Where's Lianxin? She's inwardly disturbed, so, she came with me. And she's waiting outside. Let her in now. Got it. I wish you good health, my lord and the imperial noble consort Xian. Lianxin. The empress has got prolonged illness for days. And both Sulian and you lived under the same roof. Have you got to know she wants to meet the empress's death together? She always worries about her mother who's ill in bed. She's willing to leave here to go back to serve her mother. Sulian was worried about her family members. How could it be possible for her to meet her master's death in a sudden? Is that because she knew too many keyhole reports? So, she chose to commit suicide to escape punishment. Li, Sulian is used to be one of the empress's maids. If she committed wrongdoings, well, think about her master, the empress. If she wants to commit suicide, there's no need for her to worry about her family members any more. Indeed. My lord, it's a slip of the tongue. Lianxin. You'd better know some nuts and bolts on what both the empress and Sulian did? Since I came back to serve the empress, I failed to win trust from her to be her personal maid. So, I don't know anything about it. You'd know I've served her for the past years. So, I could see her through. Even she really took his son as an apple of her eyes, she chose to take the death of the prince Duanhui out on you. She always has scruples while facing you. Because you almost could be his lord's Di Fujin. But I thought, there's no need to risk her life to do pointless things. Why? The empress would do something in a wong way of being selfish. You'd know she cared so much about her family, so, she didn't wanna get into lots of things, or, that would hurt her family's future. Also, that would drive her son away from the crown prince. Ruyi. You'd better pay much attention to the empress's funeral. Now, it's so late. You'd better come back to have some rest. Sulian has served the empress for the past years. I'd have some talks with Lianxin about Sulian's posthumous affairs. Got it. Lianxin. It's rare to hear from you that you could put in some right words for the empress. So, you mean, maybe Sulian got to know some nuts and bolts on something. But, the former empress would be unaware of it. And Sulian is one of her eyeballs. So, she should follow the former empress's steps to do a thing. You'd know the former empress who's born from a rich and influential family. So, she didn't know anything about how to plot others to death. So, you wanna tell me, there should be another wire-puller, who could give them pointers about how to do, besides Sulian and the former empress. She used to be on intimate terms with the imperial noble consort Huixian. But, besides her, who the guy is? She used to come to the imperial noble consort Chun and the consort Jia. You'd know both Jia and Huixian, remain friendly in appearance but estranged at heart. And the consort Jia always has her big mouth. She's a straightforward chap. And the only thing which the consort Chun cared about is her kid. And nothing else. I don't know anything else. Well, it would be impossible for the Madam Fuca to give her pointers. Forget it. You could open your mind to tell me the whole story. You did a good job. You're allowed to leave this palace. After that, you'd live your happy life. I really wanna thank you. The empress, both Wangqin and you have framed me. But for me, one of your maids is disloyal to you. Now, let it go, and I wanna follow your steps to hell, apologizing for you.