Lib Dems drop their manifesto, and Labour sponsor Love Island | Podcast #64

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love podcast hate nonsense it's the politics Joe podcast ladies and gentlemen neutrality in World War II yes or no no is this right no we both gave the right answer but it took us an embarrassingly long time to get there cuz it's it's sort of like the Jihad question that olle got once what was the Jihad question that is so left wing he's basically Jihad oh yeah s stunned into silence yes you the thing you won't accept is that the more leftwing you are the more likely you are to support Jihad yeah I actually think by the way the woke answer to that question is no neutrality in World War II yes neutrality in World War I yeah ah do you hear that in the gallery there you go just cuz he's Irish were neutral in World War [Laughter] II oh and that was fine he was talking about this going on about how they they dutifully returned any RAF soldier that crushed in like Bast during World War II I was like I feel like that's something you should do say Bast I said in the fre State oh sorry in the Free State joh said well look listen I wasn't really listening it's interesting modeling your political career after Neville Chamberlain it's a good tactic to Chamberlain was was right isn't a vote winner I would say why was that guy Pro neutrality why was it yeah he thought he could do a deal with Hitler right well the Germans wanted neutrality with Britain they viewed us Kindred Spirits do you think he was impressed with the Empire or do you think that's more embarrassing that like kind of cold war where like actually no one was interested in us but we kept putting our beak [Laughter] in you know Hitler if the Germans had successfully invaded Britain wanted Blackpool left alone he didn't want black pool destroy because he wanted a pleasure city right he thought it was important for the population to have somewhere to go on holiday right I mean it's um the like histor Blackpool was once sort of unique like globally mhm for its ations and as an entertainment center and it's and also in terms of the number of people that used to go there and it's kind of precipitous decline into well kind of Left Behind abandoned place was a really good bit bit in um unheard recently in Blackpool mhm which is well worth your time but it's it's striking that it can go from kind of being like the destination in Europe to completely and utterly dilapidated and run down in the space of decade it's quite quite remarkable do you know who' do something about that tell me Ed Dy well he he would wouldn't he if he's going to take us back into the single Market yeah there was a big boost to our beaches wasn't there after Co or during Co because a lot of people were visiting Seaside towns again because they were worried about going away so if you take his tax on flights Ed Davis proposed tax on flights and um the potential to go back into the EU and get the back for the beaches black Blackpool could be up and running by next year we save Blackpool in one year yeah 365 days 4th of July 2025 blackpool's Independence Day what's your favorite libm policy announcement in the manifesto Ed my favorite there's so many I love them all so much what's your favorite uh I liked giving councils the end and the the capacity to end right to buy I liked an immediate ban on no fault evictions um yeah I the housing stuff was good um tripling the Digital Services tax I thought was good immediate recognition of the State of Palestine I thought was good legalizing cannabis I thought was good was there any you didn't like this is the problem stuff he wasn't a fan of the care stuffff we get 8,000 new GPS well this is the problem this is the problem with the lib DS because if you look if you just if you put it down on a piece of paper and you you obscured who was offering it you go that's interesting sort of Cent left policy ideas and then if you just moved the bit of paper that was obscuring the letter head and you saw that it was from the lib Dem you say it's not [ __ ] worth the paper that it's written on so disagree got them um I think if there's if it's fully if it's fully costed if one policy is costed an opposition party or governing party might Nick it and implement it so it's the party of influence it's the party of Vibes party of good ideas that's rough for them this is the real labor party Manifesto here and the labor are just going to steal their clothes the problem is um and it was kind of like when I had my political Awakening right was 2010 around the student fee stuff because you start I wasn't old enough to vote but you start you start you're paying attention and there's this guy called Nick C and he's doing these debates and Gordon Brown and every C going I agree with Nick I agree with Nick you know legalizing cannabis that's an interesting idea abolishing tuition fees that's an interesting idea and then he gets into coalition government and he abandons um that that pledge not only does he abandon it he triples tuition fees in coalition government and I went to the protest I didn't [ __ ] ransack Milbank but I stood out outside it and I and I remember saying to myself like never forget this feeling never forget this feeling of betrayal because that is what they have done they got your interest and you I know you weren't allowed to vote but you're out there sort of making the case in conversation with people people who were eligible to vote did carrying your book of 1984 yeah did vote for them and they just [ __ ] you all and in the name of um a [ __ ] referendum on proportional representation that they were never going to win um and five chares on plastic bags was that them little Li DS yeah for l i I just think they have like the unfortunate thing for them is there's now an entire generation of people that that is the hurdle they have to sum out with everything they announce he like I'm I'm going to hold on to that for a very very very very long time can I counter it of course you can yeah labor would be the gateway to student fees right they were the ones who first introduced the mechanism for it yeah which meant that um the to the coalition government only had to use secondary legislation they didn't actually have to implement a whole new bill right second to that no other party has talked about cont like abolishing it apart from reform that's the problem for the livb Dems for all of their um tennis based stunts and for all of Ed Davy's apparent Humanity discussing the care of his son I just I just I just can't forgive them I won't forgive them you had a good line at the 2009 Liam conference right okay I've been I've been in the breaking news Ed Campbell at the scene what did Ed David say in 2009 when I was 13 um he said he said that we should have tea with the Taliban which was picked up kind of ridiculed as like a school thought British what did you say the school but he then went on to say in Afghanistan sharing tea with someone is a way to like break to break down barriers and come to an agreement which is the phrase tea with the Taliban it's like Huga hoodi or something way worse than HGI well Corbin wanted to do that didn't he he wanted to he want to have two with everyone if um if he got home one evening and you one of the rare occasions that sort of letter is there on the doormat yep and it's not a bill and you sort of look at the handwriting and you going why is it written right to left and then you open it and it is um the tban requests the pleasure of your company at afternoon tea tomorrow evening would you go where is it helmond no where hel not in Iraq no helman's in Afghanistan oh never mind oh C I thought you meant like it was like what coffee shop is that would you go no why not I don't trust the Taliban particularly yeah but if they invite you for tea you got to assume it's on good faith yes you've got to and that's a very sensible thing to do Jal Ki said about going to the Turkish Embassy it's like I assume I'm been invited there in good faith I'm just here to collect documents to marry my wife yeah unlucky pal I don't imagine i' get the invite why they're not famously the most most Pro woman organization are they well let's give them a chance if forgive if we're going for tea we might as well assume they changed all their beliefs it would be a hell of a way to just sort of um indoctrinate women sort of falsely invite them to Afghanistan on the pretense of having a cup of tea and then be like sorry py there's a burka there's a film about that isn't there do you know that one where they go to Iran not without my daughter yeah yeah Sally Field yeah he really got her there didn't he pranked do you know the film he's like he's a radian they've lived in America for like their whole life time they've known each other he's like I've got to go home my Dad's sick you must come with me she's like okay I'll come with you dutiful wife he gets it he's like ha you can't leave now oh really yeah it's pretty ble remember that guy who with Lord males yeah he does like T like tourism in Afghanistan and then they kidnapped him for a bit yeah oh yeah he's spiraling at the moment he recently tweeted how he's he's blackpilled oh no yeah I think he was pretty blackp before yeah it's interesting to be like I'm now black I'm no I'm no Through the Looking Glass I was selling these 911 rugs um I'm not sure that you can still as someone who loves to be angry about the lib Dems for the Betrayal I'm not actually sure you can still be angry at them for it well I am but because the anger that I have for it is really for selling the loans rather than putting it up in the first place I do think I think it's reasonable for universities I obviously I would much rather have a free education system like Scotland has obviously but I think it's reasonable for them to charge £99,000 a year I actually do think that that's reasonable value for money particularly if you're doing medicine um but disagree but it's the selling off the loans and the obscene interest that people are expected to pay there is no good reason why people should be paying back essentially like a loan shark fee every month from their hard- owned money rather than actually contributing to paying off their loan that's the thing that that that blows my mind well I guess because in practice it it basically functions as a graduate tax doesn't it yeah it's like the we we ensure that your debt pile will basically ever increase unless you're so moneyed that you're paying off enough of this to counter the the rate which is increasing um it essentially functions as a graduate tax that if you're earning over a threshold 25k at the moment um you'll be paying you'll be paying it back for the next 25 years it basically functions yeah as a tax um which is pretty sad as well especially when you're when you're pretty hard strapped for cash anyway when you've just graduated well I guess that's why you don't start paying it back until you start earning 25 Grand but I mean I just that's not really enough is it to have like 90 quid go out your bank account every month or 80 quid whatever it is at that point yeah I mean I just I just think it should be free I think the state should pay for it I don't think um yeah well no so do I that's sorry sorry yeah I'm I'm talking about like maso's hierarchy of Education like you know in an Ideal World obviously would you would you with hindsight would you go into Coalition with the Tories if you were if you were CLE if you were Cy never in a million years um I'm well they they had a really powerful moment there didn't they because they had the king makers yeah yeah and they had the opportunity to plunge us back into another election and then perhaps if you did the maths at that time you might think well the Tories will actually swing it this time more people will vote what were labor on would it have been a minority government or would they have had enough to it could have been a liberal labor I think so just yeah t more seats but I think it was let's go 2010 it would have been a much weaker government they could have done Li dupid the classic the tri the founding fathers let's have a look sorry guys you might need to talk amongst yourself we're both wearing a gray hoodie today we are a treat for the listeners to find out what we're weing I think if you're in hindsight Nick leg goes into Coalition and the live Dems Hemorrhage seats and are no longer the third party in Parliament and then 14 years later we're having convers a about would you vote for the lib Dems based on their decision- making in 2010 even though they're like putting out quite an attractive Progressive slate of policies that are supposed to appeal to people like us but there people are still frustrated about their decision- making in government in 2010 and also enabling austerity for 5 years I I think that was probably a mistake the outcome is bad outcome bad for the country and the liberal Democrats but that's with hindsight isn't it well yeah obviously I suppose selfishly at the point in time you'd go I don't really want to send I don't want to send this back to the electorate because we might lose some Li MPS and I'd rather keep what we have I'd quite like to be Deputy Prime Minister but you know they needed 11 extra seats oh really yeah if the labor and labor and Liv Dems had gone into Coalition they would have need an extra 11 but apparently it was abortive apparently the Liv Dems just immediately went to the Tories well we're here let's [ __ ] get the show on the road d c Nick C is quite Tory though isn't he yeah a rightwing liberal yeah um you know what we nearly had the future that we could have had which we were denied is Joe Winson as prime minister the next prime minister of the United Kingdom you know such a campaigning ER wasn't it that was insane yeah good for her good for her conceive believe achieve baby why in Earth would you want any of your broadcasts around availability or opportunity to be talking about Den policy when you can talk about how ridiculous it is that you think that you could be prime minister every like the first 6 minutes of any interview she ever gave after that was just like journalists going but you you do you really think that are you delusional why are you wearing another yellow dress every bloody time that woman turned up on any TV appearance it was a different yellow where was she buying them there was a run there was a run on yellow dresses in the UK um yeah when you think about it like that it's actually a pretty hard pivot to like Ed Davey on a water slide very humble no yellow dress in that yeah oh I love that they were just like yeah we really got it wrong last time [ __ ] fire up Rush at thought Park get a Davey on it job done do you think politicians or leaders are ever annoyed that they have to wear their party's colors kind of seems just like dressing up like a Flyn didn't wear his colors on Friday wear a yellow tie I think he did Wear Yellow tie an orangey starm wore a blue tie the other day but I mean debates and stuff or I mean for a woman actually specifically like andela rer in a red dress I think she just likes red to be honest a green suit yeah don't know what that's about it's a bit of a pivot but literally everyone on love Island last night was wearing red are you watching Love Island it's it's really good downhill are you the one person just me yeah it's gone super downhill I saw a Tik Tok of it today and I thought I've not heard a single thing about love Island yeah they're all [ __ ] minging I didn't actually even know yeah they're not even fit it's so what is the point of the show now but Jam is on there isn't she yeah but she's not in there I mean come on yeah first I would never speak ill of the Queen by the way yeah like certified rocket Mar jamama we pay our respects Queen Camilla she's not even a rocket is she she's sort of like a deity yeah she's astronomical out of this world um no the rest of them [ __ ] i' got to be honest they're hanging and it's like why are we watching this show it's not for [ __ ] the debate is it it's cuz you it's cuz you've got a six-pack and you wear a thong all day that's why we watch the show I'm going to try and work out what you eat to maintain that level of lean mass yeah Joey Essex is in it actually oh that's weird it is weird yeah why is Jo there no he's in it yeah he's in there as like a normal contestant he's in there as a contestant that's like full circle iv2 yeah that's the completion of ITV to Circuit yeah oh which also weird cuz he's like he must be like in his late 30s by now well then he's past his prime isn't he on the Shelf but also it's it's a trick I guess a tricky one for him because if you're you know a run-ofthe-mill love Island contestant and you get in there and then you're like [ __ ] me this is like this is having Man City here like this man is big time he's like the he's the ayatolla of reality TV ayatolla yeah he's the Taliban yes Joey Essex I would like to go for tea to BU his Elwoods at the door again um no because if you're just a regular person who's in love is Jo you're like well [ __ ] obviously we going to shack up with him because that's like Route One to an itv2 docu series about our life after love Island um girls after to him is he popular I mean I've only watched one episode and they were all wearing red and no one was fit and I was like why am I watching is that what made you think about it because of Angela Raina wearing red yeah cuz we were talking about the clothes every it was genuinely confusing I didn't understand what was going on well maybe it's sponsored by the labor party they've obviously sh well do you know who is sponsored by the labor party the son yesterday yeah yeah they've done that a couple times taking over different websites Liverpool on Friday won't I looking forward to that what's everyone's favorite love Island moment of all time oh without a doubt the tits thing elect a tit tit it so great so funny I like when Adam card came back oh who why do you know both of his names what why why is that weird how do you know that I don't know Megan bar Hanson where's Nelson where's Nelson's a rapper now yeah Megan oh she I was going to say something really mean no [ __ ] it it's all it's all plastic surgery isn't it so I can say this it's not her actual body she was in is that how it was it she wasn't born with it you know it wasn't like a natural defect it was a defect she brought upon herself she paid for me I saw her still supporting girls no no listen I love the girls I'm just pointing out please continue yeah I but also you've already made the point that we watch Love Island not for the chat not for the debate yeah correct she was in the cafe at the last place I worked in front of me and I actually could not believe the state of that plastic surgery it actually shocked me it was a body type I had never seen in the flesh before it actually astounded me yeah I mean it's sad I think the reason I say that cuz I think that's bad I think that's bad to be promoting that sort of body I've um we interviewed her when we made our love island film and she would very much sort of make the case that it makes her feel good makes her happy um but I do know what you mean I'm not saying this is the case with her but with other people let's say um the Kardashians are a good example or anyone else where if you get this plastic surgery um it might be like a BBL or whatever and it's a essentially like surgery for Instagram aesthetic so it's so like I don't know your ass looks ginormous when you're someone takes a photo of view in profile or I don't know whatever it is but the second you actually see it for example in like video or not so I don't know let's take Kardashian for example not in the reality TV show but when there's like someone who's filmed something on a smartphone at like the side of a red carpet and you see them walking up and you're like oh [ __ ] hell that's what that actually looks like that's insane and it's an interesting way that social media Aesthetics have kind of extended their tendrils into the real world and started literally changing people's body types and shapes for for Instagram engagement I think also as well it ages people prematurely if someone like in their 20s gets a ton of plastic surgery they actually look much older because it's people in their 40s or something that would get it yeah but they're all doing it now they're all doing baby Botox that there there are there's an entire ation of of women who think that they need to start Botox at 22 and they don't does Botox make you look younger though not older catches up with you in the end it does it does but it's a bit of both because a 20-year-old skin is peachy and it doesn't need to be Tau taught and so it's quite obvious if like a 20 20-year-old's got if a 20-y oldold had a face Li you think who is that 35y old person I think it's sad also is that the first thing you think excuse me who is that oh I bet you remember when uh Nick C introduced tuition fees Madam I don't think you were born after Iraq oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] that tweet you did where you were like anyone who cares about tuition fees is old and it's like I sent that to AA first to see if it was funny and AA had such a visceral reaction I was said okay this is going cuz I wasn't actually sure if if it applied to you cuz we went to un at the same time so I wasn't sure if you were angry why would it not apply to me I start to pay it I don't know because I wasn't sure about how cuz I knew he was livid I just wasn't sure about your feelings on it yeah well now you know did did you know that there will be people who were born after 911 voting in this election did we figure out if Laura was born after 91 ask ask months1 good and you did nothing I find that quite funny when I sort like I don't know like a man I'm dating and he'll like have a really clear recollection of Diana [Laughter] dying someone someone I know is dating a guy four years younger than her the first series world event he remembers is Obama being elected what oh no are you joking but is he also just a bit thick oh no he was eight so before that what 2005 election fair enough the Boxing Day tsunami that was a bad one that was a bad one I'm glad we're all coming out against the boxing tsunami I would have actually taken it for tea have we simply had tried to have a dialogue with the Boxing Day tsunami but if Okay so let's say it was on condition you would be safe like they've assured you you're safe tsunami no the Taliban right would you go no I don't trust why not why is it not interesting I think I'm I'm more concerned person this is actually you Shing your Prejudice if you can't trust like all of the Taliban why are you painting they're not a monolith what's what's more concerning vote the same what's more concerning is other than your general lack of curiosity in The Human Condition uh as a person but you are also a journal oh my God what you you need you need to have a degree of personal professional capacity and curiosity about the Taliban you're telling me if some if the Taliban invited you for tea you wouldn't go you are a journalist imagine the extreme Britain you could do that so that's a completely different question would you go and have tea and with the T in a personal capacity probably not would you make a document with the Taliban yes that's a different question I don't believe now you do this all the time you try and shift the go dishonest completely dishonest what would your extreme Britain question be for the Taliban Ed you thank the bus driver do you think the bus what do you get on your role is it a b or a cob that Leo Vader thing do you call it squash or do you call it din is this a cob or is this a uh the Northerners in Afghanistan like people in the South or whatever there was a segment on boxing the other day on I want to say Radio 4 I think it might be on a Broadcasting House rude of them to not invite the yeah well that's was it quite antic I was actually half expecting there to be like a um I actually think we should listen back to her and then come back tomorrow and give our appraisal of it my opinion was you lot don't know boxing oh you twoo you lot are amateurs yeah you haven't done hundreds you haven't been like 12 hours into a shift rung up by Ollie Doug Moore can you just get a quick Vox standing in the pouring rain begging people to please talk to you you've not been denying Harry lunch for oh yeah Ed hasn't fed Harry the entire time he's worked with him that's another that's another professional shortcoming of camell when are we doing your is that not is that not coming I'm sorry I'm taking my Vengeance [ __ ] pair of you going on out the Welsh language relentlessly for the last two episodes my time is now I've not I've been on one feed your shooter Ed I've been on one episode in like six days it's rule number one is feed shooter I feed Harry like I get there you indulge him Harry I Doge indulge Harry at Harry at I give him I give him Pine I like do everything Harry what can I get for you would you please get just a little bit of b-roll for me please I'll buy you a Danish and Laura who who was the guy that I interviewed on Friday the politician that replied to Oi about the Welsh language yeah I thought you were going to ask him about it he's a bit what I I I thought about it did you think about ask obviously you should not have done that oh did you think about asking Z palansky about the breast enlargement thing yeah I did have done that but then I'd already gone down the anti Semite thing I was i' already tried to tell him no I just thought I thought once you've asked about that and you've had quite a serious conversation it' be a bit weird to be like any luck with boobs tonight for cont this is z palansky saying he he claimed could make women's breasts bigger through hypnosis do you think that he would try that do you think he'd come into the studio and show us no I don't don't think feel if it worked he's super he's actually really low level superhero Sean's now walking around with like these huge breasts not knowing what to do with them Nothing fits me anymore you Happ to wear really baggy t-shirts it's like Impractical Jokers you know when they've they've got the in earpieces in there behind the wall with the microphone except it's Zack palansky and sadique Khan is sat here and palansky is just gradually making him grow tits over the course of an interview and to deer in the other room rise up sadik can's very poor for you to choose Impractical Jokers over Anton deck yeah got America pilled isn't it bit embarrassing no no because Anon deck is significantly a worse more more terrible of a reference codified Constitution yes or no what uh me personally cuz the lib Dems are offering it MH well I guess the problem that would be in reaction to the breakdown of the good chap theory that we've seen over the past couple of years and I think I've actually already accidentally made the case for a codified constitution haven't I so it would be a bit remiss of me to backtrack now yes you can change your mind it's well if Nigel can we all can I think we all can it's not just extended to no Nigel before Nigel farage did this no one was allowed to change their minds yeah limited limited little written Constitution I think not a bad idea ens Shrine certain things free speech freedom of Association freedom of speech that could be a bit tricky That Couldn't it it's contested not if you're a free speech absolutist which is why I will now say no yeah we've just cut out Ollie saying the worst thing that you could possibly imagine yeah because we don't have free speech incuded in the Constitution yet did you know um that there's a free speech Stone in Hamer he it's the stone of free speech yeah yeah what happens there if you go there you can you can you can shout racial slurs at the top of your voice and no one can do anything no no one can do a thing no one can do anything really it's like the Rosetta Stone no you will you will get battered yeah no I think that it's it's just called the stone of free speech to Mark Free Speech but like rur joke that you can just go there and like shout slurs I don't know where the [ __ ] tree is so I couldn't tell you its proximity to the [ __ ] tree you can find it up to what do you think of I think I know where it is 500% counter taxs increase on second homes I like that every time we go off the rails one of us is just like naming a lipm policy to try and get this back on track um Point number one if you know where the [ __ ] tree is let us know Point number two good policy mhm we could probably just ring up the guy who wrote the piece about the [ __ ] tree and that's that's cheating right okay why do journalism when the audience can do it for you well arguably the journalism's already been done he properly have we yes well I I don't think he specifically said where it was did he oh Brun in the fence hamsted Heath I think he said big place that though isn't it we could all take one corner each and just kind of move through it if you had like a decent enough sort of um like echolocator you could probably pick up on the gruning yeah but there be other people in the park or a metal detector out what for like a [ __ ] ring exactly yeah sorry how would that work metal you can't just point a metal detector across a park and like the [ __ ] Ring's over there the metal detector works when you run it over the M sorry I me I meant I was thinking of a magnet not a and I realize now I mean like Prince Albert piercing rather than cocking that's exact that's what I meant as well um that's not what a cop ring is though is it but the Liv so the Liv Downs have got a a pretty progressive tax policy and they're I thought that you would be more interested in that I thought you would have already started speaking about it is it Progressive well it's more Progressive than Tweedle tax and Tweedle no tax thank you wow that was sick we're on fire today yeah cool off um it's um no it's it's pretty limited I comp compared to I think there's about half the amount of spending commitments in this Manifesto as compared to 2019 I expect to be more of the same with the with the Tories and and labor um tripling the Digital Services tax yeah interesting um that is way more interest don't don't you no I won't have that attitude it is really interesting that they want to tax big Tech no other party have been brave enough to confront that it's just twiddling around the edges though wrong without taxing big Tech this is why you've all the problems you do with Online safety bill this is why that you can't the Mets can't Force tech companies to hand over pedophile information or like anything that's vaguely encrypted the Met aren't allowed to have access to why you why why you furing furrowing your brow at me how does tripling the tax on them change that because it shows that there's actually going to be some kind of intervention with these huge American companies that have been allowed to set up shop here and run Riot not pay any tax not abide by our laws not have to engage Parliament do you know how many times the digital and culture select committee have tried to invite any of them in for evidence and they just go no thanks because they can I think it shows the first stage of actually breaking into their yeah on that point as well about sort of international Mega corporations they want to um standardize a 21% at minimum 21% corporation tax across the world so that you can't just head to yourself in a tax Haven somewhere obviously it's going to hit me hard that interesting about abolishing the two child limit on yeah [ __ ] finally yeah someone brave enough to stand up and do something that's going to we we're actually Against Child poverty so they're going to that now makes you the most leftwing party in Britain next to sella braveman yes yeah [ __ ] hell maybe that's who they can do their Coalition with nice the one remaining Tory MP Suella I reckon that Miriam Kates could possibly fit into the Li St okay yes yeah I see it her and Jamie St about it birds of a feather she sees she sees pictures of Jamie St in dra in drag as the panel demon freaks out Danny Krueger could hang out with Tim faren because she have a good buddy they probably have pretty similar views on uh Christianity and the gays you wouldn't you wouldn't call Danny Krueger mother no absolutely not he would refute that he doesn't eat never served once in his life double faults all round yeah cuz his mother's PR le as well oh [ __ ] yeah Kruger's mom is PR Le yes no yeah that's like the one thing everyone knows about Danny Krueger and she does serve she she nothing but Aces bro nothing but Danny delicious te I I sorry I know that I should just believe you off the back but it's so ridiculous I need to look up I think you're the only person who knows Danny Krueger from being like a national conservative rather than like that is totally mental to me I cannot believe that do you think him that's like what's his name is oh God what's his name who's the Tory MP who's uh Uncle to Emily Blunt chrisen blunt [Music] yeah that's a guess I don't know there and it's interesting who's your favorite libd my favorite libd yeah ever ever um who's the one who did the perero of fair is that what I mean the 60s Thorp not Li them technically liberal quite like M Campbell Charles Kennedy shley Williams OPC no pics for OPC OPC had a bit of a nightmare the other day didn't he what happened opic of Cheeky Girls fame um was you you know touch my bum all of that yeah don't be shy yeah uh found the Eurovision song contest overtly sexual said that it was poisoning children's Minds ah yes lit I feel that's the full um lifespan of a libdem just transitioned to reactionary at some point do you think we've done the libm manifesto Justice I think we should point out that they want to um rejoin the European single Market without move to rejoin the EU we did that that was the first one we did but we didn't discuss it in depth what would you like to say about it I just think I think it's interesting that you can't because of w you can't say bre has been bad as like neither the conservative or labor are going to engage with brexit in its actual terms it's still becoming because of 2016 and the referendum it's still even even opposing even saying brexit isn't going well is completely is like you can't say that as a popular as a Ming politician it's changing though isn't it what public sentiment towards it is changing yeah but but there's no recognition of that yeah it's it's like there's no way labor are going to stand up and say we actually think brexit has been has been done badly EXC excuse me we want to rejoin the European single Market these are all the downsides of brexit it's going to be a tough one the single Market thing makes sense but this it's a pretty tough one to talk about re-engaging with the EU when you've just seen all of that far right lot elected in well actually you don't get to pick and choose though do you no I was going to say maybe that actually damages the the pro brexit cause more than the anti- brexit cause cuz you know the anti- brexit cause has always been a little bit too fluffy it's always been a bit too Berets that are blue with stars on it and it's been a bit too friendly we need some stor Troopers it's ironic that like David Lamy Steve Bray and K stama who are like committed [ __ ] europhiles being like sitting down with the afd David Lamy inviting Marine Le Pen for a bilateral yeah [ __ ] funny would you have tea with Marine Le Pen yeah [ __ ] yeah he wouldn't would he no he's not having tea with she's not going to she's not going to kill me how do you know that well I'm assuming that she have a you have slandered so many good T would you have tea with someone from the Met yes who would you have tea with is there anyone left yes well who outside the Taliban the Metropolitan Police and Mar Le well the Metropolitan Police have killed people yes I know that's a astute observation I why you trust them more because Wayne C was white because I'm a white guy they're not going to kill me why cuz I'm a white guy racism sexism miles was fine he survived I don't think he's fine okay sorry I'll rephrase that he's not dead who the white guy thing was about the M it wasn't about the Taliban one um boo Haram no cuz I I disagree with their a policies on [Music] women is that it I don't share platform is that is that your only problem with po I'm not pro kidna right okay then why would you have two with the Mets why would cuz that's what Wayne cousins say what was the name what was the name of the um the Bandit leader Jack Yellow Jack Bros yellow who's Jack bro um one of the gang leaders in the Nigerian Bandit Wars oh yeah no probably not him either Chi jingping yes Chi jingping Putin yes see he has form for killing people who have t yeah so I'm not going any any planes in Russia though I'm not doing that would you have done extreme Britain from Saddam Hussein's from his from his trial and execution that's the extremist Britain they ponum litvinenko's tea didn't they that's how they got him so is is that what the risk is for you you're worried about what's in theam what is what is you two's thesis here what are you trying to prove about me have a point with anyone that's my thesis what personal defect you might learn something about the Taliban if you were going to be radicalized what do you think would radicalize you him yeah inel yeah I'm like teaching on the edge every kind of day let you come to the office I slam my laptop yeah this screeds and screeds of on an Ino Forum about YouTube and it's just by me yeah are we done we got the Tory Manifesto coming out today we do that's going to be a hell of an episode tomorrow big day for Manifesto going be a good episode tomorrow why T Manifesto you're doing inci this afternoon sure am and we've doing who Armando inci oh nice and we've got some very exciting polling to discuss oh [ __ ] that's going to be good you would that is going to be hella good let just strictly tease this they not this ping do I get to know what it is we'll tell after the recording you obious no no noet it's just me um what do you think is going to be in the Tory manif though how do they turn it around they are going to death penalty make make you choose which of your children H you have to kill well because of the two child policy they said it's only it's actually only two children now you can't have any more than that everyone gets to go to eeden why would they want that that would be that would be social privo so much AA your top pick most likely policy to appear in the Tory Manifesto and turn this around I was hoping that I'd had a little bit more time because I was going to find the the Tory MP that was hinting at death a death policy yesterday was that not sun he said no mercy didn't he the LA should show no mercy no the should show yeah sick which is such an interesting do you know who we haven heard from in ages is Patel keeping her head down isn't she she been quiet yeah braan been out and about oh yeah when she was shouting about niga F should be in the shut up they're going to reanimate margar thater that's a good idea and bring her back war with the folkland war with France we have to go bigger we have to go really really old school war with Marie leens France that is old school I like it yeah I think that's if we if we have another waterl that would be a England expects that every man will do his duty mhm and then you have the traitorous Scots refusing to join classic I the British army they don't have much Germany on Friday how you feeling I think I was going to Germany [Music] I actually go to Germany excited yeah very excited why are they already there who the Scotland team yeah just training training and like so you don't have to travel beforehand right to set get adjusted to The Climate yeah time difference I would say less time out there the better because in Germany well it's just so much brat wor isn't it yeah but we're not going to be there very long anyway do you know what I had recently just actually you lot would be fine with that wouldn't you all the sausage yeah yeah plain sausage plain sausage normally when I barbecue it be like it's going to go in a roll or something sausage by itself mustard so good yeah so magnific what kind of sausage what what F anything too sausage Lincolnshire sausage [ __ ] brat verse give it to me but are you getting it from the butcher cuz you strike me as a butcher man sometimes if I can be bothered yes yeah yeah when can't you be bothered most of the time super then it's a supermarket that's supermarkets are just so handy yeah you should get an Italian sausage I love an Italian sausage a fennel there's a Del here should we wrap it up yeah thanks for joining see you on the next one
Channel: PoliticsJOE
Views: 40,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Politics, UK politics, British politics, Parliament, Government, Westminster, news, breaking news, conversation, politics news, politicsjoe, joe songs, boris johnson song, boris johnson speech, keir starmer song, keir starmer speech, new media, novara, rishi sunak, labour party, conservative, tory party, conservatism, brexit, political news, left wing podcast, uk election reaction, reaction podcast, lib dem manifesto, uk news
Id: j_ZjC_SWgkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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