Level1 News September 14 2021: The Long Friend Request Of The Law

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the level one news today september 14th 2021 and we're here with uh was it business and security nope all right what do we always start with government we always start with government we've done business before and somebody has jumped the gun on his orange popsicle yeah it's not really a review is it's more just i want to enjoy a popsicle i didn't figure most people would want the asmr popsicle experience so there's just enough left yeah somebody's creatively spent orange popsicles so all right whatever wait someone said somebody shipped those that was a drop ship right that's still crazy are they good it's pretty good so were those ice packed those things cost like 90 cents [Laughter] it costs more to ship yeah it probably costs more to ship than uh now is that artificially flavored is that just a full sugar no it's a full sugar it's a it's there's probably about as much sugar in one of those as a can of soda i didn't bring the box so i don't know the nutrition information but i remember looking at it and being shocked what what kind of popsicles were they do you remember the brand uh that's just pop ice is that just straight orange is that orange cream no it was just straight orange there was no cream it was like it was like orange water non-carbonated orange water i was about to ask if that was a thing and then i was like creamsicle of course there is what do you call a happy rabbit a optimist [Music] that's why the people subscribe and also uh i've got that that the spectrum of san pellegrino so figure we start with lemon and it goes from like lemon to like seven other things and then just pure orange so we've got that to look forward to we're starting with uh luminata you liked these right like this brand i don't know that we've had this kind but yeah i really like this brand there's 120 calories per can though so this is not this is not a i can drink four of these in a day kind of a kind of a drink you can't if you don't anything anything else for the whole time that's super power well i oh you can give a letter grade to that popsicle uh the popsicle is probably like a c plus i'm gonna try to that's my new more difficult grading scale would you rather have the popsicle on the stick or the one in the plastic tube the classic oh the classic because it was more much more creamy and you could just rip the the side you get like the joker cuts on your mouth because this plastic was so sharp when you broke them apart yeah that was much better formula modern kids they don't they still sell those probably yeah those aren't a lot of calories either the modern kid version of that is the go-gurt where you like rip the plastic off and then you try to eat the yogurt and it just yeah rips up the sides of your mouth that and some captain crunch and you're in trouble yeah you're shredding your mouth well you know who else might be in trouble it's the legal team over at the apple headquarters because oh this is a tough one do you know how much appeal they have left here uh the order doesn't take effect until december so they've got can they keep going for appeals yeah but the injunction will stand while they appeal right the injunction doesn't start until december no but still it'll take longer than that and uh this is you know i was i was all set for the uh lapd thing to be the story of the week but then this happened today apple must allow other forms of in-app purchases rules the judge in epic versus apple but wait uh epic cannot possess that which they saw it the judge said that yes epic is liable for breach of contract and they have to pay 30 of the revenues that they've earned in this period where uh they've taken money directly from people as opposed to through the app store which would have been required with their contract so it's a little bit of a of a weird ruling because it's like yes that is an unenforceable clause in the contract but you broke the contract and you owe the money how is that how do they determine who came from apple to get that 30 is that they have to give everybody's 30 uh epic epic will have to give apple thirty percent no what i'm saying like all of epic's customers didn't come from the app store the ruling figured that it was like 30 point something million i think that's nothing to them they would pay 30 million to get this ruling any day any day but i don't think that uh they're allowed back on the app store the judge said that you know this they're not it's up to apple because it wasn't breach of contract so they're if apple wants to keep them off the app store they can we probably will right but that's still i mean that's punitive to them but everybody else plus you got those android cases yeah kicking around yeah this is obviously going to influence those it's not quite the ruling that i would have hoped for where it's like you can have third party stuff running on uh on apple but the the judge was pretty moved by the whole well it seems like apple is interfering on the commerce transaction between the developer and the customer and that's not okay in in the capitalistic stuff this was a california judge too so uh you gotta think they're leaning toward uh you know breaking up the big ones although epics not small yeah it feels like they kind of just wanted to punish both of them in this ruling yeah well they've accomplished they didn't definitely did no one goes home happy don't waste our time again that's actually not if you want unless you want a worse ruling don't appeal this yeah it's very mom energy the judge had a mom energy to it i think it was a female judge right oh i don't know i think so a rental figure if you will i don't really understand how you can break the contract and i guess you could adhere to the contract while also suing them but and then they have to give you that but see i'm telling you 30 million is nothing to them they don't care i don't know if it was definitely whatever the revenue would have been if apple had got their 30 which is odd it's like that's unenforceable we're going to enforce it in this ruling but now it's unenforceable going forward obviously there's a lot more to learn about this and i'm sure that because it just happened it almost didn't make the cut for the news because it happened friday which is today our recording day and i think so far nobody is responding to the press yet nope they're all you know getting back together working it out over there they're going to be some zoom calls over the weekend tim cook has flipped a few tables well he feebly tried to get the table and he couldn't and his assistant came over and helped him they said pick this up [Laughter] pick all this up and burn it and in the you know we put that in the government section i was a little bit like you know this business is a government but it's a court ruling and why not lead with it right it's the story of the week but this is a government story and this is a big one because this is the giant budget that is rolling out to fight uh you know i guess the thing and shortages yeah just the country falling apart and china ascending that's what we're trying to stop here but this is the the place where all the politicians and all the government agencies get to go in and carve out their little piece of it and get what they want from it this is the scariest time banks have escalated their fight over the irs reporting in the biden budget plan this is the and a half trillion dollar budget um the budget gives the irs you know more powers potentially and so they're asking hey can we have some rule making here that says that any bank that has an account in it that annually moves more than six hundred dollars we should just get direct reporting for that because the irs already gets direct reporting over any transactions that are more than ten thousand so if you deposit ten thousand dollars or withdraw ten thousand dollars that's immediately reported to the red flag it's like the independent thought alarm on the simpsons like when uh lisa's teacher was hitting the independent thought alarm under the desk that's what they're doing when you you know are doing a transaction even a lawful transaction for uh more or less than 10k now it would be every transaction because who doesn't move 600 in or out of their account in a year we were talking about that earlier like everyone just got a stimulus check yeah that would literally be everything classified and if you're on a bi-weekly payment making less than 600 you've got to make a small amount of money to get less than 600 a year every two weeks per transaction right the 10 000 is not cumulative it's per transaction this is 600 in and out per year that's ridiculous yeah basically they're they're just just buying all their bank accounts yes with a small little now how fast do you think you get flagged if every transaction to and from your bank was 599.99 [Laughter] i uh i think that if this goes through it will also probably it has the potential to upend the accounting industry like the irs would just tell you what they think you owe and you wouldn't need an accountant unless that number was wildly wrong there's that great webcomic or maybe it's just a text i don't know but it's like oh uh you gotta pay taxes oh how much do i owe i'm not telling you that yeah oh so you don't know no we know to the dollar what if i get it wrong you go to jail apparently that's not how it's done in other countries it's a very stupid thing yeah yeah insanely stupid but i think you know we've talked about the flat sales tax that makes the most sense yeah it's impossible to argue against it but you will destroy a massive industry yes what happens then that's destructive yeah that can't pivot quickly enough all those people will have to find something else to do just like you know how like we were doing that stuff in afghanistan and now we're not so we switched to somalia what's the somalia switch for the accountants what resources they have that we need no we just got to keep the industrial complex rolling oh okay you can't let that idle it's a rough idol and over in uh los angeles where they're known to uh have a contentious relationship with their constabulary they have a new rule that illustrates why revealed the lapd officers were told to collect social media data on every civilian they stop unfortunately we're paywall but they did have a screenshot of the card and the card has all these fields that they're expected to fill out and you assume it's like well that's if it's pertinent right no internal whistleblowers are saying that in the the daily meetings before they go out they're told every field must be filled in and your cards will be checked so what happens when i tell them i don't have facebook yeah i don't have instagram i don't have snapchats yeah why don't you want us to know what you got on facebook it's like i don't think you understand and this is not some if you're not you don't have to be suspected of a crime you don't have to be involved in a crime you might be a victim of a crime you all you have to do is be in the vicinity and get interviewed and they insist that everybody give up this information so you have to maintain shadow profiles now i guess except places like facebook it's getting difficult to do that they want your full name they can't legally compel you but here's the thing about the cops they can beat the daylights out of you and arrest you and then the next day they'll be like oh you were right and then they'll let you go and nothing happens you were obstructing but we'll let you off this one time and there's nothing you can do about it that's the situation we live in with them that's why a lot of people complain about the police state and uh the census oh i hate the census is that due this year is that happening it was last year was it last year last year i remember them coming to the door no they don't unless you send it in but i got picked for the second audit and i thought that until they were like we're coming tomorrow then i just made up stuff so i think i might get caught up in this fraud thing and i kind of hope i do god i hate them level one reports uh feds to close the unit that monitored american social media for census disinformation the itms unit in the commerce department overstepped its boundaries an internal review board found well uh the census is over we only do it once every 10 years and so now it's going it's like the cicadas it's going back to sleep now they're going to crunch those numbers for all that time and these fraud departments were actually monitoring your social media and comparing them to your census submission to make sure that you weren't lying about it weird what do you think that cost and what do we gain from it makes no sense god you have got to be the lowest form of humanity if you're sitting around it's like i got you i got you i knew it i knew you made more money than that if you're that person remove yourself from this earth as quickly and efficiently as possible without endangering others [Laughter] ah i bet you got some feels reading this yeah i did this it's like i don't know if it's time to share that story or not probably not probably not this is will be shocking to a lot of people but i'm not shocked at all that sounds like very obvious to me the u.s air force chief software officer quits after launching a hellfire missile of a linkedin post at his former bosses too many inexperienced project managers and not enough devsecops oh he got it they got they got the devsecops hate those keyword options it's like it's all about the seo it's all seo um basically it's it's really amazing he left the skating scathing post that said look we we have people that don't have technical experience that are in you know these technical promotions we wouldn't put an untrained person piloting an f-16 why are we doing that when in terms of like our security and our infrastructure it's literally the most critical thing it has all of our personnel data it has all of our operations it maintains you know secret top secret you know uh eyes only whatever and um yeah it does we don't we don't we don't really do a good job taking care of that and this individual was saying i could take care of this but i'm not put in a position to actually be able to make any meaningful change so when you we talk about all those stories where there's an elastic search database that was just never given a password and it's important government stuff you think how does that happen well this guy sheds some light on that he was like so many times a lieutenant colonel comes along and it's like hey i'm in charge of the department now and they're like oh what's your experience and he's got nothing in terms of tech experience he's just a lieutenant colonel and a hard-working you know enterprising lieutenant colonel that is right there it's stack overflow copy-pasting lots of commands someone's nephew worked really hard for that job and i i bet it's so you know bureaucratic and nightmarish that even if that lieutenant colonel was like uh sir i don't have any experience in this field i'm a combat medic but it's still like you'll do it son and you'll be happy to do it look at this pay increase you get with this oh that sounds amazing sir that sounds let's just tell it but the crazy thing is like even if you actually solve the problem and even if you actually do a good job the contractors and other people that you work with won't want to use that because it ruffles feathers and upsets things it upsets the balance well and we were talking about like cpas it would disrupt and destroy a whole industry that same thing happens when you solve the problem yeah it's like why are we doing this why are we paying some contractor to maintain our elasticsearch database when we could just put a process in place to check and see if it's got a password and we could do that you know like every month and it wouldn't cost anything no we got to pay the contractors to do that uh see but you're you've gone over into star trek mine and you're forgetting wendell the government contractor mine who's experienced this how much paperwork is that going to take and how long will it take it takes an absurd amount of paperwork it is crazy several trees are going to die and it's going to take six months and yet i was able to requisition a 55 gallon drum of barbecue sauce for an aircraft carrier with just a few keystrokes or a pallet of 100 bills well that's one way to be if you're in it and your group is not very bright and you are basically the lord of the it one way it can go down is that way and that's sad another way it can go down is this like don't do this one but it's a much smarter way to deal with that situation the county i.t supervisor mined a bitcoin at the office prosecutors say christopher naples is accused of finding 46 devices eastern mining cryptocurrency in suffolk county offices costing the county thousands of dollars in electricity 46 bitcoin asics he invested in this i gotta say though i feel bad for the guy i mean there should be some some some criminal liability here sure but they really seem like they've turned the dogs loose on him because they don't understand and it seems like they're making that worse like he should have to pay for the electricity and probably like 10 or 20 percent on that but the article said he's looking at like 15 years of jail time as a taxpayer i don't want that do you think he started with 46 computers no no yeah like do you think he's like slowly scaled up like just to see how long it took before someone noticed he was probably re what's a bitcoin asic around these days if you get the used ones they're you know they're not much but probably at least a couple hundred bucks right yeah yeah if you get a good one they're thousands so he was probably rolling his profits back into more miners yeah so now he's probably got nothing but a bunch of useless asics which we'll never get back and a massive debt yeah now they asked they found what was it two or four of them when they started this investigation and they started monitoring the electricity they estimated that to be six thousand dollars he owed them yeah that was two of the 46. wow i don't know if their electricity calculations are kind of like drug seizure calculations where they're just going crazy and like it doesn't reflect reality that is a lot right yeah it doesn't yeah it just it doesn't make sense to throw the book at this guy it was we're probably paywalled off here yeah what was it like six months he was running that yeah it was a long time yeah some of them may have been there for even longer because it said it was under the floorboards in some places which is just amazing why is there a warm spot in the floor here how do you not notice that yeah oh yeah i'm not even angry i'm just confused and almost proud think about our office i think about 46 hiding locations that no one would ever check there's a lot of those that's tough to do well and wouldn't it get so much warmer like surely they that probably also increased their electricity cost most of them were in the server closet so he already had they look like they belong in a server closet to the uninitiated well over at amazon we've talked a lot about their algorithms and their little uh risk devices that track everything that you do and make you play games to make you work harder that was one of the hilarious things those did and it got a lot of scrutiny from the lawmakers it seems like the time might be up the california bill takes aim at amazon's productivity tracking algorithms this is you're wearing a personal assistant and uh you know think the clock from like the uh the loki tv series following you around and be like you loaded 46 packages the last hour why don't you try to load 48 packages this this hour it's like oh shut up amazonie now it's weird because it seems like they are somewhat toothless here just by introducing this bill because the best they can do really is to make sure that you're not being worked more time than you have to and make sure that uh bathroom breaks don't disrupt your ability to meet the tracker standards now i think that one is probably true right we've heard from amazon employees yeah but how do you prove that i think that what's ultimately going to happen here is amazon is going to capture all this data and then the labor board or whoever in california is going to subpoena that data and they're going to use that data to paint a picture that hangs amazon i'm not sure precisely how they'll do that but that will definitely happen if they get anybody competent in there to actually look at the data you think amazon is now counting the number of toilet flushes in the warehouse just to say look how many times we let these people pee yeah i mean you know it might take a big day to scientists but the you know plot that and it's like how many you know lower urinary tract infections they got and you know how much you know osteoporosis set in do we have before and after x-rays they'll paint a really compelling case we bring in a uh my mind is blinking ultrasound bring in an ultrasound and measure everybody's bladder size it's like oh you've been holding it in you're 30 oversized where do courtesy flushes factor into this algorithm he was fired for courtesy flushes i think you got to be so efficient with your dumps at amazon you don't get time for a courtesy flash like you can't go until you're cresting that sounds like a uh prairie dog wrongful dismissal your honor the turtle head was coming out i had no choice and it's uh more bad news for apple that's a rough week a rough week if you're tim cook or tim cook's boyfriend apple faces probe of u.s labor board over complaints of hostile working conditions two employees have filed a case with the us national labor relations board so it'll be interesting to see how apple responds to these seems to be mostly focused around uh female harassment there's a woman who has uh she is the originator of the was it called apple ii which is you know get it apple ii but it's me too apple too and uh so she's really involved in this whole like hey i'm getting harassed she says that she said time and time again in these slack channels it's like i'm this is happening to me you need to stop there are laws against this and apple was just kind of like don't worry about it go away i think they put her on paid leave so that's a rough one to get in this day and age yeah and cryptocurrency continues to uh pick up around the world but here at the home market we're getting into the financial innovation phase of cryptocurrency where they start just making up crazy financial products to try to get everybody hooked and the regulators are saying hey that's what we do uh reuters has the article that u.s markets are the u.s markets regulated sec takes aim at uh coinbase lending product not a smooth headline there no kind of weird so i did some research on this and i think i'm on the side of the scc because coinbase is like we don't know what the definition of a security is they want to they want you to deposit your crypto with coinbase and then they will loan it out and charge interest and you make money and coinbase makes money that seems like the definition of a security no that's the definition of a swap a gold swap that's totally legal is it yeah so you can take here's the google rehypothecation ah okay rehypothecation is totally legal shouldn't be but it is [Laughter] well i think that uh coinbase's argument would be a lot more cogent if it were uh done that way but as it is it's like when you read the law for like what a security is like i couldn't if i offered uh you know i was like come and borrow some you know i don't know arcade tokens from me and uh i'll loan you money that would be weird but that's also actually now that i think about it that's the structure of a short when you short a stock you got to borrow it yeah so you might not necessarily even have it you just have to close it at some future date well some on paper you have to have it yeah like so if they're looking to create shorts for crypto that makes sense that they're doing this oh yeah god shorten crypto is a palsy play isn't it how many cryptos have gone up 500 in like a week yeah almost all of them right that seems like it's just an amazing way to uh have incredible losses gains they do drop a lot too well uh the uk government they're kind of getting around the whole like encryption thing and they're starting to look at it we know that they hate it and we know that they'll do anything to stop it it seems like they're going at the most visible face first the uk government is launching an anti-facebook encryption push the register has a great article that said don't think of the children think of the nuances and edge cases instead you can't reduce such a vital issue to concern over uh terrorists and pedophiles and that's that's true it's like this is um the people that want this don't want this for those reasons they're not being honest about why they say they need this but remember when apple went to bat for this obviously last week or week before they said that they considered themselves the bastion for these horrible things because they were so privacy focused whereas they used facebook as the other side of the coin yeah because facebook was very very harsh on this kind of stuff and they looked at everything so it's weird to go after them right yeah well this is talking specifically about whatsapp but we have another article later about whatsapp and moderators being able to see stuff right yeah we know that facebook moderates everything that they own not well but yeah well they don't do it and we'll learn more about that as well but it might be a little bit of uh do as we say and not as we do now this is germany which is no longer it was never the uk but it's no longer part of their world but they're kind of doing the same thing where they're like oh encryption is bad and what if people use that as you know to get away from spying we have to spy after chatting apple on privacy germany says oh yeah by the way we use the pegasus spyware so this is a really interesting report they tried to build their own spyware that was like pegasus but it wasn't as effective as pegasus take a look at that yeah just to see what it does it's like how does this even work see how bad it is yeah um so they bought pegasus to use but only in the most extreme circumstances we would never you know compel something to but that moves that's a big part of it because one of their arguments was yeah the pegasus suite of software can do all of these things but we would never do the things that's illegal because of our privacy standards we're only going to use it for these other things if we have it but we're not going to use it that doesn't seem plausible based on history i would say that seems impossible even if the current iteration doesn't the next one probably will and that's all bad news we got a lot of really terrible things there but nothing can prepare you for how stupid the australians have done it and when i say the australians i don't mean the good people of australia i mean they're leaders of course facebook users are liable for all comments under their posts according to the australia high court so if there's a news article on a website and you leave a post it's like that's really dumb and then somebody replies to something and says uh the prime minister of australia has stolen four million dollars or certain historical events never happened uh then you're the you're uh liable all of a sudden so you got to keep up with your comments on other posts which is crazy this just means more news sites are going to get rid of comments that's my favorite section but they already had gotten rid of their own comments because we've experienced that it's just a nightmare of bots yeah and they put in the facebook comments to sort of mitigate this but now they can't do that either but it's not the website that's in trouble there right no no it's the poster yeah the facebook user who made the post i wonder what happens if you just reply directly so you're the top level comment well do you think any of these judges use facebook can we not just immediately crush this i mean do we not have the ability to use this for activism that would be fun engagement challenge what's the name of that prime minister that everybody hates uh i mean he's posted facebook right engagement challenge yeah which rich prime minister because it seems like that could be a lot the australian one oh i forget his name and switching back to cryptocurrency news we've heard about el salvador's big plans to use the volcano and become a crypto paradise and they don't know when dr evil is hanging out these days i question it's like well how far are they going to buy into this we now know the exact number el salvador bought 21 million of of bitcoin as it becomes the first country to make the legal currency oh some people are questioning the efficacy of this plan yeah it seems like the rank and file in el salvador don't quite understand bitcoin quite as much as the leaders do maybe they'll get hit to it i don't know and closely followed we have another country that has adopted the same thing the ukraine is the latest country to legalize bitcoin as cryptocurrency slowly goes global it's really interesting how it was legal everywhere and then it was outlawed in some places and now it's being explicitly made legal in other places it's an interesting bifurcation of is this a good thing or a bad thing well i think a lot of those people saw the gains that could be made especially if you do something to to move the market with a new story right hey i can do that i have the power to do that well the china stuff is getting real interesting they really worried about taiwan oh yeah taiwan is definitely i wouldn't say in the crosshairs i would say like you know the little uh the shield that you flip up off the button that's flipped and the there's a finger resting on the button at this point for taiwan it's bad times but china is not just looking outside their borders they're looking at their youth as well they really want to influence the youth china says government is going to set the prices for after-school classes beijing has led a sweeping overhaul of private education and shares of companies such as tal have tumbled this year so china said no we need we need our citizenry to be thinking along certain lines this is not happening in our education system so we're going to re revamp everything including private school so apparently uh in the wake of them banning private tutors there's been a wave of nannies and personal trainers visiting young children's homes so they're looking to crack down on that as well they do not want any sort of private tutoring i think am i you think i'm right and that what what they want here is all the focus to be on the public school where they're teaching that xi jinping curriculum right right and a private tutor could get you some western influence in there yeah we don't want the western influence that is insanely dangerous i bet if you're an expat teaching english in china right now you're real nervous yeah i'd get on a flight and uh when they're not controlling the children they're controlling their giant tech companies which also got a little unruly recently the city of beijing is said to seek taking dd under state control this is for ride hailing and ride sharing uh you know beijing is pretty big it needs some ride hailing and ride sharing stuff and the city of beijing said we are going to have someone on the board we might also take over completely if you don't play along that's going to happen regardless of what they do i would be so bitter if i built a company that successful and i just stepped in and are like yeah we're going to take good job thank you for helping us yeah that's unsettling but probably going to happen and moving on to the uh security part of our newscast we have the return the big return the notorious are evil well i don't know notorious russian wire group uh russian ransomware group rival has reappeared remember they disappeared because uh uh i guess our government was like whoa you did what now and didn't microsoft kind of like root them out yeah they released the keys and blah blah blah while they're back they drop an album well i'm sure they've got a big ransomware coming up maybe on they're just building hype right now it may be the the big september 11th anniversary you know big story that'll be in the past by the time they see this well we do have some amazing security vulnerabilities coming up now's the time yeah uh certainly seems like there's a lot of juicy databases out there to be had but if you're going after a mcdonald's you might have been beaten to the punch by who well the mcdonald's internal team mcdonald's leaked password for monopoly vip database to winners maybe that guy that was working for the air force can get a job here monopoly vip database i forget how excited people get about mcdonald's monopoly it's such a well-designed game because you think you're going to win because you know there's like one copy of the specific property so you're like i almost got them all just a couple more big macs and i've made it do they still use ronald a lot i don't see him in a lot of the no uh the clown killings the pr agencies sort of all right was that the start of the decline was that the clown killings then it was like and werner pandemic uh i saw a clickbait article and again i clicked on it apparently they went back and found somebody who was part of the original creation team and of one of the executives at that time what do you think grimace is uh the thick shake no shaking they don't have the purple thing he's the fuzzy purple guy yeah the big purple blob everybody seal everybody was associated with the food on him or was a food item she had the fry kids you had uh the hamburglar i guess ronald wasn't hamburglar grimace is a giant taste bud what yeah nice who came up with that we were we were out of food we're never going to carry when did they start we don't started in the 70s right that sounds right you think there was somebody who was still like going hard on the 70s drug trip that somehow made it into mcdonald's theme what we need is a giant purple taste bud what if it was a giant taste bud what does that look like now we have another ransomware this week this time a university and uh it always cracked me up when we were in school because you know when they would cancel classes everybody was like yeah they canceled classes and i had this one religion teacher who was like just fresh from africa and he was always like you're paying me why do you not want to come and that makes me think of this because the students they're happy howard university announces ransomware attack and shuts down classes on tuesday so september 3rd members of the technology team noticed unusual activity on the university's network and shut it down it was ransomware yikes i think they uh i don't know if we knew the price here but they estimated it would be at least a million whew so like two students tuition average of nine hundred and sixty thousand dollars ransomware quests vary from five thousand to forty million yikes and if you are an email privacy advocate this one shouldn't shock you but it should anger you protonmail logged ip addresses of the french activists after an order by the swiss authorities so protonmail very famously says we don't log anything including ip addresses but they got a request from the swiss authorities to log the ip addresses of a certain account and in swiss law they have to comply with that that is a requirement under the law and here's what's interesting the ip addresses that they were uh looking for were for people that i think we would refer to as demonstrators like well that occupied a building yeah although we had plenty of demonstrators who did that yeah so it doesn't really seem like that's the best use of this kind of resource emergency button just keep that in mind when we're talking about these uh encryption back doors that are only used in extreme circumstances this doesn't seem like an extreme circumstance well that's something we didn't mention about the lapd article apparently overwhelmingly when they looked at what they were screening for with all those social media posts was the activists the you know just obviously defund disarm the police type people which what could go wrong listen the police are a gang you can't just attack them out in the open like that and not expect retaliation i know you're supposed to be able to but this is reality people i just want some accountability no [Laughter] crush that and as the big money companies are getting more and more into crypto just like the governments they have some concerns and if you're a young startup it's a great time to get into this mastercard acquires ciphertrace to boost crypto security and compliance cyphertrace as the name implies will trace where the bitcoins came from so we can see it's like oh this mastercard user used bitcoin that was previously socio associated with somebody from tehran we should maybe flag that for the state state department we had our graphic driver crash we get one every newscast this one's today's early yeah that was early i was like what's happening and we have a new zero-day flaw that will possibly attack your servers go script go strip zero day allows full server compromises so if you're using the ghost script library which a lot of things do uh you might want a patch i think uh it's because it uses image magic as part of its you know like dealing with images and stuff and there's a certain way you can craft an svg that will crash that and then you can just have code execution that's also the sound the the ghost makes and go script that's probably something a lot of people don't ever update don't you think yeah yeah it's a good vector for attack i know some people who are like nah man i ain't getting into the smartphone revolution and not just my parents who are ancient obviously but like you know younger people too and it's like nah nah i got this little dumb phone and i like it and it works well for me and they think that they're safe they're not what are they malware has been found pre-installed in classic push button phones sold in russia can do things like steal your text messages and that sort of thing how long could you survive on one of these i mean as long as there's a computer nearby you got to do let's say you're on a cruise ship i would die a week yeah i would just i can tolerate that just jump overboard i'm done would you take the phone with you the nice features about like a smartphone is having maps for when you're driving places new or like listening to music in your car that's the only compute that i had for a week half the eastern seaboard would probably shut down oh someone has a high opinion themselves no it would be a cascading thing where it's like i didn't answer an email and that led to somebody unplugging something which just cascaded into this amazing cluster yeah it'd be bad well it might be almost as bad as this if you work at salesforce because this is a bad look salesforce email service used for phishing campaign so turns out you can just hire salesforce to send your emails for you including your phishing emails they don't really check to see what the contents of the message is so you can just pay them and they'll do it and they did and because salesforce.com is often whitelisted on corporate appliances guess what happened yay so watch out for that even if they're coming through a trusted like security portal you still gotta look at it you still gotta look it over and just don't click the links is it really from salesforce.com or is it from somebody that paid salesworth.com to send you something awful and even if it is from salesforce.com do you trust them why you shouldn't what's wrong with you another oh you know what i should have put this in the apple section but we had like a weird late edition for this one actually for the other one and uh this is just more bad news for apple it has been a rough week for them apple delays plans to roll out csam detection in ios 15 after privacy backlash don't worry they still plan to do it they're just going to do it much more surreptitiously this time and they're going to wait for all this to calm down yeah if it's too hot right now you got to let that cool down before you put it in the refrigerator so i don't know if that's it's not good news right we're not better off in the long run and we might be giving the csam people a little bit of a window which is never good the worst possible thing yeah the worst the worst of the worst will flee the platform or whatever i did not get time to read this one i don't even know what it's about it's a super late edition reuters exclusive wide-ranging solar winds probe sparks fear in corporate america so basically what's happening is as the investigation continues on what happened at solar winds uh congress creators are getting nervous and they're starting to subpoena other companies like have you had any kind of similar attacks since 2019 can you tell us about that do you have any logs do you have some other stuff and so a lot of companies are getting real nervous that the solarwinds thing is going to lead to a lot of new compliance legislation and laws and crap that they're going to have to deal with limits to their business how dare they yeah we got gotta protect data no i'll give away my profits also this was updated three minutes ago but unfortunately reuters doesn't let us read the update we've reached our article limit but you can check it out unless you've also reached your article reuters used to be like one of the really like good ones that we read articles from and then they just added this like a month or two ago yeah it's terrible too because they were such a great source uh there are some sites that are popping up that hur their whole business model is just don't be the paywall site the the record.media looking at you but that's gonna get them shut down yeah what do we got lined up for tomorrow we got a pre-sort this week so we know exactly what we got lined up for underground we got business and uh social media and we'll find out what we think of the lemon san pellegrino we'll see you then is that a uh is that just lemon water or is that like oh no you said that much sugar in it right basically lemonade yeah it's basically carbonated lemonade don't give it away yet but let's compare that to country time lemonade i think country time is a strong lemonade yeah it is a a cracker barrel right out of the ice country time in a frozen mug that's like perfect versus that you can give that the same treatment yeah okay stay tuned bye [Music]
Channel: Level1Techs
Views: 23,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, science, design, ux, computers, hardware, software, programming, level1, l1, level one
Id: p4fkUt0OgUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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