Level of Effort & Physical % Complete - Primavera P6 Tutorial

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how does a level of effort activity pick up its actuals in how do I get percent complete especially physical percent complete for level of effort activities that's what I want to talk about in this tutorial so let's have a look at this simple project I've built it has three activities all with finish to start relationships there's my critical path and then I have a level of effort activity here the project management activity and you can see down here I've actually assigned a project controls person to that activity now I want to show you how the level of effort is set up it's set up with a start to start relationship to the excavator activity so that allows the level of effort activity to pick up its start date from the excavator activity and it has a finished finished relationship in the successor area with a the build activity in that it allows it to pick up the finish date from build and the start date from excavate and that's what level of effort activities do they pick up start and finish dates from their predecessors and successors and they have an auto calculated duration so if these activities expand the duration of the level of effort will expand as well now how do we get actuals and how do we status that level of effort activity well it's much easier than you think level of effort activities actually pick up status from the activities that they quote-unquote summarize so I say that this level of effort is summarizing these three activities let's have a look so let's go ahead and status our excavator activity let's mark it started let's indicate that we've done 20% of this work and that there's four days left I'll go ahead and reschedule the project moving my day to date forward one day move it over here to the Monday and we used to see now is that we have actuals up here on excavate and we have actuals picked up here on the project management activity so a level of effort activity picks up it's actual information from those activities as well the ones that it summarizes now in this situation notice the level of effort activity has a physical percent complete set and that's very common to be used in construction in oil and gas industry we like to use physical percent complete so you can see here that it has a duration percent complete of 6.67 percent but it actually has no physical percent complete set because when I use physical percent complete I need to manually status that field in the previous tutorial I did go and have a look where we set this to duration percent complete the activity automatically gets calculated its own percent complete not with physical so here with physical we would have to update this on our own so perhaps this is you know five maybe let's say 6 percent complete and when I enter that field in will now see it displayed up here now if you're using earned value and you want to track earned value on a level of effort you'll need to use your physical percent complete in the most optimal settings so hopefully this tutorial was helpful for you how do you get physical percent complete on a level of effort and how does the level of effort calculate its actuals thanks
Channel: Plan Academy Inc.
Views: 14,606
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Primavera P6 Tutorial, Level of Effort, Plan Academy
Id: 7Fmun5Flu4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2016
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