God an accent who gives the mouth the amount the amount who gives them out before we will start talking about whether you talk about you not up well the reason is because God wants you to do your natural abilities and look upon him when you look upon him it doesn't mean the natural abilities will be lost he spirit with our rest upon you so that he will become a communication of Chris beyond that which you can offer in yourself the process to turn from dead works and we said repentance is not just you confessing your sins or crying or trying to no we say is with the meeting Word of God that causes you to migrate from flesh to spirit and when you do that migration we said the Word of God that comes to you is inseminated in your spirit and then something is born in your spirit that draws you to God I would say that is what faith towards God and then we spoke about the doctrine of baptisms and we said yes there is a place for a Marshall in water there's a place where for example when you give your heart to Christ were baptized into the body but beyond that we said the doctrine of baptism is continuous in Michonne in light so that God can swallow up your weaknesses and we saw that in the life of the Apostles when they were flogged when they were threatened they didn't go back trying to conform with the track they went back for baptism and the Bible said they went to be accompanied and at the lifted of their voices I'm pretty pleased when they were was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Ghost afresh and they were filled with the spirit of goodness and with great grace God for the witness of the resurrection of Christ on the day and great grace was upon them what has happened there is another day of immersion and we said when that is done then Paul begins to talk about the doctrine of the ladle of Han there's a place where the press between lays hands on you there's a place where your pastor lasers or you for in partition of teachings for establishment in financial but we said the doctrine of laying on of hands also involve you coming on that the mighty hand of God because if you don't come under the mighty hand of God there will be no need to know for you you will support in partition what you'll be where you are and if you are not with that up you cannot be applause to the kingdom so we said it's about government over your soul when a man begins to walk in Revelations that's the immersion in light it becomes natural for him to obey God any area where you cut light natura to be god every area you struggle ends the moment light comes so the baptism of emotion brings you into obedience it brings you on that government and governance of the Holy Spirit II the mighty hand of God so we said that it's one of the cadena aspect of the Nano love hands and I said is rectly in the Ministry of the prophets is that under hand of God was upon me and the hand of God was upon me so every time you see these guys rot exploit beyond their weaknesses is because the hand of God was upon them so you see the Prophet that was a president suddenly rises and it begins to determine this ship the statues the condition and gave outcomes of ignition why the hand of God was upon me that lifting up apart from the fact that when we are separate Christ we began to walk in the newness of life on account of the resurrection that lifting up is also a resurrection from the dead so the next important is that why you come under the mighty hand of God then you are lifted from the land of the dead and you begin to walk in the land of the living your reality is the set of circumstances around you begins to mirror the dimensions of heaven because you have migrated you will not believe it but there are people in this country that if they think as unless they don't think it's the appropriate the moment they think it's the answer comes you are believer with the moon I believer with them but they are living somewhere is got a resurrection from the dead they are living under the atmosphere and the economy of heaven in so why they I yet speaking I appear is a place in God when you come under government a point concert God becomes generals over the generosity of God becomes no inheritance you can sit in your house are you say how I wish I had water from the well in the book of Bethlehem a window is the garrison of the Philistines it will become their body they risk their life to get you water to drink that means your desire becomes proportionate to the life of great men you we've been a point to say I wish I have a rose Royce I have suffered oh I need to drag in a rose right then somebody calls you from California and said God told me to buy you a rose Roy that's the normal life of certain people because they are resurrected of the day they may be happy while walking on edge you know Jesus said in John that attrib aesthetic he said the Son of Man which is in heaven it was walking on edge is in rare is there air I had a young minister is that any day he wakes up I saw a boat he is surprised that means something is wrong what you contesting only if they give that one as testimony that means before the call they will have to write it on on three lists and then you have to be reading it because it so testimonies go yesterday somebody bless me yesterday our ancestors in the morning when I woke up I receive on a lot around Shamu iris in another a lot around 7:30 so the our testimony would be by 30 30 minutes they are they are resurrected with a living Lee happen on Eddie that's what Paul was talking about we are teens walk together for your good and you say when that begins to happen then God brings you into the judgment of the Father the judgment of the father is not just the white throne judgment no the judgment of the father that is part of it but the judgment of the father is a place of spiritual accuracy you now know the mind of God are you can bring it to pass because you have the ability with discernment is that when the spirit of the fear of the Lord shall come upon him he's our making of a quick understanding he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes nor the hearing of his ears you have come into the eternal judgment of the father so you can wake up in the morning say like Reverend was sharing with me few moments ago a lady came last week with a challenge and then some days ago he just woke up and she felt that loom this little something is wrong she has gone wrong and then he began to look for her known by everywhere it doesn't make sense is it Margo has called me to the judgment of the Father so you can pick the touch of God you can pick the mind of God you can pick what God wants to do pattern and to to that discernment when it caught the lady the lady has already jolly do the wrong direction you can wake up in the morning you see my father my father my father my father and that day you lock the door and you don't go out and you pray from morning to evening and then the evening they call you that your dad was involved in it at accident and he was the only one that survived do you know what you did you rescued him from that if you did this sanity we die you have authority in Christ for your father we die because you have not come into the judgment of the Father you can welcome you are important about South Africa South Africa South Africa because this thing is in level you can be the level where your leader covers only of harmony so if something wants to happen to your family you cry cry and eat and eat and eat and it tied to speech' job what is happening and then you go to prayer and as you three the person call you that yes to do sometimes even after one week they call you after one we can say see you I was attacked two kidnappers and when the King did was allowed me good a friend of mine was travelling it was an emboss the is usually a guy that is highly inspired and he can analyze a lot of things and while he was in the bush he was just on his earpiece and some guys don't raise an argument if you catch the what you go to up and everybody say we go we go pita and the guy was quiet and suddenly they run by asking brother you know the talk I wonder guy wanted to speak he wanted to join the tree what something means that to him they say well I don't know why they are still and sometimes people don't see because we want to I know still it is not good but if you know the condition people are in sometimes if we show them messy they didn't say anything that was oddly converses oriented when they travel for like 12 hours those same guys are raised their argument remove calls in the boss and they erupted everybody the boss they killed some people they now gave this guy $5 say go follow this route we give wrong they told the guy wrong wrong you know the guys not wise it was he the only son of his mother and he's the product of his mother Santa session so at that time we don't have to be downloaded from every study some of the things you do you don't know somebody prayed for you the night before I'm telling you somebody and they same way God prompts you sometimes to pray is because there is something what was to somebody God was to deliver most times our life is in the hands of others we never know them somebody wakes up in ammonia and he just wants to pray for you and that is what we derived from the accident because your self may not be discerning to know that an insulting ahead of you only men that journey the spirit or did it come to the judgment of the Father can walk in that level of responsibility so Paul said this is how he grew in the spirit there are certain men that this thing that you do for people the oils for nations they can wake up and say pray for America even anncr America as I prefer men what do you mean America pray for China you see China instead of you to say that you play for Nigeria Nigeria we are dying we are talking about China you didn't know that coronavirus in study China and in three weeks it will sweep around the world but somebody that has entered the judgment of the Father had picked it because these things from Gudivada what is looking for souls on earth that can become an extension of his hand so why others are going every day asking for bread and wine there are people walking in the economy of the Divine everything God was too drawn at they kick it from his heart you resist somebody praying for seven days you will say what is your problem you don't know he is praying for somebody and if he doesn't pray why you see my prayer you don't understand they reason some people are preachers today's because somebody was in the judgment of the Father and interceded them into the kingdom so you will go to heaven and they will tell you there isn't a lost bone for feet ministry was because somebody prayed for him for fifty years before he was born and then they a lot but we don't know why all his debts are ordered by the Lord even when he wanted to see there was he forced ahead in back perhaps they are dying mark and I were to go to the University asleep around this one cannot every time it tries it there is a fear comes upon him that fear was downloaded by somebody else into his life so you will forfeit destiny music you know how God is good we we you know we we walk in alignment we walk in an Ironman ah we poured in fasting and prayer you are joka well you go to heaven you we know that if they make your God through this kind of intricate economy dammit you for your destiny it's God walking in the judgment of the Father what many believers don't get them that's why kids go wrong in the world because there are few people that can pick the heart of God and walking it to ensure that the Mandate of Heaven is delivered this is the protocol of walking in the spirit this morning I want to share with you how to maximize the students because the truth is when we got born again all of us received this sin the sin is source from God and I want to show you this one they are four major gifts you receive from God when you give your heart to Christ yes four major gift the first gift you received from God is called it an alive the second gift you receive from God is faith I wanna zip it I mean the faith of the Son of God go and read your Bible after the resurrection of Christ after the resurrection of Christ no way was it written as you have it varcek after the resurrection it was not written anywhere as you have it the only thing you do is you determine the condition of your faith because every one of us receive it as a gift from God they're talking you received as a gift from the father is authority and this is in the name of Jesus and all of these things are a gift in the Holy Ghost you don't end this all of this I gift ever give you scriptural references John 3:16 you know the descriptors already Romans 6:23 I've also loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life the wages of sin is death but the gift of God the gift of God is eternal life and this for gifts you receive from God is what we call saving grace they are all available saving grace they are all a product of the finish work surprised faith this is in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 and Mark chapter 16 verse 15 to 17 the gift of the Holy Ghost is also in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 and is in John chapter 7 verse 38 the gift of faith is in Romans chapter 12 verse 3 it down unto every one a measure of faith this is what Jesus taught the faith of the Son of God now they fit that they used in the scriptures new testament and all of that we are different faith they stumbled upon but saving faith is the fate of the Son of God so if they have this kind of faith marked at eye level verse 22 to 24 the word is have the god-kind of it all of these are gift and this is enough for you to fulfill destiny in grand style [Music] but the problem is that these things all of this gift only work in the economy of God faith walks in the economy of God the tricker of faith is to believe and to say it what will be amazed that we have said a lot of things and you didn't have results how many of you have had that is there God cast out devils have you not got to cast out devils are you decree decree with goodness I hear to DC energy I will have been there the reason is because these things walk will be a colony of the divine if you don't give yourself to the economy of the divine you will never be able to exercise the authority that you have in Christ in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 to 21 is that we are seated with Christ by a book with a politician power that's authority it was given to you where you accepted Christ fair it was dealt to you they faced a move mounting all of us a habit there is not one person here that does not have fit to raise the dead at one because the fate of the Son of God can raise the dead not one of us yet lacks faith to heal the sick not one of us here lack straight to move mounting the problem is experience is dependent on your degree of maximizing the economy of God so when we start teaching you about walking in the spirit we are bringing you to a place where you can maximize the economy of God let me show you three of those economy this is the gift of God this is the economy of God waiting on the Lord we're past giving brokenness and we live with our five these are the things that makes the gift walk and you can never leave in this reality in the flesh so when I began teaching you about walking in the spirit my goal was to bring you to a point where you maximize the gift of God this is my goal the idea is not just the lofty mentality that I walk in the spirit I saw an angel I saw light last Monday it will not translate to profit for you or the kingdom the reason we emphasize walking in the spirit is so that you can interact with the logos the realities captured in the logos I mean why all of these things are operational in the world John said that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life is it that is what we have brought to you so our message is not for education our message is a window of access into spiritual experience and say what is in the beginning what was that which was the beginning he said the word was in the Father we have seen him and we have handled him so we bring you his testimony so that you too can have fellowship with us and say our Fellowship is with the father so John was trying to bring you in to experience of this dimension he knows I can teach it but when I teach it the goal is to bring you into the same experience that I'm currently having the fellowship of the Father because that is where the reality of the divine can be expressed you know the bible said the father spoke in Genesis 1:26 is the let us make man in our image after our likeness let them have to media that means the advancement of the kingdom which is a function of Dominion is a proponent of the verdict of intimacy it is in the fellowship of the father that the decree proceeds from let them have dominion came from the operation of the divine the father spoke to the logos the nagas spoke to the spirit so there was a continuous Koinonia going on in this community of the divine and what came out of that interaction is a being good man so on to your life originates from that Koinonia you can never walk in the experience of all that is been available to you so is it did I wait upon the Lord Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 they mount up with wings like the egos what does that mountain or being they migrate from flesh to spirit they migrate from mental knowledge into spiritual knowledge they migrate from humanity to divinity because in verse 28 or descriptor is a have you not head has he not been said to you that the everlasting or fainteth not neither is he weary that means fainting and wiliness does not exist where that communion is we had a Koinonia exists where the dimension of God is there is no fainting and wiliness is what they'll measure for the Ute shall be willing that means their best among man cannot survive because in man in humankind the young men are the strongest so he didn't bottoms are talking about the old the weak or the women he said a young man shy are patty for but it's a day that wait upon the Lord something happens the amount of between suddenly weariness weakness is swallowed up so when you interact with them you interact with the dimension of God that means the exercise of this spiritual advantage is a product of which so a believer who does not wait the protocol I gave you yesterday will be mental knowledge you can read it and go on teach it by you not walk in the experience if you are able to walk in that protocol that I showed you yesterday masturbation we die immorality with that because when you travel five these things cannot join me with you it's just like carrying a clutch we are really close and entering into fire the first thing that we bolt off will be the clutch a perfect core your skin we give we so as you go deeper these things can exist at that energy level but the only way you can travel on this corridor is by acting upon the Lord what is waiting upon the Lord is coming to a point where you're so become steel so that you can see the salvation of God the salvation of God is not a story is a reality that we behold this tale the problem is that you can steal your soul the reason because your soul is a processor you also have gathered information like fear like the knowledge of sickness like the knowledge of weakness like the knowledge of seeing if I told you now that is possible for you to be for one day and not think anything you say it's not possible the reason is because you have struggled with it again and again and again so you can't believe that is possible but the reason is possible to solve is because they meet in a realm when you enter that realm of waiting where your so becomes to you seeing doesn't exist there the life of God is constantly downloaded into your vessel so is it did I wait upon the Lord softly happens to them they technology of ascendancy they keep mounting they keep mounting they keep mounting they keep mounting prayer does not necessarily give you the right to mount but the thing is that prayer is the only thing that can bring your so to stillness so you wait after you have prayed some of us praying for five hours and the moment we are don't pray we're going with that's why we pray and still remaining see because it is in the waiting time that we mount up with wings but prayer is what brings us to the point where our soul become still in Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 and 7 is they be anxious for nothing but by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests delayed on to God and the peace of God that surpasses understanding we can see or so so the reason you're so noisy is because the turbulence of the devil is in your soul but where you play what happens is that the peace of God substitutes the turbulence but there are many believers who cannot pray so we come and record pictures and with these scriptures are not working we cast our Davidge the devils are not going is it because we don't have authority no we have authority but we can't exercise it average Alain comes the first e we are already falling there is because we have faith but we can exercise it because faith can only walk if you are in the spirit you can exercise faith in the flesh meanwhile everything about your life depends on the quality of your faith he said in Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 3 Galatians 6 11 Romans 1:17 and Hebrews chapter 13 verse this seminar also that the just shall need by her faith that means the quality of your life and experience is the quality of your faith and faith cannot operate in the flesh but you are living in the flesh how do you not think you can fulfill destiny this is why our life becomes is set of mocking chance this is why men think they have the right to determine our life for us you graduate from school you are hoping that an altar we created nation for you the reason is because you can't trust God even if you try you write an exam and then the lecturer tells you he needs to sleep with you for you to graduate and then you run from pillar to post looking for somebody that we become and not a messiah in your life every one of us have one Savior his name is Jesus and he has afforded of all we need but this is the working mechanism your life is given to prayer and that prayer brings you to a point of stillness I assure you most of us here have never played to the point of stillness even the inspiration with which we preach they come in the place of stillness there is in many men of God have no message is because they don't get there that's where is very Shon downloads there is nothing you can do this one has succeed if you can't come to the point of stillness it will each piece despair why do you team every day some of them take out two hours and they practice quietness a rich man that you think is so busy some of them wake up 3:00 a.m. every day but in their busy schedule they take two hours and they go and sit in the garden because they know there is in their head is not the volume of their bank account the quality of their inspiration you can never walk in faith you can never maximize the provision of eternal life you can never maximize your authority in Christ all the possibilities of the Holy Ghost within if this economy does not become vital in your life there are men that don't load this doctrine but they have this life so they manifest this life there are men download this talk to you but they don't have this life so they can manifest it is a crisis of living every time the devil comes distracting you the reason is because he wants to separate you from this life if he separates you from this life you are doomed because we never experience this this is why you spend six hours on Facebook or you can spend three hours on your news the devil will not argue the doctrine because is black and white in the Bible he knows even if you don't read it somebody will tell you if you've got to charge your pasta we mention it so he will never back to with you from knowing this but we button to from doing decent this is why it is the doing that produces the result not just a blowing when we organize conferences like this is not necessarily to bring you back and spell out these ABCs no is to stay home guy your heart to begin to do this if you make it a 3-month practice to pray every day or even once in a week until you are quiet you know I experiment a lot of times with my life because I know a lot of people know a lot of things and I also know that sometimes how you get to know what to do explore how you communicated so somebody can be explaining something to you but that's go hungry caught to know it so I most times experiment on spirit writing there are times when I am anxious I can't sleep I am toning everywhere the team is inside I can't even stop it they are too way out either I go and get in long movie I watch on the excitement floors fives one I forget it I mean why the danger of that is that that you forgot it does not mean the mountain have moved but I know that the weekly way out and I applied that for many years if I'm troubled I just get a mood very good action movie I am watching it after two hours and forgotten everything if I come back into the program he rises again I watch another movie but when I began to understand spiritual truths I began to give myself to death so when I am anxious and I can rest sometimes the teen literally begin to raise your BP what I do is that I go unlock the door and I said they save you free anxiety we go no Basu and then I begin to pray I don't begin to pray I don't begin to pray I don't begin to pray after a why you now discover the scriptures begin to rise from your spirit you didn't know that scripture was there that scripture in the precursor of faith so those things who are asking God to do is already done what is in your spirit as you begin to rise in the spirit in prayer suddenly the scripture comes alive and then you fire it like a bullet you fire it like a bullet a point calm nothing I was a big mountain becomes tiny and where you live that prayer even if you meet the problem you are no longer moved you know I gotta say that there are things that looks as if if people see we die Reverend know some of these challenges there are places you can enter if you act eyes I see everybody's eyes are puncturing you because you hear their thought you know what they have this cost so you can't as much as conveys I see they are torturing from every angle when you tally and you are saying then you're now come the people are talking against you say our Father within the hub you hope some of them you talk I enjoy yourself then the people don't get offended why you know feeling bad there isn't it because you left at those things they are discussing they are discussing it on edge where you have left edge alpha that you know that's the guy that spoke against you well you don't care anymore I never when they get they are born and they come to tell you about it why did you do this say well I did it but if you insist I don't care hahahahaha then they say you are arrogant no you are not a Naga there is a lot thority that you have in the spirit now you can exorcise it there is a provision of eternal life that makes you on killing it is the dead less life it is the own killable life it was there but you never knew how to operate it now you have carried the prayer and you have ascended did you not read about Jesus the Bible said he was sOooo fool Netley sorrowful their war they tried medical science they said is melancholy you are sorrowful to the degree that your sweat becomes like blood and jesus knew Hydrox instantly and he laid himself down he was praying he prayed Fred Fred they team tracked him out he came to the disciples come to watch with me for one hour he went back I'm frustrated he was with nothing Jesus remember all these things we have came from Jesus but that is Jesus who was suru terribly sort of one depressed he knew the kill was to ascend he came back there was this sleepy it was a glow there and he went and he was there on the point came when he ascended he entered into waiting mood and in the working mood he now saw the end so he got up and as a result lesbian they said they are me cuckoo who are the disciples at him please run away that's why you flee before say consumption become any commuted to your his Jesus - and it's a who seek ye it's a Jesus of Nazareth he step forward you see I am he they went back unfair ha ha ha you know I he said this commandment have I received of my father I know how to laid down my life and to take it on this is the economy situations we come there is he you go through it is because you have a becau this is why I said in this world you will have tribulation is a but be of good cheer I have overcome the world I have overcome a half of a this is the technology they thought of a girl whom CPA Jesus of Nazareth I told you already I am he they went back fair when they got off it up with carnality carried knife and he wanted to cut somebody's ear he started Suja is this advanced here he caught ha ha ha ha and Jesus they put your sword back if I wanted now you know that that person talking I say God if I want a don't you think I can pretty father and will give me 20 jobs of engines you know what while Dijon is one Legion is 6,000 with is 670 foot soldiers and 130 Italian 12 leader means over 12,000 another this 20,000 6070 foot angels and 1,300 Theriault of injured that's what Jesus who that movie nice in a second so what was the difference between way was depressed another hysteric he left edge so those times when he was troubled he could literally feel the pain of the knee you know why because he was seeing everything that we happen that the same way you see to your mind when you came there as they are talking and also yourself you are crying you now went to debark somebody concered you the announcing the way Sister Mary sat at the corner and they were talking appointing you ha ha ha ha that's article so he saw himself that we with you and flocking him at the pillar scorching him he saw when they put you come on him he saw himself on the cross but when he waited the energy of life was charged in his spirit and then when he came back the appeal of Denis no longer a factor it was later that the disciples landed so when the water to keep it on in Joppa he said sorry I have one request they thought he wanted to beg no these guys don't beg now they have the power to lay down their lives hope you know one of the disciples were killed they all lay down their lives well read the story and he said when you crucify me ha ha ha ha ha ha now you talk like that where you crucify me please I have one of my requests don't put my head off turn me down my master was awkward I don't qualify Tom me down haha the economy of which you have no agenda nope that's why you are anxious I assure you when you wit you will come out of your room like a cold see your step we change they came to accuse you where you come out you look at them in defeat I see when I look at walk I don't care go and say what you want to say it can't touch me this skin have been thickened by tan alive you don't know why the three wise men brought gold frankincense Amaya the good is the symbol of nobility is eternal life that means well it done alive crystallizes on your body you become like a gemstone even if they carry you to fire is in the fire that you begin to shine in the fire that's where you shine they take you to fire they think they want to kill you oh my god they are purifying you where you come out of the fire that's what eternal life is like good the fire that destroys orders where you show up then you litter you enter the fire before I said notice that you came out of the fire you became a prophet you are not a fire as a fearful man now you came out of the fire I am say the next place we are going this Madhuri they say your head no correct you say yes they class the class to boiling oil cooking they drew him with cheerio T to do that they now cast him to the Isle of Patmos and in the end of Patmos you say I was the spirit on the last day I was in this very sea before you kiss our people you need to go and train for 100 years because there is nothing you know that can key them they have become like the God that is on their inside I was in the spirit they taught it we die of hunger it was from Patmos that I began to journey to heaven so here we got reverence there for one more time come back when he was writing the book of Revelation is not like the book of John first second or third job he said if you read this writing you are blessed because this one is glad tidings from heaven I was the one that wrote the book of Job what this one is not a book this one is in roadmap into the spirit if you can't wait on the Lord after yourself this river if you don't breathe I've wasted your life death it was a king after he labored over 400 broken man I'm better at the alive they came because they came and took their wives and their children he began to study beat black ass like you that I get mean into your life you've told me what David no sidewalks and he went back into the secret niche and when he knelt before the Lord he prayed on to a point came the Union and the tuning began to glue I now know that God hath spoken so and if it came out the same man that was Tony him the fight of behind it in Iraq you don't know how many there's an authority in your life right now that is enough to move mountains they're all crisis of your family there's an authority in your life that by a war you can't stop it but the question is where are you talking from and lidar stood in a palace is it before call to my stand I don't stand in this palace I don't stand among men I met decrease from the realm of the waters because if you bring the Chronicles of the kings you will discover that my name is there you'll be amazed that way you call it channel the Nesta see you call say later because we are one that's why John went to heaven he wanted to watch it danger I say no my brother your honor that may happen but we are walking on the same corridor you don't know how you got you see there are people that visit heaven periodically because they have mastered this technology they can play to the point of waiting and when they wait the world becomes like a ball in their hands once of all the time you are seeing the visual how to win Network Singapore how to win Network Afghanistan this didn't slide going with the point will call me we see the globe in your hand luggage and cluster please can write Rhapsody and every Monty goes round the world is he I didn't know the world was so small you can talk like a dust off it the speak him from the mountain he was talking from the mountaintop when you check his needs you will know why he can talk like that ah you know what I could keep in here while you are crowing there are setting graces you need none that you can access by your faith and prayer so what giving door for you is that it networks you to decrease others so he said giving causes or place to allow second Corinthians 9 verse 6 to 10 I may need a place to rest a dead my faith had not reach there and there is a demand on my life to live the dead I may need a voice that can Network the missions of the world but I don't have that stature what I need to do is to begin to honor you know unless that respect you all know with your substance so I show up in you nation I see LeBron Hughes is gathering 700 people 1000 people and I'll drop something I have gone with something from there I didn't bless it be bless me God began to did we before in this commodity scripture there was no man of God I saw that I didn't plug something into because when you give to a prophet you don't receive the blessing you receive the Prophet's reward what makes him a prophet you enter into that economy so they did that they say me for the prophetic anointing you will become a prophet you may be a teacher but they dare they need a prophet you will become a prophet because you have received the Prophet's reward this is our eyes and their brokenness brokenness is the sacrifice of the New Testament you know Jesus are paid the ultimate price but what God moves upon your life that resonate with the price that is Osprey is brokenness because God resists the proud so even though they sacrifice it for you if you are proud every other thing you do we come for not a god we resist you so brokenness become very important in some 51 verse 17 he said this sacrifices of a broken heart and of a contact spirit the Lord can not despise how do you think this man knew this period so much they use absolute words you talk about the spirit you say cannot who to outdo you know him that's to tell you that this man live their lives and the corridors of the spirit they talk about God with so much subtlety as if God is their friend and truly he is their friend [Music] what I'm you subscribe to this this begins to walk in your life and there are five ways that this team manifest in your life this thing there are five weeks I want to show you quickly the first way manifest in your life is that what God gives you a name our names don't weigh the same in the scales of boluses I'm telling you you see a man to have LD live with God all of you he has done it far you can be doing the same thing somebody else can too dirty and put another man's name and because that name is on deducting begins to walk it's not about this talk is not about this strategy is this spiritual economy so when God carried Abraham Charlie with Abraham a problem and perfected these things these things I'm showing you Abraham gave on t he was able to keep in salt everywhere Abraham went to was meet up with authors Genesis chapter 12 from verse 6 and 7 the moment he entered the promised land he built on author - Dakota here to be be migrated from AI to better and he built an altar to the god have brought him to the promised land Genesis chapter 13 verse 18 the moment he came to memory he built an altar at the gate of memory he returned everywhere with oughta because Abraham is a man of prayer is a man of sacrifice and Abraham when Abraham began to migrate in this thing he became an invisible man at one point the Bible said five keys took lot and the king of Sodom and Gomorrah and we're taking them captive and Abraham immediately took 318 chains around from South and he began to pursue five kings are you all right how are you for you nations with 318 men hope you know that only Abraham is modern initial because the Bible said indeed are the nations of the earth be blessed so at this point Abraham of contrary point where he knows that only him is bigger than five nations so he could have fought too charactery on HTML and it's chasing missions see what Abraham did the Bible says when Abraham wanted to fight he said Abraham divided himself into the 18 men that means that battlefield had 319 Abraham's so every man that went with Abraham the condition so it was 319 nations against five nations Abraham didn't come and say then of you go here five of you go here he said Abraham divided himself into his man how do you do that you are the one acting the other demon you don't know this man our deities he divided himself so every one of them became the carrier of the Abrahamic blessing and it defeated them collected a goose and came back gave it to the king it's a note Agassi I don't want it to be head that you will say I took a lunch at you less you will say you need Abraham reach he has a name in the spirit oh hell that's why God we see in Genesis 18:19 I know Abraham mysamma I know he took more than 25 he look 25 years 24 years before his day was changed from Abram to Abraham even Jesus who is the son of God the Bible said because he has done this the law capable name that at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee should bow there's a name you don't know how we press there's a name that will come upon cassava now this meat is the VC recall is what publicity this meeting the VC we call and he will be so honored to be part of it was enough doctor father came to a crusade and they were ability of the stitch it was an honor for them to be there they were there to give his speech but they didn't as much as a lot eco-floor give a speech when we recognized is enough hello why the guy talk is a king in his village God can give you a name and when people are doing something they just want to add your picture yet don't you see what people do around when we were growing up with not we men put it on Facebook I travelled level we travel to Legos I start with the refugee a kilo his mother is one of my most treasured vicho I cannot put it on acid this is Reverend Chris we Aikido miss vada ha ha ha ha ha at some point in Legos Reverend Chris was on the oughta enough to defraud I get over the cameras they stopped me make sure he appeared aback because people should know that when the same auditorium and where people saw the picture I was the one standing what is it it's a different Chris is a level Chris I am the world standing board how come you have seen their work resides behind they are cine when you begin to engage these things God keeps winning that's why everybody that overcomes in Revelations 2 17 he say we give them a white stool and on that white stone door being that no man knoweth that name is a description of the quality of your intimacy with God and that is what will determine your rank in eternity that name is what we make doors open for you it said because ah as a scriptural Fanta pig now when your strength was written you did not deny my war he said because of that I will cause a door to be opened before your perpetual when your strength was weak so when we talk about these things we are very men how to enter into spiritual authority when your strength was weak you did not deny my name you did not deny my what are we cause for a talk to be potentially open before you the things we pray for some people don't remember the last time we prayed for it they will just give you a letter and put their name on the letter signet and if you take it you look at the moment you see the little is okay in this country that's a plea traumatic or teen Express or something is the idea of police the issues of pet nama is one millionaire to put it is Torah $50.00 if you have the plate number if they like let them be killed from here to the gate you will buy coffee fine you pass any checkpoint any kind of force if they look at you do salute you are good that's how it name works they are mended or follow protocol David entered into that economy onto his security name that's what we call the short message of David in the top anarcho of division there is no separation between the inner court and the holy of holies David or pull up the AK for everybody to see or 30 it is because of David because of David might suffer because of David Messiah because of David my son you can any name that makes it look as if God is biased what is not it is the depth you have traveled it in the spirit a man went to heaven and then they enter the room and it's all animal sitting and then Anna told him pick a book and then he carried a book of venom and then an ox the follow me and then he followed a knock and he entered a room there were a few peasants there and the people were so glued reading what they were reading that they were not distracted and then somebody lifted he said I'm tall and I saw that it was Abraham and Abraham came to him and said this room with 30 the heart of the Father all the dimensions of the heart of God his love is messy speech that's what we study for eternity and those of us here we are called Friends of God they are handful we have those I walked with God in so much intimacy you will know why God places so much on them if they him that all only be like all and he that despises be sad be lightly esteemed so what we call it name is the investment of course on law upon a man's life when you begin to engage this you become to the point where God we give you a name if you don't have the name in this world you will struggle I'm telling you so it is a big a blessing to have a good name the Bible said a good name in Providence 2 verse 1 is better than silver and gold a good name can preserve the heritage of a man's life for many generation there are many children that will not struggle in their life because of the name their father's end why do you think we are called the seed of Abraham they mean even Jesus came and took that name of all exam when you walk with God in intimacy he gives you a name and before you go out into the world you must have a name I assure you else it will not be easy you must walk with God with point where he begins to place all on your life there are too many places a competition is too high you can't afford it even we who are preaching do you know how many pictures AI Nigeria do you have an idea how many preachers I embarrassed it see all the publicity stones everything how do you survive if this theory doesn't go up on your life when God blesses a man it gives him a name the name of Jesus rules in the spirit realm but you need a name in dealing with men I'll show you the second thing God will give you these things I'm telling you they are bigger than a car they are you can celebrate your birthday and you receive the gift of twenty cards because of your name they are meant that every day they come home a guy's part they say well which one is this that somebody don't brought it if you go to the garage or thirty men you see how God are you know by us are you know by us they are meant that they packed a casas 28 in January they have now opened it meanwhile you are praying to God sauce think God is a name is a gift of God given to men that have walked with him in the speak the circling God will give you is a grease [Music] a Greece is not necessarily a gift of the spirit it can be part of it but a grace is a dimension of God that your life mirrors I began by telling you that some people they have domesticated feeble God has clued that damn with River it doesn't matter they can reject 8,000 people not them and they are not praying about it they just show up and something we make you to attend to them is it Greece it's an aroma of Christ that flows out of their life like a perfume you can go to a meeting so what is vibrating everywhere shaking me why the attention of everybody's on demand I'm sitting I know what this thing is have you not gone for meeting before where somebody's everybody's there so suddenly somebody walks into the hall or somebody will see damn it is walking out why this man of God is doing potential people now start living the meeting to follow the man who is going out to I'd out to be the seed of him to lay hands on their me why a minister his ministry on that the action of the Holy Ghost laughs I remember party in Christ we are in favor we're in anointing we are different it's graced our distinguishing is a man's gift make room for him and cop setting to stand before kings and Nobles some of you it will be walking on Vista it will be sauce you can explain it people are struggling with something for four days you just came you said low look like this do like this do like this and then they did is that Walker you not want that how come didn't do the deed no is a spirit working in your life you think I intelligent this is what makes men and tap into with inventions a glaze can be calming wisdom they left part to separate twins that are joined in the head and people have sat down this study did they've done all kinds of team but a man's left and then suddenly wisdom comes and then he wakes up he I can't do it he's gone because he's such an intelligent of time he tapped into a frequency what grades does for you that it brings you into different frequencies of God a man can be doing something you just gone it will look as if you are doing the same thing while you are worlds apart you are walking by agrees that place we distinguish you that this is God choosing to flow to you in a setting way because you have fulfilled this requirement and you will think what you are doing is because of what you are doing if that grace is withdrawn you will be doing the same to your resource we change you can call for a meeting you start like this and then see and then people fall down and they are not just falling down when the rights of they are healed you don't think is the way you do this so when less you community do this son let it be bass it's not the bus when there are glitches we draw do you go for meeting you drew will be expected to hear sound of Jesus he will hear anyone they will say they disguised Allah the power is the walking is a frequency of God this is why brokenness is key in his but this matter you're calm you think you are because the intelligent when that is withdraw you're in trouble it grieves in dahlias life they call it an excellent spirit the people bought testimony that there was an excellent spirit at work in this model that Celtic are come upon you you are desired everywhere you think the softest special about you then that in is lifted and suddenly even the people that were clamoring around your life yesterday they see you they say well done are you dinner and I'll say uh mutter a matter look at the SAS bike ah it's me yes I saw you agrees it will make you appear like a god but you must not show it this is why we live this life so when we are talking to you about walking in the spirit is beyond what you are asking God for is a blessed as demand I fear at the law that delighted greatly in his commanding is that his seed shall be mighty upon the eight the generation of the upright is blessed well and riches shall be in his house pleasures forevermore sake this this is why you must commit your life to God and refuse compromise especially now that you are your work because some of these graces you will need them when you are taught the day of your showing fort on to Israel may grace not be be drawn their God chooses to announce you and bring you before kings may grace not be withdrawn may the day of your shiny not become the day of your gloominess because you did not follow the protocol of Greece this is why we walk like this every day of our lives because this grace is what redeems the times you come you shoot a much money they talk to God we give you is men the Bible said daily men were added to David on to his hosts became like the hosts of God that is the Holy Ghost described in the mouth daily man we're dead to David on his horse became like the host of God how did he get there the crisis and the calamity of David is how to manage me in Acts chapter 6 is that the company of the apostles became exceeding great they became a multitude and they started having problems of sharing the resources that were available the reason the Apostles are to addenda Kings was not because it was a religious protocol they needed hands to manage resources because men were no more in after that attempt as 44 is that the whole city went to them they were sitting when you walk with God a point comes when God no longer gives you gift of God and Mali he gives you gift of fields of princes of Senators so everything you need is planted in this man unless you don't speak that's why David we said I wish that I would think of the wear of Rachel that is in the castle of the Philistine and three men put their lives in jeopardy in the eyes of those men the tests and the designer David was more important than their lives how can a man think like that that means that man has been given to you as a gift for him to think like that did you read in the Old Testament the slaves that are caught born servants they served the ideas of slavery but they said they don't want to leave their masters so the body our ears or they put a mark on their bodies they are now free to go but they refuse doesn't want to be slave forever they give themselves to you this is how men truly become mighty when they begin to have the gift of men men will be willing to serve not for reward but because they are so is routed to a man that was where David enter and Benjamin Jonathan was willing to give his own inheritance to David a way that David I know that you will be the king of Israel well his father was busy encouraging him and you foolish you are supposed to be the king you want to give you a better eye to that guy then we go back and Teddy be you will be the king of Israel Jonathan had become a gift to defeat even when Saul was brought in to Kiev it it was do not are not giving the signals of escape if I go to the table and I discover my potential to assume and we throw the arrow if you fall see a loss that which will run away for your life a man betrays his father because of afraid is a gift to that friend and it is theory that what it they something it does to the heart of man and they fully become committed to another man and to another vision this is one of the greatest gift that every pastor needs they gift of men most of you are here today because your heart is connected to the man and to his vision those days we go to Christ a person most of us have no connection with our pastor every time we are walking is Reverend Krishna within our mind and this reckless you may never meet him but there is this love that you have of him so much that anything that potentially you can give your life there is something upon him that makes you become a gift if there is any vision or anything that God has committed to your life that is what why you must need the gift of man in varying degrees so when you pray in the spirit when you live for God you are actually investing into the now and the future because the days where God begins to break out in your life you will need the gift of man man we need to start with all just because they love you you wouldn't know what God has done to them sometimes you will just go to God are you thinking I am teaching you how to become mighty every time you violate these protocols you are spending from your future some of these things you do today is the reason why a governor will be or saw some of these things you do today is the reason why they dolphin this are we open to you a diplomat we just look upon you are here to serve you I will not let me put up the entire presence a anything you need just mention it somebody sits in the south and they say no I think you need Akana calling leak of your choice there something happening in his heart if he doesn't do it we not rest but this is the pre cosa waiting upon the Lord prayer fasting giving and the local life God looks out of money people in Israel sometimes he sees that you will be at the most important jobs all of your life where you are twenty five he now comes to you where you are 19 and it begins to prepare you everything is doing this for that Kairos moment are 25 because if you enter that door at 25 your life will change forever and Lord if he doesn't come any you will not be prepared for 25 25 years in your life is not the same with any other age of your life so God comes six years before to prepare you for 25 and there you think is the now this is why why you serve is fit it don't look out for immediate gratification there is something is walking that is beyond your mind see I know the thoughts that I think towards you they are thoughts of good are not of evil that you may meet unexpected end the economy the heart of that spirit is about your head not your now if you look only on to your now you waste your end but when God what with you your end is part of his concentration so some of the prayers you are praying today I came here I saw most of your brain eaten some people will not pray do cos theta and we doing ladies if you are wise you with yourself to prey on Tina that thing that turbine is activated the results may not even being University this prayers over Philip rain now it is in your children would become read about there's nowhere you can see it now you have not even gotten a hospital car you'd be thinking children this prayer you are praying now maybe the reason why you're Ted saw your pets off gotta confess a con your Ted Sean will be a governor so you are buying the future of your child by plane as a teenager is fast and there isn't God does it like this is so that the princes of this world will not understand because if they know if they knew they would not have crucified a lot of Murray is it what this glory is healed for us this wisdom is he for our glory there are many kids in your life that you will never cross unless men and give that to you what'd you do today is what we command the indigenous of those male some of you to be the next ten years some of you to be the next fifteen years or you are not aware I'm showing you this thing show you we know they need to commit your life to these things and you we know that these things are eat Anna insurance policies they may not be palatable and I assure you they are not political but we have come to understand it Reverend Chris gave a testimony how does the way in school on campus days and then they needed to go for a drive and jealousy and then he gave all the pocket only he came to school and the Holy Ghost our study you just bought your fess car it was many years later that pastors with tax themselves to buy him a car that they gift he was not even aware some of our seating support Elena we desired there is a behind the scene they taught in God gives to a man is influenced influence influence is one of the most significant certainties Kingdom every spirit forces a man of influence influence is the ability to command and to call the shot it is an investment of the spirit upon the life of a man so that that man becomes an arrow in the hand of that spirit anything that read it wants to do all he needs to do is to make that man a brand ambassador and every or that passing follows this is the game of truths this is why you see men become models for multinational organizations they have influence it's not because they are preachers or their footballers no even among the footballers they look for the one that has influence what Amen a grease and mentos is that it brings you to the place of influence so galas buffs the hairstyle and that has died because the Iranian style in Africa and then somebody goes to this alloy say but McCullough's and you don't know but the spirit I inspired him to bada has Tyner have root and access to your soul because when you Bob da has done it we open your soul to setting operations so the devil uses one man to get a thousand people the same way God uses one man to get a thousand people this program we are having today if we change the speaker this hall will be packed is called influence if you change the speaker if it was a post-war Allah the size will be different if it is Reverend Chris Rock elumen the size the school will not be enough who will be forced to ship this program to I will be square he may not even preach for 30 minutes but you will tell God that you went you will just be excited and then you go and tell yourself that God has visited Billy even though you didn't see God but that influence we provoke it taught pattern you want to be mighty in this kingdom you must give yourself to praise to waitin upon the Lord to fasting to give him and by all means you must sustain brokenness as a way of life by the time you achieve that God will give you a name God will give you a grace God will give you men and God wiII give you influence that's when in that your job you can change the laws in that your job you can bleed Christ so the goal is not to make a doctor a preacher no the goal is to carry the kingdom to the medical profession the doctor can be caught but it doesn't mean every doctor that is connected and serious we got to become a microphone handler know we are sent to all the words but the only way we can breathe the kingdom to all the world is when these gifts become operational in our lives there are many men today that are very good at resistance of scriptures they can never preach in Afghanistan because they see a place that opens the door for canister is the grace that commands bulls immediately you can raise somebody from the which a the Islamic nation we open to you if you're all blind eyes open death is done God but they want that opens the door to Islamic nation is why you can raise before which it is increase and God want to put it on someone that's a name that makes Kings call you and say we are confused what do we do - Moreau was not a walk off miracles but mesmero had a name he was a counselor to 18 nations of the world the wife of the king came to him in Dalia data file is it in the days of your father there's a man in this kingdom called Daniel we cannot command nations we cannot change civilizations and we cannot bring the kingdom to our stairs of influence until our walk with God begins to generate names that the world cannot deny the existence until our homes I exhort him like the horns of the unicorn by the instrumentality of a grace that is at work in our lives all till we come to a point where by the grace of God we can command the allegiance of bed and Men I dictate to us by the invincible things of God and all the influence before etcetera that we wield we only talk Bible in charge but we cannot colonize our world this morning my emphasis is to bring the people back to the secret list where we pray beyond our immediate need for we pray because there is a kingdom view and we know that there are infrastructures that was we walked into us to be able to preach this gospel and the investment of God in your life is designed to bring the kingdom to your sphere of influence but do you have a name that can open the door do you have a place that can review the invisible God do you have been that can labor with you to bring it to pass and you have an influence that can command the system to come on that equipment and the governance of the Holy Spirit there is a walk that God wants to walk into every one of us you may be born a prophet and by virtue and default in the spirit you may be in the lineage of Elijah Wood government can you command to come into righteousness [Music] the dimensions of God we locked up on your inside unless you are able to begin to do the business of the secret place that's when God we put volume on your voice that's where God we stretches hands to your hand that's where God we open doors because he knows that you have become an ambassador of the kingdom this morning I want us to bow our heads and pray it's going to be a Priora dedication a prayer of commitment and LibreOffice I know it's difficult to stay the place of Prayer I know but if you commit yourself to it a point comes when it speedy takes over every one of us doing it we are not doing it because we are strong we are doing it because we are helped and that help of God is available to everybody and it's a conscious thing you create time for God you make space for God in your life the Bible said giving no place to the devil that means is a man that makes place for a spirit if you don't make a place for God by prayer by wetting of olive by fasted life by your giving to release your faith God may never have a place in your soul you can have this fullness in your spirit but is manifestation also will never be found bluh bluh bluh like a mighty Ewing you see as we are praying now the Holy Ghost will be showing you the distractions in your life now makes it impossible for him to have a place so what you do nice too late a defeat of Christ some of us get destructive some of all there are secret scenes late a defeat to thrive listen I want you to make fresh commitments this morning as I am talking to you now the glory of God will begin to descend like do the dew of heaven some of you will find yourself crying as I'm talking now it's also lost an opening you will find yourself cry not because you felt ambushed honor is the glory of God coming to walk it protocol on your inside but there is that commitment you need to meet to God today not a religious one but God I will make place for you in my life I will we have made places for Devils through destructions to see but now you want to tell the Lord having naked place there will be a conscious time of prayer there will be a conscious time of waiting there will be days of fasting there will be portions of my income that will be given to you because I want my kid released this is our main become mighty it may be 5% in maybe 10% maybe 20% but they see a portion of my income that is yours from today because I want to make it pleased for you in my life you are making that commitment talk to the Lord quickly yes yes I know God is God is finished in two hearts now this is not a revival session but is a session of transformation father let the dew of heaven descend upon your people let it you of heaven the same leather do of ever the same let hearts begin to break before you a melt before your presence you said the sacrifices of a contractor and of a broken spirit you cannot despise hiya fellas Sylla trabajas kvass [Music]
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 34,116
Rating: 4.9337015 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: Iqw_A-N1zLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 25sec (6385 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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