Lies Captured On Police Bodycam | The Chacey & Robert Poynter Case

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today's video is kindly sponsored by Ray Khan go to buy rake slash Kendall ray for 15% off your order today hello guys and welcome back today were gonna be talking about a case that I recently came across and I was just so interested in it I think what makes it so intriguing is there is a ton of body cam and police interrogation footage this story takes place back in 2016 in Royse City Texas there was a man living there named Robert and he was a firefighter and a very well respected firefighter in fact he was even the captain most his friends called him Bob especially people who worked in a department and he had worked in the University Park Fire Department for over 18 years and had been the captain since 2012 he was a really good man he was very dedicated to being a public servant he even went down and volunteered his time working in the wreckage of Hurricane Katrina trying to find people that had has survived or people who hadn't it's a really tough and dangerous job to be a firefighter and he loved it he absolutely loved what he did people who knew him said he was kind of like a gentle giant he was just really sweet but you know could be protective and tough when he needed to be one time the department was putting out a local neighborhood fire and there was this little girl outside of the fire who was so upset just like totally freaked out by the situation and Robert took the time to calm her down after talk to her gave her a hug said that they were all okay and that's just the kind of guy that he was he was just always looking out for their people and really was in this job to help the community Robert was married to his high school sweetheart her name was Amy pointer they were married for 20 years and they had two daughters named Natalie and Nicole and they were a pretty happy family everything was going really well in their lives they were very established in Royse City and loved the area but eventually things started falling apart according to Amy sign started showing up that Robert had not been being faithful to her he wasn't coming home as much his conversation seemed to be cut short it just seemed like he was hiding something I mean most women just have a feeling you know I think she just had a gut intuition but eventually her daughter Nicole was able to confirm that her father was having an affair because she found out that he had a second cell phone which doesn't look good this is when they realized that there was someone else in his life and they found out that she was a 20 year old woman named JC Tyler Morman she was a local nursing aide and she was also 18 years younger than Robert she had met Robert through a mutual friend I guess and was just into him right away and she claimed that she was under the impression that he was already getting a separation from his wife she claims she's not a homewrecker she had no idea that he was married and had two children at the time she just said that when they met sparks flew and she just couldn't control herself around him he was goofy he made her laugh and she just liked being around him and so she was kind of determined to end up with him now I guess he on the other hand was a little more apprehensive about the whole thing because he was married because she was so young but she was really the one who was pursuing him very strongly according to the other guys at the fire department she had just come down there all the time and hang out asked where he was try to get as much information as she could even when he wasn't there or if he was there she would just make it very clear to him that she wanted him they started seeing each other in December of 2007 and his marriage quickly fell apart right after this this was obviously shocking for his girls I mean this really young woman closer to their age than his age comes in the picture after ruining their parents marriage and tries to really lock him down it seemed like JC from the beginning wanted to marry him so like I said they started dating in December of 2007 and by May of 2009 JC was already pregnant they got married on December 28th 2009 when JC was 22 and he was 40 they had a daughter together her name and identity is not out there she's a minor and they went on to live the next six and a half seven years together as a family but it wasn't such a great relationship I mean things started going bad for them pretty quickly according to chasey there was nothing in particular that set it off like there wasn't an event or anything she just claimed that they kind of fell out of love and it just happened naturally she said it wasn't long after their marriage started that they started sleeping in separate bedrooms which is always really concerning and chasey felt like Robert didn't love her anymore that he never actually loved her as much as he loved his previous wife Amy who is his high school sweetheart she said that she felt that he still loved her that he wished a marriage had never fallen apart and that he wished he'd go back to her instead so not going so well for them but not only that chasey claimed that Robert had a bit of a temper that he kind of lose his [ __ ] out her often she also claimed that he had low testosterone levels and was getting treatments and injections that were making him worse when it came to his temper now Amy his ex-wife says that that is not true she said that he was getting treatments but it in no way affected his temper it wasn't like roid rage or anything like that but chasey claims that he was violent with her and that he was physically mentally and verbally abusive several times in their marriage however Amy says that this is just not true that she never experienced any abuse of any kind in her relationship with Robert and both of girls Natalie and Nicole also said that they never saw their father be abusive to either of the women Natalie had even spent time living with them she said she saw their routine and everything was normal to her but chasey claims that it's all true that they're all just covering for him and the reason that she never had reported the abuse to the police is because he worked in the fire department she didn't want him to lose his job so anyway the other reason that chasey says the marriage was just falling apart after seven years was because she had lost a lot of weight since they had first gotten together in the last two years of their relationship she lost 104 pounds and she claimed that Robert really liked her more as a curvy woman and just wasn't attracted to her once she had lost all of the weight so at this point chasey was not getting enough attention she was feeling really good about herself and she want man that was gonna appreciate it so she started seeing some other younger men Natalie and Nicole had a feeling that she was probably cheating they said that she was also just a terrible stepmother and would leave their six and a half year old daughter at the house when Robert had like overnight shifts for the fire department she would just leave her there and go out and meet up with guys in the middle of night or go out to clubs and Natalie Nicole claimed that she started doing this when their sister was only like four years old way too young to be left home alone she would always tell Robert or the girls that she was going to the gym even at odd hours of the night like 2:00 in the morning and clearly she would not add the actual gym she was trying to hide a lot of this from Robert than she was clearly seeing a couple of other men but the girls just knew they had to tell their dad so Natalie told Robert that JC had been sneaking out she had been leaving their daughter home alone to go out and see other men and he was furious he immediately filed for divorce he was just absolutely done with her people think that he had a feeling that this was happening even before seeing this confirmation so he was just at that breaking point but eventually something changed because Robert actually backed out of the divorce and decided to try to make things work with JC his friends and family think that it wasn't because he wanted to really work on it with her or because he loved her that it was really because he was worried about losing his daughter I he was in his 40s in his second marriage and it wasn't working out and he was kind of freaking out it was more convenient and easy to just stay with JC but he didn't trust her at all in fact he installed cameras on their house he put one right next to the front door so that if anyone came to the door to get JC or she left he could see so one night they're all at home and someone rings the doorbell JC apparently knew exactly who it was because she got up ran to the door and told the chi to leave to get off the property hurry before Robert sees you and it was obviously one of the guys she was cheating on him with Robert didn't actually get to confront this guy and asked him what he was doing but he knew he knew exactly why that guy was there meanwhile Robert is telling everyone at the fire department how miserable he is in the relationship that he's just barely hanging on and his friends were trying to tell him you know man it's not worth it you should leave but he tells them that he's gonna make one more attempt to save the marriage and that is by taking chasey and their daughter to Mexico for a little family vacation see if they can just get away from the distractions and reconnect so they go to Mexico and it doesn't go well it's not working to reconnect that's for sure in fact it got a lot worse because while they were there Robert caught chasey on the phone with another guy when he got back from the trip he told his friends at the department that it just was not gonna work out between them and he was officially giving up but no one could possibly imagine what would happen only two days after he said this on September 9th 2016 a very frantic 9-1-1 call came in from chasey pointer to the police dispatch and she sounded so freaked out okay where are you at she's hanging on tenor of 2595 that she's extremely out of breath she sounds like she's are running with that female 25 so obviously it sounds really bad she sounds really freaked out and for the police coming up to that scene I think they were a bit freaked out too she was out in this unmaintained area of Royce City on these dirt roads that are really for like tractors or farm other farm vehicles they're not for people to just drive down and what's weird is we don't even really know how she ended up there because this was an area that she knew pretty well she lived there for a really long time and she just said that she happened to get lost and took the wrong turn and ended up in the middle of nowhere which is already suspicious because why on earth would you continue to drive down a dark dirt road you clearly would figure out pretty quick that you're not on the right Road but they pull up chasey claimed that her and Robert were out at their Jeep in this area because she was stuck she claimed some strange man came out of the shadows and shot Robert in the head from the moment that police got there they had a feeling that something was off she seemed suspicious to them literally right away breathe for me miss pointers calm down and breathe for me okay breathe fast like that you're not helping yourself oh yeah I don't I what made you come down this one I mean I missed my last one oh you did okay no I I did I never never been done before there was a man i person told me and what was he wearing dark clothes on there did you see any type of firearm rifle or anything like it in his Hey no she's talking in these breathy halting sentences like she can't get her thoughts out she's clearly panic and it's hard to say how much of that is real panic and how much of it is acting I think it's definitely a little bit of both so they got her into an ambulance to calm down try to get her some oxygen you want a little bit off yeah she was just frantic tried to see if they could calm her down she was clearly having a panic attack and they wanted to try to understand what had even happened here JC JC JC would you tell us what what happened my heart and the G started rolling and I didn't see anything shadow no was it your husband is what's his name Robert Robert pointer so once she calmed down a little bit chase he starts telling them about how she and Robert were supposed to meet up at jack-in-the-box for some tacos why would you go to Jack in the Box for talkes I don't know but she wanted to have a talk with him because they had been fighting but she claimed that on the way to jack-in-the-box her Jeep got stuck in the mud and she called Robert and he came to help her because he was that type of guy she said it was then that some guy just came out of the darkness and shot him and left her completely untouched for some reason I jumped in the Jeep it was rolling very slowly I was holding in his head in my left hand and I put the Jeep in part with my right hand and I just was calling his name the first thing that police were skeptical of is if this person came up and killed him why are you ok someone like that wouldn't just leave a witness ok that just makes no sense also just the way that she was talking to them it seemed like she was panicking for sure but she was also kind of putting on a show ok what were you saying I'm sorry he's contacted an attorney to get a divorce and I was I was okay with Jackson we've been married six years almost seven years eventually they were like we should probably read her her Miranda rights since she's just saying all this stuff she wasn't even arrested at this point but they decided to go ahead and read her her Miranda rights all right listen to me you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law and after she was told she has the right to remain silent she did not she kept on talking and she just started spilling the tea about everything that was going on in that marriage from the affairs to custody Wars everything so as she's telling them all of this stuff it's starting to kind of come together and they're really not believing much of what she's saying her story is not credible it just makes no sense they took some pictures with her they're trying to finish collecting the information before they bring her into the police station and then she starts to tell them about how she was at a friend's house right before all this happen and his name is Michael Garza as soon as they ask if she's dating Michael Garza she says yes Michael's house at Michael's house and what tell me his name again I'm sorry Michael Garza Michael gorgeous y'all have a relationship yes so this is looking like a very toxic relationship she's clearly having affairs I mean all sorts of red flags are flying up as she's talking and the more she talked the more she started seeming like a suspect so who is Michael Garza well he was just one of the many men that chasey was having an affair with at the time of Roberts death he wasn't a very serious relationship to her it's not like she was planning to like run off with him in fact she had slept with another guy that morning like she had multiple partners throughout the day normally she'd hit up all these different guys so she saw one of her lover's that morning that afternoon she's with Michael Garza and according to her she leaves Michael's house and starts heading to the jack-in-the-box to go have taco night with Robert and then her Jeep is stuck in the mud so the place are obviously already starting to figure out something is not right about the situation so they bring her in for interrogation and they start at 2:20 in the morning and it lasts for eight hours I'll be transporting a female to City Police Department to get this door by my feet there was someone saying they're probably just foot maybe you see dark clothes that's it they're white but I don't know anything somebody to what you're saying shoot your husband a cold-blooded murder and just lets you run away there was someone standing there I think you're full of crap I don't know who pulled the trigger yeah I think you do know so as the detective is listening to her story they're not buying it obviously and they started to tell her you know we don't believe you and we want to know who actually killed Robert and it did not take long for chasey to crack only two hours into the investigation she starts confessing a shower yes who killed your husband and it was then that she told him that mike garza did it but of course she's not gonna be completely honest here she starts saying that even though yes Mike killed him she had no idea that he was going to do that and she had no part in this in any way JC then starts changing her story and said that Michael and her we're going to go confront Robert together at the jack-in-the-box that he came with her from his house to meet up with Robert he got in her car with a shotgun and she claimed that she just had no idea that Michael was going to be killing Robert that was not ever a part of the plan she said that they were just going to talk that he was going to help her deal with the situation because they've been fighting so much she claimed that Robert was trying to take her kid away from her and she wanted him to kind of scare him a little bit that was always the plan but never to kill him she claims that Michael got into her Jeep with a shotgun and she just didn't see it she said that it was all Michaels idea to make this plan to trap him out on this road that she was supposed to call him and tell him the car was stuck and it was all Michaels idea but she claims that she was always under the impression that Michael was simply going to be talking to Robert she said that when Robert got there she met him over at his car and they walked to her Jeep together and while they were walking she said that she made a joke about how he was wearing the same Cologne that he wore on their wedding day and he hadn't worn it in years she was literally joking with him and acting like everything was fine as she is leading him back to the car that has Michael in it as they were walking she claims that she randomly yelled stop which makes no [ __ ] sense I don't understand this if you were going to have your boyfriend confront your ex or whatever and they're walking up to do it why would you scream to stop unless you knew he had a gun there's no reason to be yelling stop like don't talk to him I changed my mind it's pretty obvious that she's making this up her story is just in no way credible any way she tells it or any way you slice it just doesn't make any sense and what really sinks her ship the most is while she's sitting alone in the interrogation room they you know they have cameras on these people and a lot of people who know this and they put out an axe like Jodi arias good example which is a podcast on her some people either don't know they're being filmed or they put on a show for investigators in that room I don't know if chasey just didn't know that there were cameras or what but at some point while she's sitting in there alone she says this all right so case closed right so now that they've gotten most of the story out of chasey they're pretty confident that Michael Garza probably did this or had something to do with it so they go looking for him they go to his house and he ready hightailed it the [ __ ] out of there on September 15th 2016 just a few days after he was killed Robert pointer was laid to rest the fire department released a statement saying that the members of the University Park Fire Department were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Captain Robert pointer our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time his funeral was huge firefighters from all over the state and police officers came to honor him they actually stood outside of the church since not everyone can fit inside of it and wind it all the way down to the gas station down the street it was extremely hard for his three children as well as Amy his ex-wife who also felt like they could have possibly worked things out and gotten back together and she's just so sad to hear that JC said that he still loved her and now she has no hope of ever knowing what could have been so meanwhile investigators are working to try to figure out what happened and try to find Michael Garza it wasn't long before they started figuring it all out just from JC's ten thousand text messages with other men she had multiple relationships going at once and they found a message on Facebook that really just cemented all of this they believe that JC had access to Roberts Facebook and somehow knew that he had sent this message but Robert was talking to a defense attorney on Facebook and he actually said I'm thinking of a surprise attack and obviously he didn't mean an actual attack but I think he was trying to take custody away from her especially because he found out how she would leave their daughter at home and he felt like he could be a better father so JC somehow knew about this she said that she found out the day before that he was planning a surprise attack on her and it was the next day that he was shot in that Jeep so obviously motive is starting to come together now they're getting a really clear picture of what happened but if it wasn't already so obvious they also found out that there was a life insurance policy JC had actually convinced Robert a while back to change his life insurance policy so that she would be the main beneficiary instead of his two daughters Nicole and Natalie and his life insurance policy was for over six hundred eighty-five thousand dollars I mean he did a really risky job for a living and she knew that there was quite a bit of money in that policy his family and friends and police really believed that she saw Robert as an ATM machine that she married him for financial gain as well and was never that into the relationship now the life insurance policy was changed in April and detectives found out that right after it was changed JC already started texting men looking for someone who could take care of Robert some of the men that she was dating and had asked for help with this was Danny Mims Brad golden Shawn butcher and Michael Garza she had told all of them things about Robert things that weren't true she said that she was in a desperate situation expressed that she needed some way get rid of him that he was gonna ruin her life and she did this to all the guys but the one that she really pushed was Michael Garza now prosecutors don't even think that she was that into Michael Garza that she was sleeping with him and they had a relationship but it seemed that she thought he was the one that was dumb enough to actually do this and that she had the best chance of convincing him so they believed that she liked groomed him in order to do this and then they found out that he was actually the one that she was talking to in Mexico the one that really pissed off Robert and on that vacation she sent Michael a text that said he's coming after me sooner or later and that's where Carla replied F him no I will shot that dude so they brought in one of the other guys that she was seeing his name is Brad golden and he's actually the one that showed up at the door on the camera you know weeks before this all happened and he said that she was totally convincing he had no idea she was married apparently she said she had been separated since 2014 I never even told me she'd been divorced it's 2014 and according to him she would show up at his house like clockwork every day around 4:00 or 5:00 every day every day around told me that Raul is abusive to her I don't know she was trying to get me to disarm and I just wasn't falling for it or whatever that I kept trying to get her to these blue eyes you know all these other men were told that Robert was abusive and controlling and violent all these things but literally no one can back that up JC is the only person that says this they've asked friends and neighbors he's had no history of being violent his ex-wife said that his children said that I mean it seems like she is just dragging his reputation through the mud even after she murdered him and before the trial they had prepared a bunch of different text messages that really implicated that JC wanted Robert gone she said I wish he'd run out of air in a fire on July 11th she said I need him gone gone gon II and the day before the murder after she saw that message on Facebook she texted Michael Garza and said I've made up my mind which everyone believes she had decided at that point that she needed him dead for sure so meanwhile Michael Garza is on the run the SWAT team had raided his house came up empty couldn't find anything and had no idea where he went but the day after they spotted his house Michael just ended up showing up at the police station and turning himself in right away he was charged with Roberts murder and he did not want to speak to the police at all he only wanted to talk to his attorney right away so they already have a ton of evidence that it was Michael that JC had asked him to do it and he was like the combination of the two of them but the one thing that they didn't have was the murder weapon and that's a huge thing when it comes to trial is having that weapon lucky for them though five weeks after this had all happened a farmer had actually unearthed the gun he was plowing and it got turned up I think Michael tried to bury it or something but they found the gun it matched the one that the medical examiner said was used to kill Robert and not only that but they did a search on it and found that it was registered to a guy named Matthew Garza who is Michael Garza's brother so at that point it's a done deal police have what they needed all they need to do is have the trial so Michael Garza's trial was up first it started on July 10th 2018 and Michael pleaded not guilty of course he said that it wasn't him he actually claimed that it was chasey he said that he knew that she wanted to take care of him and that he gave her his brother's shotgun because she was being abused and would need to defend herself so he claims that she was the one who fired the shot and he denies even being there he said it was his gun and everything but he said that he couldn't have possibly killed Robert because at the time his family had a very sick counting Oreo on their farm and he had to take care of that thing and so there's just no way he could have left it just impossible so obviously the jury didn't buy that alibi because you can clearly leave a stick out unless the cows gonna get up there and testify for you it's not gonna work so on July 20th 2018 Michael Garza was found guilty of killing Robert pointer and also was sentenced to 99 years in prison so JC was next to have her trial and because she was such a blabbermouth her defense team decided to not put her up on the stand but the jury still saw plenty of her in action because they had all of that police body cam footage and the interrogation room footage and she just really supplied them with plenty of material to see the real JC the trial lasted two weeks JC pulled a full Jodi arias she dyed her blonde hair brown and dressed like a librarian or something Devon Lea was trying to separate herself from her image but it did not work because the jury came back after only four hours of deliberation and chasey pointer was found guilty of murdering Robert pointer she was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years which I highly doubt she'll ever get so I'd say for the most part justice was served it's terribly sad to lose someone like Robert pointers someone who's so good for their community and has helped endless amounts of people he was a really good father to his three girls and they miss him terribly his life-insurance money was split between his three daughters so that's good and as far as their poor daughter together she is now in custody of chase e's parents who cannot believe that this happened and what's really nice is they also share custody with Robert pointers parents so both sets of grandparents are still in her life because clearly she doesn't have either a parent now I feel like with people like chasey the truth just always comes out I mean she really hosed herself in this situation by talking so damn much in the beginning I honestly think it's kind of funny that she thought she was going to get away with this it just seems so not thought-out at all but there are people out there who believe that JC didn't know that Michael Garza was going to shoot Robert that she just thought they were gonna have a little powwow so I wanna know what you guys think do you think that the intention all along was to have Robert killed or was she just trying to have Michael and Robert talk I'm pretty sure I know what most of you are gonna say but go ahead and leave me a comment below with your opinions on this one but before I go wanted to tell you guys a little bit about today's sponsor ray con thank you guys for sponsoring this video so if you have not heard Raik on you are missing out my friend these things are awesome this tiny little case carries two very powerful very good quality earbuds that will not break the bank rate cons are stylish they're comfortable they stay in my ear while I'm playing with my dogs or whatever else I'm doing around my house and with their latest model the everyday e25 you will receive six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass a more compact design and they come in a bunch of new colors and the best part about it is that they charge right in the case the case can actually charge the earbuds four times on a single charge so be sure to check them out 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Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 1,403,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, mile higher, mile higher podcast, chacey poynter, 48 hours, cbs, news, dateline, true crime stories, true crime podcast, crime, mystery, true crime, unsolved mystery, crime documentary, crime watch daily, dateline mystery, true crime daily, cold case, mysteries, 48 hours mystery, unsolved mysteries, unsolved, crime watch, true crime documentaries, investigation, abc news, documentary, id discovery, american justice, the first 48, 20/20, top 5
Id: XrK64CXfr3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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