Life Inside the MOST DANGEROUS US Navy Destroyers | Full Documentary

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equipped with some of the deadliest weapons and able to accommodate over 300 crew members who live and work on the ship a U.S Navy destroyer is no ordinary ship it is a symbol of Maritime Supremacy The Fortress of power and a force to be reckoned with as suggested by its name the vessel quite literally destroys anything that comes to threaten its Legacy known as the Greyhounds of the U.S Navy destroyers are equipped with state-of-the-art combat systems making them virtually impossible to mess with but given its unimaginable power do you ever wonder what's life like for the courageous crew members Who call these Mighty vessels their home do they ever let their guard down imagine waking up each day to the fury of the sea knowing that at any moment an enemy ship might appear on the horizon with all guns blazing now before we even discover different aspects of Life aboard a U.S Navy destroyer it's crucial to start from the basics what is the destroyer and what role does it play for the U.S Navy destroyers are one of the most integral parts of the U.S Navy Fleet a destroyer is a fast maneuverable and heavily armored warship it possesses multi-mission offensive and defensive capabilities destroyers can either operate independently or as part of carrier strike groups surface action groups amphibious ready groups and underway replenishment groups at the moment the U.S Navy has 72 destroyers in its possession note that the Arleigh Burke and Zumwalt class destroyers specifically are equipped with state-of-the-art systems to give the full picture these warships are capable of essentially everything anti-air Warfare anti-submarine Warfare and anti-surface warfare to complement this every modern destroyer's Armament consists of surface-to-air missiles anti-submarine Torpedoes anti-ship missiles and one or two main guns of about 100 or 130 millimeters four or five inches in caliber with Advanced sensors weaponry and communication systems at their disposal destroyers stand poised to detect and neutralize threats in various forms ranging from hostile vessels and submarines to aircraft and missiles this capacity for multi-domain Warfare enables them to enforce maritime law ensure safe navigation and swiftly respond to emergent challenges their primary duty is to serve as a quick action force capable of executing a spectrum of Weaponry attacks to respond to potential enemy threats the mere presence of these U.S Navy destroyers can act as a deterrent to potential adversaries simply knowing that a powerful Naval force is operating in a region is enough to discourage hostile actions and help maintain stability they can Patrol and operate in international waters asserting a nation's interests and demonstrating its capabilities also destroyers are routinely deployed to escort the larger vessels in the U.S Navy Fleet such as aircraft carriers these destroyers can actually be pictured as bodyguards in this scenario now in order to carry out such crucial mission objectives effectively and to play the role of defending the U.S Navy Fleet destroyers are built for the job range and speed are the major drives behind the overall engineering concept because these vessels obviously need to swiftly navigate through the Seas they are powered by a number of turbines pushing the heavily armored ships to speeds of up to 45 kilometers per hour this Naval Powerhouse covers the distance of a football field in a mere one and a half seconds which would leave us mere mortals struggling to catch our breath just at the thought of it these colossal vessels are 500 feet to 600 feet long depending on unique models of different types of Destroyers this might appear to be a large vessel but it's less than half the size of an aircraft carrier note that destroyers are designed primarily for combat operations rather than cargo transport therefore they don't have an outstanding displacement your weight carrying capacity for instance Zoom wall class destroyers have a displacement of 15 656 long tons which is roughly the equivalent to the weight of around 6 000 average cars definitely not bad moreover destroyers normally have a very Sleek Hull design which is not just for Aesthetics it's a testament to its hydrodynamic efficiency its shape reduces water resistance allowing the vessel to glide through the waves with minimal effort which is obviously crucial since the ship is made for combat on top of that these vessels incorporate a wide range of technology and it's shown in their price tags for instance the flagship of the Zumwalt class destroyers is estimated to be between staggering 6 and 8 billion dollars this is because the US Navy leaves no stone unturned when it comes to building its naval fleet for this reason these vessels are equipped to the teeth with Advanced navigation systems Radars and powerful weapons now this must have given you a strong idea of what a destroyer is and what role these warships play in the U.S Navy now let me bring your attention to the challenges of living on these vessels miles and miles away from land it's not like what you'd expect life aboard a destroyer the challenges as you may expect life on a U.S Navy destroyer can be pretty hectic considering that the course of events might change at the drop of a hat destroyers are often deployed in open Waters where they can encounter rough Seas with high waves and strong currents not to forget the extreme weather conditions such as storms hurricanes and typhoons that may appear on the horizon uninvited obviously these conditions can put significant stress on the ship's structure and systems making navigation and stability rather challenging most importantly it can affect the speed of Destroyers which is a major player in executing any Mission whether it's acting as a bodyguard or even engaging in combat just like the name suggests destroyers are capable of unsurmountable damage to any entity that tries to test them but living under the constant threat of enemy attacks alone can take a toll on one's nerves as you can expect imagine living out in the vast ocean miles away from Land isn't that already a bit intimidating now pair that with living on a vessel loaded with Weaponry then add the danger of being under attack for this reason life at Sea is like a chess game where every move counts one momentary mishap can result in Chaos on board but fear not this is where the US Navy's dedicated professional crew steps in these brave men and women sail into the abyss with unwavering determination fun fact an average U.S Navy destroyer accommodates about 300 crew members and they're all trained with extensive skills and expertise to operate and maintain the complex systems aboard the ship these crew members undergo rigorous training in various areas to ensure the smooth functioning of the Destroyer we'll dive deeper into this very soon but first let's step into the shoes of these crew members who steer this Titan through unpredictable Waters and see what challenges life holds for them Etsy day in and day out life is a crew member on a destroyer is a demanding yet fulfilling experience that centers around teamwork camaraderie and meeting challenges head on as life on a destroyer comes with unique challenges the crew's adaptability and resilience are tested under these conditions the operational Tempo can shift rapidly from routine tasks to high alert situations requiring crew members to transition seamlessly and make split-second decisions crew members have distinct responsibilities based on their rules which range from operating Advanced systems to maintaining critical equipment close collaboration among these rules is essential for the ship's smooth functioning especially during combat situations and emergencies on a normal day they participate in rigorous training drills covering combat scenarios damage control and emergency response as you might expect continuous training is the Cornerstone of life on a destroyer these drills ensure they are well prepared for real world situations crew members regularly engage in drills and simulations to hone their skills in combat scenarios damage control and emergency response at this point you must be wondering what life is like for the crew members aside from their professional capacity do they go to their rooms while not on duty well to your surprise crew members on a destroyer don't have their separate personal spaces instead they live in compact living quarters called birthing areas sharing bunks in tight spaces for good reasons living quarters and recreational spaces are not the main priority in the design and construction of Destroyer ships crew cabins don't come with many facilities they consist of bunk beds usually accommodating over 20 people in one room who have limited access to other facilities such as shower spaces and toilets sharing one toilet with 10 other people itself is a challenge on a positive note a strong sense of camaraderie forms as the crew members live and work in close quarters for long periods of time the shared hardships during long deployments create bonds that extend beyond professional relationships the ship is like a second home to Sailors and their fellow mates are the closest thing to family they can hold on to during hard times The Limited off-duty time that crew members get often gives them a chance to relax catch up on personal tasks socialize and sometimes enjoy recreational activities yeah that's a thing on board these dangerous vessels kind of ironic right the effects of physical and mental health of crew before we continue I'd like to take a moment to ask for your support and respect for our U.S Navy sailors who risk their lives for our nation please show your appreciation by leaving a blue heart in the comments below the video now let me bring your attention to the mental and physical health of crew members because that's just as important as we know that the environmental conditions at Sea are not in alignment with what our bodies normally are used to this might lead to some inconvenience for crew members or even serious health issues on rare occasions as expected the mental and physical well-being of the crew comes as a great challenge while living out at sea firstly and the most basic of all factors the constant motion of a ship can lead to seasickness plus physically demanding tasks confined spaces and uneven Services can cause muscle strain and joint pain and of course the constant exposure to salt water can contribute to skin irritations moreover things can get pretty clustered at times leading to poor ventilation which could possibly result in respiratory problems in severe cases particularly among the crew members who smoke or have pre-existing conditions note that training in the US Navy starts way before they board the ship their bodies are trained enough to adapt to the challenging sea conditions and have a unique lifestyle of the Destroyer regular physical drills and exercises not just keep their bodies fit but also build strength and stamina in them to deal with any emergency modern destroyers accommodate the facility of a gym also along with that there are medical experts on board along with various medical supplies to treat any patient on board apart from the ranging physical health challenges the sea can take a toll on the mental and psychological health of the crew as well participating in intense missions including combat and humanitarian efforts can expose crew members to emotional stressors on top of this being in high risk situations can lead to post-traumatic stress symptoms and emotional strain when things get rough another factor is extended deployment which often means separation from families for prolonged periods the absence from important life events and the challenges of maintaining long-distance relationships can also contribute to emotional distress among crew members taking all of this into account it's worth highlighting that the U.S Navy has recognized the importance of mental health and provides access to counseling service and mental health professionals moreover Naval leadership promotes a culture of open communication encouraging crew members to discuss their mental health concerns without fear of stigma they're provided with a strong support system which goes to show that the U.S Navy is well aware of these concerns and goes the extra mile to make sure that every U.S Navy personnel's Health remains a top priority speaking of which let us know in the comments below how can morale and mental well-being be maintained for crew members on board U.S Navy destroyers we would love your valuable insight and we're sure you'll come up with some excellent suggestions rigorous training and protocols moving on it goes without saying that the fate of a warship pretty much lies in the hands of its sailors be it a deadly storm or an enemy attack the US Navy prepares its crew members for the worst case scenario as the saying goes practice makes perfect rest assured the US Navy crew lives by this principle therefore on a normal day the crew participates in various drills and performs a number of other exercises including weapons training using Advanced weapon systems on destroyers firefighting drills and damage control procedures let's have a look at some of the drills procedures and protocols that the U.S Navy crew is trained to carry out under any given circumstances the most basic protocol that each crew member is assigned to carry out is watch Duty watch duty is an integral part of maintaining the ship's operations and safety every member of the crew is assigned to different watch rotations to ensure continuous coverage throughout the day and night watch Duty involves monitoring specific areas systems or functions of the ship and being prepared to respond to any situation that may arise during their designated shift for instance in combat information center watches crew members monitor radar and sensor data to detect and track potential threats such as enemy ships submarines or aircraft it's common sense why this is so important next to prepare crew members for any emergency related to unexpected outbursts of fire fire drills are conducted twice a month or as much as practicable depending on the situation this is also when emergency fire pumps are tested to make sure teams can combat the fire either on deck or in the engine room moreover crew members go through extensive combat system training where they learn how to operate and maintain Advanced combat systems including missile launchers radar systems sonar equipment and communication systems however not every crew member needs to be an expert at these Advanced machines but they must have the basic knowledge so that if the need arises they can operate different systems of the Destroyer a quick Point that's rather interesting crew members even practice procedures for abandoning the Destroyer safely in case of extreme emergencies this includes Dawning life vests boarding life rafts and following evacuation protocols however such protocols were thankfully never actually needed and surely won't be needed either most importantly though the medical training of each crew member is crucial they must be able to carry out basic medical procedures such as first aid and CPR this not only prepares them to take care of themselves but also to help other crew members in distress it's all teamwork remember also through all of these emergency procedures establishing effective communication is essential to form coordination with other crew members speaking of communication crew members also practice the use of emergency communication devices such as radios satellite phones or emergency beacons to relate distress signals and request assistance from nearby vessels or authorities this may sound rather simple but the technology employed on board the US Navy destroyer is hyper Advanced so practice is needed regardless another aspect of the extensive training on a destroyer is something that's known as cross-training with a selective number of crew members on board no one can stand on the sideline each member is the backbone of the Destroyer unlike aircraft carriers or bigger vessels destroyers don't have separate departments for each and every task on board therefore most of the members are cross-trained this approach enhances their versatility and adaptability and ensures that members can proficiently handle multiple roles and responsibilities for instance someone who usually works with Radars might also learn how to put out fires this way if there's an emergency they can help in different ways and make the ship safer it's like having more skills in case something unexpected happens tasks and duties of the crew from the bridge to the engine room the deck to the combat information center every individual plays a vital role in keeping the Destroyer running in its true spirit it's an all hands on deck situation each crew member is assigned a set of Duties to perform in order to ensure a harmonious and well-organized environment there's also a hierarchy of power and authority based on official designations of members on board to keep everything in check the highest ranking officer on the Destroyer is the commanding officer or Co who is the modern day captain of the ship the co holds the highest Authority and responsibility for the ship's operations true and overall mission they make critical decisions manage the crew's activities and ensure the ship's Readiness for various tasks including combat and routine operations after that comes the executive officer or EXO who's the ship's second in command and they often create a bridge between the crew and the commands issued by the co they are the ultimate multitaskers ensuring that the ship's engines run smoothly on both the operational and morale fronts furthermore navigation officers are responsible for planning and charting the ship's courses they operate GPS systems on the ship including sonars and Radars to avoid any navigational hazards to the ship and ensure a Swift and smooth way through the rough Seas now let's proceed to the combat information center or the cic here the combat systems officer monitors Radars detects threats and coordinates weapon systems they're pretty much like the eyes and ears of the Destroyer meanwhile the engineering department of a destroyer is filled with technicians and mechanics they take care of a number of problems ranging from oil leaks to more sophisticated systems such as the electrical and propulsion infrastructure as you can imagine these systems are vast and it's no easy job figuring out what's wrong when things go south this simply proves how well trained the crew on board of a destroyer is heading up to the deck we meet the deck crew with ropes and rigging as their tool kit though the flight deck of a US Navy destroyer is very different from what we see on a U.S Navy aircraft carrier it certainly doesn't mean that there's any list to worry about the deck crew is actively ensuring the safe arrivals and departures of aircraft mostly helicopters plus they've got an amazing view of their surroundings which could play in their favor when a threat is around and what about refueling not the aircraft the crew members they need to refuel also right well in the mess hall culinary Specialists whip up meals that boost crew morale and energy it's not just cooking it's about creating a sense of home for everyone on board crew members eat three main meals per day breakfast lunch and dinner plus note that there's a fourth meal for the night watch standards at around about midnight all in all remember that the duties of the crew members are not limited to what we've covered many other key functions are performed by highly skilled crew members of the damage control team maintenance crew and medical personnel crew members work tirelessly Around the Clock 24 7. ensuring the ship's smooth operation and Readiness it's tough to really commend them for their dedication maintenance and inspection destroyers as compared to other ships are more prone to enduring damage considering the nature of their missions harsh weather conditions at Sea and enemy attacks can significantly damage different systems of Destroyers therefore detailed maintenance inspection and repair are carried out regularly the US Navy spends Millions on maintaining its Destroyers speaking of Maintenance in general the procedures are divided into two types preventative maintenance and corrective maintenance as the name suggests preventative maintenance is all about staying one step ahead of the problem and preventing it from happening it is also known as planned maintenance let's have a look at some of the procedures that the crew members perform as part of their daily duties in this regard firstly vibration sensors are used to monitor rotating Machinery like engines and missile systems by analyzing vibrations Engineers can detect imbalance or misalignment issues preventing potential breakdowns in addition to that regular oil samples are taken from engines and other equipment to analyze contaminants wear metals and fluid conditions this helps to detect early signs of potential problems moreover ultrasonic testing techniques are used to detect flaws or defects in materials using high frequency sound waves it's employed for inspecting welds pipes and structural components also techniques like magnetic particle testing and dip penetrant testing are used to identify surface cracks defects or flaws and critical components instruments and sensors are also regularly calibrated to maintain accurate reading and measurements this is crucial for navigation communication and the weapon systems then come the regular old routine checks such as lubrication Hull inspection for corrosion or cracks cleaning of the machinery and so on it's no doubt that the crew members perform these tasks with religious dedication as part of their routine duties after these detailed inspections almost no room is left for any kind of wear and tear but unfortunate incidents can happen in the sea especially enemy attacks had come unannounced in such cases corrective maintenance comes into play which is not cheap Frankly Speaking it can cost an arm and a leg corrective maintenance for an early bird class guided missile destroyer costs a whopping 81 million dollars for this very reason regular preventative maintenance is crucial so that unanticipated repairs are not too pricey at the end of the day however to perform certain procedures destroyers are required to be brought out of the sea into a narrow basin-like structure on the shore this is where extensive maintenance procedures are performed that include disassembling inspecting and repairing and reassembling various systems and components of a ship this is just as important as the maintenance that goes on out in the ocean maybe more have any of you ever seen or worked on a destroyer we'd love to learn from you and enjoy your experiences please let us know in the comments below if you'd like to share your stories with us and don't forget to leave a blue heart to show your respect for all U.S Navy crew members Advanced Technologies and combat capabilities at the Forefront of Naval Warfare destroyers are instruments of Destruction for war U.S Navy destroyers are equipped with Advanced offensive and defensive Firepower and combat capabilities that make them formidable Assets in modern Naval Warfare in addition to that they have Advanced cutting-edge Technologies on board including high range radar and navigation systems but this is just the tip of the iceberg let's have a look at some of these impressive systems and capabilities found on the U.S Navy destroyer kicking things off the US Navy has heavily invested in the zoomwalt class destroyer which is a stealth ship equipped with stealth technology specifically designed to avoid reflecting radar waves back in the direction they came from and making itself virtually undetectable this simply helps the ship to hide from enemies it's undoubtedly no less than a magic trick these ships also use integrated electric propulsion some of the advantages of using this technology are freedom of placement of the engine less noisy ships reductions in weight and volume and the list goes on note that the system uses electric transmission instead of mechanical transmission which eliminates the need for clutches and reduce or eliminates the use of gearboxes and well none of those mechanical noises too now let's look into the advanced radar systems on board these ships that can detect anything along the lines of an enemy aircraft surface vessel or even underwater objects such as submarines as an example the an spy 6 radar system is a true Marvel its enhanced detection capability allows Sailors to find and track enemy missiles and fighter jets it's also called a Next Generation radar system because of its long-range ballistic missile defense and air defense next the an sqs 53c sonar system is your submarine detector listening for underwater sounds and helping track those hidden undersea threats it has an unimaginable range of 18 to 64 kilometers this system can essentially detect and avoid all sorts of enemy submarines floating tethered or bottom attacked mines and also torpedoes now that we know how enemy vessels and potential attacks are detected with Cutting Edge radar and sonar systems let's take a look at the powerful weapons that are used in response to these threats it's absolutely no surprise that U.S Navy destroyers are loaded with the latest Cutting Edge weapon systems that's what they're made for so almost all U.S Navy destroyers are equipped with Phalanx close-in weapon systems which is a point defense weapon system for detecting and destroying short-range incoming missiles and enemy aircraft it's an automated rapid fire computer-controlled gun typically mounted on top of the vessel the ciws is so good it can shoot incoming 155 millimeter artillery shells rockets and even mortars out of the sky U.S destroyers also have advanced ballistic missile defense systems like standard missile 3. this system includes special Radars and sensors that can actively scan the sky and see simultaneously to find any dangerous missiles coming toward the ship to put things into perspective a destroyer could launch its own missiles to shoot up and hit an incoming missile before it even comes close it's like shooting a bullet to hit another bullet in the sky sounds interesting another example of a powerful defense system is the Aegis combat system which is the c-based component of the ballistic missile defense system this system is integrated into certain U.S Navy Ticonderoga class Cruisers and early bird class guided missile Destroyers it can detect track and engage multiple targets simultaneously it's basically capable of Defending against air surface and subsurface threats in other words nothing can easily make it through and attack a U.S Navy destroyer interestingly though one crucial Firepower of U.S destroyers is their ability to launch surface-to-air long-range missiles missiles are launched through computerized systems which are capable of deadly precision for instance US destroyers can carry Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles which have a super long range and are capable of precision strikes against Targets on land or at Sea it can strike targets 1600 kilometers away plus its sophisticated guidance system allows it to switch Targets in real time while in flight but we haven't even discussed one of the most destructive weapon systems of them all the anti-submarine torpedoes these are used to detect and engage both submarines and surface vessels torpedo tubes are usually stored on or below the deck of the destroyer and they are usually the most destructive capable of dismantling a whole enemy attack for context Torpedoes can cause unrecoverable damage to the armored Hall of enemy ships they can even Pierce through a submarine life in a combat zone since we have already discussed the sophisticated weapon system you must be wondering what it's actually like when a warship goes into battle laced with this Hefty count of dangerous weaponry well it's pretty much like a real life action movie to say the least life on a destroyer during combat is a highly orchestrated and intense experience characterized by precise procedures unwavering teamwork and the constant Readiness to respond to threats not to forget that a single strike from the enemy can be so lethal that it might destroy the ship itself or put hundreds of lives on board at risk let's have a glimpse into what life on a destroyer looks like during combat it all starts with an alarm blaring throughout the ship when an enemy attack is imminent the ship goes on high alert known as Battle Stations the crew members rushed to their designated stations based on their roles this can include Manning weapon systems operating radar and communication equipment or taking up damage control positions when it gets to this point the combat information center is the nerve center of the ship the cic monitors radar sonar and communication data to track and assess threats cic Personnel coordinate responses provide real-time information to commanding officers and guide the ship's actions all of which combine to ensure the smooth execution of both offensive and defensive measures radar and sonar operators work hand in hand to closely track potential threats including enemy vessels aircraft and missiles their rapid identification and tracking are essential for preparing countermeasures because every second counts based on the information provided by these operators crew members responsible for missile systems like the Aegis and standard missile launches prepared to engage incoming missiles or aircraft accordingly they also coordinate with radar and Fire Control Systems to ensure accurate targeting close-in weapon systems operators or ciws operators stand ready to engage close range threats like anti-ship missiles or even enemy aircraft the ciws acts as a final line of defense against incoming targets when all else fails the ciws jumps into action meanwhile anti-submarine Warfare Personnel or ASW Personnel monitor sonar readings to detect and counter enemy submarines they may deploy Torpedoes or other ASW systems to neutralize undersea threats to ensure the mission's success navigation officers and helmsmen work closely to steer the ship adjusting course and speed to optimize evasion tactics and strategic positioning this is yet another very crucial element to the entire orchestration amidst all this chaos damage control teams are set ready to respond to any hits the ship might take before all hell breaks loose they work to contain fires control flooding and stabilize the ship's condition to ensure its continued operation on a lighter note throughout the process effective leadership and communication are very crucial the commanding officers make decisions based on input from various sources ensuring coordinated responses to evolving threats plus crew members maintain a heightened sense of situational awareness continually assessing the battlefield and adapting their actions accordingly medical personnel are on standby to provide Immediate Care to Injured crew members combat injuries can range from minor to severe necessitating Swift medical attention but after the combat situation ends everything transitions to a stand-down order and post-combat procedures are followed including excessive damage assessment repair and maintenance inspection of weapon systems and other critical components that need attention the future of Destroyers and Naval Warfare it's worth highlighting that the pursuit of power doesn't just stop for these destroyers the ultimate goal is to hold all the Aces and the US Navy doesn't Bluff its way to the power with the advancement in technology the power dynamics at Sea are shifting at a rapid rate the number of ships or Manpower is no longer adequate to gauge the combat capabilities of any navy so to say in this age Victory hinges on both physical might and technological mastery the advancements of Robotics and artificial intelligence has paved the way for a new era in Warfare AI driven systems can enhance decision making predict equipment failures in advance optimize maintenance schedules and Aid in data analysis to improve overall operational efficiency moreover increasing automation Technologies and the integration of Robotics can streamline shipboard operations reduce Manpower requirements and enhance the ship's ability to perform various tasks with precision plus it's significantly reduces the risk of endangering human life which is arguably the most important and not just that future U.S Navy surface ships will be operating new generations of highly sensitive long-range high energy density radar systems 35 times more precise than existing systems another Cutting Edge technology in this regard is the electromagnetic Warfare system this new and advanced system can disrupt and disable enemy communication and sensor infrastructures providing a strategic advantage in electronic warfare environments let's not forget about virtual reality though with the help of this technology all the US Navy crew members can be trained to use highly sophisticated weapons without actually operating them for learning purposes this not just cuts the cost of extensive training programs but also prepares crew members to deal with complex scenarios during rough Seas or War times something that's tough to replicate in real life the ultimate goal of integrating these Advanced Technologies is not to merely increase the efficiency of U.S Navy destroyers but to also make the life on board as risk-free as possible referring back to our earlier question have you ever seen or worked on a destroyer were genuinely interested in hearing about your experiences please share your stories in the comments below and as a gesture of respect for all U.S Navy crew members don't forget to leave a blue heart your insights and support can truly add depth to our community thank you so much ultimately to sum things up we must acknowledge that from the deafening Roar of engines to the silent vigilance beneath the stars every moment aboard these vessels is a testament to human perseverance and unwavering dedication if this video piqued your interest remember to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel for more in-depth coverage and captivating stories about the US Navy's Legacy and modern Endeavors thank you for your support and stay tuned we'll catch up to you in our next exploration of the US Navy's world
Channel: NAVY Productions
Views: 1,294,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, educational, Howitworks, wendover productions, airplaine, explained, boat, ship, documentary, vehicles, fluctus, sea, sailors, ocean, usnavy, lifeatsea, unitedstates, sailor, navy, marine, mariniers, marinecorps, marines, USNavysailors, flightdeck, aircraft, naval, us navy, united states navy, destroyer, us navy destroyers, full documentary, us navy documentary, life aboard a star destroyer, life aboard a navy destroyer
Id: 77H-dL2EYzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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