LEV Aspas Crazy 40 Bombs Dominating EU Immortal III Ranked ft. Tex | In Haven | On Jett | VALORANT

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kill me yeah fake Long window y you're a baiter bro I'll break the I'm not going bro I'm not going you do the entry you yo what is this [ __ ] you [ __ ] me last round you do the entry now he's coming C coming 110 110 110 kill Jo in window I almost with that guy bro he sits there when we're on E you just want to fight right 110 110 110 bro why are you only telling me this now bro I said it so many I told you you'd get four is that not crazy let in this round one tapping that guy if he picks window he's that do it watch this is what going to happen I'm going to jiggle the turret he's going to peek the window then you're going to One Tap yeah that's perfect you understand yeah yeah I bro they smoke and flesh I reng bro I R yo I did zero damage zero I sound like oh [ __ ] nice Thrifty Thrifty yo I did fighting I'm smoke where's other guy one flank one short oh one flank if I give a [ __ ] I think one more you give a fck or no no actually I'm holding long nothing quick shot with Me 2 one nice with you sit let pick together here kill this guy fast 3 two one good bro wow whatap wait wait my Dr maybe hav was 50 aveng me guys AV I may be one what is this still sorry reloading they went to see nothing see nice shot over flashing yep jump my nice you you do your thing bro yeah don't worry I'll get one tap so you can get the FP yeah yeah I got you bro thank you dud let's get one way it's a good one way but kind of mad my window up see two two Mark two mark two they have CT one back [Music] side [Music] oh okay one I think you can take get the or a guy up let's pick this guy ready 3 two one I have your left you can walk out maybe right yeah could be short if is I'll [ __ ] the guy's left side here kills me but maybe out see pushing bro just don't care yeah close me they smoke ceiling droning oh I am dead garage Gage FR [Music] B garage is fighting oh bred I Ain got second I [Music] will this is actually impossible T peing man theying I [Music] will I have I'm going they smoked me one grass KJ I will GR Eng iard guy window kill Jo I'm in long oh no what the I tell you one one what I tell you they used all the wait I can't say yet he's stuck up one out utility just could peek him at any time ah it's good job guys he said H oh my God
Channel: Valorant Mure
Views: 85,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S8WCvIUWi0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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