Life in a mountain village. Catching and cooking trout and cow's cheese.

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This is cow's cheese and I will show you how it is made. Cow cheese likes to eat trout. My beehives in the forest. There are no bees here. Everything is fine with the combs, I hope a swarm of bees will fly here in the summer. Starlings flew in this early spring. +12 bees carry pollen for breeding. The cow Lasunya gave birth to a twin calf and a heifer. I often rest in that small hut, it's cozy there. I pour fresh milk. I put it on a hot stove. Warms up for several hours. A thickening of the upper layer is formed, which I stir. The cheese has fallen to the bottom, it is ready for the second procedure. This is a gauze bandage through which I pass the curd liquid. I'm tying The cheese will drain for several hours. This is a centrifuge and it extracts sour cream. 17 liters of milk and only one liter of sour cream. Look at the sour cream is very thick. Sour cream can be spread on bread. Snow often falls in the mountains in spring. I will fish for trout. I will smoke the trout with hot smoke. The cheese is ready. This is how the cheese turned out. I like to eat cheese, it is tasty and high in calories. The trout is almost ready. Trout and cheese are very tasty. I prepare simple sugar candies. 6 - tablespoons of sugar. 2 - tablespoons of water. 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Stir until it turns orange. Grease the dishes with oil. We insert wooden sticks into the hot liquid. I call such candies Chupa-chups. Candies are sweet. I drove a tractor to collect firewood. I went to the forest for birch sap. I chop and stack firewood in my spare time. Birch juice is delicious.
Channel: Wild forests of the Carpathians
Views: 33,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: village life, mountains life, village lifestyle, kənd həyatı, hard life in the mountains, rural life, hard life, köyde yaşam, far from civilization, country life blog, asmr food, Trout fishing, Cow cheese, making cheese, Birch sap, country lifestyle, primitive life, everyday life, ukraine village life, mountain village life, traditional village life, daily life, mountain village, documentaries, winter life, fishing, Ukrainian man, how to cook trout, asmr
Id: M92TjBPFt8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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