Lewis & Harris by Campervan - The Best Island in Scotland | Scotland, Outer Hebrides travel guide

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welcome to the out heberdeen island of Lewis and Harris it's an Island full of wild adventure and in our eyes is one of the best places to Road Trip full of incredible scenery beautiful beaches wild and rare Natures such as Eagles is a land of myths and legends with historical sights and ruins that stretch back thousands of years if you're new around here we're Jack and Joe and this is our scruffy hitchhiker Frank this is the final episode of our three-part Scottish heberdeen Adventure join us for a jam-packed video as we show you some of the best things to do and see while road tripping Lewis put your feet up click subscribe and come along for these wild Journeys on the outer Hebrides we are just about to board the ferry from Burn array to Lewis and Harris our final Island on our hepadian adventure the weather is incredible we had a really like we've just had an amazing week by some incredible beaches and we're about to have maybe three or three or four more days of decent weather before it starts getting all Scottish again but we're here well we're gonna be on Lewis and Harris for another five days um and yeah we love this island and I can't have we got anything planned we haven't got anything planned we're gonna do it off the hoof we're with our mate Tom who's gonna probably get us lost somewhere on the side of a mountain I'm about to move forward and board the boat boarding a sturdy looking cowl Merc Ferry was sailed across the flat Waters of the sound of Paris the sun shining it's genuinely a trip highlight you can spot seals plenty of seabirds and if you're lucky dolphins [Music] [Music] nice in it a little round and Tom it really is perfect it's like a perfect day and the wind's quite warm right now first off Lewis and Harris we're actually on Paris which is the bottom part of Lewis and Harris there's Lusk entire Beach we actually haven't been to this beach we usually Camp along the Estuary bit where there's lots of like little camper spots but they're all full because I guess because it's a nice sunny day so we've come all the way down to the less Scenic car park um but yeah I get access to the more Scenic Beach and this beach is incredible I think it's actually been consistently voted one of the best beaches in the UK and maybe the world um and on a sunny day like this you can really tell why look at that hi Joe oh God then [Music] this is a classy YouTube channel oh God we've got a few wines but we're gonna go check out the sunset on the beach when I say Sunset I don't actually mean Sunset because the Sun Won't Set for like two or three hours we're going to talk about the pre-sunset which is still really nice the golden hours well I'm not gonna set up for the sunset I'm I would be here until about midnight but it looks amazing Frank's ready Joe's had some wine and then we can just come back to this lovely car park which costs a seven quid in an honesty box and listen to some weird Bard music that Joe has got this isn't little color this is just Tavern music we'll probably use some Parkour in a bit don't get into hardcore Tom's going deep into the dunes [Music] mental views climbing to the top of the gyms we arrived at Tom's Camp spot for the night and witnessed an incredible golden sunset just nipped into town to grab some coffees now we're going to go see some Eagles fingers crossed at the Eagle Observatory [Music] thank you after beautiful drive we're gonna go roll out see if we can see some Eagles at the Lewis and Harris Eagle Observatory or the West Harris Eagle Observatory one of the two well oh give us some Eagle facts there mate go on them giggle the cop uh where are the birds of cray here we go so an eagle is about a prey well done Han Harrier no Golden Eagle yeah although the size is not easy to gauge at a distance the Eagles flight silhouette is different from that of the much smaller buzzard the wings are longer and less rounded the head projects further and the tail is longer and less spread wow I need to remember that so the tail is longer can we see it can we see a picture was it what we saw yesterday no we didn't see that yesterday did we no what's the golden bit about because it's good it's like golden brown texture like sun oh yeah uh voice Eagles are usually silent the mountains of Paris are home to 20 pairs of golden eagles one of the highest densities in Scotland and the North Harris Eagle Observatory the only purpose-built Hyde for eagles in the UK is set within the territory of two nesting eagles with a bit of luck we were hoping to spot them soaring high above us and now we wait patience is the name of the game and uh I don't think all three of us have much patience for this kind of thing I'm already ready to carry on walking nice and quiet though it wasn't until the vlogger came along well actually all I can hear is you jump in your Pasty anything no no dice on the eagle front but it has been a lovely walk I thought so not a no water it's a rock have you had a lovely walk Tom yeah it's been good best part is when Joe decided that actually she likes people oh my God guys that's terrifying but yeah I still recommend the water and we actually saw them from here last year uh nice big rolls guys are buzzing over the Fig rolls thumbs up to the Fig rolls where we saw them last year so I'll put that clip in because it's definitely recommended to come up here even if you don't see any Eagles thumbs up for the pig rolls what's for lunch Chef some tomato soup nice a classic tomato soup with review after a quick bite to eat we set off from North Harris up to Lewis the northern part of Lewis and Harris now you might be wondering why Lewis and Harris has two names and that's due to this mountain range back in the day before roads it was easier to sail around the coast than to walk through the mountain range so Lewis and Harris was essentially spoken of as two separate Islands Harris to the south of the mountains and Lewis to the north we honestly think the drive through this mountain range is one of the best drives we've ever done you're treated to panoramic views of locks and towards the sea with plenty of lay-bys and parking places that you can pull into to enjoy the view from so the driver's about an hour and a half up to this bit of Lewis um then we spent basically another hour kind of doing chores big shout out to UE Community shop which is like the best shop on Lewis and Harris I'm saying that now um it's got everything in loads of vegan food we then went to a campsite to fill up an empty it wasn't really a campsite it was more like a camping facility place where you just put a donation in you can empty toilets and fill up with water there's actually a really handy map which I'll put a link in below that has all facilities for Lewis and Harrison um yeah that's great and now we're at our favorite part of Lewis Paris Cliff Beach which is a five pound donation in a donation box on the side of a fence and this is the view but this afternoon we're gonna enjoy the sunshine we found some vegan or plant-based Jammy Dodgers we've got a cup of tea on the go and we've got this View Tom's gone foraging for seaweed so maybe we'll eat that when he comes back and yeah I think we're we're in store for another incredible Sunset I think yeah they're quite nice oh wow what's that oh it's like a bladder rack kind of thing yeah it's basically the same so you've done a lot I had none of course mate you've got what's that sea lettuce lettuce I think this is just green algae wow uh oh there's another thing about me that's sea noodles wow this has got a name that I'm about to find Refined out for you wow normalized foraging and eating seaweed yeah just feels weird because you've just picked it off some rocks so it feels like we shouldn't have the permission to eat it but I mean it's probably the most natural thing ever yeah exactly and like so abundant yeah let's get the tasting notes on these dinner review these are Fork nice little Curry time you're putting your seaweed in your Curry I cheers guys Top's got his seaweed on hey look at that oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] driven by Tom today as we go explore a bit more of this island we left the van it feels weird's been driven around I quite like it I feel like you Joe this is lovely I don't have to worry about like single track roads the etika but I can't still wave at people but yeah where are we going Tom lead us in uh something Stacks yeah yeah oh why are we trusting you again you have done research this time haven't you great well anyway yeah it's gonna be a great day a bit cloudy today I think our good luck with the weather is about to end but it doesn't really matter Scotland looks beautiful and Cloud as well after a brief stop over to look at the Manchester sea stacks we headed off to Sea if we can see any more Wildlife by the coast [Music] [Music] so I stick it up a bit called weed something or other but it's near Gallant head um which used to be a military defense Cold War listening station um but it was bought by the local community in 2016 and it's tipping by the tenant to kind of like whale and Wildlife watching station over the next few years um they also bought a house there which is now like a community center with a Community Kitchen a bit of a weird one it's literally like a house but it's got like lots of nice gifts in it um and they do cook to order so we were able to get quick bite to eat for lunch now we'll get to the top of gallon head I've had to run back to the car because I forgot my big lens but um in the book there was lots of sightings of whales and dolphins off the coast so fingers crossed [Music] no dolphins or whales even though apparently this is actually one of the top like whale and dolphin spotting areas but I've come to the theory that I said it was the theory that would just try too hard to spot wildlife and the best Wildlife encounters happen when you're not looking so we're trying to force it whale dolphin well because it just happened like the white like the Dolphins are on both of our ferry boats over the East Islands so just been to the shop weren't looking for wildlife and as my wise words from my wife self said what half an hour ago and all of you Q2 laughed at me I said when you don't look for wildlife you'll spot it and as we drive down to the beach we spotted an eagle we don't know which Eagle it is but it was massive huge cheers guys to a great day and a cracking sunset it's our home down there foreign Harris go for a little walk near the cliff down to another little beach and then today we're having a historical day we won't be a historical day but a historical nerdy day as well as visiting some more of the Island's beautiful beaches was an archeology day we have an archeology day explore the rich cultural history of the island a 20-minute walk from Cliff Beach takes you to Reef Beach this beach is incredible I mean just look at it with this white sandy Bay Crystal Blue Waters surrounded by green and stone Cliffs you could be forgiven for thinking that you're in the Caribbean if it wasn't for that cold North Atlantic wind of course [Music] after a walk along the wide Sandy Beach we're on our way to explore some ancient history of the islands at Boston Beach archaeologist Tom since she started the university can you just run us through what we're about to go see oh we're going to see a 98 about a thousand years ago one and a half thousand years ago oh wow that's like zero to about 500 A.D after a storm in 1993 revealed the remains of a Bronze Age settlement archaeologists in the community of Boston came together to learn more about the history of Life on these islands to preserve the ruins the Bronze Age Jelly Baby houses were recovered by sand but Recreation was built in 98. since then community members have painstakingly tried to ReDiscover exactly how life from the islands would have been like one and a half thousand years ago fascinating guys and you come out smelling like Pete which is really cool yeah that woman make sure you go come here and get the talk of the woman she's fascinating so knowledgeable about it all not content with our archaeological fix we were on to the famous calendar stones older than Stonehenge itself The Colony Stones were placed here 5000 years ago and they are shrouded in mystery with theories ranging from the stones being a prehistoric lunar Observatory to legend that the stones of the remains of Islanders who refused to convert Christianity we spent our final few days on Lewis and Harris exploring more of its beaches Wildlife spotting from The Cliffs where we caught the faintest glimpse of a minky whale we drank gin visited stornaway's Castle Museum and we continued foraging seaweed and we finally drank some whiskey too Cheers Cheers okay after seaweed foraging this morning and going for one last Beach Walk we then went to the museum which we'd recommend if it's a rainy kind of Stormy day which it was today um Castle museum is stored away look all the costume Museum I don't know man it's the museum in Stormwind it's lovely Tom's also picked up a whiskey tasting kit so we're gonna do that and then we're gonna head into stone away for our last night in a pub so we're gonna end the video now um so that we can go to the pub and get pissed um but yeah we've loved the outer Hebrides I think we're all in agreement Lewis and Harris have probably up there that's the favorite even though you is and Barra were amazing say goodbye and we'll see you in the next video we've got a big trip idea but we're not 100 certain if we're gonna go there in mid-july just yet but we've got a few things that we're doing before then so yeah we'll catch you on the next one hey guys realized uh we left you on a bit of a cliffhanger there um that's because we didn't know what we're going to be doing a couple weeks has passed since we left the outer Hebrides and we've just started a really exciting trip um we will be spending the next five weeks five to six weeks traveling the wild Atlantic way in Ireland and we are really really excited about this we're parked up in this amazing spot by the beach and yeah can't wait to um if anyone's got any tips let us know in the comments below or pop us a DM because uh we're literally starting the world Atlantic way on Thursday um so yeah let us know and we'll see you maybe next weekend who knows but uh just stay tuned for wild Atlantic Way series
Channel: These Wild Journeys
Views: 26,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life scotland, outer hebrides, Outer Hebrides Road Trip, Westernn Isles, Hebrides, Hebrides islands, scottish road trip, Campervan scotland, van life outer hebrides, vanlife outerhebrides, scotland campervan, UK Vanlife, uk travel vlog, Campervan UK, campervan outer hebrides, Motorhome outer hebrides, VanLife Lewis and Harris, Lewis and Harris campervan, Wildlife outer hebrides, Outer Hebrides by campervan, Lewis and Harris by campervan, Scotland by campervan
Id: 3Te6iZuck4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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