Levels of Internet Infrastructure

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hello everyone we're about to dive deeply into the levels of Internet infrastructure hopefully you watch the DNS video already so that some of the things I'm saying here will be a little bit familiar we're going to dive straight in with level one a point of presence say you're using your cell phone in Los Angeles to connect to the internet and you're using a spectrum Wi-Fi account when you use that white account you're communicating with spectrums point of presence in the city of LA this is a physical location only about a mile away from our school actually that housing spectrums recursive name server if you recall from the DNS video this particular server is the gateway between our device and the wider Internet it's why we have to pay for Internet access now the communication between these two devices takes place through phone lines now your phone isn't directly connected to these phone lines but it does send radio signals to a Wi-Fi router which is directly connects to these phone lines which is how that connection takes place and all the information your phone or your laptop or your desktop computer needs to send the server is encoded through a specific pattern of electricity through those phone lines of course though you're not the only person using spectrums internet in LA and the point of presence in Los Angeles is connected to all of the different devices whether it be a tablet a gaming system a desktop a phone a laptop whatever they all have various connections through Wi-Fi and then through the phone lines to spectrums physical location in LA it's point of presence and through this if I just had this level my phone could communicate through the recursive name server to a different tablet it could have maybe this desktop here communicate through this desktop here because this connection is established at this level though not every connection is established spectrum has a point of presence in LA which connects all of its LA computers and it has a point of presence in Chicago as well as a bunch of major cities all over the but right now at this level there is no connection between the point of presence in one city and the point of presence in another we're closed within our own particular Network and can't access other cities additionally if I have two different internet service providers in LA like spectrum versus Comcast those are also closed there is no connection at this point between say this computer in spectrums Wi-Fi / through this computer connected to Comcast Wi-Fi at level one it's impossible this means that you can only access stuff that is connected to your internet provider in your specific city level two though kicks it up a notch and this is where spectrums point of presence in LA is going to connect to its point of presence in Chicago so we now have this link established this link instead of with phone line is done with fiber optic cables and in this image all the blue things are the fiber optic cables and they're wrapped in a bundle so we have maybe I don't know 10 cables right there so that in case one breaks they can also function and they're wrapped in a lot of protective coating so that they don't break that easily while phone lines carried electricity these fiber optic cables code the data that you need to send using light flashes of light on or off spectrum is actually going to use these cables to connect its point of presences in cities all across the country pretty much every major city you can think of that has spectrum internet will have one of these pointed presences connected through these cables across the country the same would be true for a different provider like Comcast Comcast also will have pointed presences in multiple cities and the second level of infrastructure is it's using its fiber-optic cables to connect all of those cities together however at level two there is no communication between say a spectrum computer anywhere in the country and a Comcast computer anywhere in the country because they've only been dealing with their particular points of presence they're not communicating amongst each other so level two if that was the only thing that existed level one and two you could only access computers connected to your internet service provider but anywhere in the country let's now take a look at level three internet exchange points I've overlapped the maps of the Comcast level two infrastructure connecting all of its points of presents and the spectrum level two infrastructure with all of its points of presence connected but right now there is no communication between these that is until we establish internet exchange points the third level of infrastructure we are breathing to that as I XP an IXP is a physical location there's about 50 or so in the country and I think about six or so in Los Angeles and at these locations the fiber-optic cables that connect the spectrum points of presence the fiber-optic cables that connect the Comcast points of presence they all come together and they're able to transmit data back and forth through central servers right there so with ISPs established all across the country now any Internet service provider in all of our country can contact any other Internet service provider an AT&T computer in Dallas Texas can contact a AOL computer in st. Paul Minnesota a Verizon computer in West Virginia can now contact an MSN computer in Montana no matter what provider no matter where you are ixps these exchange points allow all of that information to travel together at this point though we have IXPs contained two particular countries or continents and there's no communication at level three between these it's a self-contained system so if I wanted to contact from my computer some person or some server over in China that's just not possible yet we do not have a global internet that is till we establish our fourth level which is running fiber-optic cables large bundles of them across the ocean floor for miles and miles and miles and you can see all the different fiber-optic cable lines that run all across the world and so if I was starting somewhere in Los Angeles and I wanted to get to I don't know Ethiopia right here one path my message could take would be to follow these around over until I get to my destination this is going to connect every single possible device anywhere in the entire world now in order for these cables to withstand though surviving at the bottom of the ocean they need to be huge so take a look at one of the lines that might run this is a cross section so if you were to cut it down the middle and inside of all these places you see those shiny gold things that's the actual fiber optic cable bundle surrounded by a ton a ton of protective coating to make sure that no leakage gets in or to make sure that if a shark actually bites the cable like was filmed right here no damage occurs this did actually happen and the cable was completely fine because they protect it so much that nothing will happen to it with our fourth level of infrastructure we now connect every computer across every provider all over the world that's how we get from just one device to this worldwide phenomenon if you have any questions on any particular level please let me know otherwise best of luck studying I know you guys are going to do great
Channel: Kevin Burke
Views: 39,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kHA-Mtkuzno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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