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Hello friends and welcome back uh just showing you another video for my pickups I found this is actually the pair of jeans that I showed in a previous video the 501 shrink to fit and I've already actually washed these I just washed them one time and actually hung them out to dry and I didn't do the uh in the bathtub and all that I just that's for the I guess the die hards I just used a regular washing machine and uh this is actually another pair that I've got the exact same size so I thought this this would be a cool video I looked up and went back to the same place and they had some more of the same I don't know why they've got quite a bit of Levis at this place that I go to so and um found these and then I went back and searched and searched and actually found another pair like I said the exact same size so these haven't been washed haven't been nothing nothing's done to them that I that I did these are just exactly like a like I got them and I just want to show you and I could tell the comparison just by kind of holding them up but I was wanted to make a video I thought this would be kind of cool and you can almost tell the color I don't know if you can see it on the my video here these are a little bit uh like a darker blue and this is more of a grayish kind of black maybe the the differences in color I'm going to pause the video and I kind of set them up and we can see the differences in them cuz I can tell you know since the this the first wash of this that those or you know how much they've actually changed and shrunk up and I think the Levis is kind of Right Where You got a you know one size in the top up here the waist and maybe two to four in the link cuz they shrunk up really good in the length so I was happy about that cuz these were kind of long the U when before I washed them they were pretty long now they fit pretty decent they're still a little baggy but I'll take that over they were really bad before so we'll I PA the video and I'll kind of spread them out here and we can see uh what's going on with these and check them out first all I'll actually show you if you can see this this is the original pair I had there's 4238 so that's the width and the length on the first pair and as we move over these are also so these are a little stiffer so they're hard to 4238 so these are exact same size so you know if they were and War said they should be the same length and everything and all that but I'll kind of spread them out and we'll check out the differences here so we can kind of see be before and after I almost said it the wrong way there but before and after you wash them so we can kind of see the differences in them I thought this might make a cool video so I figured I'd show it to you guys thank you and here we have it as you can see the uh sides are pretty would that be one uh one L link there or whatever from a Maybe from a 42 to a 40 somewhere in there cuz I use my usually when I I'm kind of old school I actually stick my arm in my elbow put my elbow here and put my fingers here and that's how I kind of tell the length if I can't really if I don't have a chance to actually try the jeans on which I didn't with these and I could tell that these were going to be a little bit bigger but since it said shrink the fit I was hoping they would shrink down and I've actually had a little bit of experience with them before and I knew they probably would so that's why I got these top ones here and since these bottom ones are the same size and I want to make this video of course I grab them too like I said they weren't very high there was only $5.99 so I ain't really you know if something bad goes wrong it ain't no big deal and you can see I've actually got them pretty close over here to the edge they're both at the same spot so and that kind of gives you the difference in them right there from the non wash to the wash this is the strength to fit element here and you can kind of come down here to the crotch and you can kind of see a little bit of that and don't look like they really did a lot here to me when I when I put these on and put these on they kind of feel the same you can even see the uh width of the leg here there it's pretty even right there and you can see and as we go down here you're really going to here's the difference right here here's the difference so that's that's a good amount right there from one from the non wash to the wash and like I said I just uh put these in um cold water I did not use hot water in the washing machine and just washed them normal I actually turned them inside out that's about the only thing I didn't that I didn't do normal that I wouldn't anything else but you know I didn't use the bathtub and I didn't use all that I just pretty much just washed the those in a washing machine and hung them out to dry I kind of put them in the I put them in the dryer but I didn't turn the heat on I just kind of fluffed them to get the sort of the wrinkles out and then I hung them up and let them dry and you can still see so I'm sure if you did it on hot maybe it would shrink it up more I'm not really for sure I don't ever really use the hot on my on my clothes I'm always afraid I'm going to wear them out easier and you can see the leg on this side it's which that's not even that's more even and you can see the difference here and of course the length goodness gracious that's crazy but there's kind of a comparison from the the wash to the U non-washed of the shrink to fit so like I said if you buy these shrink to fit ones and you try to wash them please always get a size uh maybe a size like if you're wearing a 36 I would buy a 38 and then the length I'd almost buy two sizes so like if you wear a 34 at least try to get a 36 maybe to a 38 which that might be hard to find I looked up and found these two pair and they pretty much fit perfect I just thought that was great cuz a lot of times it's harder to find the bigger the bigger lengths in them but uh pretty cool to uh so like I said always go with the waist get a size a little bit like one size really it'd be two sizes so if you're if you wear like a 40 like I do buy a 42 I don't think they actually make 41s that would have probably fit perfectly but I don't think they actually they could make them but the ones I got were 42 and they still fit really good they're a little loose but that's fine I wear a belt nothing nothing bad probably if I wash them again they might actually shrink down some more but just want to make this cool comparison here from the uh and you can even you can really see it here the grayish blackish color to the blue that's pretty good right there but uh I just thought this was cool the I lo up and found the same size and I just thought I'd make this video I thought it'd be actually pretty cool and of course the first time I wear them I get some kind of smudge on that's something think bad about trying to not to wash them that much I always get something on them I'll go eat or get some drink in the car or something and I'll just get stuff on there but I can probably just get that I'll get something to rub that off but that's how it always happens it's like I got to wash them more than I don't know I don't know how people go and without washing for that long somebody's going to uh in previous video somebody says they love the way I say wash I don't know wash wash wash whatever but I'm sure I'll get a comment in this that I love the way you say wash is it wash or wash wash wash whatever but U like I said I just make a cool video here and you can see the difference in them from the wash jeans to the non-wash jeans it very hard for me to say for some reason uh until next time have a good one and see you
Views: 10,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mI7X8PwF23I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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