Lie-Nielsen Low Angle Jack Plane #62 Product Tour

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Lee Nielsen makes fantastic hand planes and this low angle Jack plane is one of the most versatile now the jack plane is an extremely versatile plane due to its overall length and also this one in particular because the blade is mounted bevel up it gives you a variety of options the Lee Nielson is based on the Stanley 62 which is 14 inches long and a blade that is 2 inches wide mounted at bevel up mounted at 12 degrees the front toe is adjustable I simply loosen the knob on the front you can change the mouth opening for larger or smaller and then go ahead and just tighten the knob back down to lock it in place the cap iron is bronze and adjustment is stainless steel knurled knob here on the back and the knob and tote on the hand plane or a hand finished cherry which makes this hand plane just an awesome looking and awesome performing plane now the blade in this hand plane is mounted bevel up and it comes razor-sharp from the factory of course some additional honing in your shop will in further improve that edge but it does come ready to use right out of the box now having that blade mounted bevel up means you can change the angle of attack of that blade so it makes us extremely versatile plane you can use it for shooting endgrain with a low angle through to using domestic hardwoods with the standard angle attack and planing highly figured woods where you want to increase that angle attack and I'll go through how you can use different blades or you can put an additional micro bevel or change the bevel on a single blade now I bought this hand plane about a year ago and where I purchased it I bought the full kit from Lee Nielsen which includes multiple blades that you can hone at different angles a tooth blade for rough work rough leveling and a hot dog attachment which is great for gripping this for using it on a shooting board let me go ahead and show you the multiple uses for this hand plane in my shop here is a piece of high you figured maple that's rough that I need to get ready to use in a project what's cool is that this hand playing can do absolutely everything I need to take this from ruff all the way through to final use in my project first I'm going to use a tooth blade for getting it level then I can switch to a straight blade for flattening and even final smoothing on this board if I need to shoot endgrain I can again do that with this hand plane so let me go ahead and show you all the things that this one hand plane can do to this board so here is my rough board and it has a hump or high spot in the middle that I need to take down and level with the rest of the board I've got my straightedge here which easily spins showing me that there's a high spot here in the center so I'll grab my Jack plane with a tooth blade and go ahead and remove material mostly from the center and get the entire board level in the same plane on this side after a couple of minutes of traversing diagonal in both directions I've removed almost 1/16 of material from the center haven't quite reached the ends you can see where the tooth marks and the end is still just slightly less than 1/16 below the center so I've got just a little bit more to go so after about 10 minutes of hand playing with the tooth blade I'm left with a flat surface all the way across and a slightly scary surface for this beautifully figured wood but the next step will clean up those tooth marks now let me go ahead and switch out the two thin blade for just a high angle straight blade go ahead and clean out the bed here of all those shavings and here I've got a blade honed at a 45 40 degree angle which is giving me a total angle of attack of 52 degrees got that in I'll set it up and we're ready to go after just a few more minutes I removed all the toothy marks but I am left with these plane tracks from the heavy shavings that I took so it's time to set it for a nice light cut I will rehome my blade to get a razor sharp it will do a couple of final smoothing passes ivory honed the blade to make it razor sharp again I've set the depth of cut for a very light shaving and close up to the mouth to help with those shavings after a few more passes silky-smooth now I know you guys can't feel this but that is silky smooth that is awesome from rough to ready all with a single hand plane doing all the steps on this board that's what makes this hand plane super versatile now let me show you some close-ups of the back of the same board that I did with a standard angle hand plane you can see some of the tear out there and now the front of the board there's absolutely zero tear out that's great now this hand plane not only can do all this tasks on the face of this board but of course it excels at shooting end grain for squaring up boards with the low angle and the hot dog attachment makes it really easy for doing that here is a simple shooting board I actually got the plans from Lee Nielsen and built this and I've got the hot dog attachment attached to the handplant actually had it on there for the whole video I don't never take it off it doesn't get in the way from normal planning operations and of course the shooting board this is where you can hold onto the plane making it really easy to do this operation I put in a low angle blade ground up at a 25 degree bevel along with the 12 degree bed makes for a 37 degree angle of attack and I've just got a simple piece of cherry here so just go ahead and run the cherry up to the edge of the shooting board and go ahead and take nice thin shavings right off the end of that board nice full-length shavings coming right out the plane that's awesome super easy to do cleans up the end makes it perfectly 90 in no trouble at all now I've just shown you how awesome and versatile this Lee Neilson hand plane is the bevel up Jack plane allows this to do just a variety of tasks from rough to ready shooting end grain this guy can do it all and it's Lee Neilson hand plane you know it's awesome right out of the box ready to go now you read a lot of articles recently about how if you're just getting into hand planing might be the first bench plane that you want to buy what that's exactly what I did about a year ago or so I purchased this with the full kit with the multiple blades a hot dog attachment etc as really my first premium bench plane and it does a great job at that can do all those things that we've seen today I believe there is a corollary to that argument however as you get more bench planes this guy becomes a little bit less useful now you've got dedicated hand planes for the tasks that this guy used to do I've now have a big jointer plane that I use for flattening and jointing my boards so I no longer use my Jack plane for that task I also have a smoothing plane which I now use for smoothing my boards so I no longer use the jack plane for that so now my Jack plane is really doing two tasks is doing the rough flattening let me first saw with the two thin blade and that's exactly what a plane like this isn't me to do however Ally Neilson plane is a little bit overkill for that task you're not trying to get things dead dead dead flat so you don't necessarily need that awesome dead flat reference surface for that not saying this isn't a great plane to use it is awesome I'm just saying it might be a little bit overkill for that task of course shooting endgrain this guy is awesome the low angle that's exactly what this plane is built for and it is great at doing that task so just be aware if you're getting into bench planes this can be a really great one to get started with because it can do so many things but also be aware that if in your budget you're going to be growing your bench planes just be aware of what this really excels at and make sure it's going to be something that you want in your arsenal so there it is the Lee Neilson low angle Jack plane from rough to ready all in a single hand plane you've seen how versatile this hand plane is all the tasks that it can do and of course you're getting that Lee Neilson quality so it's not only going to last your lifetime but generations to come
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Views: 87,252
Rating: 4.8687091 out of 5
Keywords: Lie-Nielsen, Lie Nielsen, Low Angle Jack Plane, Jack Plane, #62 Jack Plane
Id: PKmLRYmI8e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2012
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