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life in Portugal after one year what can you say hey I don't mind me hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel so if you're seeing the Spy face this fine girl this fine woman for the first time welcome so my name is I'm a Nigerian based in Portugal in this video with the title you already know is actually serious business there's no point sugar coating there's no point to be talking don't mind me I'm just kidding okay so in this video I'm just gonna be as real as possible I'm just gonna be very honest in my own opinion I don't know what any other person thinks but with what I've seen what I've experienced I'm just going to be sharing my own experience basically with the language jobs Healthcare and everything today so you are in for a ride so let's start with the language right say I was open to learning the language I know it's going to take a while but I was really open to learning and all of that so when I got into Portugal I think the first week it was the only thing I just do is just to smile when they speak the language I think the only thing I learned was bondia Butternut that was the greeting which is good morning good afternoon good night good evening those are basically the only thing I could say like hola hola is hello it was like the only basic you shot 13 now let's never start so those were like the only things I could say even before moving to Portugal right so sometimes you get it can be frustrating when you're trying to communicate with someone who you don't understand the language you don't even speak the language the other person do not speak English they don't also do not want to use a Google translate or to actually they tell you just you just have to learn the language so in that aspect you can actually be frustrated especially when you want to get something done when you're going to the hospital and you don't speak English in the hospital I think I went for one I wanted to register for my Healthcare number and the lady told me she said it's in Portuguese that she cannot speak English I should go and get someone who speaks English she was not even ready to even use a Google translator like to even assist me in like okay this girl is new to the country let's see what they can do she just he insisted like I cannot speak a language go and get someone that can speak English and I love that she said all the business Portuguese and I'm like oh okay that's fine and all of that so I actually registered for a Portuguese school um A1 and eight so it was for about eight months you really don't have to do the eighth month they're like short courses or short classes maybe three months and you get a certificate and all of that so when I was I would say first the language it it's been it was quite difficult it's still difficult but at least to an extent I would say I understand the language a bit I'm not fluent but at least I went to the school I understand the basics so if you're thinking of moving to Portugal please start learning the language so you can actually be able to communicate with people learn the language it is important if you're moving from a country where your language is basically English or your primary language is English to a country where they don't speak English right please learn the language I would encourage everyone moving to Portugal please do learn the language it is important you would get frustrated at some point especially like I said earlier you're going to the hospital you need to you need to do something in offices where they don't speak English you have to yes you can actually survive with just English language but because you're in their country you have to learn the language now that being said to languages out of the way now let's move to the healthcare at the moment they don't have enough doctors they don't have enough nurses in Portugal because most of their hospitals most of their doctors and nurses actually moving to a country where they pay a better minimum wage so right now hospitals are getting that point let's even start to be getting an appointment in the hospital I remember when I first when I wanted to book my first appointment I think we got there around 6 A.M we couldn't get an appointment for that day because they can imagine living in your house to get to the hospital that's like the general the health care center for 6 a.m and they open at eight right and they tell you or we can actually give up we are only giving out 20 tickets per day and the people who got the number one to 20 have been there since like four or five because they need to get an appointment just to see a doctor which is quite tough so if you can actually afford like getting a private health insurance or a health doctor that is fine so our first appointment we went there as early as six we couldn't get an appointment for that day we were told oh no appointment when we even saw the queue we were not thinking we wanted to just get there on time do what we wanted to do get the appointment and just go about our day like that when we got there around six and we saw the queue we're wondering what's going on our neighbor told us just get there on time because we have some Nigerian friends around from families around they're like just get there on time because sometimes you might probably not get we thought you were joking until we got there around six and we saw the crowd of people waiting whatever what's going on like I don't understand this is like a normal State because for me or for us it was quite strange we got there we couldn't get an appointment for that day we had to like I just told my husband we might have to resched you right we rescheduled to another day we got there very early even before six luckily for us we were able to get an appointment we got an appointment we're able to see the doctor for that day so I was told to do a different test regarding something else to do different tests I did the first one the second one I got a call to say um the doctor wasn't failing to go to they may have to reschedule which was fine by me I said okay so all I know was all for all that what was in my mind was waiting for another appointment or for me to be rescheduled since I couldn't um see the doctor because she was ill and she couldn't come to work which was fine right so I went there for like about a month no response so like okay let me just was up to a month I'm not sure what's up okay let me stop by the heads okay let me see what's going on to know when is my next appointment I got there I didn't have to go too early since it was just if you're going to act like a normal question you can go anytime during the day but if you but if you want to book an appointment if you want to see a doctor you have to book an appointment so you have to really go very early I don't know about other areas but for where we stay you have to get there really early in the morning right so we we got there sorry I I got to the hospital to find out what's going on I booked an apartment earlier and I was told it was canceled um it was canceled because the doctor wasn't feeling too good and all of that they checked and checked and they said oh you know what there's no appointment again for this year it's next year I had to tell the guy excuse me luckily for me the guys speaks a bit of English so it was oh it was not that bad communicating with him I said sorry excuse me do you mean like till next year for an appointment that I booked okay I booked the first one the second one was she told me to come back for the same test so she just gave instead of me coming very early in the morning to book an apartment she just gave me another date and we're like oh yeah that if you that I would advise you can actually go to Private health insurance or use your private health insurance or go to a private clinic and all of that because she's the only female doctor around and all the all the dates are booked for the year until next year I was so angry so I had to just call my health insurance my company health insurance I'm just going to use my health insurance card and all of that so luckily we should have got the thing is when it comes to healthcare Portugal Portuguese Healthcare is actually very good not too expensive I'm sure we did lots of tests I'm not sure we paid one naira for any other I think it was just one I paid we did all the blood tests which was totally free so once you have like your SNS number that's your health care number you can actually run most tests for free as long as you have like a notification or a letter from your doctor to say do all of this test they'll tell you where to go to it's actually you pay nothing for it's compatible you're coming from how much you would pay to do all those tests so for healthcare prepare your mind if you want to book an appointment you have to go there very early depending on your area that you stay so find out the area you stay in how is the healthcare system or method or wherever you're moving to next job hmm if you're coming to Portugal you're thinking of moving to Portugal come with enough money that would actually sustain you for a long time when I mean for a long time you can be looking about thinking about seven months eight months Yes you heard me right seven months eight months getting a job in Portugal is quite tough let me share my experience with you I think I wanted to share about like you know when I heal I'll actually share this right I think I'm actually in a better place to actually share all of this so my first job I got my I got into Portugal last year now so I'm actually in the Benton place so I got into Portugal last year yeah last year I think it was July or thereabouts I got my wrestling card I applied for even if I got my resident card I started applying for jobs I was even getting offices okay oh not like office but like I'm positive feedback when the people actually applied to they're like oh once you get your resident card give us a call and all of that so I got my resident card I started applying on LinkedIn and all of that so I got calls from some people who did the interview passed got the job I want I want I would not mention the name of a company I got a job it was like an unspecified con contract after a few months it was I think you said it was three months they started Ram down like laying off people's bit by bit week that week after week you were laying off people until they laid off almost everybody on the team like everybody when I mean like I think I I heard much later over 400 people were laid off because the project needed to be moved to a different country right where they pay cheaper like lesser minimum wage so the laid off everybody I think they've only got like two or one to three months salary I was broken it was like first job it's not like we're not doing the we were not doing the job we're not getting positive results we were getting positive results I personally got like surveys I got like um productivity bonus and all of that and we were all laid off it was crazy so at the moment there are no jobs in Portugal that's the truth let's let nobody should have cut you so I'll advise you if you're coming to Portugal please come with enough money that would sustain you for a very long time because you might not get a job in one month you might not get a job in two months you might not get a job in three months you might not get a job in four months you might not get a job in five months don't allow anybody to save you and that's the truth I'm not saying this because I want to actually discourage you Portugal is a peaceful country it's a place you want to live but please prepare your mind if you're moving it's not like you'll get a job immediately so I'll advise if you're coming to Portugal try as much as you can to learn like um maybe a high-end job in terms of a tech skill I think so if I think they have like lots of tech jobs but in terms of getting the normal job just normal job aside from Tech is quite tough even getting restaurant job is not as easy as it used to come by as I was told right now it is quite tough please I'm not saying there's disclaimer I'm not saying this to discourage anybody I'm just saying this to actually prepare your mind in case you're coming you don't say oh I'm coming now I will land a job yes there's God's favor there's God's mercy there's God's um or limited Grace you can get a job immediately you land on the other hand you might not get a job immediately you land does not mean God does not love you right so just prepare ahead come with enough cash come with enough um money to be able to feed and fend for yourself prior to the time you actually get a job right so getting a job is not quite easy in Portugal you can stay month so after the whole ramp down I think I lost I think not like I lost unless I lost the job I just I got a call from the same company they say oh you'll be transfer to a different projects once we have enough projects we'll send us a CV again let's see what we can do and all of that I didn't hear from them the next thing all of us we all got like termination letter that prayer in the office everybody it was more like a crime people just crying and crying because you know in Europe or abroad everywhere unlike where we're coming from in Nigeria you pay your your rent yearly but Europe you pay monthly right so you need to get a job you need to have a job to be able to afford your rent to be able to feed and pay your bills right so I was out of job for about three months you know more than three months what are we talking about yeah I think about three months or four months there about until I got a job I got another job so right now I'm actually in a better place that is why I'm actually talking about this and all of that so accommodation is not so cheap anymore I learned it used to be cheap but it's not so cheap right now to get like a tea to a T2 for those of you in Nigeria it's a two bedroom apartment a T1 it's a mini flat a room is a shared apartment 183 is a three bedroom apartment now you can actually go on Facebook markets you can actually just be careful they have lots of scam on Facebook market so you can so don't don't pay anybody to say you have to pay for viewing please avoid that do not pay for any viewing once they get your cash they'll just block you you won't even hear from them please you can actually check on maybe ideally start to have an idea of what accommodation fee is in Portugal now for T1 you can get like 600 to even get 600 is quite tough right now it's from 700 750 it's not it's not even so easy getting for 700 right so you can actually get 40 you can get T2 for you can see 750 800 these this fees are actually without bills so include your water bill your electricity bill your gas bill your internet bill and all of that so you know how much you should be paying every year now in this you have to compare with what you earn now the minimum wage in Portugal is actually 760. that's the minimum wage in Portugal so if you're thinking of you want to come and get like a T1 calculated how much are you earning per month can you actually sustain yourself with the minimum minimum wage and also um the rent and all of that you need to actually you know what's in your pocket you need to actually weigh yourself to know that now most companies actually give you like feeding allowance maybe ranging from you can it depends on the company you work with it can be from say 100 euros per month some Pay Less on pay 160 so it basically depends on the company you're working with but most companies actually give you a meal allowances aside from your salary some you can actually get productivity bonus it depends right it depends on the company so go on LinkedIn to see the kind of jobs you know you're qualified for and just start applying right so now in terms of getting the job in Portugal I have to ask you know when you get to a point where I don't want this I was frustrated I had to ask my friends who are Portuguese to say how do you guys get your jobs and they were all saying LinkedIn I mean everybody cannot be searching on LinkedIn for jobs it is a lot because everybody is searching on LinkedIn people from other countries are sitting on LinkedIn we in Portugal are certainly on LinkedIn everybody such as on LinkedIn for a job so it's just try as much as you can the skill that is i-n they can actually earn more money I would say learning Tech skill before you come just start learning but really in all I would say Portugal is actually a very beautiful country all of this is not just to discourage you it's actually to actually help you pay your mind if you're moving to Portugal think of all these things pack up all these things in yes pray for God's mercy pray for God's people at the other hand you also need to prepare yourself it's like saying you're moving to a no man's land and you're coming empty-handed without cash in your pocket or your account it's not like you will suffer you will suffer right so please while um you want God to do his also Play Your Part by coming with it coming with enough cash preparing your mind read about the places you want to move to read about accommodation read about how to get a job in Portugal study make your own research it's not it's beyond what we say to you to say oh Portugal is okay Portugal is this just move just move not move no make your own research to know that yes this country is actually suitable for me I have what it takes to actually survive here um and all of that so please thank you so much for watching my video thank you for sticking to the very end so guys please don't forget to like don't forget to share don't forget to subscribe don't forget to leave a comment bye thank you kisses foreign [Music]
Channel: Ugo Anumudu
Views: 4,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jobs in portugal, portugal jobs, life in portugal, portugal living, accommodation in portugal, rent in lisbon, low jobs in portugal, rent in portugal, affordable rent in europe, europe, lifeineurope, life in europe, language barrier, learning Portuguese, Nigerians in portugal, blacks in portugal, Africans in Portugal, africans in europe, racism, is there racism in portugal
Id: 3xF_ZivdzyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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