Life Inside a WWII Type IXC Submarine (Cross Section)

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cross section of a German type 9 CU boat during World War II one of the deadliest tools in the German military's Arsenal was the U-Boat a submarine that crippled Allied Logistics and almost cost the Western allies Victory there were multiple variants of this successful vessel from the small type 2 clasp to the so-called Workhorse of the type 7. in spite of the success of the type 7 German High command wanted a longer range vessel for extended voyages and in the 1930s development began on a larger ship with a longer range leading to the creation of the type 9 class which included many sub-variants including the 9A 9B type 9C and the 9C 40 as well as the type 9d of these one of the most famous was a type 9C designated U-505 which was captured by an American Naval task force in 1944 which allowed for a greater insight into German military engineering Dimensions the type 9C measures in at 76 meters in length with a width of 6.76 meters and a height of 9.4 meters at the conning Tower its overall displacement was 1 800 tons while surface the ship would have a draft of 4.7 meters power plant and performance the type 9C class was designed as a long-range vessel and as such it could travel up to 13 400 nautical miles while cruising at speeds of 10 knots thanks to an additional 43 tons of fuel compared to earlier models the ship was propelled by a pair of nine-cylinder diesel engines which had a top power output of 4 000 horsepower one surfaced a type 9 could travel at a top speed of 18 knots or 21 miles per hour though this was done rarely as it cost more fuel stop right there give me one minute to tell you about why we love World of Warships and you'll be helping simple history stay alive as your source of historical content on YouTube Autobots roll out in the latest World of Warships you can take on a U.S Samson Destroyer or any ship from history that you really want into battle against Godzilla or the Decepticons or for those of you who prefer your history a little more 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Fahrenheit since the diesel engine requires constant air intake to run the sub also used a pair of electric motors for use underwater which were located just behind the engine room they were connected to a pair of two meter long rechargeable battery Banks and could repel The Vessel at 7.7 knots or around 9 miles per hour submerged and had a power output of around 1 000 horsepower the maximum depth of the type 9C was 230 meters or 755 feet any deeper and the outside pressure would crush the vessel weapon systems the type 9c's main Armament were six 22-inch torpedo tubes four located at the bow of the ship and two located at the stern one more than the type seven a fully loaded ship had a complement of 22 Torpedoes some of the type 9cs were fitted out with specialized equipment for the laying of underwater mines though the majority including U-505 didn't possess this feature the type 9C also had a variety of surface guns just behind the conning Tower was the Winter Garden platform an extension to the tower which was mounted at 20 millimeter anti-aircraft Cannon further aft on the deck itself would be mounted a 37 millimeter anti-aircraft flak Cannon an additional defense against ever-increasing threats from Allied air power forward of the conning Tower the type 9C class had a mounted 105 millimeter cannon which could be used against smaller vessels not worth a torpedo or to finish off a crippled foe conning Tower radio and control rooms in addition to its mount for the deck guns the conning Tower was also used as a lookout platform for observation while surfaced when submerged the type 9C did away with periscopes connected to the control room common on other models instead having a pair of periscope situated on the tower for underwater observation descending the letter from the conning Tower a midship leads to the control room the heart of the ship here there are stations for steering depth control navigation bilge pumps and other valves just for whatever the control room was the radio and sonar room here the ship's communication equipment would be located including the ship's Enigma machines allowing encrypted messages to be sent and received this section also housed the ship's sonar allowing it to detect other vessels be they friend or enemy crew quarters the type 9C had a standard crew of between 49 and 54 Sailors and officers though U-505 had 59 aboard when it was captured accommodations for these men were limited as space was scarce on board there were only 35 bunks so the crew underwent a process known as hot bunking where sleeping quarters would be rotated by men coming on and off duty privacy was non-existent as the sleeping quarters would be located along the walkways down the length of the ship with on-duty Sailors passing by their sleeping comrades the bow and the stern torpedo rooms were also used as bunk space but some of these couldn't be utilized until some of the Torpedoes were fired freeing up the room these bunks also had to be folded out of the way while in combat as they would impede the loading of the launch tubes circumstances were slightly better for the petty officers who had permanent bunks located just aft of the bow Torpedo Room the captain also had a permanent sleeping quarter located near the control room and Radio Room in case he was needed during an emergency he also had a modicum of privacy as the Captain's Quarters were separated from the rest of the ship by a curtain toilet facilities and hygiene there were two toilets on board the ship located forward and aft to make conditions more difficult for the men for the first part of the voyage one of these would be unavailable as the space would be utilized as a food storage compartment only after this food was used up would the toilet be free for its intended purpose there were no bathing or laundry facilities aboard the type 9C or any other U-Boat variant deodorants were used to control body odors but these had limited effect the men had to endure not bathing for upwards of three months and their clothing would be filthy as they would have no spare clothes except for an extra pair of socks and underwear fresh water was limited to drinking and food preparation so shaving was also out of the question after an extended Journey the men would sport long beards in addition to a filthy and disheveled appearance Galley and food the type 9C had a one-man Galley where a cook prepared meals for the crew located after the officer's quarters food was stored in every available space including one of the bathrooms under bunks and even hanging off of pipes overhead around 12 tons of food could be stored and were mostly canned goods as preservation was limited though some fresh foods such as meat and vegetables were stored in small refrigerators though these would become moldy very quickly in The Damp atmosphere of the ship the ships made a priority of carrying limes lemons and other citrus fruit the high vitamin C content needed to ward off scurvy a constant risk during long voyages when U-505 was captured there was also over 100 pounds of chocolate on board due to the constant exposure of diesel fumes the food would taste like fuel causing the crews to nickname their rations diesel food fresh water was provided by a saltwater Distillery around 63 gallons per day this water was used for drinking and cooking as well as replacement water for the electric motors water for bathing and laundry was out of the question Legacy 54 type 9 Seas were on active duty during the war the only you vote to be sunk in the Gulf of Mexico was a type 9C designated u-166 another of the class U-505 was captured by an American task force on June 4th 1944 after capture the ship was towed to a royal Navy base in Bermuda now securely in Allied hands it was intensely studied and many of its engineering features influenced future American submarine designs after its secrets were revealed 505 almost was used as target practice by the U.S Navy but instead Father John Gallery prominent Chicago Citizen and brother of Captain Daniel Gallery leader of the task force that captured the ship convinced the Navy to donate the vessel to the city of Chicago as a war memorial to this day U-505 is on display at the Museum of Science and Industry allowing the public to see this Marvel of military engineering up close
Channel: Simple History
Views: 2,061,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life on an american submarine in ww2, life on an american submarine in wwii, what life on a submarine is like, life in a submarine in the second world war, life in a submarine, what it's like on a submarine, what life on a uboat was like, submarines in the pacific, submarine crew, us submarines ww2, american submarines ww2, most successful submarine of ww2, submarine of the sgm, submarines ww2, german submarine, submarines, submarine, cross section, cut away
Id: tdrZ9b88iSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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