Levi Ackerman Scenes | Eng Dub | HD 1080p | Attack On Titan (Season 1)

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spare me please that scowl will crush your fans not that it's any of my business but from a public relations standpoint you might want to lighten up i mean you [Music] the pair on the left belongs to me but i can't help being tired of looking at you uh-oh easy big stuff nobody's got time for a crybaby let's take it like a man shall we yeah disgusting helpful this i swear on my very life the titans will be eradicated we can help you mean you damn well know that we can push further my men didn't die to pave our tree [Music] [Music] the wings of freedom pay attention kiddos this is the part where you explain to me exactly what it is i'm looking at captain levi what the hell is it you want to do well played i implicitly trust him of course it's more a matter of me trusting myself to deal with him kill him squealing louder won't help your case pig do you think the titans are going to stand idly by and when you say we can't afford do you speak for anyone other than your fat merchant friends you don't need a good talking to what you're in need of boy is to be taught a lesson what is it don't be silly after all you guys just want to dissect him don't you but the theatrics did get you placed in our custody no so aaron sir you don't resent me now do you best grab a broom and get to work your sleeping quarters are in the cellar what's going on back upstairs now but it is air vince and you can bet the man's obsessed over every angle you're not going to get anything out of him apart from what the scribblers have laid out in the reports huh not that you know who won't have a go at it you'll be lucky to come out of it alive if that one lays into you you're too early am i suppose i couldn't help myself ten meters of me at all times the only reason that you're out of your cell is because i'm keeping an eye on it gate opens in 30 seconds [Music] down the line you heard the man petra aaron fire the signal disgrace a lot of good the formation does of the bastards can bore into it that deeply quit whining and move on from the obvious already neither of those is an option anymore haven't you noticed what's around you take a look at these big-ass trees cover your ears now remind me what is our mission is it to simply act on an impulse in the heat of the moment this squad's mission is to keep this brad alive whatever the cost don't forget it do as your conscience dictates but aaron listen you are not inherently evil whether you lose control or freely give it up maybe it's the same for them either way there's no guarantee in the end you choose what you choose if afterwards your regrets are at a minimum good for you we may have some middle ground after all a fail-safe the method i've come up with will only leave you mutilated process but you'll survive just to be clear i have the go-ahead i can't afford not to run tests so yes you're good or perhaps we're just naive to expect they can turn it on and off white wounds on your hands show no sign of healing no offense but you're not much good to us in this form pull it together and yes that is an order the situation is complicated so you feeling okay or what and what did you expect a suspicious nature was the top of my criteria but out there there's always so little intel to go on we couldn't have without the rear contingent whose lives brought us time and the wonder and they're pissing themselves right about now if you're thinking about trying to escape don't all you should be thinking about are the good men you killed today you're okay with me cutting your limbs off at the joints work i'm friends didn't you don't give me that crap not now not yet we'll stay back for now maintain current distance it looked like she may have bitten the entire nape off it's unlikely aaron survived it is possible she just wanted to savor her quarry in which case it's likely he's already been swallowed she's got defenses that neither of us have been trained to deal with i'm telling you it's a lost cause [Music] can't even react her skin can't harden at times don't do it what'd i tell you about trying to take her down now come on [Music] [Music] if you've already confirmed his death and there's nothing more to do but sir do you know how many corpses you've already left behind these aren't special captain i we can't always carry our fallen comrades home but we carry their memory but still i can't help but feel she's far too young to be thinking about marriage she has so much yet to experience before settling down irvin's never late they should be here at this rate the damn mps will show up first that'd be your luck yeah who can say they're all taking a [ __ ] what kind of evidence is that so basically we're going after her without proof the brass balls but try not to swing him so hardly well done thank you sir think niall i find it hard to believe you're actually as thick-headed as you look do as your conscience dictates as of now no i doubt it would any more than it suits anyone else [Music] let's hope the brass agrees
Channel: 𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑎
Views: 16,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: skw5QTYWiso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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