*LEVEL 50* SHADOW RAIKOU brings electricity to the Master League! | Pokémon GO Battle League

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hey everybody homesize Henry here and in today's video we're taking a look at some very fun battles in the open Master League featuring a fully maxed level 50 Shadow raicho these battles were submitted to the channel by a member of the community Master Irish so many thanks for the battle submission Shadow REO is a pure electric type Pokemon with the move set of Bolt switch wild charge and Shadow Ball and it goes without saying this is definitely more of a fun pick not a Pokemon that's recommended for climbing So today we're going to be taking a look at some selected battles watching shadow raicho in action hopping into the first match leading xerus into Shadow Dragonite an amazing lead here for the xerus opponent will immediately save switch into their landeras and landeras is going to be met with Pia pulia does do quite well here landeras is going to be spamming out the sand sear storms Pia is going to look to overarm and fire off the aquael this has been debuffed landeras has incentive to Shield as landeras can now start to potential threaten Shields with the threat of a Stone Edge we will see the shield and it is the Stone Edge that proves to be a very important Shield Pia again over farming and firing off the aquata tail before the next move is reached and aquata tail is going to be able to pick up the knockout in Comes The Shadow Dragonite Pia not going to make the spatial Ren forc to settle for the aquata tail the good news is is this energy doesn't really go anywhere into the xerus so you can wait send in the xerus in the back it's a hoo and income shadow raicho Shadow raicho these incinerates absolutely shredding it oh my goodness raicho will commit the shield as the sacred fire goes through and shadow raicho gets to the backto back wild charges this first wild charge will get the shield from the opponent Shadow raicho firing off wild charge number two this is going to be goodbye to the hoo knocking it out of the sky back in comes the Dragonite raicho Falls just short of making it to the wild charge but the opponent concedes the match tough lead in the next match xerus and landeras save switch into the Pia is able to bait out the Diga so the landeras is going to be very difficult to deal with later on in the game but at the very least the Diga is baited out cuz Shadow REO would get absolutely destroyed by a Diga opponent is going to let themselves get as low as possible here as they fire off the last second Iron Head this is a bit unfortunate as it is going to limit the amount of farm the xerus can get xerus unfortunately only going to get one geoman of farm in comes to landeras landeras is going to begin the sander storm spam sander storm is going to be no shielded by the xerus xerus is going to farm up and fire off the moonblast this at minus one will still do some pretty solid damage we do see the shield from this landeras and the landeras ends up giving a free geomancy to the xerus this is quite nice unfortunately the xerus has now been double debuffed this moonblast will still add up because landeras is very glassy but it's not going to be doing nearly the damage that it would before the opponent gives up the final shield and maybe there is a chance here we're going to see the shield on the sander storm in the back it's Kyogre it's going to be a race here the opponent is going to be hit with the shadow wild charge and it's all over for the Kyogre they get one shot back in comes the landeras these mud shots are adding up the opponent does not throw and a wild charge is reached this could potentially put landeras into volt switch range and it does the landeras force the fire off energy here as that Vol switch may have been enough to KO sanser will pick up The Knockout and the xerus has the close combat stored close combat is going to take the win that game looked really rough from the outset but able to take the win there's bad news as there's another landeras lead in the next match the Pia save switch this time is not answered by Diga so it looks like the opponent doesn't have the Diga in the back the Sands here will be no shielded they continue to stay in and they're finally going to switch out and send in yel unfortunately the damage here is going to be debuffed but spatial Ren will still add up onto yel Bel hole is going to look to overarm they're firing off energy honestly an oblivion Wing probably koos here so we will see the shield well they're actually running Dark Pulse instead of Oblivion Wing interesting and now Pia will return fire with the aquil the aquata tail does get shielded unfortunately not able to flip switch I like the decision to just let this go and go for Farm on the xerus cuz xerus up energy will do very well into that landeras so now the hope of course is that the opponent is going to bring back in the landeras because you really do not want the shadow raicho to be stuck against Lando we do see xerus able to get the full Farm down and they do send back in the landeras this is basically best case scenario here because the xerus has a massive energy Head Start xerus very comfortable surviving a sander storm here this is not going to be enough to knock out whereas a minus one moonblast will come very close to knocking out we're going to see a switch it's another Kyogre in the back oh no and they don't throw the surf right away they're just going to get knocked out by the shadow wild charge back in comes to landeras landeras these mud shots adding up quite a bit able to make it to the Shadow Ball losing charge Tech priority but Shadow raicho wants to try and get rid of a landeras here firing off the wild charge wild charge into the landeras does not quite pick up the KO the Lando surviving on one HP but this just means that one geomancy from the zerus will take the win moving to the next match Great lead xerus in a Diga the landeras finally went away that is quite nice xer is more than happy to stay in the matchup here opponent is going to send in Mewtwo meww a bit uncomfortable here so I don't mind firing off the moonblast just cuz there's not an amazing response available going to send in the Pia Pia will be met with the SI strike this is nonlethal but it does do quite a lot of damage Mewtwo is just incredibly powerful neutrally opponent going to send in Togekiss now as Togekiss will better be able to absorb aquatails compared to a spatial Ren landing on the Diga that's the flower crown Togekiss as well Togekiss gets the farm down but now they're going to have to deal with Shadow bolt switches in comes the REO raicho farming up will be met with the ancient power ancient power is going to do some solid damage Shadow REO is extremely frail so we are going to see The Shield back in comes the Diga Diga to be met with the Shadow Ball Shadow Ball from the raicho does get shielded back in comes the xerus as xerus will immediately be met with an iron head but since the xerus hasn't debuffed itself an iron head is non-threatening so this is a very good spot to be as the xerus xerus just looks to make it to the back-to-back close combats opponent will be able to force the final shield with the iron head but xerus at the back-to-back moves and the switch clock is not up for the opponent they would love to be able to save the Diga but they are unable to do so this close combat will land and it's going to do massive damage picking up the KO Togekiss gets the farm down in comes Shadow REO Shadow raicho bolt switches down and takes the game Great lead for xerus in the next match as it leads into Pia opponent save switches into landeras landeras thankfully not on the lead anymore so now the one good counter for it Pia is here to completely handle that matchup Pia will fire off the aquata tail putting a lot of pressure onto the landeras landeras is going to be committed the shield so they are going to look to try and make a play for switch Advantage the sander storm will not knock out the opponent not building up to a Stone Edge so that's a pretty safe no shield for the Pia and Pia is going to fire off another aquata tail if the opponent really wants the double shield for switch they can and that's exactly what they're going to do they're going down two Shields they're exiting with energy here the hope is that shadow raicho is going to be able to put in some work in the end game sanser storm connects into the xerus xerus trying to make it to the close combat unfortunately not able to get there xeria is going to expend one Shield just to reserve a little bit of HP and going for the close combat as even a minus two and being resisted I mean the landeras just doesn't have the HP let's see what they have in the back it's Soo in comes to shadow raicho shadow raicho oh my goodness the volt switch goes through as the opponent fires off the psychic fangs psychic fangs is going to connect in comes the Pia and the Pia it looks like is actually running dragon tail very very interesting the Shadow Ball connects dealing massive damage and because they have dragon tail the wild charge is reached that's the perfect demonstration of why three turn moves are just substantially worse than one turn moves now the question will be are the shadow volt switches enough to put this into double close combat range xerus is going to no Shield the psychic fangs trying to get to the back-to-back close combats getting there and it's charge attack Priority One Shield remaining for the xerus honestly if the opponent had not thrown there and had instead gone for the fire spin the fire spin going through after the minus two defense may have koed there but instead it's a CMP tie and that actually costs them the game as the double close combats pick up the KO another great lead for xerus in the next match as it now leads into Zygarde the Zygarde staying in this matchup which is even better as zygard has no hope to flip this match up whatsoever and considering what's in the back Shadow reo's absolute worst nightmare I thought it was the landeras but it is definitely the Zygarde triple resistant volt switches no thank you xer is going to look to farm up to the back-to-back close combats and fire off the moonblast really putting the pressure onto the Zygarde Zygarde is going to know shield in comes solo and xerus is going to build up very close to the back-to-back close combats not quite there though the close combat is going to be shielded xerus barely able to hang on and make it to close combat number two opponents already shielded once they're unlikely to Shield again they're just going to go for the massive massive Farm down now choosing to send in the shadow raicho at the very least in this match up they can't go for the Iron Head they're forced to go for the psychic fangs psychic fangs I mean the psychic fangs is really going to add up so might have been a better plan to go into the Pia just because Pia at the very least you know can tank multiple psychic things whereas this Shadow REO definitely cannot and it's a simultaneous switch in the end game Pia versus Pia the opponent is going to fire off their charge attack Pia commits The Shield it is going to be the aqua tail and returning fire with an aquata tail of their own this aquata tail is double resisted opponent is going to let this through but this does mean that they're getting farmed down and now as long as Pia makes the aquata tail this should just be a win cuz I believe the shadow raicho does have a wild charge available to it the aqua tail gets the shield and that should be the game as they can koale the Pia before it makes Aqua tail number two but they are in for a rude awakening when the shadow REO reenters the field with the wild charge loaded knocks out the soo and takes the win moving into the next match Soo returns this time on the lead which is definitely not ideal for the xerus xerus staying in this match up to start with going to fire off the close combat we'll be interesting to see if we do see a switch out after the close combat here and we do into the Pia is it the Iron Head catch no it is not the opponent did go for the psychic fangs in comes thega origin due to the debuff defense the dragon breaths are too much and unfortunately pulia gets KO just as it makes the spatial Rend Diga exits with energy and this energy is problematic we are going to see a shield from the xerus xerus is able to out paace in this matchup but having to go down a shield already back-to-back close combats are reached decision time for the opponent are they willing to invest Shields into this matchup no they're going to let it through they can send back in the solo the close combat is banked choosing to send in the shadow raicho raicho is going to no Shield as solo is going to be firing off another psychic fangs and in the back it is paulia and this is looking like a really difficult game to win Shadow raicho is going to fire off the wild charge that does get Shield raicho unfortunately is getting farmed down back in comes to xerus opponent not firing off energy here xerus able to fire off the moonblast they're going to commit the shield and they give a free geomancy xerus going to no Shield this Aqua tail is not going to be what Ko's here xerus going to need very careful Energy Management unfortunately xerus is going to be forced to give up the final Shield here as the aquata tail would be enough to pick up the KO that ends up being charge attack priority going for the undercharge on the moonblast the Moon blast will still pick up the KO back in comes solo and solo will get that farm down the dragon leads are back in the next match leading xerus into the standard Diga and there is the landeras safe switch right on Q and it just feels amazing to have a very consistent response to the landeras safe switch a lot of the teams that I've really enjoyed playing as of late in the master league and I've had the most success with have been teams that have a very good response to the Lander save switch whether you're running let's say the pulia or in my I've been running a lot of huan avalo and really enjoying it the opponent there tries to commit to the Stone Edge they don't get there and in doing so they leave the Pia healthy enough to make a spatial Rend versus the Diga so this game looking very very difficult for the opponent as xerus now doesn't have the shield xerus could just Farm up to the back-to-back close combats there's the switch out into Kyogre and in com Shadow raicho but here's the awkward thing is that these waterfalls are doing more than the volt switches shadow raicho is so incredibly glassy firing off wild charge number one and barely survives the waterfall to get to Wild charge number two the opponent is going to double shield but xerus has a move here oh xerus didn't throw it right away xerus could have thrown the move and denied all the energy on the Kyogre the good news is the zerus will be able to deny the rest of the energy as this moonblast is going to Koo and they shouldn't be able to farm down with the Diga so this is just a one game there and the opponent realizes it and they concede the match hopping into the final match and what do you know there's one final Diga lead but this time it is going to be the origin form versus the Dias I like to play it out the exact way that Master Irish is playing here and go straight for the moonblast right away you're able to outpace and since you need two moves to knock out anyway you may as well go for the moonblast as that move does not come with the drawbacks of close combat lowering your defense by two stages and now the opponent is going to switch out into Mewtwo Mewtwo is going to be answered with the Pia Pia can tank one side strike so I do really like the no Shield here unfortunately an aquael will not be able to knock out so if the opponent recognizes this they can no shield and be able to win the zeros and that's exactly what they're going to do they're going to no Shield as they know that they are going to be able to pick up the knockout here with the S strike but we do see that the Pia does not want to give up switch Advantage so Pia is going to shield and farm down hoping to make the spatial Ren versus the Diga and does it got very very close but able to make the spatial Ren the spatial Ren Ko's in the back it's a master League annihilate okay I love the spice and now the matchup that everyone was expecting to see in the master League annihilate versus Shadow raicho raicho calls the bait and gets it right as it is the ice punch bait that's absolutely massive Shadow raicho at the back-to-back wild Char you have to hope that the counter that went through does not KO and it doesn't raicho gets both wild charges this should force the final shield from the opponent and now you can swich into the xerus xerus going to get outpaced here but with a shield remaining able to commit the shield and get to the moonblast the annihilate very scary up energy and up a shield in the end game but shadow raicho gets the Shields and xerus gets the victory all in all I really enjoyed getting to see these battles so big thanks to master Irish for submitting them Shadow raicho is a crazy investment so massive props I did Max a regular raicho out to 50 but the damage from the Shadow is probably quite a bit better in Rage and as we saw there in the Kyogre zero Shield those Shadow wild charges were dealing absolutely mental damage as I mentioned at the start this is definitely not a Pokemon that's recommended for like climbing the ladder and ranking up it's definitely more of a pick for fun but I do really enjoy getting to Showcase those as well because sometimes we can get a little bit caught in the weeds of just like go battle League I have to try hard 110% of the time and like my ELO is the only thing that matter matters but sometimes it can also be fun to say you know what my goal is to have some fun today and that's exactly what Master Irish was able to do anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you're enjoying the content make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven't and a special thank you as always to our members here on YouTube the support guys provide is sincerely appreciated so thank you guys oh very much and until next time I've been home slice Henry
Channel: HomeSliceHenry
Views: 21,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Go battle league, pvp, pokemon go, pokemon, ultra league, Master league, great league, home, slice, henry, homeslicehenry, spice
Id: 5x3dPMOy19o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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