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[Music] did you ever cheat on me you need to get out of my house man i'm sorry i'm sorry seriously i can't believe you do something like this what's up guys welcome back to my channel so in front of me right here we have the world's strongest christmas gift so it's literally an unbreakable box wrapped in christmas gift i just spent the last five hours building this there's four layers the first layer is the christmas wrapping inside of that we have thick metal sheeting wrapped around the entire box and then inside of that we have a wood box with a bunch of nails holding it all together and then the final layer is a stay filled with a few thousand dollars and whoever can break open this box wins the money okay so brent i have a little christmas gift for you oh it's so big go ahead and open it this thing is massive oh my gosh it's heavy he can't even lift that how am i supposed to open it i don't get it i actually have a few tools for you to open the box with oh great oh my god all right brent is clearly struggling to open the box okay even the cardboards are dope oh great there's more of course there's more another layer [Applause] that didn't work oh my god is that a is it a safe why is there a safe in there dude how am i supposed to get inside a safe [Music] yeah i opened it all right lid oh yeah look at this no you completed the unbreakable christmas gift and you win all of this money oh yeah oh yeah let's go back for subscriber of the week this week we have cadence pippa crafty pearl and pat thank you guys for the love if you want to be subscriber of the week next week all you have to do is subscribe to my channel like this video and comment down below done when you are done and i will pick five people to be on my wall at my warehouse next week also a lot of you guys are wondering what my intro song is it's ace of spades by hugo i'll put it right here and in the description check it out so me and jeremy were feeling savage today so we thought we'd show you guys a few ways that you can prank a drive-through but the thing is after we prank them we're gonna be tipping them with some money because like it's the holidays come on let's go let's go prank number one is the drive-through seat swap so i'm gonna be driving and then i'm gonna ask them to give me a cup of water and we're gonna switch seats jeremy's gonna come out front i'm gonna go in the back hopefully they don't notice yeah let's go oh god that's it hi can i get uh what are those nugget things the stars nugget stars hello no thank you no way dude did we do it i don't think she noticed bro i was not even looking she was so confused wait jeremy we forgot to tip them oh oh no we're back sorry um yeah you can keep the change for you are you sure yeah i felt bad oh thank you of course happy holidays hey okay so the next prank is the ridiculous order prank so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to mcdonald's and ask for the most ridiculous order like put a nugget in my coffee and see if they'll do it let's go welcome to mcdonald's looking again for you hi can i get one cheeseburger but can i get the pickles off of that and then can i get a sprite but can you put the pickles in the sprite and you want me to put the pickles in there yes please all right anything else um and then can i get one buttery crispy chicken and then can you uh put two nuggets in the crispy chicken thank you bro you're so chill he was actually chill about it he's doing it he's doing it right now good hi there thank you here's 60 bucks for the complicated order okay for you sure thanks of course you too have a good one there you go thank you can we put them in the drink by chance yeah all of them cool thank you oh my god taste it you ready i kid you not there's pickles in my drink here we go it's not that bad how is that like a sip yeah this is probably the weirdest order they have ever received in their life they put two nuggets in my chicken burgers oh my god it's actually really good that was successful time for the next drive-thru prank let's go all right so for prank number three as you can tell i'm dressed as a doctor jeremy's my crippled patient and we have this wheelie gurney here let's go oh my god i don't know i don't know how to use this thing all right it's our turn to order yo i hope it works hello what can i make for you today hi uh can i get a um a bean burrito okay and then one large sprite okay thank you oh my god it worked it worked wait jeremy my patient isn't breathing hello hello the guy behind us is just cracking up here we are these tacos are about to hit different 856 okay so here's 100 you can just keep the change thank you of course you're betting right yeah jeremy yeah jeremy let's go thank you let's go let's go i didn't think this would work but success oh my god all right we're done here okay so i'm at lexi's house also known as my ex-girlfriend and i have a little surprise for her so let's walk in hi ex-girlfriend hi weirdo so lexi i have someone coming over is it your crush again okay no it's not so probably not gonna be too excited about this one but we talked about it last week and i made it happen no you didn't yes i did no i'm not doing it you know what it is yes and i'm not taking a lie detector test so my last video i said if we got 300k likes and i would put lexi on a lie detector test to find out some things that i wanted to know so lexi the light detector guy will be here in five minutes to hook you up and find out the truth all right i have nothing to hide okay well we'll see about that i know we'll see okay so we're here with john a polygraph examiner he's gonna determine if you're telling the truth or not with the questions that i'm asking you i don't know why we have to do this i don't know why you feel the need to like put me on the spot like this i feel like it's only right if we find an expert to actually figure out if you're telling the truth or not so i have a list of questions i want to ask you and then we'll find out the tea are you are you nervous no not nervous not one bit no not july all right lexi are you ready for the first question yeah i'm only answering these if i get to ask you stuff fine i'll do it you get to ask me questions all right but first it's time for your first question when we were dating did you ever get annoyed at me um yeah that's true at least she's telling the truth next question while we were dating were you ever attracted to any of my friends no that's a lie wait what who no stop because i don't even know dude july she knows no i don't even want to know who so we're just going to like cut this question off right here while we were on and off did you ever date anyone like in between no crew wow it's kind of an awkward question would you ever get back together with me um possibly okay we want a yes or no um yeah like later maybe crew okay um lexi did you ever cheat on me no crew [Music] i thought he was gonna say that's a lot all right well lexi the merch that i gave you did you ever wear it like do you have it like did you throw it away i have it you wear it yeah see you're doing a lot better than i thought i told you i i'm an open book well lexi that's about all the questions i have for you i'd say you passed the test time to switch it up let's do it all right ben's getting hooked up okay now i'm nervous i'm like actually nervous you should be why am i breathing so hard no if you're like out of breath do we have to do this yes because i had to do it so it's only fair you're ready for your first question then are you over me i knew you're gonna ask that oh god yeah i am 100 why oh my god okay obviously okay i'm lying fine whatever okay next question okay are you talking to a new girl why didn't i ask you that i forgot to ask you that question that was the entire reason why i was doing this and i forgot to ask you that question uh i guess we'll never know um am i talking to you no girl no i'm not why god i'm not i'm okay this is rick why it's rich don't ask it again please all right moving on have you cried because of the breakup holy crap where did you get all these good questions i yeah i i did true oh and i'm gonna cry again right now have you kissed anyone since our breakup okay come on like um i'm gonna tell the truth yes crew um this is awkward wow horrible idea wow all right did you ever cheat on me no crew yes so we're just gonna forget about the question before this last one whatever you're gonna miss me ben let's see who's cooking me right now i need to take this off before lexi asks any more bonus questions hold on i have another question for you okay so i'm gonna have a little bonus question please don't i've been wanting to know this answer for over a year so um about a year ago my toilet overflowed someone clogged my toilet van was over at the house but so were some other people so i guess the question that i'm asking is did you clog my toilet that was not i'm pretty certain that was not me okay fine it was me all right like i'm sorry you need to get out of my house then i'm sorry i'm sorry seriously i can't believe you do something like that i'm sorry okay i didn't mean to hi all right wait i'm joking i'm joking okay in all seriousness i think that was rigged no i don't think so because like all of my questions seem to be correct okay except for one one did seem a little bit off okay we're just gonna leave it at that don't believe everything you hear but i'm just gonna head out now all of ben's questions were accurate i failed the test so i'm just gonna say it was false she got the perfect face
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 7,821,354
Rating: 4.9511914 out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson
Id: Is_jmRkWVwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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