Life Lessons I Learned Too Late That I Still Regret All These Years Later

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not everyone wants to see you succeed some will even go out of their way to see you fail learn to be sufficient and realize you are a mortal who will suffer horribly later if you don't become independent and resourceful stop worrying about what other people think honestly who gives a [ __ ] keep to yourself stay away from idiots stupidity is contagious your friends want you to do good but not better than them rest don't care learn how to say [ __ ] it and mean it don't say yes to everyone to make them comfortable check with yourself too before you commit many people don't like you is especially if they see you as a competition rule your life with your mind not with your feelings every bad decision we have made in life there was more emotion in it than there was mind every single one always listen to your gut somehow it knows many things that you wouldn't expect know your worth never put yourself in The Bargain Bin or that's where others will value you time truly flies be grateful always because it can always be worse live like there's no tomorrow and do what you love the money will flow don't get bogged down in regrets no one is perfect don't chase happiness just stay positive and you will experience Joy pay close attention to those who say say they love you because so often they don't they only use you trust in yourself and your first instinct on decisions lower your expectations having high expectations of yourself and of others is a recipe for chronic dissatisfaction in life focus on you people come and go if you don't control your mind someone else will sometimes the things that break your heart end up fixing your vision loneliness is the price you pay when you start to improve yourself self be proud you survived the days you thought you couldn't not everyone will like you that's life stop telling people everything most people don't care and some secretly want you to fail be kind but don't let people use you it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not don't go broke trying to impress broke people stay away from people who make you feel lonely no company is better than a Bad Company make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present don't compare your life to others you have no idea what their journey is all about never underestimate the power of stupid people no one is going to figure out your life it's your responsibility when nothing can go wrong it will if you are a so-called nice guy you will be screwed up in the worst possible way you can ever think of you will be pulled down out of jealousy don't get surprised it's normal a bad phase of your life can start at any time most of the time you have to swallow the pain and learn to grow up by yourself don't make one person the center of all your happiness don't make them the reason why you are happy because once that person walks away from your life you're left with nothing trust wisely and not blindly your friend's problems become your problems the smaller your circle the less [ __ ] you have to deal with never expect someone to catch you when you fall even if you work on you for you the truth is everyone is going to hurt you you just got to find the ones worth suffering for be proud of how hard you are trying Don't Look Back you are not going that way don't depend to much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness work at your job and make a living work on yourself and make a fortune at your lowest you realize a lot remember some of the best times of your life haven't even happened yet this is your world shape it or someone else will bad habits are like a comfortable bed easy to get into but hard to get out of no one is too busy it's only a matter of priorities if it keeps you happy keep it quiet the best thing I ever did was stop telling people what's going on in my life striving for Success without hard work is is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted never Force don't beg and don't chase life is like a book some chapters are sad some are happy but all are necessary for the full story learn how to change a flat tire on your vehicle if you don't value your time neither will others the strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who fight battles we know nothing about the pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow turn your wounds into wisdom when writing the story of your life don't let anyone else hold the pen don't put off important medical checkups practice self-compassion we are all human and everyone makes mistakes time he feels almost everything give it time a good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything sometimes you win sometimes you learn forgiveness is not for the other person it's for your peace of mind sometimes we're tested not to show our weaknesses but to discover our strengths the calmer you are the clearer you think work on you for you the truth is everyone is going to hurt you you just got to find the ones worth suffering for be proud of how hard you are trying don't look back you are not going that way don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness work at your job and make a living work on yourself and make a fortune at your lowest you realize a lot remember some of the best times of your life haven't even happened yet this is your world shape it or someone else will bad habits are like a comfortable bed easy to get into but hard to get out of no one is too busy it's only a matter of priorities if it keeps you happy keep it quiet the best thing I ever did was stop telling people what's going on in my life striving for Success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted never Force don't beg and don't chase sometimes you win sometimes you learn if nobody helps you do it alone take your financial life seriously money is a defense to a lot of challenges be selfish with your time a lot of people don't deserve it what other people think of you is none of your business business you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending being alone gives us an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves sometimes you need to stop seeing the good in people and start seeing what they show you don't pretend to be better than you are live life at your own pace life is too short to waste time hating anyone your deepest darkest moment may be the best thing that ever happens to you envy is a waste of time you already have all you need if you don't ask you don't get do unto others as you would have them do unto you if you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything life isn't fair but it's still good he who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish Nothing in life don't trust words trust actions do yourself a favor get rich life gets easier with money not time if you can survive your own thoughts you can survive anything if they don't appreciate you they don't deserve you learn to heal without venting to everyone to avoid disappointment expect nothing from nobody everything comes to you at the right time be patient and Trust the process failure is a bruise not a tattoo avoid gossip at all costs it's poison to your mind the root of all suffering is attachment time always exposes what you truly mean to someone stress is temporary but the lessons you learn from it can last a lifetime if someone is trying to bring you down they are already below you money isn't everything in life but it can help you solve a lot of problems no matter how smart successful and good-look you are nobody likes arrogance humility is everything don't regret having a good heart all good things come back and multiply don't feel guilty for doing what's best for you choose your friends wisely the fastest way to become better is to surround yourself with better people hope for the best prepare for the worst people want you to succeed but not more than themselves no is one of the most powerful words in existence don't be a people pleaser you'll be alone in the most difficult times of your life these times will make you wise mature and fearless no matter how nice or respectful you are some people will still talk bad about you behind your back when you're working for someone else's dream you sacrifice your own no matter what good you do to people they will only remember your mistakes to reach somewhere you need to leave something behind it's best to leave things at the right time otherwise you are left with too many regrets and complaints you may not realize this but the people you love are your biggest weaknesses bad times are actually a boon because they wake you up to the good things you never paid attention to if you are impatient life will always be harder patience can do wonders trust is easy to build but can be shattered in seconds worry doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles it takes away today's peace don't be AF afraid to make a hard Choice the hard choices are the best you end up making the more you spend clinging to the past the less likely your future will be any brighter action is 10 times more valuable than reading and planning experience is the best teacher there never exists a relationship without self-interest in short every one of us for sure is selfish if you're not dating to marry you're dating for heartbreak let that sink in and be in a serious relationship respect yourself because people can see if you don't if you don't clear your misunderstanding in time they become the reason for distance forever anyone you love can die anytime cherish them nothing is ever as easy as it seems there is no better way to save yourself than saving money every day compound interest can do wonders good things do come to those who wait and suffer it might take time and be a long and rough road but it's completely and totally worth it whether it's a machine a house or or a relationship maintenance is always cheaper than repairing your respect at most places is directly proportional to your bank balance we cry over people but what about time time is also never going to come back time is everything and one day it will Define you things that will count you your health and your achievements you make the best decisions when in pain because fear of experiencing the same pain again is the strongest motivator at your life's darkest moments you'll see the most clearly the harder your past was the more beautiful your future will be you may not lead a comfortable life with a single source of income you need to build others most of the stuff you worry about never happens you attract what you are you want to attract better become better learn to cook a few basic dishes it's a valuable life skill patience is power sometimes you have to let go of something good to make room for something better never tolerate disrespect not even from yourself listen more than you speak for wisdom often comes from Silence create and stick to a personal budget kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind mind can see worrying is like a rocking chair it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere you can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one the best view comes after the hardest climb C doesn't always Roar sometimes it's the quiet voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow never lose your sense of humor laughter is the best medicine for the soul you'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down always pay pay off your credit card debt it'll save you trouble later the best revenge is massive success the more you give the more you receive the heart that shares is the heart that's full tough times don't last but tough people do the most valuable currency is not money but time spend it wisely a ship is safe in Harbor but that's not what ships are for the way you treat others reflects who you are not who they are it's not about having what you want but wanting what you have don't wait for the perfect moment take it and make it perfect believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place don't be afraid to take risks and try new things life is too short to always play it safe always take responsibility for your actions for it is the mark of a mature individual take a deep breath it's just a bad day not a bad life don't say someday say now for someday may never come donate to charity small Acts change lives a person who doesn't make mistakes doesn't make anything at all you cannot change the direction of the wind but you can adjust your sales to reach your destination someday when things are okay you'll look back and feel proud that you didn't give up forgive your old self you've changed if you don't let go of the wrong people you'll never meet the right people God knows when to send you exactly what you need no regrets just do better next time there will always be someone who doesn't see your worth don't let it be you seek respect not attention it lasts longer be careful who you trust salt and sugar look the same remember some things have to end for better things to begin time always exposes what you truly mean to someone life will separate you from your friends so appreciate each moment you have together being private staying lowkey and not telling everyone everything is self-care money is a tool not the goal freedom is the goal you are responsible for your own happiness if you expect others to make you happy you will always be disappointed do what no one else can do and you will become what no one else can become stay calm you've been through this before you'll get through it again a negative mind will never give you a positive life if people treat you like an option leave them like a choice value experience over possessions because memories are the real Treasures of Life accept what is let go of what was have faith in what will be so many people love you don't focus on the people who don't you deserve it the career the love the family the peace the life your vision will be blurry but it will grow clear with time patience is your ally never forget who helped you in a difficult time you alone are enough you have nothing to prove to anyone no matter how hard the past you can always begin again sometimes you have to go through the worst to get the best be alone until you're valued take care of your body remember health is another form of wealth if you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything hard times will always reveal true friends better days are coming you won't always wake up in the morning with a heavy heart your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind train it well don't react cut them off silently someone else's progress doesn't make you yours any less don't ever let the same people disappoint you twice except that some folks love to point fingers and blame others you will be blamed for things you haven't done and for things that haven't even happened yet stop complaining whining and nagging it's wasted energy who's listening anyway realize you cannot control everything or everyone but you can control yourself and that's even better always move in your own Direction not according to society friends or family leave the house messy and the yard unmowed for the weekend you will remember the fun not the clean house or yard make time for fun learn to say no Be Frugal eat only real food no wheat and limit carbs the more you know the Dumber you sound to stupid people pay attention to the negative signs that people give off and immediately disconnect from them it will save you a lot of pain and more importantly wasted time never take the responsibility that does not belong to you never sell out and trust your instincts also most importantly never take loved ones for granted have firm boundaries and be Discerning about who you let into your life if you want to help yourself find someone worthy to serve through service you gain experience contacts and a reputation as a reliable and accountable Ally it is only through an apprenticeship that one becomes a master by real estate let and anything you can afford the less possessions you own the happier and less burden you will have in your life life is often very ambiguous sometimes there isn't a right or wrong decision or Choice things are not always completely clear you may not get the answer so you just have to wing it don't leave someone to teach them a lesson leave because you learned yours life is far from over but it's very short too if you want to do something don't delay but don't sacrifice what you want for what you want right now when in doubt just take the next small step make and keep friends with the people you want to emulate not the people that you think will be most likely to accept you the people you associate with Will shape your future be careful who you marry and even more careful who you have kids with slow down and realize that mistakes are essential to learning anything get yourself together before you get any older the older you are the harder it is to change no one cares except family start saving your money don't spend it on homes you can't afford fancy cars and running your credit cards to the max in the end you'll be much happier nothing is actually as bad as it seems or as great as you think it will be take good care of your health without Health nothing will matter no amount of money can bring you Joy if you are suffering m marry before 30 have kids before 35 work and earn actively and sufficiently till and Before 40 make passive income workable before 50 plan to retire from work activity before 60 do everything for family but expect nothing from it not even from spouse you'll never be sorry for telling someone you love them do it before it's too late save a little money every week or month nothing gives you happiness like a financial buffer believe it or not if it ain't broke don't fix it be loyal or stay single that's simple expect nothing appreciate everything be grateful for the little things in your life to find inner peace do your best and Trust the process the harder you work the luckier you will get never take anything personally what others say and do is a projection of their own reality be forgiving be understanding but do not be a fool never say maybe if you want to say no when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time your self-respect has to be stronger than your feelings don't let success go to your head don't let failure go to your heart the best way to respect yourself is to discipline yourself if you are a giver remember to learn your limits because the takers don't have any don't waste your time with explanations people only hear what they want to hear accept criticism but never accept disrespect never give up on something you really want it's difficult to wait but it's more difficult to regret when you are angry Stay silent you have three choices in life you can watch things happen make things happen or wonder what the hell happened stay strong even when things Begin to Fall Apart stay strong you're being judged no matter what so be who you want to be you don't have to win every argument agree to disagree no regrets just lessons no worries just acceptance no expectations just gratitude life is too short the calmer you are the clearer you think the more you are interested in others the more interesting they find you to be interesting be interested if you are not falling down occasionally you are just coasting hatred is a curse that does not affect the hated it only poisons the hater release a grudge as if it was poison we suffer more in imagination than in reality people change Love Hurts friends leave things go wrong but remember that life goes on learn to say no without explaining yourself be a good person but don't waste your time proving it never tell your friends your plans stop putting too much trust in them don't let anyone know what you're doing until it's done if you want to be trusted be honest the only person that cares about your hopes and dreams is you the only person that is going to make them happen is you forget what hurts you but never forget what it taught you mastering others is strength mastering yourself is true power even the nicest people have their limits your direction is more important than your speed control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you don't overshare privacy is power don't make a permanent decision based on temporary emotions to be the best you must be able to handle of the worst as long as you are alive no obstacle is permanent you learn nothing from life if you think you're right all the time stay patient the best things happen unexpectedly never regret a day in your life good days give happiness bad days give experience worse days give lessons and best days give memories life is a one-time offer use it well be yourself people don't have to like you and you don't have to care free yourself from society's advice most of them have no idea of what they're doing first it hurts then it makes you stronger normalize walking some paths alone because goals are personal the family you create is more important than the family you come from life is short live it love is rare grab it anger is bad dump it fear is awful face it memories are sweet cherish them just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life missing is a part of getting over before you are old attend as many funerals as you can bear and listen nobody talks about the departed's achievements the only thing people will remember is what kind of person you were while you were achieving have at least one person in your life who gives you honest opinions it is good to be generous benign and magnanimous but there's a limit or you'll be taken for granted holding on to things will always make you more stressed the things won't happen in a certain way just because you want them to happen that [Music] way learn from what people do not from what they tell you don't react in Anger immediately wait for it to subside what said or done in Anger is irreversible don't over share privacy is [Music] power don't regret the past cuz at that moment you did your best see people for who they are not who you need them to be never jump to conclusions be Discerning and let people show you their true colors never Overlook contempt when someone views you with contempt and talks to you like you're beneath them they will likely do you harm whether relationally socially or physically remove that person from your life never lend money because you might lend it to friends for a few days but retrieve it from from Fools for years never share your problems with friends before finding a solution no matter how challenging it is don't show your weaknesses people will enjoy the show don't be weak in front of them listen to the people who tell you what you don't want to hear self-pity is dangerous stay away from it just because you are going through hell right now doesn't mean you will never smile again pain is purely temporary you spend all your health initially for wealth and then you spend all your wealth for one day of good health holding grudges will never harm people you hate Only You time defines you you will not be defined well by anything other than time time is the most powerful force how hard you fight it will do what it wants to the only constant in life is change embrace it and you'll grow say please and thank you often you can't change the past but can shape your future by learning from it the heaviest burden we carry is the weight of our expectations it's better to be alone than in Bad Company when you stop chasing the wrong things the right ones catch up there are no shortcuts to any place worth [Music] going you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do the best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do a River cuts through Rock not because of its power but because of its persistence there is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs the greatest risk is not taking one happiness is not something you postpone for the future it is something you design for the present your life does not get better by chance it gets better by change you are confined only by the walls you build yourself an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure focus on what you can control and let go of what you cannot take time to enjoy life's Simple Pleasures it's in these moments that we often find the most Joy give without expecting anything in return the only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come you cannot have a positive life and a negative [Music] mind doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will in the face of adversity remember that Diamonds Are Made Under Pressure if you get tired learn to rest not to quit do not let the shadows of your past darken the doorstep of your future do not not postpone joy for the sake of the future the tomorrow is promised to no one the first step to getting anywhere is deciding you're not willing to stay where you are don't chase women instead focus on your growth values and cultivating kindness the right person will find their way to you at the perfect moment without the need for chasing never bend your head always hold it high look the world straight in the eye the true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching you don't have to win every argument agree to disagree one day or day one you decide spend time with the elderly their wisdom and experiences are invaluable small circle private life and peaceful mind sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectation it's okay to make mistakes mistakes mean you're trying use things not people love people not things even the smallest lie can break the biggest trust be kind kind and generous without expecting anything in [Music] return Embrace Solitude as a time for reflection and self-discovery not everyone you trust will be trustworthy don't be afraid to express vulnerability it shows strength learn to handle rejection gracefully it's a part of life breathe it's just a bad day not a bad life things will get better just wait we have four problems overthink over trust overshare over love you will be disappointed and heartbroken multiple times but it's how you respond that matters don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want you've got to do what's right for you even if it hurts some people you love the days that break you are the days that make you make more moves and less announcements time never Waits it only urges you to catch up or get left behind no relationship is worth damaging your mental health depend on yourself never on others being too nice breaks you trust yourself you've survived a lot and you'll survive whatever is coming you grow mentally weak when your life is too comfortable sometimes loneliness is the price you pay for growth you are who you are nobody's approval is needed learn from what people do not from what they tell you expect nothing and you will never get disappointed Embrace every opportunity for regrets come from the chances we didn't take if you can dream it you can do it stop telling people more than they need to know you meet every single person for a reason just let it be if it's meant to be it will happen your past was never a mistake if you learned from it once you feel free someone avoids you never disturb them again people will forget what you said people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel some things are meant to cross your way but are not meant to stay your direction is more important than your speed never fall in love with the same person twice because the second time you fall in love with the member memories not the person perceive failure as a vulnerable teacher and a stepping stone to success celebrate small victories and Milestones because they pave the way for bigger achievements whoever brings you the most peace should get the most time never be afraid to treat people the way they treat you just be real it saves everyone's time never think twice about investments in yourself they pay dividends for a long time you need to stop the habit of doubting yourself you can tell more about a person by what he says about others then you can by what others say about him your heart will tell you where to go your head will guide you there safely use one without the other and you'll get lost why life will only come around once so do whatever makes you happy you can't do big things if you are distracted by Small Things remember 5 years ago you dreamed about being where you are now think about it not everybody wants to be your friend and that that's okay you really don't want everybody as a friend anyway you don't always have to be going being and doing it's really okay to just chill give back even if it's donating your tag sale leftovers or handing a dollar bill over to someone less fortunate do it it'll make you feel good everything happens for a reason always do not fear getting hurt you can't grow if you don't hurt don't ruin your health in order to earn money you will end up spending your money to recover your health and that is not reciprocal be kind to people without allowing them to take advantage of your good nature efforts never go in vain [Music] how others see you is not important how you see yourself means everything the only way to live like a king is to work like a slave everything you need will come to you at the per perfect time you came into this huge world alone and will go out of it alone hence can make any impossible thing possible by yourself only if you punish the truth expect to be lied to you will look back at your life with much more regret for the things that you didn't do than for the things that you did things don't make us happy experiences [Music] do keep your mouth shut whenever you are happy keep your mouth shut whenever you are sad stop comparing yourself with those who started 10 years before you focus on your own Journey you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending if you waste money you can earn it again if you miss the moment it can never be returned live life with opened eyes ears and heart strong people are always simple you spend your first 20 years worrying what people think about you you spend your next 20 years swearing that you don't care what people think about you you spend the next 20 years realizing that they aren't thinking about you never let others know your weaknesses instead always try to show up your positives don't tell your friends that you're happy don't make them angry don't tell your enemies that you're unhappy don't make them happy time flies one day you are 30 the next you are 50 plan now for what you want 50 to look like last but not least you are here for a reason that you may not know but be patient you beat a billion odds by being here be grateful for the little things in life that others take for [Music] granted
Channel: Quotes
Views: 1,059,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bwmv779zg8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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