LIDS@80: Session 4 Panel Discussion

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DEVARAT SHAH: I hope you're caffeinated and ready to go for the last and most exciting panel session. Yes, so-- Yes, the last one, please. OK, so we've got five distinguished panelists who will make remarks. 12 minutes each-- that'll be roughly an hour. And after that, the panel will open up and we'll be joined by all of the five panelists and our plenary speaker Emilio. So with that, let me get started. I'm going to go in the alphabetical order of the last names of the panelists, starting with Hamsa Balakrishnan. So Hamsa is a professor of AeroAstro at MIT. One of the things, we were grad students together at Stanford. And so a thrill to introduce her. She was at NASA Ames Research after her PhD from Stanford. She did her undergrad from IIT Madras. She works on-- well, she'll just talk about that. Let me sort of quickly tell you about a few of the awards she received. Of course, NSF CAREER, the inaugural CNA Award in Operational Analysis as well as Don P. Eckman Award. Welcome to Hamsa. [APPLAUSE] HAMSA BALAKRISHNAN: Thank you. It's an honor to be here. So thank you, Devarat and John, for the invitation. It is also truly an honor to be in a session in honor of Sanjoy Mitter. So I'm going to start with a very quick anecdote on how I first met Sanjoy. I had never been to MIT when I interviewed. And some of you may know it, but it's a little bit of an intimidating place. And I knew of Sanjoy from all his papers. And you come in and, you know, it's a two-day interview. The first day is just rapid-fire, meeting after meeting after talk. And the one thing I vividly remember is dinner on the first day with Sanjoy. And, you know, going in, you would think, you know, I really thought he was going to be one of the most intimidating people I would meet. And yet, I just still appreciate just how, you know, kind he was and how, you know, welcoming I felt. And I really, you know, everything you hear about how tough a place MIT is, you know, that first day really helped me understand, you know, how nice it could be. And Sanjoy really played a key role. So I'm very appreciative of that. And, you know, I try to do a little bit of that every time we meet new people now, you know, to make them feel welcome at MIT. So Devarat mentioned, you know, when John said, you know, the Transition Session, it's always a question of what do we do. And then Devarat sent instructions. And he said, go back. And I wasn't quite sure how far back to go. I realized yesterday, John, that really feedback control started in ancient Greek. So I could have gone back that far. But being in the AeroAstro department and talking about transportation, I figured I wouldn't go quite that far, just more like 100 years, to the Wright brothers, you know, more than 100 years. And this is a talk that Wilbur Wright gave in 1901. So this was two years before the first flight, you know, of an airplane. And in the speech, he said, "The difficulties which obstruct the pathway to success in flying-machine construction are of three general classes." It is what we teach all our aerospace engineering undergrads. So Alan probably remembers that from, you know, his time as an undergrad. The first is material. So how do you construct your wings? And your wings need to be designed such that you can generate lift. So, you know, they're sustaining wings. The second has to do with the engine and propulsion, so those which relate to the generation and application of the power required to drive the machine through the air. And the third was those relating to the balancing and steering of the machine after it is actually in flight. And then he went on to say, of these two difficulties, two are already, to a certain extent, solved. Right? So now the question is, which two? So he says, men already know how to construct wings on airplanes, which when driven through the air can, you know, get a sufficient speed. You can generate the lift. It can carry the engine, the engineer as well. We also know how to build the engines and the screws of sufficient lightness and power. However, "The inability to balance and steer still confronts students of the flying problem. When this one feature has been worked out, the age of flying will have arrived, for all other difficulties are of minor importance." You know, going back to everything that LIDS does or at least starting with the control, you know, it's certainly involved with the details of air transportation because the last thing that they solved was how do you actually control this. And, you know, it goes back to a lot of the stuff that Emilio talked about earlier today, as well. So two years later, they flew and they actually did manage to control it. But, you know, human ingenuity is such that you always want to do better. Controlling the airplane was still hard. So about 10 years later, the question was, can you actually make it easier for the pilot? And so in the 1900s, in the early part of that decade, middle of the decade, Elmer Sperry invented the gyrocompass. And his son Lawrence Sperry decided that you could use that to actually build the first autopilot. And he was 20 years old. He built an auto pilot. And he won the Aircraft Safety Competition in France. And the idea was actually quite simple. So you have a gyroscope which is a heading indicator, you combine it with an attitude indicator, and you can actually get the aircraft to fly, you know, follow a compass, a straight and level course. It makes it much easier for the pilot. And, of course, I have to say, he was also the inventor of the flashy demo, right? Because it wasn't enough to show that you could actually work. So in the competition, first time you can see that picture, you know, look, ma, no hands. But he also asked his French mechanic to go out and stand on the wings so that everybody knew nobody was actually handling the aircraft. Right? But this is sort of where, you know, this is in a period of 10 years, but you already have some level of more LIDS-type thinking on how do you actually automate that at a very simple control level coming in. I'm going to jump forward to about 30 years. And we talked about this yesterday. So Project Whirlwind in 1944, the US Navy approached Gordon Brown and said they wanted to build a machine that would actually help improve the way aircraft are designed and aircraft, you know, training occurs for pilots. And so the idea was that you would have a computer and you would have a joystick and servo mechanisms that would connect to, you know, your control surfaces. And you would use that so that you would be able to train pilots. We know this-- of course, you know, John said the Project Whirlwind was, you know, what we remember it for is for, you know, the development of the magnetic core memory. That's true. But it's also the first flight simulator. Right? And so if you think about it, you know, that sort of the path of going towards-- you know, LIDS was very early in coming up with ways of looking at how you controlled, you know, one element of your system, so, you know, one aircraft, and how do you do that. But by this time, you know, in the '40s, '50s, and early '60s as control was developing, air travel was getting quite popular, as well. So that's also around the time that you actually had the problem of congestion because there was enough people who wanted to fly. Now, of course, you had, you know, this headline from 1968 which says the "FAA Urges the US to Construct 800 Airports to Ease Congestion." We don't quite have 800 airports with a lot of traffic right now. But then, in terms of what needed to be done, the methodologies and the techniques that needed to be done to support the analysis and support this sort of not just one aircraft, but a lot of aircraft and the collective behavior of these systems and the management of these systems was also, you know, there was very active work at LIDS, you know, Mike Athans, Sanjoy, in combination, actually, with the Flight Transportation Lab and OR Center with Amedeo Odoni and others. MIT Lincoln Lab was involved in this, looking at things like the cockpit air traffic situation display, so that, you know, there was situational awareness for pilots. And also things that, you know, have become much more common areas of research since then, such as how do you optimize these flows? How do you merge aircraft more efficiently in terminal areas? How do you space them, and so on? And interestingly enough, I think I've worked on these problems. Emilio has worked on these problems when he was in AeroAstro. But really the birth of these problems, a lot of these approaches, was at LIDS as early as in the 1970s. So there are sort of these two themes that have been consistently going on. So one that has to do with, you know, a single aircraft or a single vehicle, what do you do? The other that has to do with the system when there are multiple interacting agents. And, of course, the direction in which a lot of this was going is, you know, in the direction of automation and autonomy. So this is a headline that we all dream of, right? So "Robot-Piloted Plane Makes a Safe Crossing of the Atlantic," from Canada to England, everything being fully automatic. And, you know, this seems like a really neat demo to have now. Unfortunately, it's been done before. This is a New York Times front page from September 23, 1947. All right? You know, one autonomous flight of an aircraft has been done. So why are we still working on these problems? Clearly, you know, we don't see autonomous cars everywhere. We don't see autonomous planes everywhere. So there's two issues. So the planes, for now, I mean, when I think of a drone, it doesn't look like that, right? So there's still the question of how do we do this reliably and at scale and repeatedly in a way that it can actually interact with everything else that's happening, you know, the human-piloted aircraft and other autonomous aircraft. And they look like this, right? And this is, truly, I mean, we've talked about the commoditization of data. But there's also clearly a commoditization of aircraft that's happening simultaneously. And so the challenges again, now, have a lot more to do with, how do you, you know, enable what this revolution can do where you have more drones, consumer drones being sold in a month than every registered commercial-manned aircraft on the planet, right? So the order of magnitude is much more different. So a lot of the challenges now are going to, you know, this issue of scalability and how do you do large systems with multiple vehicles. And, you know, Munther talked earlier today while he mentioned the impact of cascading failures. I should point out that we're actually seeing evidence of this. So since we live in the Northeast and a lot of people in this room fly around, I want to just present some data. So you can look at historically in the US, how many days do you have when in a year or in a given three-month period or season when more than 1,000 flights are canceled? And it used to be one of those things that we would say the 2015 winter was really bad, right? And so that would be the one time there would be large numbers of cancellations over several days. But we've certainly gotten to a point where this happens, you know, pretty consistent. All right? We have massive delays, these are system-wide. And it keeps happening all the while. And what we want to do is be able to do this, plan the system with manned aircraft better, with passenger flights better, with cargo flights better, but also do it with a large number of unmanned aircraft that we would expect to see. And so going very quickly toward the future that is expected, this is NASA's view of what the skies are going to look like in 2030. This doesn't actually include any of those consumer drones. These are pretty much enterprise drones operating at altitude. The blue aircraft are the manned aircraft. The red aircraft are unmanned aircraft doing all sorts of things like surveillance missions out here and everything else. What we have right now is the ability to optimize, right? So we've done a lot of work on the computing side. How do you actually leverage cloud computing resources to do real-time planning on this, just optimization? But that's not going to be the answer because we need to be able to do this robustly, under uncertainty. We need to be able to do this, you know, with multiple players. So issues of fairness, issues of who are we serving, who are we not serving? Which communities are being left out? How do we look at behavior? How do we look at security? How do we look at safety? You know, and so all of those challenges that we've, over the course of the past two days, been talking about, it's time I feel for the next transition, right? So we did that for one aircraft, and we moved there. And now we have the system-wide problems to transition to. So with that, thank you. [APPLAUSE] DEVARAT SHAH: All right. Let me quickly introduce our next panelist. Going in alphabetical order, the next panelist is Richard Barry. Richard was born in LA. He's professionally focused on systems and architecture, new technologies, education, and philanthropy. In earlier career, he was Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at George Washington. He was also a member of technical staff at MIT Lincoln Lab, co-founder and CTO of Sycamore Networks. He has a long history in industry. And I'm trying to quickly sort of focus on a few of the things, including just I forgot to tell you, he's also a LIDS alum and a PhD from 1993. So please, welcome, Rick. [APPLAUSE] RICHARD BARRY: Thanks, I'm glad to be here. You know, it's unusual for me to be in this kind of environment again. And I've found, I've mentioned to a few of you, that I feel like certain neurons are re-firing that, you know, weren't firing before. I think David's talk especially lit up a whole section of my brain. And unfortunately, that section then said your slides are all wrong, you know? No equations, no mesmerizing blockchains moving around. But, you know, so I'll do the best that I can. So I started in LIDS like 1988. And so that's about 30 years ago. And at the time when I started, Sanjoy was director. And, you know, in my view, LIDS had sort of been here forever, right? And now that I sit here and say, well, 80 years and 30, that means if you plotted this between 0 and 1, I'm like at right around 0.6, which is a different perspective. I don't know what that means. But, you know, it's kind of an observation. And I thought, how am I going to sort of present 30 years of optical networking in, you know, two, three minutes when we get there? And I thought, well, maybe I'll make some nice graph and that. People like graphs. And you can see things happening with time. But I realized it'd probably have to be, like, a log scale, and that was a little depressing to me. So instead we'll just go with a few points here. But just thank you to Sanjoy for the leadership and also for humoring me and doing a foundations of quantum theory at the time when I was there. And Dimitri you was my academic advisor. And Pierre, who I'm not sure is here today, was my thesis advisor. And Bob was a reader there. So let's see here. Which one? The green. Ah, that's why it says green. So, you know, my time when I was living all this stuff day to day, which I don't live it anymore, was a while ago. And so just a few acknowledgments of people that I called to help bring me a little bit up to speed here. Good to have friends. So, you know, in terms of thinking-- you know, so roughly, like I said, since I started working on this, which was when I started as a student, a PhD student, you know, to now is about 30 years or so. And so being a little loose with the time, I divided it up into, like, the early years and then what's going on now. And I think there is a little bit of an interesting story of what happened here. So, you know, at a very high level, it's simple, is that you had a new application, you had an old technology that wasn't really fit to that application, and you had new technology which was available, at the time, to solve that, right? Of course, you're dealing with infrastructure. You're dealing with things that go in the ground. It's slow. You need a big impetus to make that change. And there was an ecosystem that existed at that time to do that, both in terms of deregulation, which spurred a lot of innovation in different companies, the rise of the ISPs. And it's different when you have a customer going to a carrier and saying, you know, give me the equivalent of a wavelength of bandwidth versus the carrier internally deciding they need to do something with that wavelength. And you had a lot of money going into it. So you had like the bond market willing to fund new networks and do all sorts of stuff. So you had a lot of wind at your back to do these things. If you look at sort of the details, it was the rise of IP, right? And not just IP, but the rise of high-speed routers, where the speed of the port of the router was approaching the speed that you would carry on one wavelength on the optical fiber. And so the old technology of multiplexing lots of little things together, voice calls or private line calls didn't make sense when you wanted to carry one thing on a wavelength or maybe four things, even, on a wavelength. At the same time, optical technology was literally exploding. At the time, you had wavelength division multiplexing. You had optical amplifiers which would amplify all those signals at once, as opposed to having many repeaters for each signal. So you could deploy additional capacity by just changing the endpoints and not going into the middle. And the economics during this time were amazing in that the innovation of the optics was happening faster than the innovation of the electronics. Not all the electronics, of course, you needed that at the endpoints, but of the router technology. So even though the routers are getting faster, the optics was getting faster, faster than that. And the economics were such that people wanted, needed another layer in between the routers and the physical network itself, besides the fact that you had to carry legacy stuff that still was not carried on IP networks. And, in fact, just anecdotally, more than anecdotally, at the time, if it was more economical if somebody bought an eight-wavelength system, which they were at the beginning, and they had only filled half of it up, they would then go and buy a 20 or 40 wavelength system before filling up the rest of that thing because it was so much more economical to get your spectral efficiency with the new system than to rely on your old system. And so things were just moving very, very quickly. And if you look at what happened sort of in the end, then, you know, the standards, which we were not, the economics beat the standards, and a new layer emerged in the network to replace SONET which had new framing. It had new forward error correction, which actually was sort of maybe an underappreciated at that time aspect of this, the fact that you could buy line speed for Reed-Solomon error correction starting in about 2000. So that was actually after we started, right? And this thing emerged. Now, if you look at what's happening now, lately, coherent technology and some other things that were done at Lincoln years ago has become practical and commercial and is 100 gigabits per second. And a lot of that has been done by some people sitting right here and Pierre was involved, componentized to be able to just go right on a line card. And so in some sense, the IP using WDM directly has caught up. So interesting enough, if you go back to 1988 when I started, that was an architecture that was being debated, right? You had sort of three camps, if you would go out there that you would listen to. There was the legacy camp saying, you know, this is my standard network. You have to follow all these things, otherwise you can't get in it. And we'll just make SONET a little bit better. There was sort of our camp that says, no, you know, take these wavelengths, switch them around. Maybe do some multiplexing in this new way, not in SONET way, in between. And then you had what, in the end, was a forward-looking camp saying, no, no, no, you just have routers. And you just put WDM on the routers. And that's kind of where we are today. There's still optical switching in the network. There is all optical switching in the network, right, now, especially in the metro area. You know, but that didn't win, at the time. That lost at the time. It took a number of years for that to happen. It was another cycle. And it was partly just due to the different development cycles, the different technology, and the economics that that just really wasn't ready yet. So one of the questions that was posed to me was, you know, how did LIDS help in this transition and, you know, at a high level, I guess I would say what were the things that I take away from the LIDS education that lasted through the years? And, you know, for me, I think it was maybe the ability to work from a blank slate would be one of the major components, right? You're trying to do something new. Here's, you know, a piece of paper, you just go and do it. The deep knowledge, obviously, helped because you have to sort of have some sort of guidance as to where to go, right? And, you know, maybe it's confidence or ignorance to go and think that you can do this in a new environment. What would I-- I wouldn't change anything. Somebody's question is what else would have helped you? So I don't know if I had to give up softball time or something, for that, you know? I'd say that my experience was that, you know, I can kind of summarize it as, you know, LIDS is very deep. It was very, you know, a lot of fundamentals. And it was, you know-- it's an essay question. And a lot of the engineering that I faced there was multiple choice, right? And so, you know, the ability to make good, quick decisions, rather than great decisions that take longer was sort of a skill I had to sort of develop later, right? You know, other things, too, I think, you know, maybe not part of education, but the importance of the ecosystem and the multidisciplinary aspects, which appear to be very strong now, of what it takes to commercialize something. You know, that what you're doing, your piece, your new piece is only part of the whole puzzle of all the people that work within your company trying to do something new, the people you're trying to sell it to, and the people you're buying things from to make it. And you have to interact with all those people. I won't go over all the points here. But-- You know, in terms of what's going on now and the future, in terms of optical networking, I think there is a, you know-- David's right, the infrastructure constantly changes. Right now, we're sort of mid-cycle in that. So people are innovating and going faster and faster, you know, speeds and feeds. Probably, we're mid-cycle, though, in terms of the new architecture and to something new fundamental. There's still stuff going on in networking. I don't see, you know, a lot of it, but just a little snapshot of what I have. It seems like, you know, we've flattened the transport, we've flattened the hardware. You know, but we've expanded the software layers, right? And if you look at AWS and if you look at managed service providers, there's a huge trend to outsource your networking, right? So if you're a commercial entity and you're trying to sell to somebody, you may be trying to sell to an entity that doesn't have as much, really, a networking department anymore, right? Because Amazon is doing it for them. So, you know, and if you look at Amazon's [INAUDIBLE],, of course, they build networks and they have data centers and so forth, right? But, you know, part of their job is to deploy lots of networks, not one network, right? There's thousands and thousands and thousands of them. And sort of the traditional problem that I learned here was, you know, flows sharing a resource as opposed to many networks, many software layers sharing a resource. That's not a new thing, right? Infrastructure has always kind of done that. But it sort of maybe exists at a huge scale now that didn't exist before. And so if you're going to be able to do that, that's why you see so much work going on commercially right now with automating it, with monitoring it, with analyzing it. Because, you know, you can't manage what you can't measure. And then just the last things. Don't have enough time to talk about videos, but coming from LA and the fires, you know, just a little-- There's, you know, an emerging layer here of AI between the cameras and the people, right? And the fire in LA, the recent one by the Getty, you know, a tree branch fell on the power line. And besides the fact that that branch should have been pruned, besides the fact that the power line should be underground, the firefighter learned about it when 911 was called by somebody seeing the flames after the fire had already spread. And there's really no technological reason, at this point, why we can not have early detection to solve that problem. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] DEVARAT SHAH: All right, continuing along. Our third panelist is Shashi Borade. So Shashi graduated from IIT Bombay in 2002 with a Silver Medal. And that's my Alma mater, so super thrilled to be introducing him. He received his PhD here from LIDS working with Lizhong and Bob in information theory. He's one of those individuals who would not write on his bio, but since I was around and observing, he got a really exciting academic job offer at one of the top universities. And instead, he decided to go to New York because New York is really exciting. And I was wondering, was that the right choice? But maybe it was a great choice. He spent seven years at DE Shaw, done lots of exciting things in that world. I want to sort of go through that. Currently, he co-leads a group, a hedge fund under Engineers Gate since 2015. All right. [APPLAUSE] SHASHI BORADE: Thanks, Devarat. Thank you, John, for inviting me. This is a very humbling experience to be among the superstars. And so many of the mentors and heroes that I continue to look up to are in this room, starting from Bob to Dave and Professor Munther, all three of them were on my thesis committee, to Emre, Lizhong, Devarat. And what is really amazing about these people is, besides being an intellectual powerhouse that they are, they have built these amazing products that we can touch or text or, in recent case, wear or run in. So that is something. So starting, as my first LIDS exposure happened before me knowing LIDS through what many of us have shared, my first EE class was Willsky and Oppenheim's Signals and Systems. And until that class, I used to think electrical engineering is electric towers, power generators, all these transmission lines. And I was sort of happy to know that I did not have to climb on those towers or things like that. That's a true story. So that was nice. The second exposure was probably the most fortunate things to have happened to me. I got to work with Emre in my internship as an undergrad. And-- There's a clicker here, OK. So I got to work on some really cool information theory stuff. And Emre was, by far, the smartest person I had met. And more importantly, he's the kindest person I'll ever meet. And from then on, I sort of decided that, when in doubt, think what Emre would do or did. In that case, he went to MIT, to LIDS and did PhD with Bob. Emre was very kind to also connect me to Bob who wasn't taking full-time students anymore. But he was happy to [INAUDIBLE]. And I came in. And Lizhong had just started. And I became his first student and Bob's second last student. And as you may know, Lizhong is a student of David Tse who was a student of Bob. So if you think about the academic tree, I became the academic uncle of my academic dad. So-- [LAUGHING] So a lot of fun for 6 years in this directed acyclic graph situation with the loop. And one being the first student and the other case I was sort of last. It was very interesting to have those perspectives. Got to interact a lot with Professor Mitter, learned a lot from his breadth. And let's see, the clicker is this, right? So people often ask, what is common, what can be common in LIDS and finance? And perhaps the reverse question is easier, what is not common? There is a lot in common. Let's start with the same giants. We both share some of the same people who have done amazing, founding work. Shannon himself tinkered with a lot of investment ideas. Apparently, he gave a lecture in this class that people took notes on. But unfortunately, I don't think it was published ever. But he came up with some things and apparently had developed a machine to predict the next stock price and so on. Kelly criteria, again, very much LIDS-like person and Berlekamp, being second student of Bob. Some people may know this, but he is the person who sort of turned Medallion, perhaps the greatest hedge fund, around while it was not doing well in its early years and sort of really made it into a really consistent return generator. And then sold it off to Jim Simons, back. And Tom Cover, as we know, had a bunch of interesting work on universal portfolios. And here's the interesting part that many of you may not know, Professor Forney had done some fairly interesting things, also in early 2000s in finance. And he has a patent on it. And later, many years later, people ended up rediscovering that, and so on, while not knowing that this was rediscovered long back. So you can say that two LIDS alums have created one of the best generating returns ever. And I say this knowing that if you backtrack what their strategy was, it would have done amazing things. And I was talking to him outside at lunch today. And it turns out he came up with the idea without ever looking at data. "I just sort of intuited it. I just come up with the formula." And it's just a genius. It's hard to imagine that kind of intuition from someone who was not even in finance. So that's LIDS alumni, so no pressure. That's me with Elwyn Berlekamp at a Shannon event a few years back. And I was basically trying to tell him, like, dude, we went to the same lab. We had the same advisor. You were his second student. I am his second last student. You worked on error exponent, I worked on error exponents. Like, we're basically grad school buddies. So why don't you tell me your secret and I won't tell it to anyone. And-- [LAUGHING] You probably know where it went. It didn't go anywhere. So a little disappointed. But I was OK. I still keep moving. Because maybe I got some source from the mothership. And that's Marie and Bob in their visit to our Alma mater, IIT Bombay. And indeed, there is a lot of source code that sort of scraped off that is very useful. So let's see what is it that still helps and is common. That is easier to see. So one of the basic things that is still useful in this problem as well as LIDS-like problems is here, again, we are trying to build theory for some inherently really messy, complex situation. And you can't understand messy, complex situation as it is, so you to try to build smaller, simpler models to understand maybe an aspect of it or some insight here or there. And you build up on these insights one at a time. And hopefully, you can get a picture of the elephant, maybe at least some parts of the elephant. And Bob's formula is very useful. Again, the art is, of course, in building these nice models that are insightful and yet tractable. And the other aspect I find very useful is the value of a multidisciplinary mindset, which, by definition, LIDS is. Some of the ideas for us can come from information theory, statistics, the usual suspects, of course, optimization. But often, they can also come from psychology or sociology or economics or sometimes even fiction. And that is really interesting and fun. And another thing that I really find useful is, what Bob told me early on in my PhD is often it's good to have the Shannon style, which is have multiple problems floating in your head and you can sort of choose when you get excited about what. And just don't sort of keep doing one thing because you may get bored or frustrated. And that is extremely useful here, as well. Like, come up with a bunch of things to work on and then some of them may work, and most of them don't work. But still, you will have something to look forward to and keep going, making progress. And probably the most important thing that I find valuable that I learned at LIDS is probably something many of you relate to, is after I came here, I often found me being the numbers person in the room. And more curiously or problematically, I started liking that fact. So I would start finding more rooms where I am the dumbest person in the room. And that was really fun. There was a group meeting that Devarat, Lizhong, and Professor Mitter's group had that was really exciting and so on. So this kind of masochist behavior I blame to LIDS and I'm very thankful for that. It has proved very useful. Let's see, what is next. So three slides, I stuck to that, except if we don't count the header. Let's see, what did I wish I did more? And this is in the spirit of adding more presidential debate-like nature to this debate. Because John and Devarat told us make it a little controversial or something. So I'll try to be a little bit. And this is more in the spirit of what I wish I did do more than what LIDS did. So it's more talking about my narrow focus than blaming it on anyone. The one thing I wish I did more was I wish I played a little more with actual data or more experiments of some sort. Like, maybe just take an oscilloscope and see if the Gaussian noise is indeed Gaussian or not. That would have been fun. And there were things to do that around me. There were labs, there were people doing it. And I didn't do it. So that's bad. Second, I wish I had learned a bit more of system design and learned a bit of more programming that Bob said is apparently not good. [LAUGHING] So I had written 50 lines of code by the time I finished PhD. It was not smart. So if given a chance to do my PhD again and if Bob and Lizhong want another student, I'll do this differently this time, a little. So let's see. What are the big differences in our world and a lot of the statistics research at LIDS that happens? Our data is really, really dirty. And a lot of the great things that work elsewhere don't work very well for us. Our SNR is more 10 to the minus 4, which is a percent of a percent. Warren and Bernie have their percent of percent they love. We have our percent of percent we love. And they're both very problematic. So let's see. People often talk about big data. But for us, the real problem is often small data. Because life is often non-stationary for humans and societies and whatnot, markets. And times, they are a changing, as Bob Dylan told us. So we are not in this data pool where we can do really fancy, train the machine to play chess by creating infinite artificial data. We can't because we can't create artificial market data. People do what they do. That creates problems that are not as much addressed, so in the small data situation, in low SNR. So the SNR is roughly in the same level-- the only other field has that SNR is astronomy, I think. Everything else, like speech recognition, images, that is much better. So anyways, non-stationarity is a problem. And physics and mechanics and how machines we create don't change, but people change. That means we have to keep learning with very limited or time-varying environments. That's hard. Shorter research cycle, which can be fun or frustrating based on your attitude. We don't often solve the problem fully, but get the 80-20 rule. Figure it out, move on, maybe revisit it after some time. And best work is not often made public, unfortunately. Again, here, I think this is Bob's fault. Because he keeps telling never publish. Don't publish. Don't publish. So we don't publish. We don't publish. [LAUGHING] This is getting better. There's some better stuff coming out. There's some shared open-source software that is commonly used in Python that has come out of finance and so on. So I'm more hopeful on this than some of the general tools are still shareable, if not the secret sauces exactly. So I'm more hopeful on that. It's coming quickly. Not looking ahead, because looking ahead means as if I know what is going to happen, it's more of a wish list. Of what I would like to happen. I would like to see more high noise, small data research. And a lot was already presented to me by Guy and Constantine that seems very interesting. And some of the research in cross-validation leaves a lot to be desired for us. It's great, but it doesn't work for the small data, high noise regime. Because [INAUDIBLE] don't change, but life changes. You know, there's no training data, there's just markets. And we'd really like to have some more of a detector which sort of says this is an overfit, this is not an overfit. And it's not there yet. Causation versus correlation-- things which allow you to do things causally and make sure it is causal so that it's not overfit. It's, again, a confusion often that is not clear. I'll leave this. I'm running out of time. And game theory maybe to understand people's motivations better and predict better how they will act. And while we are wishing, why not shoot for the moon? Maybe there is a grand unified theory that John talked about and Munther little bit talked about, based on like all LIDS stuff. And maybe we'll figure it out together with some people in this room. Thanks. [APPLAUSE] DEVARAT SHAH: All right. Next is-- let's see, R comes before S. OK. Next is Tom Richardson. So I introduced Tom earlier. So I think I will sort of give him more time, and then give us his remarks. THOMAS RICHARDSON: Thanks, Devarat. The instructions for the meeting said that we shouldn't interpret transitions loosely or broadly, which I thought I did. But I really can't compete with Devarat. It's just too much. So I think I should explain the title. There's two meanings. One is, I think, probably pretty obvious and pedestrian. We have the G transitions in wireless, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G now. And the other interpretation is an expression of some residual frustration that I have for a transition that didn't happen, or almost happened, but actually did not happen. And I actually thought I would take this opportunity of coming back to LIDS to get it out of my system. So I hope this accomplishes that. OK. OK, so maybe it's a bit self-centered, but I thought I'd just talk a little bit about my own case. So in 2009 at that Paths Ahead conference Roger Brockett said that LIDS-type work, I mean, he just called it systems theory type work is kind of meta-engineering. And I think the point was that it's highly portable. So he was trying to say, you know, we should move into other areas. But the central point was that it was a very portable skill set. You can move from place to place. And that certainly happened to me. So I did a master's degree in control theory. Came to MIT to work with one of the most famous control theorists in the world and ended up doing a PhD in computer vision. Then left MIT and went to Bell Labs in a communications group. So I was working. And actually, at that point, I still didn't really have much information theory knowledge. I was working on a project for data storage based on holography. And then turbo codes were invented. And I started hearing about them. There was a talk about turbo codes in Bell Labs, maybe 1995 or so. And I went to the talk. And the reason I went to the talk was because we needed some good error correction code for the holographic storage systems. And they said, oh, it's this new big thing. And I went to the talk. And I thought they were very interesting. And it wasn't really for any information theoretic reason. I just thought they were interesting from a dynamical systems perspective, which was my background. So then I started thinking about them from that perspective. And that's how I got into coding. And a lot of people have mentioned this already during the meetings. But I thought that I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this transition of Bob Gallagher's thesis. So what I've shown here is the Google Scholar citations from 1960 up to now, year by year, of this. And you can see there was this transition somewhere around the late '90s. And basically, I was catching that wave, as well. But it's still one of the most remarkable transitions for a thesis you can imagine. You can see it's starting to tail off a bit in more recent years. But I think some of that, at least, can be blamed on Erdal Arikan. OK. So yeah, I wanted to talk about the Flarion story a little bit, 2G, 3G, 4G transition. So the company was founded in 2000. I certainly don't want to give you the impression that I was the main person behind it. The main creative spirit was Rajiv Laroia. He's not a LIDS alum, but he certainly fits the mold. He was a graduate of the University of Maryland. And the founding of the company also coincided with this transition, which is the bursting of the dot-com bubble. And that was a bit sad for us. We had these hopes of getting rich quick, and they quickly evaporated. But, you know, it builds character. So it's OK. [LAUGHING] All right. So what was the idea? So actually, Flarion was a very audacious concept. I mean, the goal was, actually, to be the next generation of cellular. And it was very audacious. And the basic premise was that there was a mismatch between existing cellular networks and the internet. And this mismatch was not being corrected fast enough. And there was an opportunity there kind of at the disrupt. And what it boils down to is, so the reason why this was happening is because, you know, the phone network and cellular and the internet had very different DNA and different structure, different architecture. So, you know, here are some of the points. The internet, of course, was computer to computer. It grew as a heterogeneous set of networks that were connected together, packet switch, TCP/IP flow control. On the phone side, the whole system was created for people to talk to each other person to person. It was a circuit switch network. Not too long ago, the whole thing was owned by one entity. And so it had a very sort of centralized structure. And cellular, at the time, was essentially designed to extend that network, you know, to go over the air for mobility. OK, so CDMA was the dominant technology. For 2G, there was CDMA and GSM. And worldwide, GSM covered a larger area. CDMA was in the US and Japan and South Korea. But they were essentially-- the original CDMA system IS-95 was really conceived to be a voice system. And a lot of the architecture and the mechanisms that were put in there were trying to take advantage of many great-- there are many, many great ideas, of course, in the CDMA system. But really, it was predicated on this idea of being a digital voice system. And the things I listed on the right here are some of the characteristics, defining characteristics of that technology, according to, you know, Viterbi. So you can see that, you know, the big part of CDMA was the universal frequency use. It required very fast power control. But that's not really an issue because of the nature of the voice call. So in a voice call, you make a call. You're connected for, you know, end to end for a reasonable amount of time, and then you drop. So during that period, you know, the activity and the traffic is all relatively predictable. And the statistics vary, of course, but not so dramatically. OK, so the internet was very different. And, of course, the main thing is the statistics of the traffic and also the requirements. For data, you require, you know, zero error rate, essentially. And for voice, you can tolerate something. So you need to make it reliable. And at the same time, you have to accommodate all these different types of traffic. Much more entropy in the demand for the resources, right, on the air. And so the basic question is, should the cellular network, the existing cellular network evolve to carry data or should the internet, as is, go mobile at the time. And so the answer from 3GPP, for example, or 3GPP2 was that we should take our network and evolve it to carry data. And the Flarion proposition was, no, let's take the internet as-is and make it mobile. OK. OK, so, I guess, I suppose so one thing I thought I was supposed to do was show how this was a LIDS problem, right? So these are a set of questions that come up almost immediately when you try to do this. I think there's some typos, but anyway. How do you provide for rapid transition in varying sized traffic loads? So with voice, the traffic load stays simply constant. I mean, there isn't a large range of traffic load requirements. So how do you provide for varying amounts of traffic? How do you deal with the widely varying demands of traffic and large signal dynamic range? So in CDMA, what you do is you power control all the devices to come in at the same power to control any interference. But in data, you might not necessarily want to do that. You might want to take advantage of somebody who's very close, seem to get very high data rate and save power and so on. So how do you make an inherently unreliable link look reliable to TCP/IP? And how should you hand off an IP network. In CDMA, you use soft hand-offs to connect to multiple stations to maintain connectivity. Is that the right thing for data traffic, given the statistics? How do you manage the resources? How do you schedule? How do you protect the battery of the mobile device? What's the right state space? And the synthesis part of this is how do you do all this simultaneously? So I think all of these are LIDS questions. I realized what I forgot to do was go back and check that all the answers are in Dimitri Bertsekas' books or maybe Bob Gallagher's book. Maybe I'll just mention one. So the key idea of making TCP/IP reliable over an inherently unreliable link is to use the fact that, say, on Gaussian channels, that feedback, although it can increase capacity, it can dramatically improve the error exponent. So you can quickly get reliability, provided you have a closed loop. OK, so that's definitely a LIDS idea. OK, so just quickly, what happened, well, naturally, you know, when you try to disrupt something, there's going to be resistance. So, for example, infrastructure incumbents didn't really want to see their networks replaced with IP networks. Qualcomm, of course, had a big stake in CDMA and didn't want to see, you know, that eroded. So the customers that were available to us are operators. And operators tend to be a pretty conservative bunch. Nextel is a bit of a maverick, and they were serious about the technology. But then they were bought by Sprint in 2005. Intel was pushing WiMax. They didn't really know what they were doing. Qualcomm knew much better. And actually, I always thought that Intel should have bought Flarion. But Qualcomm knew that far before Intel did. And so they bought the company in 2006 and reset their IP generation for 4G. OK. OK, there was a comparison. This would say how good was the Flarion system. This is just a paper I pulled up. There was a deployment in Finland. And this is a comparison between the Flarion system and HSDPA, which is a, like, 3.5G system. You can see the comparison. And the numbers are very precise. But the conditions are a little vague. First of all, they were at different frequencies. And maybe one thing to point out is the secret to the Flarion design was to put in a very agile control structure. And you can see the effect there in the latency. And so this compared. Their conclusion was that each system has its advantages and disadvantages. So HSDPA is a little better. But what wasn't mentioned here, I think, was that HSDPA is a 5-megahertz-wide system and FLASH-OFDM was only one and a quarter. [LAUGHING] OK. So I'm actually almost out of time. But I thought, you know, what's happening, what's critical now is 4G, 5G. And there's a lot of opportunity for LIDS, right, I think, not so much maybe in the core network or in the standards part of it, but in the applications. So people think there's a wide range of applications, a lot of new verticals going to be opened up by 5G. And I thought I'd just quickly talk about one of them-- industrial IoT. So the idea here is that you're going to go into factories and you're going to put it in a network. It'll largely look like some high throughput network maybe in the ceiling with radios up there. And they'll talk to all the devices in the factory, including robots and so on. And what's interesting here, I think, is that it changes the game a little bit in terms of what you want out of a wireless system. So in cellular, the main thing is capacity. You want to provide as many-- But here, you really need to provide reliability. So outage capacity, if you like, or the ability to ensure high reliability with low latency is key. So design will have to change. And in this case, there's an incumbent. So, for example, there's industrial ethernet standards which are adaptations of ethernet to provide real-time reliability with very strict latency controls and so on. And essentially, what the 5G system is going to have to try to do is displace those things. In order to do that, they're going to have to meet the same kind of requirements. And it's tough because of the nature of the wireless link to meet those requirements. But like any kind of transition of this sort, typically, the first step is some kind of replacement. But if it happens, it'll change the game. Because now you'll have this centralized network with full visibility into the whole factory. And you'll have new schemes to try and represent what's going on in the whole factory floor at all different time scales. And so that may change what's possible even to do there, which is another possibility for LIDS-type research. OK, that's it. Thanks. [APPLAUSE] DEVARAT SHAH: All right, last but not least, our last panelists who will speak, it will be Sri Sarma. Sri is also LIDS alum. She received her PhD from LIDS under supervision of Munther in 2006. She's a controls person who does a lot of exciting things at the interface of systems biology and neurosciences. She's currently a Professor at Johns Hopkins. And there are a number of awards. And I'm trying to figure out which one of them should I read. Well, one of them is, of course, the PECASE. She's received-- OK, I'm just going to sort of read one more and then give it to you-- Robert Pond Excellent Teaching award. Welcome, Sri. [APPLAUSE] SRIDEVI SARMA: Thank you, Devarat. So yes, I just wanted to comment, since everybody was speaking about their experience at LIDS. I still feel confident that I was here in the golden era. So what do I mean by Golden era? Emilio was my contemporary, and I'm sure he'll agree with me, the golden era is you come in here, I came in as a graduate student at EECS. I'm taking DSP with Alan Oppenheim I'm taking 6.341 with Drake, then later had the privilege to TA with Dimitri Bertsekas using your book by Tsitsiklis. I took Nonlinear Systems with Sanjoy Mitter, I think you were co-teaching. And, of course, with my first TA, Nicola Elia, according to him, he was my best TA. And I was taking Multivariable Control with Michael Athans. And finally, Linear Systems Theory and Robust Control with Munther. I don't know if any of these legends teach anymore or teach these courses anymore. So that's why I think it was-- well, part of the reasons why I think it was a golden era. It was incredible. Another reason is when I joined LIDS, Sanjoy Mitter was the director. And since then, I still haven't seen a leader or a director of any type of institute or center do the following, which is what Sanjoy did. He would walk the halls. This is building 35. I'm sure he did it in the second floor. I think we were on the third or fourth floor. We'd be like here he comes. Here he comes. You know, the doors are open. And he walks the halls. And it wasn't intimidating. Because all he wanted to do is stop you and ask, what are you doing? You know, what are you working on right now? And it was incredible. I probably think you knew everybody's name. And you probably knew what everybody was doing. So that was a really unique experience. And then finally, I joined Munther's lab because I was very interested in controls. Although, I think you do know I had some passions outside of controls, in particular, neuroscience. But I was doing what you told me. Like, he would say, OK, you have to take dynamic programming. Every controls person takes that. OK, I'll take dynamic programming. Then you move on. OK, you've got a minor in math, so start with real and I'll say, OK. Topology, OK. I don't know if he knew this, he ultimately found out, but I was also taking introduction to neuroscience. I was taking motor systems, neurophysiology. I was in the offices of your great neuroscience colleagues like Suzanne Corkin, who recently passed, a few years ago passed away. And I was indulging there, as well. And you mentioned independence and the freedom that LIDS provided. Well, that's what was incredible because I don't think you know this, but that same time, I actually wore the pink coat, and I was a volunteer at MGH in the ER. Because I wasn't sure. I was interested in neuroscience, neurodisease. Anyways, finally graduated. And the last thing I want to say about the LIDS experience, it ended with an interesting ending in my thesis defense. So my thesis committee was Sanjoy, Sasha, Megretski, who I haven't seen here today. Was he here yesterday? And Munther. And I go through my defense. And my thesis was purely control. There is no neuroscience. It was control under communications constraints. And I was kind of disappointed at the end. And I mentioned to him, like, I don't know, Sasha fell asleep. [LAUGHING] And he goes, no, that's a good thing. That means there was nothing wrong with your problem formulation and nothing wrong with your solution. And if you know Sasha, you know exactly what I mean by that. So anyway, so that was kind of my experience. And then since then, I really transitioned. And transition here was immersion. I went right into a neuroscience laboratory, where I learned neurophysiology and neuroscience for several years here at MIT with Emery Brown. So here, let's see. So I absolutely cannot talk about neuroscience, as a whole. You know, if you go to the CDC, Conference on Decision and Control, maybe there's about 3,000 people now? I don't know, in my days, it was about 1,500 to 2,000 people at this annual meeting. If you go to the annual meeting for Society for Neuroscience, it's 30,000 people. It can only occur in one of three cities in the United States because there's no convention center that can accommodate this community. So you can imagine the complexity of the field. So I'm going to just touch on certain aspects that are relevant, I think, at least to LIDS. So I'm going to start with sort of what LIDS-like people have been doing and contributing into neuroscience for the last 20 years. And I'm going to try to highlight an opportunity and where we can actually, I think, make big contributions. OK, so the first is what I call phenomenological modeling. And what this is really about is not probing the brain, but still trying to understand the underlying architecture in the brain that governs behavior. So let me give you a specific example here in motor control. Right? So we make all kinds of nice coordinated movements. So if I want to study how does the brain actually compute so that I can make these smooth reaching motions, what I can do is I have a behavioral neuroscientist just run an experiment where subjects see target cues, maybe cues light up, and you just move your arm to those targets. And you actually capture the behavior. You capture my motion, my trajectories, either in 2D or 3D space. So you have this sort of input/output behavior. You have a target going in, and you have a trajectory coming out. And then what people who train like us, modelers, we understand this is a feedback system. Right? We move, and as we're moving, we get proprioceptive feedback, we get visual feedback, and we continue adjusting our movements. And so what you can do as a modeler, in this case, you can now say, OK, this feedback control system is an interconnection of subsystems. Each subsystem is some region in the brain. OK? And now if I put these dynamics in these subsystems, I can match this input/output data. And that might be somewhat trivial. Because if you look at these trajectories, they look like responses of second-order systems. But what's challenging about that is, I said, understanding neural architecture, which means each one of these boxes is in some brain region. There are certain types of neurons in that brain region. And if I say there's an integrator there because that's what matches my input/output data, then there better be elements, neurons that can process in a way, be connected in a way such that it can integrate signals. So that's the real big challenge is being neural anatomically consistent and then being able to explain, this is how we think we control movements. The second is another end of the spectrum, which I call mechanistic modeling. And actually, interestingly, it's the physicists that have moved into this field. I wouldn't actually say LIDS-type people do this. But they do under a certain situation. But essentially, if you just build these mechanistic models, what you're trying to do is be more realistic, right? Neurons are these electrically excitable cells. They have membranes. You have ions going inside and outside these membranes with gates opening and closing. And then you have these action potentials, voltage potentials across the membrane. And every now and then, if you have enough of a perturbation-- whoops-- enough of a perturbation, you'll get what's called an action potential this peak in voltage. And these are sort of what we call spikes in the brain. And these spikes move and transfer to other neurons and that carries information. So these models are really high dimensional, nonlinear, ordinary differential equations, if you think the neuron is a point. There are PDEs if you want to keep the structure of a neuron. And one neuron will have five to ten states. And so you put 1,000 neurons together and you're really in a ridiculous, high dimensional space. But they're useful in the sense of understanding mechanisms of action. What happens when you have this disease and the connectivity changes? So they can explain a lot of things. What, more recently, the controls people have been doing when they work with these types of models is bring in reduction. You know, they do model reduction techniques. And now instead of having to simulate thousands and thousands of times to understand something, they try to reduce it to where they can still answer the question of interest. And it's all done through analysis, so avoiding all these mass simulations. And finally, I think this is more where the control engineer, signal processing people come in because it's a very hot field called brain-computer interface or brain-machine interface type system. So the idea here is you put electrodes inside the brain. You record signals coming from the brain. You do some signal processing and modeling to try to interpret the intent of the subject. And then you take that interpretation and actuate a prosthetic device. And the prosthetic device could be an arm. And you have some visual feedback. And this can run in closed loop. OK? So that's pretty much what's been going on in the last 20 years. But I think there's been a big unmet need or an opportunity where a LIDS-type viewpoint can make a huge contribution. And I'm going to sort of lump this subfield as almost more basic, traditional neuroscience, so basic brain science. If you ask, what is a neuroscientist, what's their purpose? They're going to say, OK, I just want to understand what brain region or network of regions control behavior, what's their function? That's the fundamental question that they're after. And if you think about the past, they used to probe the brain, OK? Typically in mice or non-human primates, they'd put electrode wires into the brain to record on the order of tens of neurons, OK, while that subject is executing some type of structured behavior. So they'll put the electrode in, say, primary motor cortex while a subject or a monkey is making different kinds of movements. They record the activity. And their job is to relate the brain activity to the behavior. OK? And a big problem that they used to encounter is the following. I probe monkey one, I record 10 neurons from monkey one moving up and down. And I get some activity and some recordings. I do exactly the same thing for monkey two and same types of movements. I hit the same region, not necessarily the same population of neurons, and I gather that data. And the traditional analysis is correlations. Let's correlate brain to behavior. And what you may not be surprised at, because we are sparsely sampling this region, 10 neurons out of 1,000? Good luck, right? You're going to see very different responses across the monkeys. So what did the neuroscientists do? They still published papers, right? So what did they do? They say this is the trend we see in 30% of our neurons. OK? All right, so fundamentally, it was a big problem. OK, present-- well, we have fixed the sparse data to some degree in that we have new technology that can record from thousands of neurons in behaving subjects. So that's good. Instead of tens, I have thousands. Now we're sort of in this big data, not really, but some people claim, biggish data. And a lot of machine learning people have come into the neuroscience community. And it's been a big deal in the sense that there's a lot of money due to the BRAIN Initiative. And NIH has lots of money for new ideas. And when you pair a neuroscientist up with somebody who says they're going to do machine learning, that seems very attractive. The problem is they actually do a good job in capturing all the variability between subjects. And even though the neural activity looks different in monkey one and monkey two, they can build a deep enough network to capture all the inputs and outputs observed across the animals. The problem is, of course, that does nothing for the neuroscientist in terms of understanding brain function. OK, that was the purpose. That is what they're after. So here's, I think, where the opportunity is today and in the future. We still get the data. We have thousands of neurons. But instead of trying to build these highly complex, you know, deep networks, neural networks, whatever, why don't we simplify? OK. Maybe we have thousands of neurons, hundreds of neurons, and we're trying to hit the target region. So if I'm studying motor control, OK, if I'm studying movement, the neuroscientist is going to put electrodes in the motor areas of the brain in hopes of capturing all the relevant neurons, OK? But that doesn't mean that you capture everything. Because you all know when we make movements, we can never make the same movement twice, right? And let's say you're playing basketball and you're shooting and you've got an audience and they're cheering for you, you're more likely to maybe hit those baskets than if they were booing for you. So it's not just the motor regions that command motions. A lot of other factors play a role that the neuroscientists aren't even probing, like how confident you feel, whether you feel good or not, whether you're motivated, whether you care. All of these are happening in other parts of the brain, not the motor areas. And yet somehow, they're talking to your motor regions to change the way you move. So how do you get that? Through dynamical models, right? In my experience, simple, linear models work, OK? So what do we mean by this? Let's just take a simple state-space model. OK, I don't know I have this. Here we go. Simple state-space model, this is one example of how to do this, right? So the state is just the brain. What do I mean by that? It could be populations of neurons and their firing rates. So let's say I have 100 populations, and it's X is 100 dimensional. U is the stimulus, right? Remember, say, if it's this motor control experiment, I'm flashing a light that tells me, oh, I need to move over there, that's my stimulus, I move over there. The neurons respond. They're in my state vector. And I can now relate behavior to the states. Now, what I'm not saying here is, remember, this is sort of brain. Some of those states can be measured. They are, right, if they're in the motor areas. But what about all those other factors that I just talked about? Well, those are things you can capture, because they're latent, into these state variables. OK, with some sort of intuition or knowledge of how these states evolve, you can construct these kinds of models and actually capture the variability. The fact that you moved this way on trial one versus another way on trial two for the same input, you can capture that through the dynamical state. And then, of course, if you've got these simpler models, you can use them for control. Now, what's really important, if you think about that state space model, is the type of inferences you can make. What can you tell the neuroscientists at the end of the day if you can build a model like this? You can tell a neuroscientist at any given time which regions, which neural populations, these are the different states, right, are playing more of a role during movement or during behavior at any given point in time. You can also tell the neuroscientists whether they're interacting, coupled or not, or are neural populations within the same region more tightly coupled. That all comes from the model, right? And then at the end, how is this changing behavior? And this is incredible because these are exactly the fundamental questions that they're after. So I think there's a huge opportunity for that. Thanks. [APPLAUSE] DEVARAT SHAH: All right, so clearly, finally, I understood John's wisdom, autonomous cars, then managing aerial traffic, to optical networks, to finance, to the Gs, and finally the brain. So this is extremely exciting for all of us. I have a bunch of questions that I have prepared. But I'm also looking at the clock, and I don't want to take away all the time. So first I'm going to open this up to the audience. And if the time permits, I will ask questions. Well, he is going to be difficult, but I'm pretty sure my panel is very well prepared. [LAUGHING] AUDIENCE: Thank you for your amazing talks. So having talked about big transitions in aviation, optical communication, finance, wireless communication, neuroscience, and AV. So I think control theory has played an important role and will make contributions in the future. From one perspective, however, except finance, all these fields are less competitive in terms of participating agents. For example, on the contrast, in biomedical field, like cancer and infectious disease, the cancer stem cell and the pathogens are self-evolvable agents. So in this case, how might control theory or information theory can contribute to these competitive fields to manage the kinds of treatment under control? [INAUDIBLE] RICHARD BARRY: I didn't get it either. THOMAS RICHARDSON: I don't know. But I'm pretty sure it's not for me. So I'm gonna-- RICHARD BARRY: Did you understand it? THOMAS RICHARDSON: No. SRIDEVI SARMA: Yeah, I could try. DEVARAT SHAH: Please. SRIDEVI SARMA: So I think, if I understood, so the example you gave, OK, I'll interpret this cancer analogy. So you said a cancerous cell versus some other cell. So let me give you an idea where maybe control might work in a similar setting, right? So when we develop-- I'll talk about the brain-- when we actually develop, cells have no specificity. At birth, right, or in the womb, you start off with a bunch of cells, millions, billions of cells that divide, then ultimately specialize. These become liver, these become this, this is gonna go to brain, right? And then in the brain, they start specializing. OK, this is gonna be hindbrain. This is gonna be this structure, this structure, and this structure. So the biomedical scientists actually try to understand all the interactions that have to happen chemically and physically for cells to move and specialize. Now, sometimes things go wrong, right? At birth, you might have a defect where the cell doesn't even develop. So you can imagine, if you can understand the steps and processes, you can inject a stem cell and control how it behaves with its environment, right, through feedback and so forth to make it develop normally. There's one. Does that-- at least, biology. AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] another [INAUDIBLE] of-- [LAUGHING] --cell mutation is stochastic. Yeah. [INTERPOSING VOICES] DEVARAT SHAH: Andrea has a question. AUDIENCE: I don't need a mic. DEVARAT SHAH: You don't need mic. [LAUGHING] AUDIENCE: So on the neuroscience, I think there's a parallel to what we've seen in machine learning in deep brain stimulation and basically broader aspects of using closed-loop control to stimulate nerves and stimulate the brain where we don't understand, for example, why the deep brain stimulation works in Parkinson's and doesn't work all the time. Sometimes it works. I was having a conversation with the CEO of Medtronic and I said, you know, what I find interesting is we have no models for the brain. So that's why we can't build the control systems well. But we're building them and they work anyway. So I guess the question-- but not all the time and we don't know why-- so the question is, to me, neuroscience is a fascinating and important area to apply closed-loop control, but how do we do it when we don't have the models for the brain to build the control systems on top of it? SRIDEVI SARMA: So this was something I spent my first six, seven years really focused on. So one, there are models out there that are mechanistic. And so detailed that they contain thousands of neurons and all the structures in what we call the motor control circuit, including basal ganglia, that affects Parkinson's disease. Now, you cannot use those models for prediction, for real-time control, as you said. But what people are doing now, and these are controls people, is they're taking these detailed models and treating it as a virtual brain. And then simulating and looking at population level activity and then applying simple linear models, linear time varying, whatever. But there's much simpler models describing phenomena at more of a population level. And there are publications and research out there that show model-based control, feedback control. The thing is, the trick is actually implementing. It's not necessarily hardware. Medtronic has this closed-loop hardware. But it's the idea that, OK, if this is an optimal controller I design, it's not clear that the device can generate that stimulation signal. Because usually these are pulses, periodic, aperiodic. The controller is spitting out continuous unless you constrain it. Or it may not be safe for the brain, depending on what you're trying to do. So the models are out there. It's just not ready to translate. AUDIENCE: Just one follow up [INAUDIBLE].. So for example, diabetes, you can measure glucose levels and do injection. But what you're reading or your physical activity, the soft data that we don't necessarily know how to model in control systems plays a role, as well. And I think that applies to finance. It applies to some of the applications that are interesting for 5G. So how do we take kind of these mathematical models and the very rigorous mathematics that we've applied to them and bring in soft data and interpretable data for control? [INAUDIBLE] DEVARAT SHAH: I'm moderating, so I'm definitely not taking the question. [LAUGHING] SRIDEVI SARMA: So let me just ask. So what do you mean by soft data? AUDIENCE: So take diabetes as an example because that's the most concrete one. So there, you inject insulin based on the sugar level in the blood, right? And what you're trying to do is keep it within some boundary. And that's what the closed-loop diabetes systems are doing. But what you're eating and when you're eating and whether you're exercising or not and even some of the things you were talking, about these outside stimulus, do you feel good or not, has an impact on, you know, how much you should be injecting. And there isn't a good understanding of how to take the hard data, which is what is your actual finger prick amount of sugar in your blood, with these other things. And so I think it is related to the question you asked about, you know, when somebody is cheering for you or booing for you, how does that affect it. So what I mean by soft data is data that we don't understand its impact on this closed-loop control system, but we know it has an impact. SRIDEVI SARMA: Right. So I'll give you-- where's Rose? Rose Faghih, I'll put a shout out to her work. So yeah, so think of the case you said exercising or maybe things will be different if you're under stress, like cognitive stress or something. So people are, and this as part of Rose's program, is, you know, can I have a wearable device, you know, that just measures, say, my sweat levels, and then from that, use models to estimate the underlying cognitive stress. That's your state. And then you build a model of state with the actual explicit measurements, the hard data, I guess, what you're talking about, to refine your model to capture sort of those variations based on various levels of stress or exercise. And so I think this is what's happening now. DEVARAT SHAH: Other questions? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE],, do you really need to control-- so in all of these systems which are biological systems and not man-made systems, I'm not sure whether at this point we can really control. Or, you know, maybe if we're within a band or some trends, that's all what we can hope for and we should be happy with that. Because yes, there are no models. We don't know all of the inputs and all of the-- you know, that affect the system. AUDIENCE: Yeah, I mean, just take the diabetes as an example. It's been life-changing that you have these closed-loop control systems where people are not gonna die because they're not going to go outside of the ranges of what's, you know, life preserving for their blood sugar levels. So I think that that is a really important application of these control systems applied outside of the traditional engineered systems to biological systems. AUDIENCE: I mean, in diabetes, isn't it that what's important is more the trend, as opposed to the numbers. I mean-- AUDIENCE: No, [INAUDIBLE]. AUDIENCE: If it's going up, then I want to slow that trend, you know, whether it's 20, 25, or 30, you know, there's so much that I can do. I mean, if I see it going up, ramping up quickly, then I want to sort of slow it down and bring it back down, right? AUDIENCE: There is a range that you want to stay in. DEVARAT SHAH: It clearly looks like the panel is doing its work by sort of increasing the discussion. Any other questions? Because I have a pressing question. And if you don't ask, I'm going to go to my question. AUDIENCE: Go to your question. AUDIENCE: Go ahead. DEVARAT SHAH: Thank you. I was asking for that, right? So I'm going to ask this question both for myself and the students sitting here in the audience. Each of you, clearly, at some point, started from learning the tool box-- let's call it LIDS-style education-- no matter what background you came from, and then you thought about a transition, a transition in your own respective fields. How did you decide that that was the right thing to do and how did you go about it? Because at some level, it's about moving out of your comfort zone, right? And I mean, there are lots of implications that go with that in academia evaluations, in sort of real life, sort of where you end up and so on and so forth. So it's a very crucial question. So how did you guys make that decision? And I would encourage all panelists to take that question. Yeah, please. EMILIO FRAZZOLI: Yes, I actually have a little anecdote of what happened to me, what they call the five-minute phone call that changed my life. At some point, as some of you may know, MIT has this big collaboration with Singapore. And at some point, I heard that there was a team forming for a future urban mobility, a new project, and I wanted in. So I called the person who was organizing the whole thing, Cindy Barnhart. I told her about my interest. And she told me, yeah, OK, you know, thank you for your interest. But, you know, what do you bring to the table? Well, I work on self-driving cars. Yeah, but you understand, this is a project on urban mobility, not a project on robotics. Put on the spot, I had to come up with something. Because I wanted to go to Singapore. And I said, what if, what if you had, like, a smart phone-- at that point, there was not even a smartphone, it was like BlackBerry or something-- which you can call a car, and then the robotic car comes and picks you up and brings you to your destination. At the time, Uber did not exist. Right? And then she went, OK, that sounds like a good idea. You're in. Right? So then I started the whole thing. Now, what happened to me, at that point, I just made that up because I wanted to go to Singapore. But then I start to think, you know what? This is actually not a bad idea. So then I started asking, OK, so I want to build these self-driving cars, but what is really the point? How would this technology really change, have an impact? And then you start thinking more about that. And then you start saying, well, actually there is something here. But then I actually, I started doing a lot of work in that area. As a professor, I was giving lectures to everybody. And everybody was telling me, you know, that's stupid. This will never work. All the car companies, why do we want to do that? I want to sell more cars, I don't want to sell fewer. So at some point, you know, I believed in it so much and nobody was listening. And then at some point, well, you know, what the heck, I'm just going to do it myself. So in a sense, it was this transition of start to thinking about why am I doing this work? And then looking at what is the potential, try to have an impact. And then if you can't, at some point, you just believe in it so much that, you know, you're-- at least in my case, I started doing it on my own. DEVARAT SHAH: Sri next or anyone. RICHARD BARRY: I mean, I'll say. I don't know, I'd say, you know, it's not easy to make that decision. You know? And I remember it being very difficult at the time. For me, it was partly following the field. So it was a natural progression in that, you know, WDM links were out there. And Steve Alexander had left Lincoln where I was and joined Ciena. And if links were there, then networks were going to come later was the thought. And I had a belief that, at least in my area, when the commercial world was taking at the pace at which it was going, that research, whether it was at Lincoln or academia, really wasn't going to be the place to be. It was just too hard for research to follow, especially in an area where the components that were available were so important. So I had decided to either go in commercial in this area in optical networking or to switch research fields, right? And I just decided to do that. I had a commercial offer, too. So I don't know, between the commercial and starting your own, I mean, that seemed more interesting. But also my co-founders are Eric Swanson and Desh Deshpande, without them, you know, it wouldn't have felt really right. And certainly with me, it would've been a disaster alone. So it was just a lot of things at the right time. And you know, the willingness to take risks, too. Because it wasn't an easy decision at the time. THOMAS RICHARDSON: Maybe I could just make-- So at the time that I joined Flarion, actually there were two startups spinning out of Bell Labs. And one of them was the Flarion. And the other one was actually the holographic data storage project. They were both spinning out. And they were both pretty interesting from a technological standpoint. I think there were a couple of reasons why I chose Flarion. One was just, I mean, I think also from a risk perspective, both were pretty risky. Part of it was maybe just the team that you were going to go with. You have to have confidence, especially if you're going to go into an entrepreneurial setting. You have to have a good team. And you have to have a lot of confidence in the team. And the other thing was just where did I think I could bring the most value. And they both needed the expertise. But on the wireless side, I felt there was more opportunity for growth and more things to do where my skill set would fit. So I think you want to go into a situation where you can branch out. I think that makes it more attractive. SHASHI BORADE: I was sort of lucky to have Lizhong and Bob in the following sense. They encouraged me to do a different type of internship every time. So I worked at a research lab at an industry kind of job in summer intern. And then my last one was at DE Shaw as a summer intern. I really liked it. I thought, wow, I can use all the theory I have learned, play with real data, and essentially make impact that could be affecting the real world in, you know, months sometimes or weeks or much faster than the other cycles I had seen in my internships. So that was really fun. And I just thought I can try it for a while, and if I don't like it, I can maybe do something else, maybe come back to information theory or something. So this was fun. And I guess a second transition was working for an employer to starting our own venture. That was more of a decision because we really wanted to work together, my co-founder. And this seemed like a good time to take risk. Worst case, you can always get back some sort of job. So that was the second transition. HAMSA BALAKRISHNAN: I think, you know, you said [INAUDIBLE] we all have two hats, right? So one, is the math is beautiful. But if you wear a little bit of an engineering hat, and I think seeing something, it is hard, but actually seeing something out there in the real world, it's its own reward, right? So I think, to a large extent, that's what I think made me take the transition. I should say, though, for the kind of problems that LIDS people here work on and the theory, there is this notion of the garbage pail theory, especially when it comes to policy makers and governments, which is, you know, the theory that you come up with or a solution you come up with is beautiful, but you give it to somebody who is a decision maker and they're going to throw it in the garbage pail. But the first time something goes wrong, they're going to reach in, right, and pick the first thing in the garbage pail out, and that's going to become practice. So I think, to some extent, as researchers, we actually owe society. We need to keep that garbage pail full of good ideas that can become practice so that, you know, we then don't regret the ideas that actually go there. DEVARAT SHAH: That's excellent. Excellent. Thank you. SRIDEVI SARMA: Do you want me to say-- DEVARAT SHAH: Yes, of course. SRIDEVI SARMA: I'll try to be brief. Yeah, no, I mean, I think for me it was just the questions I was most passionate about answering in my life. So in my research career, at least, I mean, I think with Munther, we talked about communication constraints. If I put this in feedback, it's constrained by this. You know, what are our conditions on stability? OK. It's-- [LAUGHING] No, it's rewarding in that, OK, there could be some mathematical challenges. You do some theory, prove some theorem, and you get some confidence, OK? So that's great. And I was interested you know, and still am interested. But then if you contrast that, for me, at least saying, OK, what does deep brain stimulation do, and you put this wire in the brain and you dump all this current. And now a person can go from not walking to walking. That's the question I wanted to answer. Was it scary? Absolutely. All my colleagues were saying-- I even had one say you jumped ship. What are you doing? But I didn't because everything I do today, I use my LIDS training. And I think what was most important is that none of my mentors said anything negative about that decision. It was really, I think that was important. I think I was impressionable. If somebody said, if either Mitter or Sasha or Munther said anything like, Sri, that's too much, then I would have questioned it. But yeah, and then you have to be a little bit take risk. DEVARAT SHAH: Thank you. I think, unless there's a pressing question on that high note, I would like to sort of end the panel, thank all our panelists. [APPLAUSE] Don't go. Don't go. Please don't go. There is important remarks that John is going to give as a closing remark. [INAUDIBLE] JOHN TSITSIKLIS: Sorry to disappoint you, Devarat, I'm not going to say anything deep or that important. I think I already start feeling the withdrawal symptoms that are going to be coming to me in just a few hours because this has been going so great. I feel I could easily have enjoyed another day of this. It has all been so stimulating, fascinating. I'm even thinking I would like to go back and be a graduate student again and join this great group of people and get inspired. Well, to partially mitigate the withdrawal symptoms, tomorrow we're showing the Shannon movie. And the film maker of the movie is going to be present. And we'll have a panel where Andrea and Bob will be joining. So please join in that. So I would like now to take the opportunity to thank, most important of all, our distinguished honorees who actually honored us with their presence here. I want to thank all the speakers and the panelists and the chairs. They were really all very stimulating, very interesting. I think, I believe everybody is going to leave with the same positive feeling that I will be leaving this event. And thank you all for being here and joining us. So we'll have a sort of very informal, light reception out there for people to mingle for as long as they wish. And before you exit the room, I'd like to ask, at least those of us who are still here, to all of us crowd down here to get a group photograph. All right. Thank you. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Views: 564
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Id: i6qwH9nOV1I
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Length: 96min 18sec (5778 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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