good morning to all of you it's great to be with you here today English speaker please switch to the English version using the uh Globe econ on the uh Bottom bar so our meeting is uh translated uh okay I assume everyone knows what to do good morning once again my name is wav and I'm head of tection Department of MGP AO I'm also a manager of the life project we are the host of today's [Music] meeting a few housekeeping rules for the beginning this webinar is being recorded I also wish to tell you that it's possible to ask questions to the speakers do it in the Q&A panel in the bottom bar during the webinar you also have an opportunity to ask questions in the chat window we'll try to answer them as they go so far for organizational matters the first stage of our meeting will priz of four speeches one segment will be with a speech then we are going to engage in a short discussion and later on we are going to go through other presentations describing the project there will be also an opportunity to ask questions concerning the presentation that's for organization [Music] Mar and the first segment we'll hear presentation by Maria Andre director general of un grip vava K shim panova director of the department for sustainable development in the municipality of rosw as well as Dave barow from Manchester expert in green infrastructure policies as well as biodiversity [Music] yeah right now I would like to invite you to listen to the speeches I forgot to introduce myself excuse me my speech is going to open this session so you are welcome to listen to me I'm going to tell you about the reasons for our meeting and why we are we have decided to launch the project live what is it about and what's the vision of the entire activity this is a project directed to municipalities so today we are going to talk about municipalities their problems and challenges stemming from adaptation to climate change we're also going to concentrate on the method which is nature-based Solutions as I've already said the organizer of the event is in City Life in cool City Project Life this initiative is part of the Life program climate change mitigation adaptation from 2023 the Consortium implementing the project is mggp Aro who is the leader of the project represented by myself as well as the municipality of rwv which is demonstration City we are joined by our Merit our substantive Partners the University of w unip group vava also University as well as zika a company from Germany life Project Life in City yes Co city project is co- financed by the funds of the European commission as well as the National Fund for Environmental Protection as a project life is also a close to Market project type this means that what we develop in the project will be implemented in the market which is essential from the perspective of the content we're going to share with [Music] you as far as the market goes the project responds to the needs defined by the European Commission in its directives green policies adaptation to climate change and many other strategic documents who set the way for transformation when it comes to the Target group we target the project to cities who our main client we also concentrate on the cooperating with a large pool of shareholders who are policy makers municipalities scientists and researchers the project aims to support the project of the city's adaptation to climate change we wish to help them equip themselves with tools that could help them solve various challenges in our opinion it's a very complex task we need to address a variety of questions how to safely manage the project how to manage the infrastructure and what methods to implement nothing is obvious here according to data we have collected from 150 cities in Poland it emerges that the implementation of nature-based solutions is only the third of methods of counteracting climate change right after energy transition and Mobility another critically important thing as we learned yesterday is something that happened within the European Union which is the nature restoration law that was adopted recently require of the city to achieve its goals in the perspectives for 2030 2035 and 2040 there are the tasks that lie ahead of you municipalities we wish to assist you in this process and provide you with the tools that will allow you to meet these goals in the best way possible way that was most responsible Frankly Speaking we wish to help you answer the question of where to plant a tree in order to make it a best possible investment it's not about implementing NBS in any way imaginable we wish to do it in a smart way the foundations of the project and how innovativity is is going to be the subject of the second speech of the presentation of the um of the conference so I'm going to stop here with my introduction and I wish to give the floor to Maria Andrea of unep grib wara mar Andrea will tell you in a few words why the life project is so important from the perspective of municipalities whenever we're talking about climate change good morning to all of you my name is Maran from our perspective as an organization specializing in the UN Agenda for environmental for environment we wish we we believe this is a hugely important project this is because at the moment we are dealing with a trifold climate or a civilizational challenge this challenge comprises of three basic elements these are climate change the loss of biodiversity as well as all kinds of pollution pollutions pollu pollution resulting from industry as well as transport the role of natural habitats is indispensable in counteracting this change Municipal systems have a vital role to play it's not only due to the value in the context of adaptation to climate change equally important is the role of mitigating different challenges it's also due to the fact that they promote the well-being of humans it also play other important roles that are not a matter of our discussion nonetheless they are critical from the perspective of how important nature is in the municipality the role of natural ecosystems is phally important whenever we talk about adaptation to climate change here we can talk about water [Music] retention why it's also important in counteracting those serious or severe water phenomen it's also critical in CO2 capture as well as air purification natural ecosystems provide a host of ecosystem Services these Services can be measured they are quantitative we know that groups of trees well developed and healthy trees play another important role in economy database allowing us to better understand an ecosystem within the city is important from the perspective of appropriate management it's also important from the perspective of evaluating its potential and value whenever we talk to our residents we can highlight the importance of these resources the responsibilities within the life call City are equally important from the perspective of the UN environment program at the moment we are developing an early warning for environment platform this is due to the fact that un defines natural resources as critical in terms of the role in counteracting a triple planetary challenge we are very happy to be your partner in the project that whatever we achieve within the project will be used to strengthen both polish and European municipalities thank you so much thank you for the opinion I would now like to give the floor to director of the Department of sustainable development in RW brw is a City without whom this project would have never happened this is because one of the aims of the project is to implement the results of our research RW decided to take up the challenge and to become our laboratory Miss K please tell us why did vwv decide to join the project good morning everybody has always been in the avangard therefore we are very happy to be with you today we are happy to be testing solutions that are to be developed within the project we all aware of the of what we are facing as polish citizens as the citizens of Europe we experience climate change in our daily life we understand how part the pressure of humans on nature is we know how Urban Development is difficult for for nature we know how biologically active areas are important this all affects our life our comfort of living in a city the role of people who create sustainable Urban policies and to processes implemented within cities is to balance these measures our role is to make sure that our city is the best possible for our citizens we need to promote the comfort of living which is why we have decided to join you in the project ROV has certain experience quite a lot of experience in this field one of Game Changers was our participation in the grow green project based on the NBS Solutions we designed pocket parks in the tenament plots in the old town district and uh it was our goal to better manage rainwater to introduce biodiversity to improve a quality our substantive partner was the nature University who is at the moment monitoring the Project based on our experience in 2022 within the making cities resilience project we became one of the 14 Habs of NBS one of our Global we are the first Hub in Europe we are very happy to be able to share this experience we want to network with our entities working in the field we wish to further develop and uh use the the the benefit of knowledge we have implemented polish NBS Hub in rosw we collect and share knowledge about ABS we closely cooperate with a scientific and academic Community to further expand the the influence and as I've said already we wish to act in a goal oriented way and to wisely affect the green and urban surface we wish to have at our disposal welldeveloped and Advanced Technologies that will allow us to monitor the state of Po Greenery in the city we wish to protect our Greenery and the nature potential of our cities we wish to better designed and develop it but what is important in a goal oriented way to develop green infrastructure within the city bearing in mind the limiting of available space hard and space that is not always accessible as well as stringent budgets and limited resources given all that we cannot act as we will we need to prioritize our efforts and we need to divert our resources where they can best work to decrease the temperature within cities and act to the benefit of the quality of life of our citizens in behind me in the background you can see the new T the New Market Square in rosw it's been a symbol it has been is received various awards for modernist for modernist space but it was unable we wanted to unal this area that was the postulate of our community at the moment it's transforming into a Green Island within the city accessible to Residents cool and relaxing for Citizens thank you very much I would like to ask about the picture is it a real picture or is it a visualization well it's been updated every week there are more and more plans more and more trees soon we will be opening the first stage and in about a month we're going to start the second stage so please visit vat and have a watch here yes I've seen it live and it is impressive indeed okay what Kina said and I've noted it down is knowledge and experience these two elements are very important in the entire process so we need to collect knowledge experience we need to process these and we need to implement these in further stages and our experiences and this is very important an important element of the entire project as a team we are open towards listening to others we want to listen to cities we want to learn about their experiences because we want cities mainly V in this case but we want other City stakeholders we want other City Partners to have a real tangible impact on our final tool that we're going to develop in this project so that it is a tailormade tool that is adjusted to these various needs so this is really important we need to be open to EXP experiences of others we need to listen and that's why I would like to give the floor to Dave bow who is going to talk about his experiences in the last 40 years he works in Manchester and he focuses on issues related to environmental planning on NBS implementations and we want him to talk about about this journey from his perspective so Dave the floor is yours thank you very much Luca can you um hear me okay yes can somebody say yes yes we can hear you Dave it's all right thank you very much and can I just say thank you very much everybody for for inviting us here to speak it's very exciting to hear what Lucas and Cina have already said um and to be part of this journey that you're on uh we're we're also part of a part of a journey so sort of like learning and listening to others is is is incredibly important so just a little bit of background uh my name is Dave bow I work as a senior policy officer in Manchester City Council part of the city of Manchester and I help to develop nature strategies for the city of Manchester and today I want to focus on how we use scientific and spatial data to inform our decision making and ultimately to make our cities Greener and more resilient to climate change so this is our city uh the city of Manchester we sit in the northwest of England as part of the wider greater Manchester City region and our population is around 5 50,000 people our population uh declined postwar but is growing steadily now and just sits at nearly 600,000 people um in the wider City region we have approximately 2.7 million people so that's the greater Manchester City region made up of 10 municipalities but our city has just over around around 54% green blue infrastructure and by green and blue green spaces are made up of gardens Parks grass verges um incidental spaces whereas blue spaces are made up of rivers canals lakes and ponds so around 54% of the city's area is made up of green and blue spaces interestingly tree and Woodland cover is around 19% and that's significant significantly higher than many cities um across the UK um so that's important to have that so next slide please thank you very much I think our journey uh began very much in 2009 when we developed our first climate change action plan and it was very important I think and it's a tip for everybody is to find a common cause um we found that in 2009 it allowed us to develop a focus around green and blue infrastructure as kazen said earlier as critical or somebody said as as in relation to it being critical infrastructure it allowed us to put the focus on green and blue in relation to the climate resilience agenda and in 2019 Manchester declared a climate emergency in 21 we became the first major English City to sign the Edinburgh declaration expressing Our concern about global biodiversity loss and leading to New City commitment around biodiversity in 2020 and 21 we experienced extreme weather events flooding events and we were asked by our leaders whether green imp structure could help with this and we said yes we think it can so it gave us the opportunity then to delve further into this world uh next slide please thank you it's important to integrate your strategies and your Visions into other City plans and policies where you can we have something called a policy hierarchy integrating green and blue into other agendas such as transport economy um flood risk management is really important because it allows us to use the value and function of green infrastructure creatively so here our green and blue infrastructure strategy is at the heart of decision making it informs Manchester's development plan it informs our City Community Vision which is called our Manchester it inform forms our climate change action plan and in turn Focus studies in form it focus on biodiversity on Parks and on trees and Woodlands it's important to have that plan because that helps you to establish the vision and where you want to be uh next slide please just to clarify then in relation to definition nature-based Solutions are actions and interventions inspired by Nature creative use of a suite of MBS in the urban environment in my opinion is the way forward we are seeing lots more of these type of interventions green Walls green rooms rain Gardens Street trees appearing in public realm projects across the city and we know that the principles behind this are about enhancing sustainable Urban Development restoring ecosystems and improving our resilience to climate change we have got an opportunity now as city planners and city leaders to make change happen because there is the momentum for change I feel we use this information positively to work with our flood defense Engineers our highways Engineers our city planners to utilize MBS effectively we can now demonstrate the actual value of using nature and greens space Solutions and also developing a business case for investment so next slide please so we know Green is good but it's important for you to look at your landscape and understand what it's made up of I don't expect you to look at the detail on this map it's purely illustrative but we will send you a reference point um for this report where this information comes from having a basic understanding of your city's landscape is essential how can you make effective decisions if you don't know what is already there so we were able through an EU City lab project uh to break our city down into 32 neighborhoods and in turn nine typologies of landscape so those typologies included Gardens Parks Woodlands grasslands derit land and we were able then to see that every neighborhood is different again you don't need to see the the detail but on the bar chart the two columns right at the end are the city center within Manchester they the lowest amount of cover of green and blue infrastructure in the city no surprises and that will be representative across cities across the UK and Europe I'm sure but having that Baseline is really really valuable to us next slide please it's a question of understanding the environmental challenges that relate to the city so using that Baseline that we've got of where the green and blue SPAC is in the city then you can overlay that information with data relating to various other environmental challenges in this case the map on the left relates to access to green and blue spaces the map on the right right relates to air pollution and I've circled there two areas of the city where this allows you to use detective work to find where those priorities for investment should be again it's in the city center where you've got high levels of air pollution low levels of access to Green Space so that presents an opportunity you start to see some interesting correlations next slide please and we use this approach to illustrate those complex challenges in a visually accessible way we call this the net benefits wheel again don't look at the detail it's just very much about the graphic illustration of complex environmental challenges simple yet effective we produced this in 2018 for every neighborhood in Manchester it gives each individual an area each individual challenge a score the lower the score the more opportunity for to use NBS effectively and examples of those challenges include flood risk air quality access to Nature and climate regulation a key learning here is that sometimes you need to listen to All voices some people some communities might be quite quiet and it's not necessarily those who shout loudest who need to be held first we want as I think it was kazen said a needs-based approach who needs it most and why can your plan identify those priority areas in communities that need it most not just those who shout loudest and what the benefits wheel allows you to do is start that conversation so it's really exciting to use it in this way next slide please what you can do is you can apply area based comparisons at different spatial levels so this is a collection of neighborhoods in the city that have collectively those challenges might differ and on the next slide please whereas individual neighborhoods get their own environmental assessment which is really useful when trying to establish a dialogue with partners and communities and establishing your own priorities so the benefits reel really helps us to start those conversations with communities with politicians and with practitioners next slide please it also allows us to use data to look at individual typologies and look at again where we can prioritize this piece of work looks at tree cover and what you can see from the map on the right is where the red dots are they are areas of low tree cover within the city so it allows us then to prioritize where planting is needed and again it allows you to take analysis and research to another level so next slide please this is a really exciting piece of work that we've been involved with called growing manester trees and it allows us to provide neighborhood based tree capacity Maps every neighborhood in the city we can tell them how many trees they could potentially be able to plant within their neighborhood and where so whether it's on roads and highways in parks in green spaces or on public realm land or agricultural land this allows you to focus where planting campaigns could and should be delivered and it's already yielding results data can be incredibly powerful next slide please we were able to demonstrate that this data has been stimulated investment so our growing Manchester trees Target is to have 64,000 new trees by 2050 and immediately our politicians grasped onto this and provided us with over one million pounds to invest in focused tree planting so already that type of information is is yielding significant results and what I would say it enables us to address environmental inequalities and social in inequalities really important to Target communities who need it most next slide please another challenge as well as looking at the treescape was flood resilience how could we target uh challenges in relation to this so the map on the left relates to flood risk from rivers and the map on the right relates to surface water flooding and we use this data to start conversations around permeability within the city's landscape next slide please we are working with a partner city in China called Wuhan around the concept of sponge City thinking landscape Le approaches for better climate resilience now wuh Hann are brilliant at this 25% of their Mega city is made up of water so increasing permeability can really help them when it comes to dealing with extreme weather events and in Manchester as we said earlier we're seeing more and more uh increased flooding events within the city so using these sponge City principles and turning them into practical action is what we were able to do uh next slide please our Rivers our city is a key new piece of evidence where long-term action plans were developed it was produced in 2021 and funded through Horizon 2020 and provided a detailed analysis of the city's front line of climate defense our river valleys and this is already yielding significant results over a million pounds of new project support for River Valley projects has been delivered including creating new jobs and new training sessions being delivered working with City citizens all a result of having that detailed information it's also a nominated finalist in the landscap OR was a nominated finalist in the landscape Institute Awards next slide please and here is a local scheme I'm sure we've all got them and what could we possibly do with an area like this a deric piece of land with neighborhoods at possible risk of flooding but perfect for a suite of nature-based interventions with multiple benefits uh next slide please so through uh Horizon 2020 project it's already been referenced The Grow Green project we were able to deliver a vision for these spaces that improved climate resilience uh next slide please and this is the end result our first dedicated climate change Green Space and can I just say we love Ros laav we have worked with malaza and the team at Ros laav and numerous Partners through grow green to actually deliver this project working collaboratively and in tandem has allowed us to deliver an awardwinning landscape development scheme it's a park that drinks water and reflects the sponge City principles of permeability it's also got multiple other benefits health and well-being benefits for the local community and biodiversity benefits to Wildlife it's won many national awards for smart use of MBS to mitigate the effects of flooding so this allows us it provides us that pilot that demonstrator that we can go back to our flood risk engineers and our highways planners and say look at this here's a good example of us translating hard landscape schemes into nature-based Solutions and we're still doing it uh next slide please we've taken these landscape Le approaches and applied them in the heart of our city this is Manchester's first city center park opened in the last 100 years a new for Hector park with a restored River Valley a restored river section rather a two-minute walk from Manchester's main train station it's incredible it's 20 million pounds worth of investment and incorporates sponge City thinging and has landscape quality and functionality at its heart it was supported by us having a strong vision for green and blue infrastructure in the city it was delivered on budget on time despite the pandemic and this is bold Visionary thinking this landscape approach brought to life in Manchester uh next slide please getting towards the end now I think it's really important to celebrate success all the hard work that we're doing to deliver these schemes deserves recognition so it's important I think for your cities to seek out Awards and get recognition for projects because you can become the next benchmarks of excellence and our Civic leaders our politicians our senior management team they love getting an award so let's make sure that we can get that recognition for these great projects final slide then please so just to summarize in my opinion green infrastructure is the life support system of your city and that everything is connected health and wellbeing transport economy and climate resilience all interl through developing nature-based Solutions and if you commission strong accessible evidence you can deliver real change and will benefit your city for many years to come thank you very much that's my presentation over thank you thank you so much Dave for the presentation it was very inspiring it has resulted in a few reflections of mine you have demonstrated success stories what you have achieved I believe it is achievable with the Right leader in place someone who is bold enough to DARE and I believe you are one of such persons concerns me it's interesting for me maybe there something else you believe could be done how did you manage to engage in a dialogue with so many stakeholders how did you manage to come up with a joint strategy between so many different entities one more complimentary question man is a city where all people identify with the goal that you have put forward they all play in one team so this makes the dialogue easier perhaps in my opinion what does it look like from your perspective I think it's a very interesting question and I think it's the importance recognizing that you have got a strong varied and complex uh network of stakeholders that it's very important so I think to make sure that your engagement is effective and we're not just Consulting that it's effective engagement so different dialogue needs to be had with different audiences so talking to our communities and citizens using something like the benefits wheel is a very visual way of getting across complex information talking to maybe some of our academic colleagues and universities might need a different type of engage engagement approach I think we are fortunate is that our strength is that we are we are trying to change our behaviors within the city I think it's very reflective as you've said I've worked for the city the municipality for over 40 years and I've seen those behaviors change where the landscape is now very much part of critical infrastructure and our political leaders believe in that I think it after that I think it was very telling during the pandemic that green spaces were incredibly prominent in terms of the benefits that they were delivering to communities and with climate change so high on everybody's agenda it gives us that window of opportunity to engage positively I think creating the networks isn't easy but I think we have been doing this for over 20 years trying to build those connections and as we said we we never stopped learning so having that ongoing dialogue with this range of PR whether it's practitioners whether it's developers politicians planners or citizens it's an ongoing process it never it never ends it's it's very flexible and very Dynamic Sy I totally agree with what you've said one more question if you please we are running out of time but I would like to ask this question nonetheless open your presentation with visualizations that presented data information you convinced me that you know your city in and [Music] out as you discussed with decision makers and our stakeholders how important would you say is having the right data at your disposal does it help to calm down the emotions and concentrate on sub on the substance of the problem I couldn't agree more exactly it does take the emotive element out of discussion sometimes I think if you can have strong focused discussion and it's great to have emotional enthusiastic responses to a particular challenge but if you can always refer back to the science to the evidence then it's a it's an incredibly positive thing because it's a it's a consistent starting point for those conversations and bringing people back to that basic stuff that we've got whether it's the extent of green infrastructure within the city whether it's looking at those particular environmental challenges a way it allows you like you say to focus back on the casing point which is this is how we're going to make this change is by changing the measures as over time so ongoing monitoring so we'll revisit that that particular piece of work which is called the nature of Manchester I will circulate a link to it it's all in English I do apologize for that um but it's uh it's a it's a great piece of work and for me it's that permanent reference point that all the exciting and emotive discussion can go back but we bring it back to what's actually there and what we actually need because some of our communities as you say some shout louder than others and we need to bring bring it back to say actually we should be working in these areas now and that really is being picked up by colleagues in our planning and Parks teams to Target energies not on the easy projects but on the harder to reach groups and projects so it you know having that Baseline for me is is fundamental it's it's it's something I refer to on a on a weekly basis effectively much thank you for the presentation first segment of the conference has passed we are now moving fluently to the second stage of the conference this is going to be a continuation of what we started we're going to talk about removing the emotional side from the discussion and the pro of adaptation to climate change we're going to talk about envious Solutions and their implementation based on science and scientific evidence we're going to talk about how to create information and knowledge and how to make the best possible reasonable decisions now I would like to give the floor to Dominque copich MGP Arrow he's a deputy head of tele detection Department he's responsible for using tele detection and in the Life call city project he's been responsible for the the correctness of data used in this project Dominic is going to talk to you about the vision of the project and the concepts in the next two presentations Alicia Gava and Robert ma are going to tell you in detail about different products and results the project is expected to yield I'm giving you the floor Robert you have full 15 minutes thank you very much I hope 15 minutes is going to be enough because it's Logic the entire project well it's a huge organizational challenge but also it gives us an opportunity to provide effects that are really needed in the context cities adaptation to climate change formal elements already talked about that life cool city is implemented under the life project it's a close to Market project as well it's a huge challenge for us too and the title is using remote sensing to manage AG the blue and green infrastructure of cities in the process of adaptation to climate change the duration of that project 17 is 8 months it started on the 1st of January 2023 it's going to last until mid 2029 I'm going to go back to these dates later on to tell you why this project needs to take so much time in order to be effectively implemented and in order for the effects to be tangible and visible today we already talked about the support from the euu how the European Union supports member states in the process of climate change adaptation and there are many tools used to do that there are many EU tools to do that and it is in line in the green deal and other strategies of the European Union there are many EU strategies that actually are connected with this subject so our project is aligned with the current trends and the policy of the EU today and it provides tools that allow us to implement the Strategic documents so let's start from the following question does anybody is anybody waiting for this project well we started our project with a diagnosis we wanted to diagnose the needs of ities in terms of managing blue and green infrastructure and in the recent months maybe you also received such a survey but in the recent months we have sent a survey whose aim was to collect knowledge at the very beginning of the project so what are the real needs of cities in terms of adaptation to climate change we started from Polish cities and today I'm going to talk about the results of this survey we conduct Ed this survey in some cities we are still conducting it in others so let me focus on three questions that have already been answered the answers are compiled based on a survey that was administered to 150 cities so the current state of greenery of vegetation in the city the question is have you observed negative phenomena related to water scarcity in the landscape over 70% of cities said that yes they have observed such phenomena such events negative events so this is a global challenge for cities so vegetation Greenery and cities is really really important for cities another question this pertained to extreme weather events has the city seen an increased impact of extreme weather events on City functioning on City operations so the condition on infrastructure safety Etc and here please look at the slide over 40% of cities said yes that they have observed that and nearly 40 cities do not know anything about it they do not have any knowledge about it so it's another proof showing us that adaptation of cities to climate change is important and it affects many many cities in Poland and I'm sure that in Europe as well and another thing the project whose aim is to adapt to climate change and one of the flagship projects in many cities a project uh related to treating concretes so removing concrete from cities like plat no and brw we cities whether they have implemented any projects like this it turned out that 40% of cities do are implementing such projects but over 60% of cities have not implemented any project like this or even they do not plan to have these projects implemented so this is the beginning of the road pertaining to City adaptation to climate change so we can summarize these three questions in the following way today these challenges that we are facing are bigger and bigger and at the same time we are only realizing what the scale of these challenges is and how to tackle them how to identify these adaptation needs in cities how to manage this blue and green infrastructure to mitigate the effects of climate change what activities are effective how to monitor the effectiveness of these activities we hope that this project will answer these questions and it will offer tools in the market that will help answer these questions let's now move on to our general goal of our project our goals are very ambitious they are connected not only with cities in Poland but in cities all over Europe or the European Union so we want to increase the adap potential to climate change of at least 10,000 cities in the European Union by introducing systems for monitoring blue and green infrastructure and support for decisions using remote sensing I'm going to tell you how we are going to implement this goal we are going to do that by introducing nature-based Solutions and improving or supporting blue and green infrastructure and providing facts providing knowledge and data pertaining to the condition of the blue and green infrastructure and the needs of cities our idea of the project is a comprehensive approach this comprehensive approach is supposed to support cities but also other stakeholders in terms of adaptation to climate change since our goal is to strengthen this adaptation potential of 10 th000 cities under the project we are developing tools whose goal is to provide basic knowledge to all these 10,000 cities apart from that we want to place a special focus on one city our demonstration city that is VAV so that we can actually test particular Solutions there under the project we are going to build two systems Europe system and City system and Via these two systems we are going to implement four projects uh products sorry in the market the name is related to our project cool City and the products are cool city ranking cool City View cool City design and cool City monitoring the first two are going to be created based on satellite data and they are going to be analyzed within the Europe system and cool City design and cool City monitoring these are going to be based on aerial data and they are going to be analyzed within the city system where our two systems are going to be calibrated is V our demonstration City and as wuk said this is our experimental City where we are going to calibrate our works under the project and now let's think who is going to use these products why do we have four of them well so who are the target groups in order to support cities in the adaptation to climate change this support Cann not focus on one solution a solution that can be dedicated to one department or some Authority department or unit Etc no this project should be extensive and should support numerous aspects starting from strategies so president or mayor of the city policy makers strategist at the level of EU or maybe at the regional level and also inhabitant City inhabitants as well as private individuals and people who manage Greenery on an everyday basis or maybe they work in sustainable development department and looking at these four products under the project we would like to support the entire adaptation process so we would like to provide solutions that would support the process at the Strategic level and here mainly we have satellite products so cool city ranking and Co um City View and tactical and strategic level where we provide products based on aerial data so more detailed data more precise data that can be used by by sustainable development departments Greenery departments so that they can actually rebuild cities so that they can plan Investments so that they can monitor the effectiveness of these activities and now what is the common ground of the project these are adaptation activities as well as faes that strengthen the adaptation potential of cities that shape this potential and we actually focused on five such factors these are factors that according to recent research shape the blue potential of the city and green potential of the city in the project we deal with land ceiling we deal with Urban heat island the state of the blue and green infrastructure and biodiversity Within These five adaptation factors we want to gain knowledge in terms of aerial and satellite data we want to understand how to diagnose this state or condition and how to improve it as the leader of the Consortium and ggp deals with obtaining and processing data and providing this data numerous cities and these are our Roots our activities have focused on providing information to cities pertaining to land seeding for example autopot Maps or hyperspectral maps have been processed via numerous processes you can see a map an example that has been prepared within the project this is a part of Vera from last year and we have also analyzed the impact of the urban heat island using thermal data you can see the Novar Square we talked about it today and you can see the temperature that has been registered at the square even before we performed the adaptation activities on the 12 of August sorry so all these adaptation factors are visible using our data data presents these factors very precisely you can see classification of trees you can see tree coverage you can see Wetlands you can see river valleys and as a result you can identify where in the space of cities you have areas that are characterized with higher biodiversity or maybe these are places that cool the city temperature wise also have experience in monitoring uh trees in cities so we provide cities with projects that actually monitor cities and cities so we monitor condition of trees for inance so you can see the state of the blue and green infrastructure we assess the health of this infrastructure and we can pinpoint those places where for example the condition of trees is poor or deteriorated and you can see tree spe species map and Via this map you can for example analyze the bio diversity of a city so you can see the dendra Flora of the city tree Flora of the city and you can see whether the city whether this Flora is resilient to climate change or not so this is uh how we started the project so that was the beginning of the project we had dat we had information about the condition of the blue and green infrastructure and now what happens next and where we want to go well together with the members of the Consortium we want to develop indicators that will allow us to diagnose the condition of the vegetation in a given City we want to pinpoint the places where the needs are the highest within the city where the situation is the best where it is the worst we want to recommend some activities within the system activities that will support the development of the blue and green infrastructure we want to implement certain activities in VAV according to the recommendations of the system and the tools that are used and developed within the system and as a consequence we want to repeat the entire process of obtaining data of producing so to say information so that we can compare the condition of the city before and after these investment activities and we want to as a result assess whether these activities were effective and whether they allowed to solve certain problems in the city this is our Consortium we are the leader but we do not work alone all these works that we have planned would not be possible without our demonstration city as well as partners in our Consortium that rash has already mentioned so I would not like to distinguish anybody because we all work very intensively to achieve the goal so this is our Consortium it is an interdisciplinary Consortium there are biologists economists hydrologists Etc so taking into account the goal of our project this um interdisciplinary aspect is crucial without it we would not be a B to achieve our effects why 78 months right now we are building the systems and we are calibrating the systems and this process is going to last three years then the next two years are going to be devoted for implementation we are going to implement Solutions proposed by the system so this will take two years and in V these works are going to be implemented and after that we're going to go back to our system and we are going to repeat the process of data collection then we are going to create new um projects new products and we are going to assess the effectiveness of these activities and in the meantime we are communicating we are promoting we are networking and since we are close to Market at the same time we hope that our products within the project are going to be interesting to business and that we are going to be able to multiply our effects and that we are going to be able to sell um the products okay and what is going to happen next we are going to talk in detail on the works on our products but let me tell you a couple of words about the differences between the products cool city ranking it is a free of charge product it's a ranking published every year pertaining to 10,000 cities in Europe each City in the ranking is going to be one record in the database and the potential of this city is going to be assessed in view or in the context of these five adaptation environmental factors that I've mentioned these factors strengthen the city's potential to adapt to climate change and this is like a general indicator assessing the condition of the blue and green infrastructure is free of charge and it's going to be available at our platform live in cool City and it's going to be available as a PDF report cool City View this is product number two it's based on satellite data as well but it's upon request it's provided upon request it's a report developed by experts that we cooperate with and these experts individually assess the space of a given City and within this request we are going to provide a given City with such a report and we are going to provide the city with a description of the state of the city for example this can be used for certain climate change departments via analysis of climate change we are going to provide information on spatial variation in the city we are going to divide the city into different neighborhoods Etc and we're going to assess the adaptation potential and finally product number three and four this these are products based on aerial data for the entire city and Co City design we're going to diagnose the condition of the environment we're going to identify the places the sites with the lowest and highest adaptation potential and we are going to build a decision support system allowing decision makers to you know decide what actions should be introduced as a priority and as a result we are going to introduce these activities in v and finally cool City monitoring this is an extension of cool City design so qual City monitoring again is based on aerial data and it analyzes changes between particular points in which data was collected so that the effectiveness of adaptation activities can be assessed thank you so much for your attention and um I'm sorry for the delay um I exceeded my time and I give you the floor now thank you thank you so much you have experienced exactly such a complex subject such a diversified subject as Dave has said has been synthetically and in a reasonable way understandable Way Des by Dominic I believe it's impossible Dominic has made has proved it is possible indeed we know what our vision is now I would like to ask Al to talk about it in detail in our team she's responsible for communication and marketing so plays a very important role in all in the entire project she's responsible for the success the dialogue we've been engaging in she's going to tell us how satellite data support the management of ble and grew infrastructure from the perspective of cool city ranking cool City View project products for 10,000 cities in the European Union Alicia I'm giving you the floor thank you so much good afternoon to everyone I hope you can see the first slide of the presentation if you can please tell me that you can see it thank you for the introduction today I am tasked with talking to you about our two project we've been developing within the life call city project I'm going to try to answer the question that was asked in the very beginning how can satellite data support the management of blue and green infrastructure for the 10,000 cities in the European [Music] Union I'm going to show to you in detail our assumptions as well as the effects of our two products Co City ranking and Co City View these are products that have been designed for municipalities with the aim of improving their potential to adapt to climate change as well as to support them in effectively managing blue and green infrastructure the names of these products are not a coincidence I'm going to demonstrate to you a product that is really a ranking it's been supporting us in valorizing space Urban space in the European Union whereas Co City View as the name suggest is an overview some kind of a cross section look city with the aim of assessing its adaptation potential I would like to start the presentation by demonstrating the logic for these two products what we have achieved so far and what our work looks like and how we develop these projects I'm going to start with Co C ranking as I've already said it's a first attempt and looking at the space of Europe in our products we move from to more General matters we look from space at Europe through the lens of a satellite we use satellite data we acquire the data in a moment I'm going to present the kinds of data to you and we analyze Urban spaces of the European Union analyzing it City by City based on satellite data we conduct a variety of Geo of geoanalysis and we use them to present five different factors of adaptation we develop information products based on the condition of the green and blue infrastructure on the on the spatial distribution of urban heat island and later on these information products are translated into satellite indicators because of that we can credibly assess particular City as a result of working on these satellite indicators we can define an integrated index which is called the cool City index what is the cool City ranking and what it's going to be on one hand you are going to receive a report in PDF format from it you will be able to gather recommendations and conclusions on the other hand all the data all the conclusions from the ranking are going to be fed to all stakeholders as a unpaid GE service life and Co city which I'm going to talk to you about in a few minutes it's important to highlight that the report is going to be generated on a on an annual basis because of that you'll be able to analyze how your adaptation potential changes over time what is the main goal of city ranking first and foremost it's supposed to allow you to independently evaluate action that is that needs to be taken it's supposed to provide you with knowledge about those regions of the EU who have the lowest or highest adaptation potential finally it's supposed to provide municipalities with information or what steps they need to take in order to improve their ad adaptation potential who is this product dedicated to well undoubtedly both to Mays of cities who need to obtain information on the initial assessment of its adaptation potential on the other hand it's also a product dedicated to decision makers so politicians and everyone else who responsible and for shaping policies of adapting to climate change what we also wanted to achieve was was creating a product available to all stakeholders predominantly the residents because every resident who is interested in the subject of Ci's adaptation to climate change will be able to obtain interesting knowledge on how well it's their city is coping in terms of adapting to climate change as far as cool City View is concerned which is a product dedicated to particular cities we making a step ahead in our observation of Europe we are zooming in on a particular City here we can see RW we constantly use satellite data and using the data we analyze what's within the city we conduct a series of analyses based on the data and we develop information products providing us with information on how how can this City adapt to climate change once these information products have been developed we create satellite indicators allowing us to credibly assess the adaptation potential of the city it's a very detailed product tailored to a particular City it aims to demonstrate the spatial analysis of how Diversified s is in terms of the five indicators creating a city's adaptation potential it's a product providing Maps it's a product demonstrating the spal the the spatial distribution of the city's adaptation it also provides a report with all critical information we have obtained from satellite indicators and its main goal is to prve information about the spatial distribution distribution of these indicators it also indicates so-called hot and cool spots these are spots that on one hand require action concerning the increase of adaptation potential but on the other hand the product also aims to indicate areas of high adaptation potential that requires protection the purpose of the project is to sketch a road map for particular action which needs to be taken in order to increase the potential of a particular City suggesting nature-based Solutions and products developed within life and cool city project another thing I would like to talk to you about within the presentation is something that might seem very basic on the surface this is called the selection and border of a city as we prepared the project we had to define the work area these are the 10,000 cities of the European Union however it turned out to be a pretty major challenge because at the moment we are finalizing to define the methodology of defining a city and its boundaries because what we found is this as we started to ask ourselves what is a city we weren't able to answer this question a clear way as it emerged from our research and Analysis there is a variety of documents not only European which lack a clear definition of a city a universal clear definition that would be the same for all European city different countries different states have their own definition of what a city is based on these definitions they decide how to act in terms of a particular City but nonetheless we have been faced with the lack of a clear definition and we needed to define a city to our own use another problem we faced was the inconsistency of databases concerning cities because we know that there is information on cities there is a lot of data concerning cities however the quality varies a lot sometimes the data is better sometimes it's worse quality there was a huge inconsistency of data over time we were precisely interested in spatial data which is why we decided to come up with a definition of a city that would allow us to ascribe the same criteria to all cities and Analysis this would allow us to compare cities in the macro scale what is for purpose of life and Co city project in our methodology we defined a city as an urbanized area within a local Administration unit delineated with the use of the the Gerber classification which is degree of urbanization taking in consideration demographical data received from National centers of Statistics here we can see a city of Alon the black lines are borders of administration units here we can seeon within its Administration division in our project we start we tried to define the city as an urbanized area that we want to research in terms of adaptation to uh to climate change and we decided this is a much smaller area this is what we are looking at seeing seeing in Orange this is the approach we we assume with every city we can effectively compare cities to one another another question I wish to answer is how we decided to choose the 10,000 [Music] cities we defined three basic criteria obious a city needs to be within the European Union it's a EU funded project co-funded by the European commission therefore we decided to limit this Co to European cities another important criteria was the C climate zone we chose cities from 22 States located in the Continental moderate climate excluding the med Anan climate because we believe that mod temperate moderate climate is the majority of Europe and this would allow us to compare cities to one another we also had to define the upper limit on the size of population in the urban claster we decided to select cities with a population of more or less above 3,000 residents how we decided to define the boundaries we divided into three different stages in the first stage we compiled a list of cities we obtained demographical data from 22 National statistic officers here we can see how many cities were included in the database these are two 10,000 cities now database and another St was to locate cities we decided to create a point surface of urban areas and this later on we decided to put this to to come up with a grid conclude this segment of my presentation I wanted to show you why we decid this was the right way to do here we can see a mark RI City in fent why in quotes because it's deemed the largest city in Europe according to the Finnish Administration division it's 16 times the size of Oro although its population sits at around 60,000 residents here we can see how Administration division state to state might be misleading if we wish to compare different European cities to one another what you see marked with orange on your right hand side is the city of Roman Ami according to our definition and our criteria this is the accurate urbanized area of of eny summarizing on the subject of categorization I wish to explain a few more words about ascribing personality to cities as well as expanding our knowledge of cities cool city ranking is is meant to become a ranking tool allowing us to assess the potential of a particular City within the Consortium we decided we had to come up with some way of categorizing the cities in order to not fall into the Trap of comparing big cities to small cities which doesn't make much sense all to exclude cities that are similar the criteria we came up with are administrative criteria demographic criteria physical and Geographic climatic social economic and indicators based another important matter I would like to include is satellite data as I've said in the very beginning the two first tools cool city ranking and cool City View are products we've been developing based on satellite data this is our source of information for European cities why did we decide to use satellite data because we can obtain this data in at intervals they have a lot of spectral channels they provide a lot of information we can use for remote sensing of these this of these data and we used free open source data provided by the cernus program I'm talking about the Sentinel Mission we also use data from the lat we believe that at the moment this is the best available source of satellite data that we use to develop our products used in the termal analysis of the surface on the basis of satellite data we develop satellite indicators allowing us to develop the further indicators um of how cities are of how well cities adapt to climate change what are the calized indicators I've been telling you about this is the division of cities depending on the current state they allow us to effectively compare cities in cool city ranking as well as to provide information from the context of um AAL special definition of these cities for the purpose of these indicators we use a variety of different non-satellite indicators there are only some indicators we've been analyzing our purpose is to make sure that all these indicators are tested and we believe we aim to select the best ones we we aim to choose at least one indicator for at least one factor but we wish to choose more and in case of cool city ranking we wish to develop an integrated indicator City index we have been engaged in a lot of effort and we can see the results for Co city ranking these are preliminary results of two indicators on the left we can see the the share of surface water and wetlands indicated is visualized as a DOT on the right hand side you can see the distribution and share of plans in terms of European city okay so you might ask what is the difference between cool City ranking and cool City View you can see the visualization here in the case of cool city ranking we treat a city as a point and you can see for example the vegetation sh here as points and in cool City View we go deeper into the City and you can see a city divided into neighborhoods or districts and you can see for example a degradation index that analyzes the spatial changes on the map here in turn you can see cool City View you can see the urban heat island or rather the surface Urban heat island and you can see the spatial differentiation here you can see the hexagonal grid to the left but also you can see to the right urbanization units so you can see our current effects of our works in terms of these satellite indicators and last but not least the product called cool city ranking well we want to share this information we want to promote this information in the form of a free of charge report published annually we are working on a very clear and transparent template of such a report you can see the initial effects of our work so we are going to collect information about the results of our work and we're going to you know move forward and you can see the internet platform life and cool City so also this information is going to be provided on the platform and Via this platform you can access these reports as well as your your service by using which you will be able to analiz the effects of the ranking um in the form of a web application so we want to create an information Hub we want to create a space on the internet where we can talk about City's adaptation to climate change reliably of course we're going to talk about the products too but we want to create a space where we want to communicate with cities this is going to be a common space for everyone to all stakeholders that want to talk about climate change and adaptation to climate change later on we are going to talk about consultation cities we encourage cities to join us to support us in creating these products so I would like to encourage you to stay on stay tuned because we are going to talk about these questions further on if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them thank you very much Alia for your presentation wow this was a very interesting story I couldn't tell you that you exceeded your time by 10 minutes but uh you know I couldn't force myself to tell you that because that was very interesting what you were saying and uh that was a you know very interesting subject and I think that this time was required for you to present all this information in a very clear and transparent way as we've said before the project and the challenges that we are facing well these are very complex they are very hard you talked about the methodology you talked about examples of cities Etc but this is only an example of the difficulties and challenges that can be faced when talking about adaptation to climate change in entire Europe okay and now I would like to ask Robert who is an software developer expert and modeling expert in our team and he is a co-author of Co City design and monitoring so now as a co-author of this product and as a recipient of the product he's going to talk about that he's a member of a city council so at the same time he's a stakeholder of this solution I'm sure he wants to take care of the space Urban space where he lives so Robert the floor is yours and please well stick to your time limit okay I'll try can you see my presentation yes we can see your presentation right okay [Music] so let me start with a question where does planting a tree give the greatest benefit to the city for example a mayor can ask this question let's say that a mayor wants to plant 10,000 trees during his term of office and as a employee at The Greenery Department well you need to know the answer so where will you find the greatest benefit as Dave Barlo said sometimes people scream or yell the loudest maybe there you should plant a tree but maybe you should look at other areas maybe you should look at areas where this tree will give you a lot of shade because there's a lot of concrete in this particular site or maybe you will find another site because there are sites that may benefit from trees because these trees are going to provide some ecosystem Services well as Dominic said cool City design is related to cool City monitoring we offer a platform decision supporting platform to cities that will show you where it is worth implementing NBS Solutions and also we want to monitor the effectiveness of our decisions we want to know whether we made the right decision whether the rain Garden whether this planted tree indeed helped to improve the condition of the city vegetation wise biodiversity wise green infrastructure wise so these products are connected with each other but right now we are focusing on cool City design because we have NBS catalog we have diagnosed um the state of the city and then naturally we are moving on to the next stage that is cool City monitoring so what our questions in this product these are ke questions at a city level because um very often we operate at a local level but also the city level is important because a city can be enormous a lot of money can be invested in environment related initiative so you need to make a decision where your priorities will lie also Civic budgets um in place inhabitants want to improve biodiversity diversity inhabitants want to have more and more blue and green infrastructure but they do not know how to do it and thanks to our system we want to provide cities with a platform that will help them answer these questions so now let me give you two comments yeah this is simulation data this is not the final result and second of all we are working in the test area of so it's not a demo version we are working on our test area partially in the very City Center of VAV and partially outside the very City Center of vwv so one of the most important questions that we want to answer is the following what kind of action in a given location is most effective well all those environmental parameters are so important that maybe you should just protect this area or maybe you should leave the place B you should leave the area B and you will have natural succession or maybe in some places we will recommend planting High trees sometimes we will recommend removing concrete slabs sometimes we will recommend retention Solutions in certain areas but in some area you have a mixture of all these problems problems with Land um ceiling you have problems with vegetation and you need to use a mixture of solutions like for example green roof okay so what activities can we check in cool City design we have a NBS catalog and we have three types of activities first of all protection we believe that a given space a given site is valuable it's Priceless and it needs to be protected and here you can include this site in the zoning plan of the city you can create a reserve for example not 2000 you have many many types of activities that you can use for protection of a given site then the second type is changing the way of Maintenance sometimes you only need to deas the extent of mowing you just need to change the way of maintaining trees if the trees are in a poor condition you need to maybe substitute soil or maybe you just need to take some take up some other actions that will affect the vegetation in that particular site and the third type of activity is building the blue and green infrastructure so developing squares planting shrubs trees retention related activities for example retention Basin rain Garden Etc so these are the three types of activities that we we have in the catalog and now in order to answer the question related to which of these activities is most effective well we need to have an analysis and we need to compare whether here a rain Garden will be more effective or maybe planting trees will be more effective or maybe having green roofs will be more effective Etc and our system will conduct these thousands and thousands of simulations in real time upon request upon inquiry from an official and here you can see an example this is the Improvement of adaptation to climate change after removing concrete slabs and the center of the V requires these activities more compared to for example areas near the motorway or the suburbs because there they have a green buffer so the city center needs these activities more this is a priority in the city [Music] center these simulations in turn are created because we analyze five factors building the adapt adaptation potential of the city that Al already talked about so so we analyze the state of the blue green and biodiversity uh condition we analyze the urban heat island and land ceiling and having information about these five factors can we actually have a simulation and then we will see where this tree will improve you know the the the condition of the vegetation in a given site here you can see land seiling in VAV and again the very center needs changes the most but new areas of Apartments new housing Estates also require action in this area and only after we have gathered all the information can we say which NBS Solutions can be implemented in a given area but it's not that easy because talking about the state or condition of the green infrastructure we all think that we know what it is all about we also thought that we knew what green in infrastructure was and when we were writing the application um we asked our experts to identify areas in VAV with a very good state of the green infrastructure together with a description and for example these people said okay there's twoo little vegetation there's too little high vegetation all the condition is very good because there are many trees along the street Etc so as you can see the members of the Consortium paid attention to different aspects of the condition of the vegetation they talked about the height of the trees the number of the trees the share of the trees the share of the vegetation so all this needs to be perceived through the prism of some common ground and that's why we use um certain indicators these indicators are the atoms of the system that allow us to build something more complex so the condition of the green infrastructure it's like a complex compound that is built of particular atoms that is these indicators and we do have indicators that talk about the condition of trees about canopy coverage we have indicators related to connectivity of trees etc etc so in order to have this Common Ground we needed to use a common unit so we assumed that this will be a hexagon that's this is because the its surface area is the same and it's easy to used in comparisons and there are many libraries that actually very efficiently work with hexagons so that's why we did that that's why we chose hexagons as we developed what we talked about it turned out that we have 30 atoms at our disposal five indicators five factors 30 indicators and all them of them with different varieties so now we are facing a challenge of selecting the right ones which of them provide most information and which of them inform us the best about the health of green infrastructure on the left we can see the isolation of particular layers of green in a particular place in VW how well it is connected to other layers around it on the right we can see a matrix of correlation of different indicators we can see that some of them are correlated and some of them are not for instance tree Health might not be correlated in some spaces to the number of trees it might be more correlated to a species in order to have such a host of information at our disposal we needed to use some ground sound foundation and our foundation is aerial data in the test field we analyzed the city of rosw within the analysis we Flew Over the city dozen of times using hypers spectral cameras thermal cameras we we also created um a point cloud in order to come up with a map of a city and here I would like to demonstrate to you the result of our work in our map servers o view these are the test areas we analyzed see an auto photo map here we can see thermal data collected during day we can see that water is much cooler we can see how hot the roofs are as well as the contract surface visualization at night is interesting because we can see how much he is radiated from the surface we can see how much uh heat is radiated from unshaded areas we can also see a lot of asphalt surface and here we can see our flag products which are tree canopies the map of species of trees you see that there is it's quite different distrib there are different species in within the old marus square and at the river bed we can see the map of tree Health indicating which trees are weakened where information is urgently required and where we there is nothing to do and we can also see the map of sealed area indicating where we can see the most sealed areas we can compare it to our Auto photo map we also have a way of differentiating between different roof surfaces allow me to get back to my presentation I wish to tell you about one more important aspect which is the diagnosis of the the health we can see the Diagnostics of a city and we would like to monitor it after 2 years in other words we want to test whether our actions were good or bad maybe the decisions were right but what we did was wrong so we fly over a city once again and we comp compare our products over a period of two years and analyze what has been done over that period of time this is obviously research and development under in progress but we can already compare tree Crut canopies we can see where we can see an increasing number of tree canopies where the number of tree canopies is decre in and obviously clerks well know perfectly well where a city where where a tree was cut but on the example of an entire city we can compare the total biomass of trees and to see whether natural growth and planting compensates the removal of trees resulting from different activities of the city I wish to finish my presentation with this I thank you for your attention has already mentioned other members of the Consortium we have a great support of the University of w sea our German partner as well as grid the University of wo and the municipality of RW in these products you can contact me anytime should you have any questions I will be very happy to answer all of them thank you robertt we don't have enough time to summarize your presentation I hope the audience will forgive me for that there is one more presentation ahead of [Music] us would like Daniel to tell us a few words this presentation is going to concern how we wish to involve cities in the project going to be how we wish to involve you in dialogue that would allow us to make our solution even better and better adapted to your needs this is going to be a presentation delivered by Daniel our Consortium Daniel represents unep grip GD barava who and he's responsible for communication with our stakeholders Daniel I'm giving you the floor now thank you so much W for giving me the floor I hope you can hear me well and you can see my presentation thank you for letting me know given that I'm running on a limited amount of time I would like to share with you ke information over the course of the last presentation I wish to invite you to cooperate with us in the project over the past two years we have learned about the assumptions of Life call City we familiarized you with the tools available within the project the previous speakers have told you what is our the co-authors who are the authors of the Consortium idea to improve the functionality of these tools this is the first stage opinion the second stage is equally important which is consultation and the analysis of the usability of these tools in cooperation with potential users which are you all the products developed within life called City are designed for cities they are tailored to decision makers those people who work with blue green infrastructure environmentalists and [Music] other it seems only natural that we should take the needs of cities into consideration in the project in other words we are interested to know what you would expect of such tools what kind of data you need we hope that your contribution will allow us to make these tools as good as they could be and as sufficient as they can be with that purpose in mind we are planning to establish a consultancy team to this team we would like to invite representatives of 20 different cities both from the country and abroad ideally we would like to form a group of Representatives of cities that are Diversified in terms of the geophysical properties demographic social economic and climatic properties given how specific the project is and how complex the subject is we would like to interview people responsible for these fields in their cities in other words we would like to get in touch with Specialists invited to consultation are not only cities this invitation is also directed to institutions and organizations connected to Greenery NBS and adaptation both nation and Europe wide in such a dedicated team we would like to talk about your needs in this aspect what we like to talk to you [Music] about first of all we wish to talk to you about tools that we are currently developing these are cool City ranking and cool City View would like to share with you our experience and ideas for these projects and in turn we would like to know your opinion what are your ideas what suggestions you might have on the substance as well as the usability and the graphics of these tools whether you believe it's user friendly or not within Corporation we'll embrace all suggestions and all feedback for modification recommendations maybe you believe some other parameters could be included in the in the product we believe that brainstorming can be only beneficial and it can increase the value of our tools you might wonder what's there in for you we don't wish it to be um beneficial for only one party we do not want to use your ideas for free we offer an exchange sharing with you our knowledge and experience as well as to share the the conclusions that stem from the Synergy of such a huge group by saying this I wish to tell you that we are planning to organize a series of training in G remote sensing how to use g tools and remote sensing and monitoring and managing green areas within the city we also offer training in NBS Solutions as well as ecosystems ecosystem services such services that can be provided by green or green areas [Music] we assume that members of such trainings would also receive our certificate confirming they have undergone [Music] training by participating in such consultation you would be able to increase your knowledge in better management of the ecosystems as well as technical knowledge concerning remote [Music] sensing another off is a free analysis of the blue and green infrastructure infrastructure of your city every member would have an opportunity to consult us they you would also receive a cool City View dedicated to your city it would comprise of analysis ofal diversification of your city and its adaptation potential given that we hope you will be more involved in the project because you will have an opportunity to adopt to adapt this tool to your needs to make sure that it consists of all parameters that are critical for your city in other words it is everything you might find useful using such a product that will allow you to better to to increase the adaptation potential of your city this is not the end together with a free cool City View report cities participating in consultation would also have an opportunity to buy a cool City design report for a for a very beneficial price the reports uses both aerial and satellite data in indicating the most critical areas for intervention we also wish to offer you the best Solutions based on nature there are various advantages to be one because on one hand you can increase your competencies in terms of adaptation to climate change through the training I've been telling you about with a certificate confirming you have participa in the training but on the other hand your cities the cities that you represent will gain access to latest state-ofthe-art technologies that support identifying the needs and adaptation potential of cities in terms of managing blue and green infrastructure as well as monitoring and adapting to climate change and a couple of words about the form of cooperation we know that you might not have a lot of time for these additional activities that's why we' like to cooperate online in the form of cyclical meetings these online meetings would take place once a quarter so throughout this year and during 2025 with the possibility of continuation of course so all the dates are going to be negotiated so that everyone will find them appropriate the assumption is the following these workshops and these trainings should be interchangeable so during the first meeting you will be introduced into the details of the project and the tools and we'd like to ask you for cooperation of course so this first meeting would also give us a possibility of conducting the first cycle of trainings and at the very end you will receive certificates of participation during the second meetings you would be invited to give your opin on cool City ranking our first product and these consultation meetings can be held in the following way pH first we could present you with certain product assumptions stages of developing the product the form of presting the tool of presenting the results effects then you will have time to familiarize yourselves with the materials and after that time we would ask you for feedback comments suggestions ideas pertaining to this particular product then we will analyze the results and then we can have individual meetings if need be in order to discuss some details pertaining to the results of the consultations so this is our plan for coroporation under this life call city project and on behalf of all the partners I would like to invite you to participate in these consultations and in the slide you can see a QR code that will direct you directly to to the form where you can actually uh sign up so you can take a picture and you will find a link that will lead you to the website and we will also give you a link traditional Link in the chat box and we would like to ask representatives of cities and representatives of Institutions on organ organizations also those International ones from abroad also domestic ones so we invite you to take part thank you very much for your attention and I would like to give the floor to wuk now thank you [Music] Daniel and with this presentation we are almost finished now we were supposed to have a discussion but unfortunately we do not have time for that so I apologize for that I'm the host of the meeting so I'm I'm responsible so I'm very very sorry that we have no time for discussion but we have written down all noted down all the questions so we have them all and I promise you that we are going to answer all of these questions and uh we will send you answers via email so this discussion is going to happen but in a different form please contact us whether via email or via phone if you are interested in particular details we are here for you and we are open to discussion to contact from your side I would like to thank everyone for active comments in the chat box we've heard a lot of good words pertaining to our vision and this strengthens us we know that we are doing something important and it shows us that our assumptions are correct and they defend themselves and I hope that they will defend themselves till the very end and uh right now again I would like to say something that I already said at the beginning I would like to remind you that the entire life project is possible thanks to the Live program financed by the European commission actually co- finan by the European commission and co- finding financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection that supports Us in this project thank you for your trust our vision that we had well gained your trust it won your trust and you gave us a chance to implement this project I hope we will not disappoint you these are important questions and this is reflecting by the list of participants in this webinar we have cities and individuals more than 150 people who have participated and they have stayed with us till the very end this is really important so thank you so much for that and this is our first meeting this is only the beginning this is our first step and uh we will try to have more of these situations let's say where we can talk when we can discuss certain issues we'll try to create this space for discussion and I hope that based on these common conclusions we able to learn as much as we can so now I will finish our meeting and again I would like to thank everyone for participating all the question questions that have been asked will be addressed we will prepare answers and we will send you the answers via email so thank you very much again and have a great Tuesday byebye